The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 136


"Besieged on All Sides" has already finished filming, and the filming has been very successful. The director can already predict the super high box office in the future.

Tonight is the wrap-up banquet, and Ye Sui, as the leading actor, of course will go, but Ye Sui's body is very weak, Shen Shu emphasized several times, and she must tell him when she feels uncomfortable.

He has been waiting for her outside, and she will see himself as soon as she comes out.

Ye Sui didn't want Shen Shu to worry, so she agreed. In the middle of the finale banquet, Ye Sui felt a little dizzy, she called Shen Shu and Shen Shu asked her to come out immediately.

Ye Sui walked out of the hotel, and saw a black car parked outside, Shen Shu sat in the car, staring at the door of the hotel.

As soon as he saw Ye Sui, Shen Shu got out of the car, walked towards her with long legs. Shen Shu walked up to Ye Sui, held her shoulders, and stared into her eyes: "What's wrong?"

Ye Sui: "Shen Shu, I'm so tired." For some reason, today she was so tired that her upper and lower eyelids were trembling, and it was difficult to open them.

Shen Shu: "We're going home now."

Before Ye Sui noticed, Shen Shu hugged Ye Sui horizontally and walked forward. Ye Sui looked around and buried her face in Shen Shu's arms: "Someone will see it."

Shen Shu said in a deep voice, "Let them see."

Ye Sui didn't continue to speak, she continued to lie in Shen Shu's arms without looking up. She is really tired now, and this kind of tiredness seems to be heavier and heavier than every day before.

She couldn't even listen to Shen Shu's words.

Shen Shu gently put Ye Sui on the car seat, Ye Sui was already asleep, and she was breathing peacefully. Shen Shu drove very slowly, and the car was very stable along the way.

Shen Shu carried Ye Sui into the elevator, and after returning home, she helped Ye Sui change into his pajamas, and then he changed his clothes too, and stayed by Ye Sui's side.

Ye Sui woke up slowly. She opened her eyes, looked around, and asked in surprise, "I'm home?"

She just woke up, her voice was hoarse, Shen Shu handed her a glass of water. Shen Shu said, "You fell asleep on the way."

Shen Shu asked worriedly: "Did something happen at the finale banquet? Why are you so tired?" Ye Sui's skin was already white, but now it is even more white and transparent, with faint blood vessels hidden, which shocked him.

At this time, Ye Sui's heart suddenly contracted, and then suddenly a few minutes faster, uncontrollable panic flooded up and spread to her whole body.

Ye Sui's heart was very sore, as if something was stuck in her throat. Her temples were throbbing, as if something was about to happen.

In just a moment, this feeling disappeared, and my heart was empty, but it was still a little sour. Ye Sui looked at Shen Shu, but didn't speak. Shen Shu noticed her eyes, and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Ye Sui shook her head: "It's nothing, I just want to talk to you."

Shen Shu said slowly: "Speak, I'll listen."

Ye Sui stared at Shen Shu steadfastly, she suddenly raised her hand, covered Shen Shu's brows, and rubbed gently: "You have to smile more, and if you frown again, there will be lines between your brows." .”

These days, because of her body, Shen Shu has been very worried, so he would frown unconsciously.

What Ye Sui thought was that Shen Shu was so good-looking, even if there was a trace between his eyebrows, it wouldn't have any effect. She just didn't want Shen Shu to worry about her so much every day.

Shen Shu smiled: "Okay."

Ye Sui knew that because of the fact that she fell asleep today, Shen Shu must be worried again, so she comforted: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"We went to the hospital for an examination and found nothing wrong, I just need to rest more."

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui for a few seconds, and then he said, "Yes."

Ye Sui pursed her lips, she held Shen Shu's hand, and said seriously: "Really, I won't leave you. We will spend the rest of our lives together."

As Ye Sui was talking, her heart suddenly felt sour again. She blinked, tears fell unconsciously, and said with a sob: "In this life, we will definitely not be separated like in the previous life."

Seeing Ye Sui crying, Shen Shu's heart tightened: "Why are you crying? What happened?"

Shen Shu held Ye Sui's hand, he stared at Ye Sui without blinking, feeling extremely nervous.

Ye Sui shook her head: "I don't know, I just feel very sad suddenly, and my heart feels empty." Perhaps it was the strangeness in her heart just now that affected her emotions.

The uncontrollable fear in her heart planted a seed of uneasiness in her heart. Although hidden underneath, he was always panicked and nervous.

Shen Shu was very distressed, he sighed in his heart, then leaned over, stretched out his arms to embrace Ye Sui, and hugged her very lightly and tenderly.

When Shen Shu's breath surrounded Ye Sui, Ye Sui felt that the uneasiness dissipated a little. Shen Shu lowered his head, staring into Ye Sui's eyes.

Ye Sui also stared at him like this.

In the silent night, Shen Shu lowered his eyes and slowly approached Ye Sui, his lips were covered with Ye Sui's tears, his movements were extremely gentle, and his clear voice knocked on Ye Sui's ear.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Ye Sui looked at Shen Shu, with unconcealable emotions in her eyes, she didn't want him to worry: "I'll be fine after a night of sleep."

Shen Shu stared at Ye Sui for a while, then curled his thin lips: "Okay."

Ye Sui looked at Shen Shu with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Good night, see you tomorrow." Ye Sui closed her eyes as soon as she finished speaking.

Shen Shu didn't see Ye Sui closing his eyes, so he asked softly: "What do you want to eat tomorrow morning? I'll help you..."

Shen Shu's voice gradually lowered, and finally fell silent. He stared at Ye Sui's side face and smiled faintly.

Ye Sui closed her eyes and was not yet fully asleep. She vaguely heard Shen Shu's words, which were clearly in front of her eyes, but seemed to be separated by a layer of veil, so she couldn't hear clearly.

She was about to answer, but she was too tired to open her mouth.

Ye Sui felt that her eyelids were very heavy, and her body was also very heavy, as if being pulled down deeply by some heavy object, into the bottomless darkness.

She seemed to be about to fall into an extremely comfortable dream from which she could not wake up. However, there is no Shen Shu in this dream.

She hadn't had time to answer Shen Shu's words, so she couldn't sleep.

Ye Sui struggled a bit, she wanted to wake up, and opened her eyes to look at Shen Shu. Ye Sui tried her best, but she could only slightly open a very small gap.

In a trance, it seemed that light came in, and Shen Shu's face could not be seen clearly in the dark. When she wanted to see more clearly, the light dissipated again.

Ye Sui's head was dizzy, she was really tired, her eyelids were heavy, and she didn't even have the strength to open them.

Ye Sui thought, forget it, when she wakes up tomorrow, she will answer Shen Shu's question, Shen Shu will understand her.

Anyway, it's just a sleep, she will be able to see Shen Shu when she wakes up the next day. This dark dream would soon be over, she was sure of it.

Ye Sui relaxed her body and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing that Ye Sui didn't speak, Shen Shu knew that she was asleep, so he smiled and said softly, "Good night."

Shen Shu leaned over and reached out to help Ye Sui tuck the corner of the quilt gently. Then, Shen Shu leaned over, and with a "click", the lights went out.

The whole room was plunged into darkness, the curtains were slightly opened, and the moonlight fell on the floor, casting light and shadows of bits and pieces.

Shen Shu lay down, his movements were very light, not wanting to wake Ye Sui up. He didn't sleep, but leaned sideways, staring at Ye Sui all the time.

In the silent darkness, Ye Sui's breathing was long and slow, she slept soundly. The light flicked along her outline, inch by inch, so delicate and beautiful.

Ye Sui slept so soundly, but Shen Shu couldn't fall asleep, he was thinking a lot.

The color of Shen Shu's eyes was unclear. As usual, Ye Sui was too tired to keep her eyes open again today. Of course there was a reason for filming, but she was not so tired when filming before.

It all started when Ye Sui blocked the sword with her hand.

Shen Shu was thinking about this every day, worried about Ye Sui's situation, how could he sleep? However, they did check, and there was nothing wrong with Ye Sui's body.

Shen Shu let out a long sigh, that's all, everything will always go to a good place.

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui for a while, and then he closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep. After a while, Shen Shu slowly fell asleep.

Although Shen Shu fell asleep, the strange thing is that Shen Shu woke up several times this night, his heart was vaguely uneasy, and his eyebrows twitched several times.

Shen Shu frowned slightly. Every time he woke up, he would look at Ye Sui next to him. Ye Sui didn't wake up, and his breathing was still very slow.

Only then did Shen Shu feel relieved, and continued to close his eyes.

The night passed so quietly, the moon disappeared, and the sky lightened slightly. In the early morning at the end of spring, the air is filled with mist and dampness.

Shen Shu opened his eyes, he looked at the time, it was only half past five. For some reason, he woke up extra early today.

The first time Shen Shu woke up, he turned to look at Ye Sui. Ye Sui slept soundly, even her posture didn't seem to change.

Shen Shu remembered that Ye Sui used to toss and turn on the bed when sleeping, and sometimes rolled into his arms.

When Ye Sui became weak, her sleeping position became very good. She often only maintains one posture and falls asleep so peacefully, and she is doing the same now, looking extraordinarily peaceful.

But Shen Shu prefers Ye Sui's original appearance, so that she is more energetic, not as quiet as she is now, which scares him a bit.

Because of thinking about Ye Sui, Shen Shu slept very restlessly last night, fell asleep and woke up again, woke up and fell asleep again, did not sleep for long.

Shen Shu's temples were a little swollen, and he pressed his eyebrows. He put one arm behind his head and looked at the ceiling, he didn't call Ye Sui.

He hoped that Ye Sui could sleep well.

Shen Shu lay quietly on the bed, waiting until the sky was bright. Birds chirped outside the window, and sunlight fell through the clouds.

After a while, Shen Shu stood up, and he quietly walked to the door to buy breakfast for Ye Sui. Last night he asked Ye Sui what he wanted to eat, but Ye Sui didn't answer him.

Shen Shu made his own decisions, bought clear porridge, and when he came back, he would wake her up, so that the temperature of the porridge was just right.

Shen Shu walked into the room, he came to the bed, bent down, and called softly: "Ye Sui, it's time to get up."

Ye Sui didn't respond, she was still in a deep sleep.

The corners of Shen Shu's lips curled up, he knew that Ye Sui was sleepy, especially since she was ill, he always had to call her three or four times before she would open her eyes.

Next, she would say angrily, "Why did I go to bed late again?" Then, she would look at him, hold his arm and smile softly.

Shen Shu yelled again, but Ye Sui was still asleep. Shen Shu was not worried, because he knew that if he called again, she would wake up.

In the silence, Shen Shu spoke for the third time, staring at Ye Sui's face, his voice became softer: "It's time to get up."

Then, he stopped talking. He waited for Ye Sui to open his eyes, waited for Ye Sui to smile at him, such warm little details, but he never tired of it.

But this time, Ye Sui didn't respond, she still fell asleep so quietly.

Shen Shu frowned slightly, he called out several times, and shook Ye Sui's body, but Ye Sui still didn't respond.

At this moment, a huge panic surged towards him like a tide, submerging him heavily.

Shen Shu's hands trembled slightly, and his body stiffened. Shen Shu had an extremely bad premonition in his heart, and his trembling hand reached out to the tip of Ye Sui's nose.

Shen Shu let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, Ye Sui was still breathing, she just fell asleep and he couldn't wake her up.

Shen Shu immediately called Meng Han, and he tried his best to calm his voice: "Ye Sui is in a coma, I can't wake up no matter what."

Meng Han's voice paused: "I'll wait for you at the hospital."

Shen Shu hung up the phone, immediately picked up Ye Sui, and helped her get dressed. Shen Shu didn't delay for a moment, picked up Ye Sui and walked out.

Shen Shu walked quickly, his face was serious, no emotion could be seen. But when he walked through the living room, he broke several teacups.

He who was always calm, lost all his previous self-control and composure, and his hands trembled slightly. A dull voice resounded in the air, indicating that this day was destined to never be peaceful again.

Shen Shu got off the elevator with Ye Sui in his arms, walked to the front of the car, opened the door, and placed Ye Sui flat on the back seat of the car with great care.

Shen Shu moved very lightly, putting Ye Sui's hand on her side, and put a blanket on Ye Sui's head, in case Ye Sui would bump into him later.

After finishing these, Shen Shu looked again to confirm that Ye Sui would not be bumped before returning to the driver's seat.

Before the car started, Shen Shu turned his head and glanced at Ye Sui in the back seat of the car. He was extremely anxious, but he still managed to calm himself down.

Shen Shu took a deep breath, he must not panic at this time.

Shen Shu's jaw was tense, his thin lips were tightly pressed, the sunlight outlined his extremely pale face, almost without a trace of blood.

Shen Shu looked ahead, he slammed on the gas pedal, and the car drove forward quickly, into the hazy white mist.

When the car arrived at the hospital, Shen Shu carried Ye Sui to the ward. Meng Han had already made preparations, and there were some doctors and nurses standing in the ward.

Seeing Ye Sui's appearance, Meng Han frowned: "Let's check her condition first."

Shen Shu walked outside the ward and sat down in the corridor. The corridor was quiet and deserted, and there was a bit of silence in the silence. As far as the eye can see, there is endless white, which makes people feel even more depressed.

Ye Sui has been lethargic for the past few days, and Shen Shu's mood has been very unstable. Today, the worst situation in his heart finally happened. So far, all he can do is wait.

Shen Shu leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and put his hands together against his lips. He looked at the ward, his eyes were extremely dark, hiding deep panic.

In the ward, the doctors were examining Ye Sui, the air was so quiet that even the sound of breathing became slow. Any slight sound seems to disturb the silence.

Ye Sui's face appeared in Shen Shu's mind, she was so quiet and beautiful, but she was like a weak rose.

Shen Shu didn't sleep well all night, his eyes were very red and bloodshot. He has already foreseen all the bad things and the worst situation, but he hopes that none of these will happen.

A long time has passed, but the door of the ward has not been opened for a long time, and it is tightly closed, imprisoning everything inside.

The waiting time was so long, every minute and every second seemed to be stretched out, Shen Shu kept pulling his heart.

After a long time, the door of the ward finally opened, and Meng Han walked out with a puzzled look on his face.

Shen Shu immediately stood up and walked over, asking anxiously: "How is her condition?"

Meng Han: "It's so strange. There is nothing wrong with Ye Sui's body. Every indicator is normal. I need to observe it again."

This kind of coma without any reason is the most worrying. Because the cause is unknown, treatment can be very troublesome.

Shen Shu's voice trembled slightly, showing fear: "But, she really can't wake up."

Meng Han looked at Shen Shu with complicated emotions, and he said, "If Ye Sui remains unconscious, there is only one possibility."

Meng Han said worriedly: "Shen Shu, you have to be mentally prepared, Ye Sui might wake up right away, but it's also possible... you won't wake up in this lifetime."

The implication is that Ye Sui is likely to be a vegetable from now on.

Shen Shu's heart sank suddenly, he was silent and did not speak, he clenched his hands tightly, and let them go weakly. His voice was low and hoarse: "How likely is it that she wakes up?"

Meng Han shook his head: "Her situation is very strange, I'm not sure."

Meng Han asked again: "If she doesn't wake up for the rest of her life..."

With a hoarse voice, Shen Shu lowered his voice clearly: "Then I will wait for her forever."

Meng Han asked again: "Five years, ten years, or even a lifetime, do you have to wait like this?"

The corners of Shen Shu's lips tugged slightly, his smile was very weak, with a trace of tiredness. He didn't speak, but Meng Han already knew his answer.

Meng Han sighed: "Hua Rui..."

Shen Shu: "Wang Chuan will watch for me."

In this situation, Ye Sui cannot do without him at all, and he will always be by Ye Sui's side. He firmly believed that he would wait until Ye Sui woke up.

Ye Sui's second day in a coma.

Yan Lan, Xiao Liu, and Wang Chuan all heard the news, and they all rushed to the hospital to see Ye Sui. Yan Lan and Xiao Liu cried on the spot.

Although Wang Chuan didn't cry, he also knew that Ye Sui's situation was a bit bad. Shen Shu told them to leave, and it was enough for him to take care of Ye Sui alone.

It was already early summer, the sun was extremely bright, heavy light and shadow fell on Shen Shu's body, outlining his silent and tall figure.

In just one day, he lost weight quickly. The shoulders were thin and thin, and the baggy clothes on Shen Shu's body seemed empty.

The current Shen Shu even looks haggard than Ye Sui on the bed. Even so, Shen Shu still has an excellent appearance, but it looks like it is covered with a layer of dust.

Although it has the ultimate demeanor, it is dark and dull.

Meng Han walked into the ward, first took a look at Ye Sui's condition, then looked at Shen Shu, worried: "Shen Shu, your complexion is even worse than Ye Sui's."

Shen Shu sat in front of the hospital bed, he stared at Ye Sui and kept his eyes on him for a moment. Meng Han said a few more words to Shen Shu, but Shen Shu didn't respond, and still looked at Ye Sui fixedly.

Meng Han called out a few more times, and Shen Shu seemed to have realized it. He turned his head slowly and looked at Meng Han, his eyes unfocused.

His eyes were still so dark, but he seemed to have lost his spirit, numb and indifferent, as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

Meng Han said helplessly: "You only slept for a few hours, you won't be able to hold on like this."

When Shen Shu heard Ye Sui's name, his eyes trembled, and finally there was a little light. He opened his mouth, but he felt that his voice was extremely dry and hoarse, and he was a little speechless.

Meng Han shook his head helplessly, Ye Sui's accident hit Shen Shu hard. He handed over a glass of water, Shen Shu took it, raised his head and drank it. Cold water ran down his throat and disappeared instantly.

His throat had been dry for too long, no matter how much water he drank, he could barely speak a few words.

Meng Han persuaded: "Ye Sui won't wake up yet, go and rest first."

Shen Shu's eyes moved slightly, and he shook his head: "She is just asleep now, if she wakes up and doesn't see me by her side, she will be scared."

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui, she was lying there, her long black hair was scattered on the pillow, half covering her snow-white cheeks.

Even though Ye Sui was in a coma, she was still beautiful, like a rose in full bloom, but her color was a little pale.

Shen Shu stretched out his hand carefully, and gently caressed Ye Sui's face, his voice was extremely soft: "Look, she just fell asleep, but this sleep was relatively long."

Shen Shu took Ye Sui's hand, put it on his lips and kissed it lightly, his voice was clear and firm: "She will definitely wake up."

As long as Ye Sui still has a breath, there is still hope. He will wait with such belief, and wait forever.

It was the third day that Ye Sui became a vegetative state.

Shen Shu ate something casually, then sat next to Ye Sui's bed again. The nurse came in to check Ye Sui's situation, and then took a look at Shen Shu.

In the past few days, they all knew that the handsome Mr. Huarui Shen had been with his unconscious wife, almost never leaving her.

The nurse sighed, Mr. Shen is really infatuated, I hope God will not break up the couple, and bless Ye Sui to wake up early.

In the past three days, Shen Shu hardly closed his eyes, and he slept for several hours in total.

That night, Meng Han came to the ward, ready to persuade Shen Shu again, otherwise his body would really be overwhelmed.

Shen Shu was still sitting in front of the window, looking at Ye Sui with his dark eyes. With such affectionate eyes, Ye Sui is the only one in his eyes.

Meng Han just opened his mouth: "Shen..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Shu's body suddenly shook a few times, Meng Han felt something was wrong. In the next second, Shen Shu fell straight to the ground.

Meng Han yelled worriedly: "Shen Shu—"

Meng Han helped Shen Shu up, he looked down.

The moonlight passed over Shen Shu's face, and his face was paler than the cold moonlight. Originally handsome and handsome, it seemed to have faded at this moment.

It was clearly summer, and the temperature began to warm up, but Shen Shu's hands were bone-chillingly cold.