The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 135


After the matter at the Xiazhou Palace Museum was resolved, Ye Sui's life was back on track. Ye Sui was busy with filming, and Shen Shu was busy with work.

Both of them hid the affairs of the Xia Zhou Dynasty in their hearts, because they lived their lives, and those past events have passed, so why bother to entangle them.

Ye Sui arrived on the set ahead of schedule, and it wasn't her turn yet. The makeup artist puts on her makeup and waits for the subsequent shoot.

"Sui Sui, are you a little tired recently? Your complexion is not very good." The makeup artist asked, "Is it too late for filming?"

Ye Sui looked in the mirror, was startled, and then smiled: "It should not be filming."

Ye Sui shook the wound on his hand, the wound had scabbed and healed a long time ago, just like what Meng Han said, there was a shallow scar left in the middle of the palm.

"Maybe I lost too much blood." Ye Sui showed the scar to the makeup artist pitifully.

Makeup artist: "Bah, bah, spit and repeat, it's been a while, don't curse yourself."

They all took the topic just now as a joke and didn't take it seriously.

Although Ye Sui's complexion was a bit bad, her skin was still as delicate and fair as ever, and it was easy for the makeup artist to apply the makeup.

"Okay." The makeup artist put down the things in his hands.

After Ye Sui put on her makeup, she walked to the shooting location. Today's scene is a fight scene, and she has to concentrate very much on filming.

"Director Zhou." Ye Sui and the director nodded.

Ye Sui's next fight scene is quite difficult, it needs to hang the wire several meters above the ground, then quickly lean up and dive down with the sword.

Director Zhou suggested that if Ye Sui couldn't complete this set of movements, he could ask Wu Ti to help her complete them.

Ye Sui refused, she wanted to try a few times herself, and if it really didn't work, she would replace it with someone else.

Ye Sui's actions looked extremely ridiculous in Pei Ning's eyes. She felt that the reason Ye Sui did this was to make the director look at her differently.

Moreover, Ye Sui wanted to fight in person on purpose, because he wanted to embarrass her and compete with her.

Every time Pei Ning thinks of this point, she will pay special attention when filming, not wanting to be compared by Ye Sui, she obviously complains about Ye Sui in her heart, but she follows Ye Sui's example.

Ye Sui's unintentional move made the filming of the crew unexpectedly smooth. The two heroines worked so hard, let alone the others.

When Ye Sui was making preparations, Pei Ning also arrived. She sat aside and read the script, but she was actually paying attention to Ye Sui's movements.

"Is the wire tied too tight?" The prop master asked Ye Sui while helping Ye Sui tie the wire.

Ye Sui moved a few times and felt that it was about the same. She looked at the prop master and said, "It's just right, thank you."

The prop master retreated to the side, Wia rose up, Ye Sui's body rose slowly into the air, and there was a feeling of tightness around her waist.

When Shen Shu asked about it last night, Ye Sui didn't tell Shen Shu about the scene to be filmed today, otherwise Shen Shu would have to stay on the set again.

"Okay." Director Zhou signaled, and Wia stopped.

"Are you ready?" Director Zhou looked at Ye Sui, "You must act quickly and pay attention to safety."

Immediately, Director Zhou called out.

Ye Sui closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, her eyes had changed, confident and flamboyant, with a deep coldness.

When killing people, the assassin played by Ye Sui is as cold as a cold sword.

Ye Sui leaned back, holding the sword in one hand, and swooped down, pointing the tip of the sword straight at the ground, looking down, stabbing hard.

This set of movements is a bit difficult. When Ye Sui turned backwards, the movements were not smooth enough, so Ye Sui proposed to do it again.

"Director again."

Ye Sui rose again into mid-air, and continued to film the action just now. Ye Sui leaned back, suddenly felt dizzy, and her eyes blurred.

When Ye Sui fell, she forgot to make the original movement and just fell straight down.

The director and the staff panicked, and when Ye Sui came down, they immediately stepped forward: "What happened just now? If you don't feel well, take a rest."

The feeling of dizziness just now has disappeared, Ye Sui thought that she was too tired recently, that's why she felt a little uncomfortable.

Now that she has recovered, Ye Sui doesn't want other actors to wait for her, she shook her head: "It's okay, just a little dizzy, it's gone."

Xiao Liu was afraid that Ye Sui would show off, so he looked at her worriedly. Ye Sui smiled at her, indicating that he was fine.

After Ye Sui said that, the director didn't continue to speak, and Ye Sui was hung on a high place again.

It wasn't until after several times of filming that Ye Sui felt satisfied after seeing the neat action scenes on the screen.

Looking at the monitor, the director was also very satisfied. Ye Sui's set of movements just now became more and more perfect, completely achieving the effect he wanted.

Sure enough, he chose the right person. Ye Sui is capable, can endure hardships, and works harder than others. No wonder everyone who has worked with her appreciates her.

Pei Ning has been paying attention to Ye Sui, and also to the director's reaction. She sees the director's approving eyes.

Pei Ning was furious, and she worked as hard as Ye Sui, so how could she be praised by the director? Ye Sui's discomfort just now should have been faked, just to win everyone's sympathy.

The more he looked at it, the more angry he became, Pei Ning simply turned his head to the side, not wanting to see these things that made him feel bad.

Ye Sui didn't know what Pei Ning was thinking at this moment, she only knew that after filming the fight scene just now, she started to feel uncomfortable again.

The dizzy feeling just now came again, and it became more and more intense. Ye Sui's vision also began to blur, her chest was tight and she couldn't breathe.

Ye Sui knew that something was wrong with her appearance, she subconsciously looked at Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu was standing in the corner of the studio, when she saw Ye Sui's pale face, she suddenly became a little nervous and trotted towards Ye Sui.

Seeing Xiao Liu approaching, Ye Sui relaxed his nerves and let himself pass out. The next second, Ye Sui fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

The other staff also saw this scene and called the director in a panic: "Director Zhou, Ye Sui has fainted!"

Ye Sui was fine just now, no one thought that Ye Sui fell limply on the ground just by turning her head, without any reaction.

Xiao Liu was already squatting next to Ye Sui. Ye Sui's face was abnormally pale, and his forehead was still covered with fine cold sweat. He was in a very bad condition.

Everyone gathered around and hurriedly carried Ye Sui, who had lost consciousness, into the car and sent him to the hospital.

Pei Ning is also an actor of Hua Rui, so she can't stay out of it. In order to prevent rumors that she and Ye Sui are not getting along, she also got into the car with her.

Ye Sui's complexion is very bad, it seems that she is really uncomfortable.

With so many staff members on the set, Ye Sui's sudden fainting on the set could not be suppressed at all, and the news spread like wildfire.

After the paparazzi received the news, they immediately dispatched, ready to guard the downstairs of Ye Sui's hospital, and grasp the first-hand news at any time.

And Shen Shu didn't know anything about it, he was dealing with things in the office.

Just as Shen Shu finished dealing with the matter, the mobile phone that was placed aside suddenly rang, and the ringtone was turned off, leaving only the continuous vibrating sound.

When Shen Shu saw Xiao Liu's name displayed on the screen, he panicked inexplicably, feeling that something was going to happen.

Shen Shu immediately pressed the answer button, and Xiao Liu's panicked voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Shen, Suisui has fainted and is now in the hospital."

"Which hospital?" Shen Shu walked out of the office quickly while answering the phone.

Just as Shen Shu walked out of the office, Wang Chuan just came out of the elevator, looking a little flustered.

Shen Shu walked into the elevator: "I have to leave first."

Seeing Mr. Shen's reaction, Wang Chuan guessed that Mr. Shen should know about Ye Sui, so he hurried to the hospital.

The elevator went directly to the parking lot. When Shen Shu sat on the driver's seat, his body relaxed and he lost his strength.

Shen Shu stabilized his mind, started the car, and drove to the hospital where Ye Sui was.

When Shen Shu's car arrived at the downstairs of the hospital, the reporters recognized that it was Mr. Shen's car of Huarui, and surrounded him one after another.

The reporter really wanted to hear Ye Sui's first-hand news from Shen Shu.

"Mr. Shen, do you know Ye Sui's physical condition?"

"Is Ye Sui's fainting this time because of illness, or because of pregnancy?"

"Do you have any plans to let Ye Sui retire from the entertainment industry?"

The reporter speculated about various reasons. If Ye Sui fainted because of pregnancy, it would be extremely explosive news.

Most of the female celebrities will disappear from the public for a period of time because they get married and have children. This period of time is not long or short.

Moreover, the entertainment industry is changing very fast, and it is necessary to maintain exposure at all times so that everyone can always remember it. But would a person who dotes on his wife like Boss Shen let her quit the entertainment circle directly and live behind the scenes

Facing the reporters' questions, Shen Shu didn't want to answer any of them, his eyes darkened, and he walked directly between the reporters and the paparazzi.

These media lacked the usual aura of confronting celebrities, and did not dare to continue entanglement, for fear of angering Mr. Shen. Although they had a stomach full of questions to ask, they still made a way out.

Shen Shu didn't care what these people thought, he went straight to Ye Sui's ward.

The ward was very quiet, filled with the smell of disinfectant and alcohol. Ye Sui was lying on the bed, her face paler against the white walls.

Ye Sui had a needle in her hand, and the cold medicine flowed from the dropper into her veins.

Ye Sui was a little unusually quiet, if her chest was not still heaving, Shen Shu would have thought she was going to sleep like this forever.

Shen Shu couldn't help but think of that serious car accident, and Ye Sui was as quiet as that time, as if she had stopped breathing.

Just as Shen Shu wanted to ask the doctor about Ye Sui's condition, Ye Sui's eyelashes trembled a few times on the hospital bed, Shen Shu's breath stopped and he looked intently.

The next second, Ye Sui opened her eyes. When she looked at the snow-white ceiling, her eyes were a little dazed.

When Ye Sui's eyes fell on Shen Shu, she was startled, and then she showed a comforting smile to Shen Shu.

Ye Sui smiled to prove that she was fine and didn't want to make Shen Shu worry, but this smile fell into Shen Shu's eyes, but it made his heart twitch suddenly.

Ye Sui couldn't hide her weakness even when she smiled, her face was so pale that she could see the blood vessels under her skin clearly.

Before Shen Shu could speak, the door of the ward opened suddenly, and Meng Han walked in, holding Ye Sui's inspection report.

Shen Shu's eyes darkened: "What's wrong with Ye Sui?"

Meng Han put away his usual idle temper, and looked down at Ye Sui's inspection report: "The report initially shows that there is no problem."

"I'll do some other checks in the next few days to confirm."

Shen Shu's hand was hanging by his side, very close to the bed, Ye Sui turned sideways, and took Shen Shu's hand: "I said I'm fine, don't worry too much."

Shen Shu's brows were still furrowed, Ye Sui saw this, and tugged at Shen Shu's hand again: "I didn't even eat lunch, I'm hungry."

Shen Shu said immediately: "What do you want to eat? I'll go buy it right away."

Originally, Shen Shu didn't pay much attention to appetite, but in order to make Ye Sui happy, he found several gourmet restaurants so that when he and Ye Sui went on a date, the restaurants they went to would have delicious food.

Shen Shu reported the names of several dishes and restaurants, and Meng Han was almost hungry. He had been to several of these restaurants, but he went there alone.

Meng Han said quietly: "Patients can't eat such greasy food."

Ye Sui immediately said, "Even if you buy plain porridge, I'd like it."

Meng Han was hit again and left the ward silently.

Ye Sui stayed in the hospital for a few days and did all kinds of examinations, but found no problems. As for the pregnancy conjectured by the media, it is even more out of thin air.

In order to appease fans, Ye Sui informs her physical condition on Weibo every day, so that fans should not worry.

After coming out of the hospital, Ye Sui went back to filming. Xiao Liu kept a close eye on Ye Sui, for fear that she would faint in some unknown place.

Ye Sui only felt that Xiao Liu was making a fuss out of a molehill. She felt that she had fully recovered, and it was impossible to find out about the fainting thing again.

On this day, after Ye Sui finished filming her own scene, she sat on a chair beside her to rest. She looked at the script of the next scene and wanted to study it more carefully.

But watching, Ye Sui's eyelids began to become heavy, and the words on the script began to become somewhat blurred. Ye Sui rubbed his eyes and continued to concentrate on watching.

What Ye Sui did was useless, her eyelids were still getting heavy, she remembered that she fell asleep very early last night, why is she still so tired today

Ye Sui wanted to concentrate, but slowly closed her eyes.

Xiao Liu happened to leave for a while, and when he came back, he found Ye Sui sitting on a chair with his eyes closed.

Xiao Liu was frightened by the scene of Ye Sui fainting last time. When he saw Ye Sui's appearance, he panicked and ran to Ye Sui's side and squatted down.

Xiao Liu patted Ye Sui on the shoulder: "Sui Sui, Sui Sui, are you okay?"

Ye Sui was shaken by Xiao Liu like this, and immediately opened her eyes, meeting Xiao Liu's nervous eyes, she smiled: "I'm fine, I just fell asleep because of sleepiness."

"Are you dizzy? Or is your chest tight? Is there any pain?" Xiao Liulian asked three questions.

Ye Sui smiled and shook her head: "Nothing at all."

Seeing that Ye Sui gradually regained consciousness, Xiao Liu slowly calmed down. Before that, Ye Sui passed out directly, but now she just fell asleep for a while, and she was the one who made all the fuss.

Xiao Liu was afraid that Ye Sui would hide it from her, so he kept nagging in Ye Sui's ear: "If you feel any discomfort, you must tell me, you can't bear it by yourself."

Ye Sui responded immediately, she would not make fun of her body, she didn't want others to worry about her, and she wanted to live with Shen Shu for a long time.

The next scene is about to start, Ye Sui and Xiao Liu put the topic to rest.

The filming continued, and Ye Sui tried her best to shoot every scene perfectly, until the end was coming to an end, she still devoted herself to it.

Even Pei Ning, who can't get used to Ye Sui, almost changed her opinion of her. Ye Sui worked so hard in every scene, as if she was not just acting.

After Ye Sui finished filming today's scene, she got into the nanny's car. As soon as she got in the car, she slumped on the seat, looking extremely tired.

Xiao Liu immediately took out a thermos from his bag. It was a health soup that Shen Shu specially asked someone to make, and he would send someone to the set every day.

"Suisui, do you want to drink now?" Xiao Liu turned to look at Ye Sui.

Ye Sui closed her eyes and shook her head, her voice sounded tired: "I'm very sleepy now, sleep for a while, and drink later."

Ye Sui's voice became softer and softer, and when she said the last word, her voice almost disappeared.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Sui's breathing began to become long, as if she had already fallen asleep.

Xiao Liu had no choice but to wake up the sleeping Ye Sui. She turned around and lowered her voice so as not to disturb Ye Sui.

The car drove all the way home, bumped several times on the way, when Xiao Liu looked back at Ye Sui, Ye Sui didn't wake up even once.

Xiao Liu looked at Ye Sui, Ye Sui must have slept too soundly.

Just as Xiao Liu was thinking, the cell phone in his hand vibrated suddenly, and Shen Shu sent a text message saying that he had arrived home, and then asked about Ye Sui's situation.

Xiao Liu told Shen Shu the truth and did not hide anything.

The car soon drove into the villa area where Ye Sui lived, and when he was about to approach Ye Sui's villa, Xiao Liu had already seen Shen Shu standing outside.

Shen Shu was wearing a suit. He just came back from the company, so he didn't change his clothes.

Xiao Liu turned to wake Ye Sui up: "Sui Sui, wake up, your husband is here to pick you up."

Generally speaking, Ye Sui would react when she heard Shen Shu's name, but now she still closed her eyes, as if she didn't hear it at all.

Xiao Liu yelled a few more times, Ye Sui was still sleeping there, Xiao Liu didn't think much about it, he was already home anyway, it would not be a problem for Ye Sui's husband to wake her up personally.

The car has already arrived outside the villa, just parked in front of Shen Shu, Shen Shu opened the door for Ye Sui.

Seeing Ye Sui's eyes closed and sound asleep, Shen Shu curled his lips.

Xiao Liu turned to look at Shen Shu: "Sui Sui has been asleep all the way, and I couldn't wake her up no matter what I called her just now."

The arc of Shen Shu's mouth hadn't dissipated yet, the next second, Shen Shu's face turned cold, his eyes were full of worry, and he leaned closer to Ye Sui.

Shen Shu's eyes fell on Ye Sui's face, hoping it wasn't what he thought.

"Ye Sui." Shen Shu put his hands on Ye Sui's face and called her name over and over again, but Ye Sui didn't respond.

At this time, Xiao Liu also started to panic and started calling Ye Sui's name.

Despite such a big commotion, Ye Sui was still not awakened.

Shen Shu bent down, reached out to hug Ye Sui, and hugged her into his arms. Ye Sui just changed her position and fell asleep, her head resting on Shen Shu's shoulder, breathing peacefully.

"You go back first, I will call the doctor home, and I will notify you as soon as I have any news." Shen Shu was talking to Xiao Liu while hugging Ye Sui.

Xiao Liu suppressed the worries in his heart, and followed Shen Shu's words, leaving here first.

Shen Shu and Meng Han explained Ye Sui's condition and asked him to come to the house to treat Ye Sui.

When Meng Han first arrived, Ye Sui just opened her eyes slowly, she saw Shen Shu's nervous expression at the first sight, she saw Meng Han coming in from outside, she didn't know what happened.

"What's wrong? Didn't I fall asleep?"

Seeing Ye Sui wake up, Shen Shu breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't want Ye Sui to worry about it, he still chose to tell Ye Sui what happened just now.

Shen Shu softened his tone again and again: "You fell asleep when you came home, and I didn't wake up after calling you for a long time."

Ye Sui was startled, she didn't know about this, but she knew that Shen Shu would be worried, so she cooperated with the inspection.

The examination results showed that there was nothing wrong with Ye Sui's body.

Ye Sui and Shen Shu had no idea, but the facts proved that Ye Sui was not sick.

Shen Shu knew that Ye Sui didn't like to stay in the hospital all the time, so he didn't force Ye Sui to stay in the hospital for observation, but took care of Ye Sui more carefully when she was filming.

In the next few days, Ye Sui did not experience drowsiness, fainting, or chest tightness, and everything was normal.

When Shen Shu and the others relaxed their vigilance, Ye Sui was caught off guard and fainted again at the end of filming.

Ye Sui was rushed to the hospital again, and the news that Ye Sui passed out again quickly became a trending topic on Weibo.

Netizens were discussing about Ye Sui's fainting, both in support and in opposition.

"Is Ye Sui putting on a show? How can a normal person faint at every turn?"

"Is Ye Sui pretending to be dizzy on purpose? Fans are not fools. Ye Sui wants to take this opportunity to clean up and win sympathy."

"Those who haven't seen the scene at that time, don't talk nonsense. I am a staff member on the set. When Ye Sui fainted, her face was pale and her hands and feet were cold. You should pretend to have a try."

"Some people just stand up and talk without back pain. Does Ye Sui need to pretend to be dazed? Even if she is still scolded by so many people, she still has box office appeal. People rely on her works to speak."

Netizens hold their own opinions, and anything about Ye Sui will cause heated discussions on the Internet.

Whether it's praise or scolding, Ye Sui's popularity remains high.

But Shen Shu didn't care about what the netizens thought at all, even if Shen Shu knew, he would never take it to heart.

For Shen Shu at this moment, Ye Sui's physical condition is the most important.

Although Ye Sui woke up again after fainting, she couldn't find the reason for the fainting at all.

Ye Sui fell asleep peacefully beside Shen Shu, but Shen Shu suffered from insomnia all night. He stood by the window, looking outside, from night to morning.

Shen Shu watched the street lamps in the distance shrouded in the morning mist, flickering, and when the first ray of sunlight shone into the room in the morning, all the street lamps went out one by one.

It's fine if you know the reason, now Shen Shu is like being in a layer upon layer of fog, the longer the time, the more restless he feels.

Shen Shu walked to the bed, carefully stretched out his hand to touch Ye Sui's face, and when his fingertips were about to touch Ye Sui's skin, he suddenly withdrew his hand again.

Shen Shu was afraid of disturbing Ye Sui, but he was also afraid that she would not wake up.

"No matter what happens, I will be by your side."