The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 138


The moment Ye Sui opened her eyes, she found that her body was floating in mid-air, her body was so light, it seemed that she had no weight.

Ye Sui didn't react for a moment, she stretched out her hand in a daze, as if she could touch the ceiling above.

Ye Sui tilted her head, almost all the curtains were drawn, only the window on the far right was half opened, and the bright sunlight outside shone into the room.

The sun was shining brightly, as if it could burn people, Ye Sui was inexplicably apprehensive and displeased.

How is this going

Ye Sui tried to move her body, as long as she had thoughts in her mind, her body could move according to her consciousness.

Ye Sui turned around, like a feather that was too light, was blown gently by the wind, and then turned over immediately.

It wasn't until Ye Sui turned around that she noticed something strange in the room.

There was a second woman in the room, with her eyes closed, lying quietly on the hospital bed, surrounded by various instruments, beeping.

If the person on the bed is her, who is she

When Ye Sui stared blankly at herself on the bed, her body subconsciously floated over slowly and approached the bed.

Ye Sui stretched out her fingertips tremblingly, wanting to touch herself on the bed, but immediately retracted her hand because of fear.

If she guessed right, she had already turned into a soul floating outside her body at this moment, even if she hadn't turned into a ghost, it was almost the same.

Ye Sui has seen countless ghosts before, and she has always looked at ghosts from a personal perspective, but she has never experienced the current situation.

Ye Sui can be said to be in a panic now, but she can't find anyone to help her.

Ye Sui floated on the edge of the hospital bed, her eyes were astringent, she silently recited Shen Shu's name in her heart, Shen Shu, where are you now

As if feeling something in his heart, as soon as Ye Sui thought of Shen Shu, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Shen Shu walked in from the outside.

Ye Sui was overjoyed at first, but was shocked by Shen Shu's haggardness in the next second.

Shen Shu seemed to have gone through countless days of painful experiences. Compared with the Shen Shu in Ye Sui's memory, he was much haggard and his eyes were dull, as if he had lost his vitality.

Shen Shu's appearance made Ye Sui's heart twitch violently, and the pain spread from his heart.

Ye Sui covered her mouth, tears flowed down her chin, and she found that after she became a soul, the tears were still warm.

Ye Sui cried for a while, and soon held back her tears. Even if Shen Shu couldn't see her, she still clearly remembered that Shen Shu didn't like her crying, and he would feel distressed.

Ye Sui stared blankly at Shen Shu, Shen Shu turned around and closed the door, he closed the door very softly, so as not to wake Ye Sui up.

But soon, Shen Shu's hand holding the door paused, he lowered his head and smiled wryly, as if he just now remembered that Ye Sui was in a coma.

If the mere sound of closing the door could wake Ye Sui up, Shen Shu was even willing to set off fireworks downstairs in the ward, hoping that the noise of firecrackers would wake Ye Sui up from her sleepless dream.

After Shen Shu closed the door, his eyes fell on Ye Sui on the hospital bed, and at this moment his dim eyes regained a little light.

Shen Shu sat beside Ye Sui's bed, his eyes were affectionate but hidden pain: "Ye Sui, why are you still awake? If you see me like this, you will definitely scold me."

Shen Shu was talking to himself, even though he didn't know if Ye Sui could hear him, he still patiently told Ye Sui what happened every day.

Shen Shu looked like an ordinary couple chatting, but what responded to him was nothing but air.

Ye Sui knew from Shen Shu's narration that she had been in a coma for more than half a month, and Shen Shu had guarded her for so long.

Ye Sui's body floated towards Shen Shu lightly, she subconsciously wanted to reach out her hand to touch Shen Shu, wanting to comfort the fragile Shen Shu at this moment.

But the moment her hand touched Shen Shu, a burning pain started from the touching fingertips and spread to her arm, as if it had been burned by fire.

Stimulated by the severe pain, Ye Sui couldn't help but withdraw her hand.

Ye Sui looked at her fingertips with a wry smile, now she is almost half a ghost, so Shen Shu, a man full of yang, can also hurt her.

At this moment, Ye Sui could only boast to Shen Shu in a bitter way, that her husband's physique, born in the sun and moon, is really well-deserved, and you can only know how powerful it is if you have personally experienced it.

But Ye Sui will not give up, she finally had the chance to contact Shen Shu, she stretched out her hand again, even if she was burned, she didn't want to give up.

This time the result was still the same, when Ye Sui stretched out her hand and wanted to hold Shen Shu's hand on the bedside, the severe pain forced her to withdraw her hand again.

Ye Sui no longer stretched out her hand, but chose to sit at the foot of the bed, keeping a little distance from Shen Shu. She couldn't touch Shen Shu, but it was good if she could follow him like this and watch him quietly.

Shen Shu couldn't see ghosts like Ye Sui, so naturally he didn't know that Ye Sui was sitting beside him.

If Shen Shu knew, he would definitely wish to be like Ye Sui, even if all he could see was Ye Sui's soul, it would be enough to comfort him.

Shen Shu looked at the needle hole in Ye Sui's hand with a distressed face, he stretched out his hand carefully, avoiding the needle that was being inserted into the back of Ye Sui's hand, and wanted to encircle Ye Sui's palm.

But in the next second, Shen Shu's eyes suddenly darkened, and then deep anger emerged.

Shen Shu was more careful when dealing with Ye Sui, and took any action lightly. He would definitely take good care of her body during Ye Sui's coma.

If Ye Sui came back in the future and saw that he didn't take good care of her, he would be angry with him.

But after Shen Shu did all this, he even found a wound on Ye Sui's finger. Her fingertip seemed to be burned by something, and it was oozing blood.

Shen Shu gently put Ye Sui's hand back on the bed, and helped her cover the quilt.

Shen Shu held back his anger and stood up from the bed. Ye Sui was frightened by Shen Shu's unprepared action, and immediately retreated to the side, afraid of bumping into Shen Shu.

Shen Shu quickly walked out of the ward, and Ye Sui quickly followed.

Shen Shu went straight to Meng Han's office, and Meng Han was the only one in the office at this time. There was Ye Sui's medical record on his desk, and he frowned, looking through it with a serious face.

Because Meng Han knew that if Ye Sui didn't wake up, Shen Shu would soon become a useless person.

There was a hasty knock on the door, and it was Shen Shu who came in.

Meng Han put away the medical records on the table and returned to his usual appearance. He smiled and said, "Why didn't you go to accompany Ye Sui and come to my side?"

Shen Shu's tone was a little anxious: "Ye Sui's finger was injured, as if it was burned by something."

Meng Han was startled, and immediately followed Shen Shu to the ward. He carefully looked at the wound on Ye Sui's finger, and it was indeed a burn wound as Shen Shu said.

The strange thing is that it is impossible for Ye Sui to get in touch with other people. She has always been well regarded by Shen Shu, and the doctors and nurses who treat Ye Sui are strictly selected, and there is no possibility of mistakes.

"Don't worry, the wound is not serious, it will be healed soon after applying the medicine." Meng Han knew that Shen Shu was extremely sensitive during this period, and even a little thing could make Shen Shu panic, so he first appeased Shen Shu's emotions.

Shen Shu frowned, and looked closely at Ye Sui's wound: "Give me the medicine, and I'll help Ye Sui apply the medicine."

Seeing that Shen Shu had diverted his attention, Meng Han immediately responded.

When Shen Shu suppressed his anger and calmly applied the medicine to Ye Sui, Meng Han couldn't bear to look at Shen Shu's back any longer. If this continues, Shen Shu would be on the verge of collapse.

But he is not the person involved, no matter how much he persuades, if Shen Shu can't control his emotions, he can't do anything.

Meng Han sighed softly, what happened, a good couple was torn apart like this, comatose coma, lost soul lost soul, no one is good.

Meng Han turned around and closed the door quietly, leaving room for Shen Shu and Ye Sui.

Ye Sui naturally saw Meng Han's reaction, when she watched Shen Shu concentrate on helping her apply the medicine, her nose was sore, Ye Sui sat by the bed again, looking down at Shen Shu.

From this day on, wherever Shen Shu went, Ye Sui followed him, not wanting to leave even a single step. She watched the people coming and going in the ward, coming expectantly, and leaving disappointed.

Ye Sui was really worried that one day Shen Shu's body would collapse, so she followed closely all the time, staring at him closely.

"Shen Shu, you have eaten less food today, so I will feel distressed."

"Shen Shu, this is my favorite dish, help me eat a few more bites."

"Shen Shu, remember to look at the ground when walking, don't fall down, it's not good for the majestic Huarui Shen to fall on all fours."

No matter when Shen Shu was eating or walking, Ye Sui always followed him, nagging beside him.

Ye Sui also found it strange that no matter how loudly she spoke next to Shen Shu, Shen Shu couldn't hear her. It was as if there was an invisible barrier separating the two of them.

Even though Shen Shu didn't respond, Ye Sui kept talking, as if this would make Shen Shu's quiet world more noisy.

Ye Sui realized that she and Shen Shuming were separated by the closest distance, yet they couldn't see each other. They should be the most miserable couple.

Ye Sui found that Shen Shu seldom went home, and stayed with her in the hospital all the time, eating in the ward and sleeping in the ward.

The work of the company was moved to the ward by Shen Shu. Occasionally, when he had to go out for business, Shen Shu would rush back quickly, for fear that if he came back late, he would lose Ye Sui.

Ye Sui followed Shen Shu for a few days, when she was walking through the corridor, a voice stopped her suddenly.

"Ye Sui!" The voice was full of surprise.

Ye Sui stopped and turned her head to look. She hadn't communicated with anyone for a long time, so she was naturally surprised.

When Ye Sui turned around, she realized that the owner of the voice just now should be just like her, just a soul.

Because her feet didn't completely stand on the ground, but floated off the ground after a distance.

The ghost was not very old, about ten years old, her little face was flushed red from crying, and her face was covered with tears, she was very embarrassed.

But the girl ghost looked at Ye Sui with excitement, and when Ye Sui looked at her, she immediately floated over.

Seeing her crying so badly, Ye Sui didn't leave immediately, she glanced at Shen Shu's back as he walked towards the ward, and then looked away.

"You know me?" Ye Sui avoided the sunlight and stood in the corner of the corridor.

The girl ghost nodded again and again: "You are my idol, of course I know you."

Ye Sui was stunned for a few seconds, she didn't expect that she would become a ghost and still see her fans.

Ye Sui: "Why are you here?"

When the girl ghost heard Ye Sui's question, her nose twitched, and she looked like she was about to cry: "I had a car accident, and the body is still in the operating room."

No wonder the girl ghost cried so badly. After all, no matter who suddenly became a ghost, they couldn't immediately accept the fact. Isn't she the same

Ye Sui felt sorry for the young ghost, and reached out and patted her on the head lightly: "Stop crying."

The girl was at a loss after turning into a ghost, but being so gently comforted by Ye Sui, her tears gradually stopped.

"That man was your husband just now, I remember his appearance."

Ye Sui smiled wryly, and acquiesced to the question.

Girl ghost: "You are unconscious, our fans' eyes are almost swollen from crying, I never thought I would see you for the last time after I die."

While speaking, the door of the operating room opened, and the girl ghost's body was pushed out, and the doctor pronounced her death with a heavy face.

Heart-piercing cries suddenly sounded in the corridor. Seeing her family members suffering, the girl ghost held back her tears and turned to look at Ye Sui: "I've passed."

Ye Sui nodded, watching the girl ghost nestled next to her mother, as if saying her final farewell.

Ye Sui couldn't bear to watch, and returned to the ward, the loud crying disappeared, Ye Sui could no longer hear it, and the ward was still dead silent.

Ye Sui looked at Shen Shu's increasingly thin body, she thought she had to let Shen Shu know of her existence, even if Shen Shu couldn't see her, it would be fine to know that she was always by his side.

Until dusk, when Shen Shu had something to leave the ward, Ye Sui did not follow for the first time, but walked around in circles in the ward.

The evening sun shines into the room through the windows, and the light and shadow go back and forth on the ground and finally disappear.

As night fell, there was a trace of dryness hidden in the night wind, which made people feel irritable for no reason, but Shen Shu did not return for a long time.

Ye Sui didn't know Shen Shu's whereabouts, she didn't know where to find him, she looked nervously at the door frequently, and unconsciously exerted strength in her hands.

With a bang, she dropped a piece of decoration on the ward table to the ground.

Ye Sui was taken aback by the sudden sound in the quiet ward, but her eyes lit up and she immediately thought of a solution.

Ye Sui felt that she was too stupid, the panic these few days made her forget what those ghosts did before.

Ye Sui can deliberately move things in the room to make Shen Shu aware of her existence, but she must be careful, otherwise it would be bad if Shen Shu treats them as ghosts who want to cause damage.

Doctors and nurses have been here several times, and Yan Lan and Xiao Liu have also been to the ward. Their condition is only a little better than Shen Shu's, but they also look haggard.

Ye Sui followed them closely until he sent them out of the hospital.

Not long after Ye Sui returned to the ward, the door of the ward opened again, and Shen Shu walked in from the door. His pace was very hasty, and he didn't feel relieved until he saw Ye Sui on the bed.

Shen Shu didn't fall asleep immediately, but sat at the desk in the ward, dealing with the company's affairs.

Ye Sui is about to implement her plan, making Shen Shu aware of her existence.

At this time, the hustle and bustle of the day faded away, and everything was silent. It seemed that even the sound of the wind had stopped, and only the sound of instruments in the ward was beeping.

Shen Shu focused all his attention on his work, but he would still look up at Ye Sui from time to time.

Ye Sui took a deep breath and walked to the table opposite to Shen Shu. She scanned the table and determined the target.

Ye Sui stretched out her hand cautiously, and without touching Shen Shu, she poked a pen on the table, and the originally stationary pen rolled towards Shen Shu's hand.

In the next second, there was a cold touch on the back of Shen Shu's hand, Shen Shu frowned, put the pen aside, and continued to do what he was doing.

Ye Sui didn't give up, she walked around to the table, there was a pile of documents stacked on the edge of the table, Ye Sui pulled out one from the top, let the paper fly up, and fell lightly to the ground.

Shen Shu didn't take this matter to heart either, he just bent down to pick up the documents on the ground and put them away again.

Ye Sui sighed, and had no choice but to choose other methods.

When Shen Shu stood up and was about to return to his original position, suddenly there was a gust of wind from behind, the scorching summer wind blowing in from the open window.

The curtains were blown up by the wind, rattling, and there were a few lone stars hanging in the night sky outside.

This time, Shen Shu began to feel that something was wrong. He had a very good memory and never made a mistake. He clearly remembered that he had closed the window.

During this period, no one came in or out except him, so how could the window open by itself

Shen Shu suddenly remembered the supernatural events that he and Ye Sui had experienced before. From the pen to the present, it was all ghosts playing pranks.

Shen Shu said in a deep voice: "No matter who you are, leave now and don't disturb my wife's rest."

Shen Shu walked quickly to the window, closed the window, the wind stopped blowing in, and the curtains were still.

When Shen Shu turned around and walked back, the pen on the table stood up, scratching on the blank paper, it seemed that Shen Shu dared to pick up the pen because he was far away.

Most people would definitely go crazy when they saw such a scene at night, but Shen Shu didn't change his face, and even quickly approached the table.

When Shen Shu walked to the table, the pen fell back on the table with a snap, as if the scene just now was just Shen Shu's hallucination.

Shen Shu looked down at the paper, there were four words written on the white paper.

"I'm Ye Sui."

These words came into Shen Shu's eyes with great impact, he stared at them for a while, then picked up the paper with trembling hands.

Shen Shu read it over and over again, and then he looked around every corner of the ward, and said in a hoarse voice, "Ye Sui, is that you?"

As soon as the words were finished, the decoration in a corner of the ward fell off, as if it had answered Shen Shu's question just now.

Shen Shu clenched the paper in his hand excitedly, not even knowing where to start.

Shen Shu took out a blank piece of paper and put it on the table, and took the pen beside him: "You can continue writing."

After Shen Shu finished speaking, the pen did not move for a long time, nor did it stand up to write on the paper as before.

Shen Shu immediately came to his senses, he almost forgot his physique, he can hurt ghosts, and he can also hurt Ye Sui at this time.

Shen Shu quickly took a few steps back, keeping a distance from the table.

A few seconds later, the pen stood up again, and after writing, the white paper flew up lightly, and floated to Shen Shu's feet.

"I'm always by your side, so take care of yourself."

Shen Shu was as fragile as a child at this time, he looked at the words on the paper with great cherishment, and said with regret in his voice, "I will definitely listen to you in the future."

Ever since Shen Shu knew of Ye Sui's existence, they have been communicating by writing on paper.

Because of this reason, Shen Shu's overall state suddenly improved a lot. Although he still worked hard and communicated with people before, now he looks like Shen Shu who really has a soul.

Shen Shu also took the initiative to make a phone call with Yan Lan: "Mother-in-law, do you still remember the favorite dishes of Ye Sui at home last time? Can you help me make them tomorrow."

When Yan Lan heard Shen Shu's words, she immediately laughed and let go of the big stone in her heart. After Ye Sui passed out, Shen Shu never had a good meal.

Yan Lan also hoped that Ye Sui would wake up, but she didn't want Shen Shu's body to collapse like this.

Yan Lan's voice was choked with sobs: "Okay, okay, whatever else you want to eat, I'll make it for you."

The next day, Wang Chuan was going to come to the hospital to report to Shen Shu. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw Shen Shu walking in front.

Before Mr. Shen said the word, Wang Chuan felt something was wrong.

Sunshine came in from the window at the end of the corridor. This was the most common thing, but from Mr. Shen's perspective, it seemed like an enemy.

Mr. Shen carefully walked in a place where there was no sunlight, and deliberately avoided it, and even made way for it. The corridor is empty. Is this the case

The doubts in Wang Chuan's heart were still unsolved, the elevator door opened, and Yan Lan walked out of the elevator with a happy face, carrying a large bag of things in his hand.

Seeing this, Wang Chuan immediately stepped forward to pick it up: "What are these?"

Yan Lan: "A Shu said he wanted to eat, so I asked me to make some for him." Yan Lan didn't cook a few, she specially cooked several things in order to let Shen Shu eat more.

Wang Chuan almost thought that there was something wrong with his ears. After Ye Sui passed out, Shen Shu didn't care about other things, and it was the first time he took the initiative to eat.

Wang Chuan entered the ward with big bags and Yan Lan with a confused expression on his face. Shen Shu saw them coming in and stood up to greet them with a smile.

Both Yan Lan and Wang Chuan were taken aback by Shen Shu's big change, and Shen Shu seemed to have returned to his previous state: "Mother-in-law, it's really hard work for you."

Shen Shu knew that Ye Sui liked these dishes, even though Ye Sui couldn't eat them, he wanted to eat with her.

Shen Shu walked to the edge of the table and neatly arranged the hot dishes on the table. Strangely, he moved some of Ye Sui's favorite dishes to the opposite table.

Shen Shu also took an extra bowl and a pair of chopsticks and put them on the opposite side. Under the shocked eyes of Wang Chuan and Yan Lan, Shen Shu put the dishes with one chopstick in the opposite bowl.

"Ye Sui, this dish is your favorite."

Shen Shu was obviously talking to a piece of air, but he looked as if Ye Sui was really sitting in front of him, having dinner with him.

Shen Shu looked at the other side and waited for a while, then started to eat contentedly.

Standing aside, Wang Chuan and Yan Lan were stunned, unable to even utter a word. They turned their heads in unison and looked at each other.

Yan Lan thought distressedly, my son-in-law seems to be crazy.

Wang Chuan thought in panic, Mr. Shen seemed to be really not quite right.