The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 139


However, Shen Shu didn't notice Yan Lan and Wang Chuan's strangeness at all, and he still put vegetables in the opposite bowl.

And Ye Sui's soul was indeed sitting opposite to Shen Shu, Ye Sui couldn't help but stroked his forehead when he saw Shen Shu's act of acting like no one else.

Isn't it more strange for Shen Shu to look like this, no matter who looks at it, he will think that Shen Shu is abnormal.

Shen Shu and Ye Sui had experienced many ghost incidents before, but neither Wang Chuan nor Yan Lan had encountered such a thing.

Ye Sui didn't plan to tell anyone other than Shen Shu, she was worried that it would scare them.

Ye Sui couldn't come out to stop Shen Shu's behavior at this time, otherwise the pen that flew up suddenly would be so weird.

Seeing Shen Shu's appearance, Yan Lan took a deep breath, not wanting to shed tears, while Wang Chuan asked boldly.

"Mr. Shen, why did you put an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks?"

Shen Shu knew what Ye Sui was thinking, and he also concealed Ye Sui's matter. He evasively replied: "I think Ye Sui should be here."

Wang Chuan was taken aback, hey, Mr. Shen is really crazy.

Wang Chuan and Yan Lan left the room quietly. Before leaving, Yan Lan specially reminded Shen Shu that she would still bring Ye Sui's favorite food over tomorrow.

Even though Shen Shu ate because he imagined that Ye Sui was still here, to Yan Lan, no matter what the reason was, as long as Shen Shu could take care of his body was more important than anything else.

In Yan Lan's heart, Ye Sui will definitely wake up one day in the future, and she will take good care of Shen Shu for Ye Sui before Ye Sui wakes up.

After Yan Lan and the others left, Ye Sui wrote something on the paper again, and the paper floated in front of Shen Shu.

It said: "Chen Shu, can you restrain yourself next time? Otherwise, everyone will spread the word that President Hua Rui is crazy."

After Shen Shu was criticized by Ye Sui, he was not unhappy at all, he smiled at the opposite air, but did not agree.

Shen Shu finally made sure that Ye Sui was still by his side, how could he control his emotions, at worst, he would be told by Ye Sui again next time.

Shen Shu knew that Ye Sui's soul was by his side, and the two could still communicate in some way, so he felt a lot more relaxed. But he still wants Ye Sui to wake up.

Shen Shu thought that since there are ghosts in the world, it means that there are gods in the world. The gods are merciful, if he makes a wish to the gods, will Ye Sui wake up

Pilgrims come and go in the temple every day, and countless people go to the temple to pray for blessings. He believes that many people have faith. Then why didn't he try it too

Now there is no way to make Ye Sui wake up, if there is a way to make Ye Sui wake up, he will try it.

Shen Shu looked across the table, he knew Ye Sui was sitting there. Ye Sui couldn't get too close to him, she would sit across the table and look at herself.

Shen Shu knew that they both missed each other deeply. Close at hand, but can not meet each other.

Shen Shu was in a complicated mood, and after a while, he opened his mouth: "Tomorrow... I'm going to the temple to pray."

Ye Sui was stunned, she knew Shen Shu's intention of doing this. She stretched out her hand to the teacup on the side and dipped it in a little water. Shen Shu couldn't see Ye Sui, he only saw the water shaking slightly.

After a while, a few words appeared on the desktop: "I will go with you tomorrow."

Shen Shu was slightly startled, his voice continued to sound, with a trace of worry hidden: "You are a soul, can you enter the temple?"

Ye Sui thought about it, and for some reason, she always felt that she could enter the temple. She had a vague feeling that it would give them a direction and relieve their confusion.

Ye Sui wrote again: "Yes."

Shen Shu was worried, and asked again: "If you can't go in tomorrow, you must tell me." Ye Sui agreed.

If she couldn't get in the temple tomorrow, she would have to stay outside.

The next day, it was noon when Shen Shu finished his work. He explained everything and was ready to go. Shen Shu glanced at the weather, the sky outside was gloomy, as if it was going to rain, it was a bit muggy.

It was clearly summer, but there was no sunshine, and the sky was gray, like a dark curtain.

Shen Shuben doesn't like cloudy days, because cloudy days always make people feel a little depressed. But after Ye Sui became a soul, Shen Shu fell in love with such a gloomy weather.

If it is cloudy, the sun will not shine in, and Ye Sui's soul will not be harmed.

He just wants Ye Sui to be well, even if the weather is like this all his life, it doesn't matter.

Shen Shu had already reached the door, but he stopped, and Shen Shu said, "Wait for me." Then, Shen Shu turned around and walked into the ward.

Ye Sui originally planned to go out with Shen Shu, but when she saw Shen Shu turned back, she was a little puzzled, what was Shen Shu going to do

Ye Sui stood there and waited quietly. At this time, Shen Shu came over, Ye Sui looked over, Shen Shu was holding a black umbrella in his hand.

Shen Shu walked to the door and said: "Although it's cloudy, I'm still worried, I'd better hold an umbrella."

Ye Sui smiled, she opened her mouth and said hello. After finishing speaking, Ye Sui realized that Shen Shu couldn't hear her voice.

Ye Sui raised her hand and knocked on the door to show that she knew.

Shen Shu took the umbrella and walked out, Ye Sui walked beside him, there was a distance between them, Shen Shu's yang energy would not affect her.

There was still some distance from the entrance of the hospital. Before he reached the entrance, Shen Shu had already held up his umbrella. The black umbrella was opened and propped above his head, as if casting a shadow.

Shen Shu said softly: "Let's go out." The umbrella was so big that even if Ye Sui stood beside Shen Shu, the two would not touch each other.

Shen Shu walked out, he tilted his hand, and tilted most of the umbrella to the side, and he only stood at a corner under the umbrella, so that Ye Sui could stand beside him safely.

The car was parked not far in front, and it was just a short walk away. On the way, many people saw this scene, and they were very surprised.

This man was young and handsome. It was a cloudy day, but he was holding an umbrella. His hand was on the umbrella, making his fingers look slender and pale.

The man looked to the side from time to time, with a smile in the corner of his eyes. His thin lips parted slightly, as if speaking to the air beside him.

Passers-by turned their heads one after another, not because of Shen Shu's overly handsome face, but because of his weird behavior.

Holding a black umbrella on a cloudy day is already very strange. What's even more strange is that the man doesn't seem to be holding an umbrella for himself. He seems to be holding an umbrella for others. Otherwise, why would the umbrellas be tilted to the other side

The man was still muttering to the air.

Some people couldn't help but rubbed their eyes. Could it be that they saw it wrong? But looking closely, there was indeed no one under the black umbrella except this handsome man.

Cloudy sky, black umbrella, muttering to himself... This picture is too weird, but too harmonious.

Shen Shu didn't care at all that the passers-by looked back, he walked to the car without putting the umbrella away. He opened the car door and said softly, "If you come up, just let me know."

Ye Sui had already sat in the passenger seat. She stretched out her hand, and gently touched the wind chime with her slender fingers.

There was clearly no wind, but the bell automatically made a crisp sound without wind.

Shen Shu was stunned, and he smiled wryly: "I forgot, you don't need me to open the door for you." Ye Sui is the soul, she can now pass through these things without hindrance.

Ye Sui looked at Shen Shu, with a hint of helplessness on the corner of his mouth.

After Shen Shu made sure that Ye Sui had sat in the car, he put away his umbrella: "We'll leave now."

A person passed by, and he saw Shen Shu talking to himself in the air, looking like he was enjoying it.

The man shook his head and said regretfully: "It's a pity." It's a pity that this man is so good-looking, but he is a lunatic.

Outsiders' comments and comments have nothing to do with Shen Shu Yesui, they only care about each other. The car started and headed towards the temple.

The car stopped, Shen Shu opened the umbrella, Shen Shu was about to enter the temple, but he stopped, he was still a little worried, looked at the air and confirmed again: "Can you really enter the temple?"

A line of words appeared on the ground: "I can."

When Ye Sui arrived at the temple, she didn't feel as uncomfortable as she imagined. On the contrary, she felt very comfortable, with a slight sense of peace.

It seems that she came to the right place today.

At this time, a little girl came to Shen Shu's side, holding a flower basket in her hand, with clusters of bright flowers in it, the girl asked timidly, "Brother, do you want to buy flowers?"

This brother is good-looking and has a good temper.

Shen Shu thought for a while: "Okay."

Shen Shu looked down and picked out some of the most beautiful flowers. Shen Shu paid the money, and the little girl left. The little girl walked a few steps and looked back.

Shen Shu picked up the flowers he just bought, bent down, and gently placed the flowers on the ground, and seemed to say a few words to the flowers, with a gentle look on his face.

The little girl wondered, this brother is really strange, why did he put the flowers on the ground. She couldn't figure it out and left,

Ye Sui looked at the flower, bent down and stroked the petals, her eyes were extremely complicated. Then, she stood up and stared at Shen Shu.

Shen Shu had already walked under the eaves, but he didn't put away his umbrella. What he was worried about was that Ye Sui failed to follow him in and was stopped outside the hall.

Shen Shu looked to the side, his heart was raised there, and he asked worriedly: "Have you come in yet?"

Seeing Shen Shu's expression, Ye Sui smiled. Ye Sui looked at the top of the umbrella, she tiptoed lightly, raised her hand to touch the switch of the umbrella, and pressed it.

With a "click", the umbrella was put away.

Shen Shu's heart was finally relieved, and he finally smiled: "You are right, the gods will not stop you." Ye Sui also looked at him and smiled.

There were not many pilgrims in the temple today, compared to usual, the temple was a bit deserted, Shen Shu walked in.

The abbot came over, glanced at Shen Shu's black umbrella, his expression did not show any strangeness: "What is the purpose of benefactor Shen coming here?"

Shen Shu glanced at the Buddha statue and said calmly: "I have a wish, and I hope the gods can help me fulfill it."

The abbot didn't stay any longer, he looked at Shen Shu: "Benefactor Shen, please follow me." The abbot led Shen Shu to the Buddha statue, and then he left.

Shen Shu looked at the Buddha statue and knelt down reverently. Ye Sui followed him and knelt not far from him.

Shen Shu clasped his hands together and put them on his chest. He looked at the Buddha statue and said seriously: "If there is a god in this world, I hope that one of my wishes can be fulfilled."

Shen Shu glanced at the air beside him, through which he seemed to see Ye Sui's face.

A smile appeared on the corners of Shen Shu's lips, and then he turned his head to look at the Buddha statue, speaking in a very pious tone, saying every word very seriously.

"I am willing to give half of the rest of my life to my wife and share my life with my wife."

The most cherished person in his life is Ye Sui, if Ye Sui is gone, then what is the meaning of his life.

He was willing to give anything to wake her up, even if it was his life.

Because life without her is meaningless. Things have come to this point, what else can he not give up.

Ye Sui's expression froze, she looked at Shen Shu in disbelief. Shen Shu came to the temple not just to beg her to wake up, he had already made plans to share his life with her.

Ye Sui already knows that there are ghosts in the world, and she herself is a ghost now, so it is very likely that there are gods in the world.

In other words, if Shen Shu's wish comes true, he will really lose his life. No, she doesn't want him to do that.

Ye Sui forgot that Shen Shu's yang energy would burn her, so she ran towards Shen Shu desperately, trying to stop him. When Ye Sui's hand barely touched Shen Shu, at that moment, severe pain suddenly penetrated into her fingertips.

Bone-piercing pain.

Ye Sui let out a painful "Ah", she immediately withdrew her hand, but her fingertips were already red and swollen. Ye Sui gave a wry smile, she had forgotten that she couldn't touch Chen Shu.

Shen Shu's voice was slow and clear, falling into the air: "As long as my wife can wake up, I am willing to do anything."

Tears fell in Ye Sui's eyes, she shook her head, and looked at Shen Shu with tears in her eyes: "Stop talking, I don't want to share your life, I want you to live well..."

Shen Shu couldn't hear Ye Sui's cry, he bent down, his tall body bent, and his head lightly touched the ground.

He closed his eyes with a reverent and respectful expression. The light fell on his face, his profile was elegant and clear, and the indifferent coldness turned into softness.

At this moment, Shen Shu's heart was extremely calm, without any distracting thoughts, the only thing he was thinking about was the wish he made just now. He sincerely made this wish, hoping that Ye Sui could wake up.

Ye Sui knew that she couldn't stop Shen Shu, she fell powerlessly to the ground, she looked at Shen Shu with tears in her eyes.

Ye Sui turned her head and glanced at the Buddha statue, the light poured down, half of the Buddha statue fell in the light, and the other half was hidden in the darkness.

At first glance, the Buddha statue is half-lit and half-dark, as if standing in the indistinct mist.

I don't know if it's Ye Sui's illusion, but the Buddha statue at this time seems to have a trace of pity and compassion.

Time changes, the world is impermanent, and lovers in the world are scattered and meet, but this noble Buddha always sits quietly in the world, hidden in the thousands of rays of light, and sees through everything in the world.

At this time, a bird flew into the hall. The bird was very beautiful, and its feathers were so white that there was almost no variegation.

It circled several times in the air, passed the Buddha statue, and finally stopped on the beam of the house. It lowered its head and smoothed its feathers with its mouth, looking very contented.

Then, it flew out again, left the temple, spread its wings and flew into the sky, where it disappeared into a tiny black spot in the sky, and finally disappeared completely.

Outside the hall, there are towering trees. The trunk is straight, and the branches and leaves are very lush. This thick endless green makes people feel peaceful.

A few scattered cicadas suddenly fell in the air, bringing a bit of heat. After a while, the wind blew over, the leaves shook, and a few leaves fell slowly.

After a while, the cicadas stopped singing, the leaves were still, and there was no more sound outside the hall.

At some point, the pilgrims of the temple gradually left, the footsteps disappeared, and the abbot disappeared, leaving only Shen Shu and Ye Sui in the hall.

All returned to calm.

At this time, the inside and outside of the hall were all silent, the air was flowing slowly, everything seemed normal, but it seemed that something was quietly changing.

Shen Shu was still kneeling in front of the hall, he suddenly felt his head sink and his vision was a little blurred. Dimly, he felt his body floating upwards, becoming lighter and lighter.

Something seemed to be pulled out of the body.

When Shen Shu opened his eyes again, he looked up and froze there. He actually saw Ye Sui. Ye Sui's face was pale, with tears on her cheeks, and she also looked at herself in disbelief.

Shen Shu turned into a soul

When Shen Shu was shocked, his heart suddenly burst into great ecstasy, his voice trembled violently: "Ye Sui, can I see you?"

He stared at Ye Sui obsessively, his black eyes fixed on Ye Sui, and he never took his eyes off for a moment. There were turbulent waves surging in the dark eyes, every inch, every minute was her shadow.

Shen Shu was so surprised, he opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

Shen Shu managed to calm down, tears were hidden in his eyes, and he said, "I finally saw you." Ye Sui blinked and also shed tears.

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui steadfastly, and leaned forward, wanting to hold Ye Sui in his arms. But when he was still a few steps away from Ye Sui, he stopped abruptly.

He didn't forget that his yang energy would burn Ye Sui, so he couldn't get close to her. The more you cherish her, the less you dare to approach her.

Ye Sui sniffed, and she pointed to the ground: "Look."

Shen Shu looked down and was completely stunned. The person kneeling in front of the Buddha statue, with exactly the same face as him, turned out to be himself.

How could there be two of him now? Could it be that…

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui, Ye Sui was a soul, but he could actually see her, which meant that the two of them were the same now, they were both souls.

This time, he could finally hold her in his arms.

Shen Shu took a few steps forward, hugged Ye Sui tightly into his arms, the soft touch in his hands was so real, Shen Shu couldn't control his emotions, he murmured: "I'm very worried about you, don't leave me again."

Ye Sui hugged Shen Shu back, she wanted to speak, but she was so choked up that she couldn't speak. She could only hug him tightly, and only when she embraced him so intimately did she feel that this moment was not her illusion.

Shen Shu raised his hand and caressed Ye Sui's cheek, his movements were extremely light, slow, and extremely precious.

After a while, the mood of the two gradually calmed down. Ye Sui looked at the Buddha statue with complicated emotions: "It is the gods who helped us."

Before, she was willing to trade her life for her life, to exchange her death for Shen Shu's life. But now, Shen Shu is willing to share his life with her in exchange for her to wake up.

They are such a pair of idiots.

Shen Shu: "If this is the case, it is a good thing, then we can be together forever."

Shen Shu held Ye Sui's hand, and the two looked deeply at each other, not wanting to separate for a moment. At this moment, Shen Shu felt a powerful force pulling him.

His body moved back uncontrollably, even though he tried his best to hold Ye Sui's hand, he was still falling backwards.

The hands of the two separated little by little, and Ye Sui disappeared in front of his eyes in the next second. Shen Shu was shocked and his voice was hoarse: "Ye Sui—"

After an unknown amount of time, Shen Shu opened his eyes. He was still in the hall, maintaining the kneeling posture at the beginning.

The surroundings were as calm as ever, and he couldn't see Ye Sui, what happened just now was like a long and distant dream he had.

Shen Shu murmured: "Ye Sui..."

At this time, the abbot of the temple walked in, and the abbot said, "Sovereign Shen, it's getting late, it's time to leave."

Shen Shu looked outside the hall, the light outside was dim, the afterglow of the setting sun enveloped the earth, it was already dusk.

It was still noon when he knelt down to make a wish, but now that he woke up, it was dusk. How long had he knelt down to pray

What was he doing with those passing hours? Why did he see Ye Sui just now? Was that really his hallucination

Shen Shu was puzzled, he asked: "Just now I..."

The abbot interrupted Shen Shu's words: "Benefactor Shen, those who have a predestined relationship will get together, and those who have no predestined relationship don't need to force it."

The abbot bowed his head: "Benefactor Shen, please."

Shen Shu nodded to the abbot and left here. The abbot looked at Shen Shu's back and shook his head, idiot.

Shen Shu wanted to know if Ye Sui was still by his side, so he asked softly, "Are you here?"

There was no wind around, and even the leaves didn't change and blow, and it was silent, so quiet that it was shocking.

Shen Shu asked again: "If you are here, just write a line on the ground and tell me."

Shen Shu lowered his head and stared at the ground fixedly, for a long time there was no writing on the ground. There are fine dust on the ground, there are leaves falling slowly, and there are scattered stones...

But there is no handwriting, Ye Sui is not here.

Shen Shu's heart contracted a few times suddenly, feeling uneasy in his heart, he raised his head, looked forward, and asked without giving up: "Ye Sui, are you here?"

However, no one answered him, only the sound of whimpering wind passing through the soundless and silent air.

Shen Shu's heart was empty, he walked forward, his steps were very slow, every step seemed to exhaust all his strength.

He thought in despair and loss, Ye Sui's soul was with him before, but now, her soul is gone.

He should not have come to the temple, it was his fault.

Shen Shu started the car, and the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital. Shen Shu walked out of the ward, he pushed open the door of the ward in despair.

The whole person was extremely silent, lost all vitality, like a puppet without a soul.

He looked up at the hospital bed, but froze there. He met a pair of black and clear eyes, so familiar and beautiful.

leaf spike.

Ye Sui was lying on the bed, she turned her head, and just looked at Shen Shu quietly, as lively as a rose flower, her eyes were full of unspeakable emotions.

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui in disbelief, his body stiffened, Shen Shu thought it was the dream come back again.

He asked anxiously and cautiously: "Ye Sui, is that you?"

Ye Sui looked at Shen Shu without blinking, she opened her thin lips, and slowly read his name, word by word, very clearly: "Shen Shu."

Ye Sui's eyes were filled with tears, she bent her lips, but the tears fell down.

"I am back."