The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 140


Ye Sui's voice has not changed, but due to the long period of coma, her throat is dry and sore, and her voice is also slightly hoarse.

Every time I said a word, it seemed as if it was forced out of my throat, and I could feel a strong pain coming from my throat.

Even so, she still wanted Shen Shu to know that she was awake.

Shen Shu was stunned on the spot, his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, and he even forgot to walk towards her.

About a minute passed before Shen Shu raised his footsteps. He walked towards Ye Sui's hospital bed step by step, his eyes fixed on her face.

He didn't dare to blink, fearing that if he moved his eyelids, she would disappear.

Shen Shu approached Ye Sui cautiously, afraid that it was his hallucination, afraid that everything in front of him was just a dream that could wake up at any time.

Shen Shu stretched out his hand and touched Ye Sui's face, his movements were as clumsy as a child's. The real soft touch reached his fingertips, as well as the pair of clear and bright eyes in front of him.

After hesitating for half a second, Shen Shu opened his mouth, and the first sentence was: "Do you want some water?"

Before Ye Sui could reply, Shen Shu went to help her. He carefully wrapped her arms around her light and thin body, and let her lean on the hospital bed.

After sleeping for so long, Ye Sui only felt that her body was so heavy, as if it weighed a thousand catties, and it was dragging her so that she couldn't get up.

Ye Sui barely leaned against the bed, watching Shen Shu pick up the thermos from the bedside table.

She knew that every day, Shen Shu would prepare warm water in the thermos and replace it in time to ensure that she could drink water after waking up.

It's just that every day, she didn't wake up.

Ye Sui could clearly see everything Shen Shu did. Her nose was sore and she wanted to cry. But his eyes were so dry that he couldn't even shed tears.

The water poured in the morning is still warm. Shen Shu handed it to Ye Sui's lips, and fed her to drink.

Ye Sui took a small sip, and after drinking a glass of water, she felt much more relaxed. She was finally able to speak smoothly: "Shen Shu."

"I went to the temple and had a dream about you..." Xu was so happy that Shen Shu even spoke incoherently, "At that time you..."

Ye Sui smiled: "You brought me back."

Shen Shu stopped speaking immediately, that is to say, he really saw Ye Sui's soul and brought her home. For a moment, he didn't know how to speak.

There are really many things in this world that science cannot explain. Whether it's Ye Sui's supernatural physique, or her accident after being scratched by the Heavenly Master's sword... it can all prove that the soul is real.

Could it be that the wish he made came true

From now on, his lifespan will be shared with Ye Sui, and she now owns half of his lifespan.

No matter how much time they have left, no matter what happens in the future, Shen Shu will stay by Ye Sui's side. Shen Shu wants to see a healthy and safe Ye Sui, and spend the rest of his life with her.

He will never put Ye Sui in danger again...

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui, her figure was already slender, but after going through this, she became even more slender, and the large hospital gown was worn loosely on her body.

Shen Shu's heart ached so much, this is his Ye Sui.

Now that they meet again, he will definitely take good care of her in the future.

"By the way, I'll call the doctor first." Shen Shu was a little flustered, and Ye Sui had just woken up, so he didn't know how her condition was.

He only focused on talking to Ye Sui, how could he forget such an important matter.

As soon as the words fell, Shen Shu stood up, didn't talk to Ye Sui again, and hurried to the door of the ward. He opened the door and ran out quickly.

Ye Sui only saw Shen Shu's hurried back, she burst out laughing.

Ye Sui moved her head, looked at the bell beside the hospital bed, she reached out her hand helplessly and rang the bell. Shen Shu was so impatient that he forgot even this.

When the nurse came to the ward, Shen Shu happened to bring Meng Han to the ward too.

They ran all the way, and Meng Han couldn't even catch his breath. He couldn't stop either, because as soon as he reached the door of the ward, Shen Shu quickly dragged him to Ye Sui's bedside.

"When did you wake up? Did you feel anything different after waking up?" Shen Shu brought Meng Han over before he could ask any questions.

"Just woke up, I don't know her condition yet." Shen Shu urged, "You check her body first."

"Okay." Meng Han nodded, without saying much, and with the cooperation of the nurse, he roughly checked Ye Sui's physical condition.

The more he checked, the more strange Meng Han felt. He frowned. No matter how he looked at it, there was nothing wrong with Ye Sui's physical signs.

Just like when Ye Sui started to fall asleep, every time she was checked, her vital signs were fine, but she couldn't wake up.

Seeing Meng Han's frown, Shen Shu panicked: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Meng Han shook his head, then smiled at them: "Ye Sui, it's really a miracle that you can wake up."

Shen Shu and Ye Sui were stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood what Meng Han meant, but the deep meaning was unknown to others, only the two of them knew.

The two looked at each other, neither of them said anything, and there was a knowing smile on their faces.

Meng Han sensed the delicate atmosphere between the couple, and he couldn't guess what they were thinking. It's good that Ye Sui wakes up, during the days when she was in a coma, Shen Shu's soul seemed to follow her.

Meng Han attributed Ye Sui's awakening to a miracle, probably because Shen Shu's belief was too strong.

"Do a comprehensive physical examination later, and you can stay in the hospital for observation for a while." Meng Han said, "Wait until you are sure you can be discharged from the hospital."

After speaking, Meng Han and the nurse left the ward together.

The news of Ye Sui's awakening was quickly told to Yan Lan and Shen's family. But her body is too weak to have too many visitors in the ward.

Many people who came to see Ye Sui were turned away by Shen Shu, only Yan Lan stayed with her in the ward for a while.

Shen Shu had already publicly promised everyone at the press conference that as long as Ye Sui made any new progress, he would immediately tell everyone.

That night, Hua Rui's official Weibo finally updated a post related to Ye Sui. They only posted four simple words, and Ye Sui woke up.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Sui's studio also forwarded this Weibo, confirming the authenticity of the news.

It's half past eleven in the evening. Netizens have finished their day's work, and they are playing on their mobile phones. It's almost time for bedtime.

This four-character Weibo was like a boulder thrown into the sea, stirring up waves.

The paparazzi who were about to rest suddenly woke up and couldn't sleep anymore. They immediately followed the news and contacted Huarui's official spokesperson.

Huarui's proprietress, Ye Sui, the most popular actress, woke up after being in a coma for almost a month!

The netizens didn't sleep anymore, Ye Sui woke up, and then and then.

Is she okay, can she return to normal life in the future, can she continue to make movies... Everyone has too many questions to get answers.

"Wuwu Sui Sui, you know how many times I've watched your movies, and finally you woke up! Take a rest and let us see what you look like now."

"Ye Sui has just woken up, she must be very weak, the paparazzi must not disturb her rest. Please give Ye Sui and Shen Shu a clean life."

"I've been watching until two o'clock. Why is there no new news? I'm so anxious. How is Ye Sui's current physical condition? Hua Rui will come out and give an explanation."

Huarui's public relations department's phone number has been bombarded by reporters, and the Weibo has also been bombarded by netizens. Cheng Sheng, the head of the public relations department, could only seek Shen Shu's opinion, and after Shen Shu's consent, he posted a new Weibo.

[Thank you for your concern. After the examination, Ye Sui is in good health and is still gradually recovering. The progress will be made public on Weibo in the future.]

Netizens who waited for most of the night finally let go of their hearts, put down their phones and went to sleep.

Ye Sui slept all night and didn't know about the turmoil on the Internet. Her every move now affects everyone's heart.

Waking up early in the morning, the whole internet was covered with her news, Shen Shu received the push, and showed Ye Sui his phone.

[The popular actress Ye Sui wakes up from a coma in January and is in good health and can return to normal life]

[Is it a medical miracle or the power of money, Huarui's wife Ye Sui wakes up from a serious illness]

[Mr. Huarui Shen's sincerity moved the heavens, and he waited for his wife to finally wake up infatuatedly]

Seeing these exaggerated news, Ye Sui looked indifferent: "..."

Although there is nothing wrong with what they want to express, isn't the title of this bosom friend a bit too strange? As the heroine of bosom friend news, she feels a lot of pressure.

After finishing breakfast with Ye Sui, Shen Shu took her for a walk in the ward.

Ye Sui's body has been in a deep sleep for too long, and she is a little stiff. She can't walk normally for the time being, but is sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed by Shen Shu.

Ye Sui, who just woke up, was carefully cared for by Shen Shu, who would help her with every little thing.

Time seemed to pass quickly, and it was noon in a blink of an eye. Shen Shu went out for a while, and brought back Ye Sui's lunch.

Ye Sui watched Shen Shu helplessly, and took out all the food. The small table on the hospital bed was not big, and when it was full, Shen Shu still held a thermos cup in his hand.

Open the lid of the thermos cup, and inside is a Shiquan Dabu soup.

Even though the doctor told Shen Shu that Ye Sui's body is weak and cannot be nourished, but he still asked someone to cook a nutritious soup.

The thermos cup was handed to Ye Sui, and the rich aroma of ingredients wafted out immediately.

Shen Shu's concept is different from others: "If you don't drink it, it's good to smell it."

Ye Sui: "..."

She really wanted to teach Shen Shu if it was not good to be so wasteful, but looking at Shen Shu's sincere face and serious expression, she couldn't say anything.

Ye Sui could only follow Shen Shu's words and put her head close to feel the nutritional value of Shiquan Dabu Decoction.

When Yan Lan and Wang Chuan opened the door, they saw such a picture.

Ye Sui pushed away a full can of soup and said, "I'm full."

After Ye Sui smelled the can of Shiquan Dabu soup, it had fully exerted its effect. The jar was carried to another table in the ward.

According to the dietitian's collocation, Shen Shu added vegetables to Ye Sui to ensure that she could absorb sufficient nutrition and recover as soon as possible.

During the meal, Ye Sui never touched the tonic soup.

Wang Chuan pointed to the Shiquan Dabu Soup that was neglected and no one cared about it: "This soup..." No one drinks it

Before the second half of the sentence was spoken, Shen Shu turned his head slowly and looked at Wang Chuan. The eyes of the two met, Wang Chuan inexplicably felt a chill hit his back, and immediately stopped talking.

The meaning in Shen Shu's eyes is obvious, this is what my family Ye Sui used to make up his body.

When Wang Chuan had already decided to give up the can of soup, Ye Sui's voice suddenly sounded behind Shen Shu: "I can't drink it."

"Wang Chuan, drink it."

"Thank you, Mrs. Shen!" Wang Chuan quickly changed his address and blocked Shen Shu's mouth. As soon as he finished speaking, he sat on the sofa with the tonic soup and drank it.

This sentence Mrs. Shen made Shen Shu feel comfortable all over,

In the next few days, there will still be a Shiquan Dabu soup at noon every day. So, the tonic soup that was boiled for Ye Sui every day ended up in Wang Chuan's stomach.

One day a week later, they didn't see Wang Chuan all day.

Ye Sui felt strange: "Wang Chuan didn't come today?"

Shen Shu said calmly: "He's sick, he asked for leave today and didn't go to work, maybe he needs to rest for a while."

Ye Sui: "Will you get sick after drinking so much soup?"

"I don't know." Shen Shu shook his head calmly, he was very clear that Wang Chuan got sick because he drank too much tonic soup because of his greedy mouth.

Wang Chuan, who was lying at home, thought, this is probably the price, Mr. Shen's love soup is really not something ordinary people can drink casually.

How could he suffer so much after drinking Boss Shen's tonic soup.

The days flew by, Ye Sui stayed in the hospital for a while, and every physical examination report showed that she was very healthy now.

Ye Sui can already be discharged from the hospital. If there is a problem after returning home, she will return to the hospital immediately.

Ye Sui and Shen Shu decided to do one thing before leaving the hospital, to go to the temple to fulfill their vows. They all believed that when Ye Sui woke up, it was the gods who were helping them.

When they arrived at the temple, they both fulfilled their vows devoutly. Before leaving, they knelt there again, facing the Buddha statue, and clasped their hands together.

Looking at the Buddha statue, they all bent down, their heads lightly fell to the ground, and they bowed a few times devoutly, with extremely serious expressions.

They closed their eyes and murmured the same thing in their hearts, thanking the gods for reuniting them, how lucky they were.

They will cherish this hard-won reunion very much, fate treats them kindly, and they will spend every day with heart.

After fulfilling their vows, Ye Sui and Shen Shu were just about to leave the temple when they inadvertently saw a woman standing next to the abbot with her back to them, but her back looked somewhat familiar.

Ye Sui watched for a while and recognized this person, she was a little surprised and said, "Why is it Master Zhu?"

As soon as Shen Shu saw Zhu Tianshi, he thought of Zhu Tianshi's master stabbing Ye Sui with a sword, which made Ye Sui unconscious for so long and separated them for so long.

Shen Shu's complexion suddenly darkened. Ye Sui knew what Shen Shu was thinking, she held Shen Shu's hand tightly, and the two intertwined their fingers, Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui, his expression softened slightly.

Ye Sui and Shen Shu walked out of the hall, at this moment, Zhu Tianshi's voice sounded behind him: "Miss Ye Sui."

Ye Sui paused, she turned and looked behind her, Zhu Tianshi was standing there, she looked at Ye Sui with complicated emotions.

Ye Sui nodded politely: "Master Zhu."

Zhu Tianshi took a few steps forward and looked at Shen Shu: "Mr. Shen."

Then, Zhu Tianshi looked at Ye Sui again: "You finally woke up, otherwise I will feel sorry for the rest of my life."

Ye Sui shook her head: "It's none of your business."

Although the old Tianshi stabbed her, these things had nothing to do with Zhu Tianshi. At that time, Zhu Tianshi wanted to stop his master from killing the general ghost, but he failed.

Zhu Tianshi smiled wryly: "The night Master stabbed you, he accidentally fell down the stairs, and his foot hasn't recovered until now."

Ye Sui and Shen Shu were stunned, Zhu Tianshi continued: "The doctor said, my master's feet should have recovered long ago, but he really can't stand up."

Zhu Tianshi glanced at the Buddha statue and murmured: "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. Maybe my master has done too many things that shouldn't be done, so..."

Zhu Tianshi didn't finish his words, but Ye Sui already knew what she wanted to say, so her master got retribution.

Zhu Tianshi left, Ye Sui looked at Shen Shu, and said with emotion: "The world is really impermanent."

She blocked the sword of the old master for the general ghosts, and she fell into a coma. And the old heavenly master killed all the ghosts regardless of whether they were good or evil.

Now she is awake, but the old celestial master can't walk. It really is karmic reincarnation, the world is impermanent.

Shen Shu also felt a lot, his eyes moved slightly, he held Ye Sui's hand tightly, and his voice was clear and clear: "But we will definitely go on together."

Ye Sui and Shen Shu left the temple, the heat wave was surging outside the temple and the sound of cicadas fell, but the inside of the temple was not hot and the air was cold.

The summer sun fell, illuminating the earth outside, but not into the temple. The light in the hall was dim, but the Buddha statue seemed to be shrouded in a layer of holy and clear light.

The pilgrims came and went, and the Buddha statue sat there quietly, with a compassionate and peaceful expression, as usual.

The day she was discharged from the hospital happened to be Ye Sui's birthday.

After staying in the hospital for so long, Ye Sui doesn't remember her birthday. She only thought that she could go home after being discharged from the hospital.

The car drove to the villa area, Ye Sui got out of the car, and Shen Shu followed her closely, for fear that she might not be able to walk steadily. With the familiar house in front of him, Ye Sui entered the password and opened the door.

The sun shone from behind, scrambling to rush into the darkness, and a bright beam of light suddenly illuminated the inside.

Strangely, it was pitch black inside the room.

It's clearly daytime, why do you have to draw the curtains

Ye Sui walked into the living room, and the door was closed by Shen Shu. I didn't turn on the light, and now after closing the door, I can clearly see candles burning on the table.

She lowered her head and saw red rose petals clustered around her feet.

The furnishings at home are exactly the same as the ones on the hotel rooftop when Shen Shu proposed marriage that night.

It's just that there was an extra box of paper roses on the table, which was folded by Shen Shu himself one by one when Ye Sui was sick and comatose.

Before Ye Sui was discharged from the hospital, Shen Shu took away all the roses and put them in a box.

That day was the eve of Shen Shu's 30th birthday, the two of them had already made preparations, but something unexpected happened. At that time, Ye Sui didn't see everything that Shen Shu prepared with all his heart. Now, he restored that scene again.

Ye Sui walked cautiously, afraid of crushing the petals on the ground, Shen Shu's deep voice sounded behind her.

"The day before my birthday, this is what I want to show you."

Ye Sui turned her head and glanced at Shen Shu, she knew that Shen Shu should want to propose that day.

Ye Sui walked to the table, picked up the red wine and goblet, and looked at them carefully.

She just picked up the red wine, and before she could do anything else, she was immediately stopped by Shen Shu. Shen Shu took the red wine in her hand and put it back on the table.

Ye Sui is just recovering from a serious illness, Shen Shu will take care of her life: "You can't touch alcohol."

"Then why was there red wine on the day you proposed?" Ye Sui didn't understand, they didn't drink much, and both of them were people who couldn't drink.

Shen Shu didn't answer, Ye Sui stared at him for a while.

Shen Shu was silent for a while, and had no choice but to tell the truth: "You said that after drinking, you will become much more courageous."

Ye Sui: "..."

Faced with such a simple thought, Ye Sui didn't know how to answer. She coughed a few times, and teased Shen Shu by the way: "Next time, what do you want me to do to you."

Ye Sui looked into Shen Shu's eyes seriously, and said solemnly: "You must tell me directly."

Shen Shu was stunned, his cheeks flushed slightly under the shadowy candlelight. After a while, he hummed in a low voice.

"What is that?" Ye Sui was a little curious.

Following Ye Sui's finger, Shen Shu looked over, and there was an exquisite and beautiful gift box on the table, tied with a ribbon, like a gift.

Before Shen Shu could reply, Ye Sui walked over by herself, untied the ribbon, and opened the gift box. The lid was lifted, and the contents inside were clearly visible.

It was a whole box of roses.

Shen explained what to do with so many roses.

When Ye Sui counted the number of roses, her eyes suddenly became wet. Because of how many roses there were, she fell into a coma for a few days.

These days are too heavy for Shen Shu, he doesn't want to count the days, so he replaces them with roses.

Ye Sui tried her best to suppress her tears, and looked carefully at the box of roses.

The dim candlelight was flickering, and the roses were dyed with dots of candlelight, making them very beautiful. She reached out and touched the paper roses.

Judging from the days, from the roses she folded on the first day to the roses she folded the day before she woke up...the method is obviously very different.

Every rose seems to record a day of thinking about leaf ears.

From being immature to proficient, Rose is getting more and more beautiful, but Ye Sui can imagine that the longer she is in a coma, Shen Shu's mood should be more and more desperate.

Shen Shu is a clumsy person who doesn't know how to say nice words of love. He always uses his actions to express his serious and careful love.

"Shen Shu, I'm very satisfied." Ye Sui's eyes were a little red.

Satisfied with everything you have done to me, satisfied with the future you want to have with me...

Even though Ye Sui said it himself, Shen Shu still had many, many dissatisfaction. He just wanted to bring the best things in the world to her.

But I always feel like I'm not doing enough.

Shen Shu shook his head: "I still owe you one thing."

Ye Sui didn't understand: "What?"

Shen Shu bent his lips, approached Ye Sui, breathed in her ear, and uttered four words: "A wedding."

Ye Sui was startled for a moment, she didn't speak, and Shen Shu didn't get her answer.

When Shen Shu was about to get up and looked into her eyes, Ye Sui suddenly stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Shen Shu's neck. He happened to be beside her, being embraced in his arms.

All regrets have been made up, and there is only fulfillment between them.