The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 143: The second baby


Ye Sui has never experienced such pain, but fortunately she has Shen Shu by her side, otherwise she is not sure if she can persist.

The time in the delivery room became very long, and after a long time, the only thing Ye Sui could remember was Shen Shu's hand holding her, and the last cry of the baby.

Ye Sui couldn't even ask whether she was giving birth to a son or a daughter, so she relaxed and fell asleep.

It was okay for Ye Sui to sleep, but Shen Shu thought something happened to Ye Sui, he didn't even look at the child, and immediately asked the doctor.

The doctor smiled and told Shen Shu that Ye Sui was just asleep.

Ye Sui turned to the ward, and Shen Shu followed, completely forgetting about the newborn child.

After receiving the notice, Mr. Shen also rushed to the hospital overnight, and waited for the news outside the delivery room together. They saw Shen Shu's statement and wanted to ask about the situation.

Unexpectedly, Shen Shu didn't even look at them, but only looked at Ye Sui, and there was nothing else in his eyes.

Old man Shen knew that he couldn't hear anything about the child from Shen Shu at this time. In the end, the nurse pushed the child out and informed Yan Lan and the others.

"Mother and child are safe."

Old man Shen was overjoyed, he had longed for Shen Shu to have a child, and now that his most important grandson had arrived, he could redouble what he could not accomplish with Shen Shu on this child.

No matter where he came from, Mr. Shen wanted to make up for the regrets of the year.

Yan Lan first took a look at Ye Sui, saw that Shen Shu had been guarding her side, turned around and left the ward, ready to visit the child his father had forgotten.

Yan Lan thought, anyway, before Ye Sui woke up, Shen Shu would not remember that he had a son.

Ye Sui felt as if she had slept for a long time, when she slowly opened her eyes, she subconsciously looked down at her stomach.

At this time, her stomach is already flat, and when she puts her hand on it, she will not feel the fetal movement before.

Ye Sui turned her head sideways, the sun outside the window was bright, and the fine dust was light and thin, undulating in the air.

The warm sunlight fell on the man on her left. Shen Shu held her hand and was still asleep. In his sleep, his brows were still furrowed, as if he was holding a heart all the time.

Ye Sui smiled silently, she stretched out her free other hand, and gently placed it on Shen Shu's head.

Soon, Shen Shu moved slightly, and he opened his eyes, just in time to meet Ye Sui's eyes looking at him, with a smile in his eyes.

Shen Shu was stunned for a while, and immediately woke up. He just wanted to speak, but Ye Sui opened his hands to him, making a gesture of hugging.

Shen Shu didn't react, but he subconsciously stood up and bent down. He was afraid of hurting Ye Sui, so he held her lightly and wrapped her around her gently.

However, Ye Sui hugged Shen Shu's neck, and exerted force with his hands, shortening the distance between them all of a sudden.

Ye Sui tilted her head slightly, and whispered something clearly in Shen Shu's ear.

"Congratulations, Shen Shu, you have another family member."

Shen Shu's heart skipped a beat, and then he laughed.

Ye Sui always knew that Shen Shu wanted to find a real family member who would be with him all the time and would not leave him at any moment, a family member who truly loved him.

Before Shen Shu had an extra Ye Sui, Ye Sui would really love him and do his best, but now he has another child who is connected by blood.

Shen Shu kissed Ye Sui's side face: "I love you."

Ye Sui laughed, "Me too."

When Shen Shu saw the child for the first time, his whole body was stiff, because Yan Lan directly stuffed the baby into Shen Shu's arms.

And Ye Sui was sitting on the head of the bed, clutching her stomach, smiling and expressing her reaction.

Shen Shu felt the soft touch under his hands, and his forehead was instantly covered with a thin layer of sweat. Fortunately, the baby in his arms was still asleep with his eyes closed. If he cried, Shen Shu was afraid that he would miss and fall.

Ye Sui didn't intend to help at all, because she couldn't do it either, and she had never held a child before, so she could only let Shen Shu learn more.

Shen Shu maintained the same posture and didn't dare to move at all. He looked at the baby in his arms, even though the baby didn't open his eyes, he could still vaguely see the facial features.

Shen Shu had never seen what other newborn babies looked like, but the child in front of him was very delicate, and he could see the appearance of Ye Sui and Shen Shu.

When Shen Shu saw that the baby looked a little like Ye Sui, he liked the extra daughter a little more in his heart.

She looks so beautiful, she must be my daughter.

Forgive Shen Shu for focusing on Ye Sui when he was in the delivery room, he didn't hear clearly whether the doctor was talking about a son or a daughter.

Shen Shu maintained the posture of hugging his "daughter", then slowly turned his head to look at Ye Sui: "What name do we want to name our daughter?"

Seeing that his "daughter" hadn't cried, Shen Shu's heart gradually relaxed, and he began to discuss with Ye Sui freely.

Ye Sui also fell into distress, frowning and trying to think about what to name her daughter, they had forgotten to choose a name before.

Ye Sui fell asleep after giving birth, so she couldn't remember what the doctor said, so she could only follow Shen Shu's train of thought.

Yan Lan, the only insider who stood aside, looked at the young couple with a headache, why didn't they even know the gender of the child.

She couldn't help but cut them off.

"It's a son, not a daughter."

Ye Sui was startled, and looked at Shen Shu who revealed the wrong information, and Shen Shu also lowered his head to look at the son in his arms with a blank expression.

Shen Shu found that he lost a daughter who looked like Ye Sui and gained a son.

The baby slept soundly, and didn't even wake up annoyed that he was almost mistaken for his gender by his parents. Instead, he smacked his little mouth a few times, and his belly rose and fell.

Because it was changed to a son, Shen Shu thought about deciding on the child's nickname first: "Choose a nickname first, and then choose the big name later."

Ye Sui thought of the name within a few seconds: "The nickname is Sleeping Sleep."

Shen Shu thought it was good when he heard it, and nodded: "The name sounds nice."

Generally, Shen Shu would agree to anything Ye Sui decided, almost to the point of obedience, not to mention he really thought the name was good.

Yan Lan watched her precious grandson be given a nickname like this. Shouldn't such a precious child's name be chosen out of thousands of choices and make a careful decision

Ye Sui didn't know Yan Lan's entanglement, and had already started to cry: "Sleep sleep so soundly."

The baby sleeping in Shen Shu's arms didn't respond at all, with his fists clenched in front of his chest, he fell asleep peacefully, occasionally spitting bubbles.

Being called by Ye Sui and Shen Shu, Yan Lan felt that the name was quite easy to pronounce.

After Ye Sui gave birth, she posted a Weibo to inform her fans.

"Sleeping is very cute, thank you for your concern."

Ye Sui also added a picture, a mosaic was made on Sleepy's face, and his small body was shot in. He clenched his fists, sleeping soundly, and his movements were so adorable.

Ye Sui directly announced his son's nickname on Weibo, and this name, which he thought of within a few seconds, received unanimous praise from fans.

"What a cute nickname. The children of Sui Sui and Mr. Shen will be super cute. I want to see what kind of baby will fascinate thousands of girls in the future."

"Sleep sleep, Sui Sui, these two names really match. If Mr. Shen didn't pronounce the name correctly, I think I can imagine the scene at that time."

"I'm going to set up a sleepy fan club right now, it's so cute."

After Ye Sui informed the fans, she began to take care of the child with peace of mind, but Ye Sui didn't help at all when it came to taking care of the child.

Not to mention whether it is because of her name, she sleeps for more than ten hours a day and falls asleep, only when she is hungry or when her diaper is wet, she will howl twice.

The rest of the time, Shuishui really stayed asleep.

And when Sleepy wakes up, Ye Sui doesn't need to hug him personally, in order to relieve Ye Sui's burden, Shen Shu reflexively walks over and hugs him when Sleepy cries.

Don't look at Shen Shu's whole body stiffened by the soft sleep when he first started hugging, but now the posture of holding the baby is getting more and more proficient.

Almost as soon as Shen Shu hugged him, the sleepy crying stopped, and he stayed quietly in Shen Shu's arms, biting his fists and looking at Shen Shu with wide eyes.

Ye Sui only needs to be responsible for teasing and sleeping, and she doesn't have to intervene in other matters.

When Sleepy could speak for the first time, it was Ye Sui who called.

"Mom, hug." Sleeping on his short legs, she followed Ye Sui step by step, stumbling, but not bothered.

Ye Sui was frightened by Sleepy's words, so she stopped immediately, but instead, Sleepy took advantage of it, and hugged Ye Sui's calf, and the chubby hand held onto it tightly.

"Hug." Sleeping Sleep begged for a hug in a childish voice.

Maybe it's because every time Shen Shu teases Sleepy, he points in Ye Sui's direction and asks him if he wants to be hugged by his mother, so that's what Sleepy said.

It's a pity that Shen Shu was still at the company and not at home, so he didn't hear this sentence. It was almost Shen Shu who took him with him, it was not Shen Shu who was called Sleepy.

Ye Sui patiently picked up Sleepy with her short legs and put them on her lap.

Ye Sui thought that her mother would say that her father is not far away, so she taught him word by word: "I want my father to hug me."

No matter how much Ye Sui drools, she just said a word back and forth in her sleeping mouth, Mom hugged her.

Ye Sui couldn't help laughing. When Shen Shu was raising the baby, how many good things about mothers did he instill in him, so now Sleepy feels that mothers are the best.

Ye Sui had no choice but to put on a small coat for Sleepy, put a hat on him, and went directly to Huarui Company. What if Sleepy could call out when she saw Shen Shu

Shen Shu didn't know that Ye Sui would come, and Ye Sui didn't tell him in advance, but went straight into the elevator and went up to the top floor.

It's not that Shen Shu hasn't brought Sleepy to the company before, but Sleepy was still very excited when she took the elevator, and kept looking around.

Ye Sui slept with one arm in her arms, and knocked on the office door with the other.

"Come in." Shen Shu's voice fell heavily, he did not expect that his two favorite people had already arrived outside the door.

Ye Sui hurriedly opened the door, and then supported Fat Sleeping with both hands, she didn't expect Sleepy to sleep a lot, eat a lot, she looks fat, and she gets even fatter when she holds her.

When Shen Shu was around, he would usually carry him by himself, so Ye Sui held him with one hand for a while, but he couldn't move anymore.

"Shen Shu, take your fat son." Ye Sui immediately asked Shen Shu for help.

Before Shen Shu could react, why did Ye Sui and Sleepy appear suddenly, but he subconsciously stood up, walked quickly to Ye Sui, and took Sleepy.

Sleepy didn't know that just now he was complained about by his own mother for his fat body, and he was hugged by another person, and he clapped his hands and applauded in novelty.

Shen Shu easily held his son in one hand, he looked at Ye Sui: "Why did you come here?"

Ye Sui got excited, and she pulled Shen Shu to sit on the sofa beside her. She supported her sleepy fat chin: "Your son can talk."

Shen Shu looked at Sleeping with some surprise, just in time to meet Sleeping's big black and white eyes, when Shen Shu looked at him, he blinked his eyes twice for the occasion.

Ye Sui taught at home for a while, and now that the real Shen Shu was in front of her, she began to persevere in teaching Sleepy to talk again.

"Sleep, call Dad."

Sleeping tilted her head and glanced at Ye Sui, then stretched out his fat fingers cooperatively, pointed at Shen Shu, and moved her small mouth.

When both Ye Sui and Shen Shu thought that Sleepy should learn to call him Dad, they never expected that Sleepy first smiled at Shen Shu, and then called out childishly.


That's not enough, Sleepy seems to recognize the word "Mom", and keeps calling Shen Shu "Mom".

Ye Sui corrected him several times but failed to get his title back, so he could only look at Sleeping helplessly.

But Shen Shu didn't feel that something was wrong at all, it would be great to be able to call out Ye Sui, because the child should like his mother more.

Shen Shu stroked Sleepy's head: "Sleep is really good."

Ye Sui looked at this bullshit, one big and one small, and she didn't want to break him back today, and just correct him slowly later.

Because Sleepy was talking, Ye Sui went straight to Hua Rui in a flash of excitement. Fortunately, Shen Shu's matter was almost dealt with, she hugged Sleeping beside her and waited for a while, and the two went home together.

And Mr. Shen heard the news that Sleepy can talk from somewhere, and he came over from Shen's house early the next morning.

Originally, Mr. Shen wanted Ye Sui to bring him back to sleep, but he couldn't bear his temper, so he came directly by himself.

Mr. Shen didn't do anything all day, just sat in front of the sofa and fell asleep, no need for Ye Sui to intervene whether it was feeding or bathing.

Old Man Shen sat next to Sleepy and tried to coax him to say the word "grandfather", but he failed because Sleepy still called him his mother all day long.

Old Master Shen's reaction was the same as that of Shen Shu's, he was not impatient at all, he even praised Su Sui for being smart, he could almost boast a flower, and said Su Sui must be a filial person in the future.

Ye Sui could see that old man Shen had made a lot of efforts to make up for Shen Shu, no matter what aspect he was trying his best to change himself.

When old man Shen looked at Sleeping, he seemed to be looking at Shen Shu when he was a child. If he could have given Shen Shu a little more love at that time, they would not have become the state of respecting each other as they are now.

After Sui Sui got older, Ye Sui also began to take on some scenes one after another. Sometimes Ye Sui would bring Sui Sui to the set before she could go home in time.

Sleepy is very familiar with the set. When Ye Sui was filming, he would nestle quietly in Xiao Liu's arms, his eyes following Ye Sui all the time.

And after sleeping and talking, the baby's voice is very cute and sweet.

When the crew was filming, as soon as the actresses finished their roles, they squatted next to Sleepy in a shapeless manner, making him happy.

Sleeping sleep is different from Shen Shu, he smiles three-pointedly when he sees people, laughing so hard that people's hearts melt.

This day, as soon as Ye Sui came over, Sleepy immediately reached out to Ye Sui for a hug: "Mom, the car is waiting for me."

Because Ye Sui promised to give him a reward a few days ago and agreed to take him to buy a car, Ye Sui even forgot about it when he was busy, but he still remembered it all the time.

Ye Sui hugged the little chubby, she didn't want to set Sleepy as a bad example of not keeping promises.

Ye Sui just didn't have a role today, so Ye Sui slept in her arms and left the set, unexpectedly surrounded by fans outside the set.

And it's not Ye Sui's, it's Sleepy's.

Ye Sui didn't announce Sleepy's real name, but only told everyone his nickname, so the fans also called Sleepy's non-stop.

Without Sleepy's knowledge, he already has a lot of fans of mothers and fans of Ye Sui. Because of his love for Wu and Wu, he poured all their love into Sleepy.

However, they all put away their mobile phones and cameras in a very tacit understanding, so as not to expose their sleeping faces.

When Ye Sui appeared outside with Sleepy in her arms, the fans suddenly exclaimed. They were afraid to scare Sleepy, so they didn't dare to raise their voices.

Sleeping sleep is quite courageous, with his chubby face lying on Ye Sui's shoulder, when he saw this scene, he first covered his eyes with his chubby hand, and looked through the gap between his fingers.

Later, after getting used to it, Sleepy began to straighten up and look over, curious about everything.

Of course, Sleepy's move also captivated the hearts of this group of mother fans. They called Sleepy's name excitedly, but their voices softened several times.

Unexpectedly, Ye Sui went straight past while hugging Sleepy, and the fans couldn't hide their excitement.

Ye Sui supported Sleepy's chubby body, and she pointed to Sleepy's fans: "Sleep, will you call me sister?"

When Sleepy really came into contact with them, he became shy again, he buried his face between Ye Sui's neck in embarrassment, and looked over secretly.

Because the voice was buried in the clothes, Sleeping Sleep's original baby voice was muffled.

"Hello, sisters."

Fans look at Sleepy just like looking at their own children, and they like Sleepy white, tender and chubby, not to mention how much they like it.

Seeing that Sleepy was shy, Ye Sui changed the subject: "Then Sleepy said goodbye to my sisters, we are going to buy a car."

Hearing the word "car", Sleepy became excited. He raised his face and opened a pair of round eyes.

"Mom wants to buy a car for Sleepy."

A fan couldn't help but tease: "Then sister will buy it for you."

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Sleepy rejected the proposal solemnly: "Mom said that you can't take other people's things casually."

The fans were amused by Sleepy's reaction, even if Sleepy wanted anything, they would give it to her.

Ye Sui shook Sleepy's hand and waved: "Say goodbye to sister."

Sleepy shook his hand obediently, and bid farewell to his fans in a childlike voice: "Goodbye, sisters, Sleepy is going to buy a car."

Apart from Ye Sui's fans outside the set, there are also fans from other families waiting here to watch their idols, and of course they also noticed the movement here.

Seeing Sleepy's appearance, many fans from other homes were infected by Sleepy's emotions, and subconsciously waved along.

Sleepy thought that they also wanted to say goodbye to her, so she straightened up and waved to the fans in the distance, gaining a lot of fans unintentionally.

Ye Sui walked out with Sleepy in her arms, she noticed the time, and Shen Shu was almost here.

As soon as Ye Sui walked outside, Sleepy suddenly became excited, his big round eyes curled up with laughter, and he stretched out his chubby finger to point somewhere.

"Dad is here!"

Ye Sui looked in the direction of Sleepy's finger, the car was not close, and she didn't know how Sleepy recognized it.

Ye Sui also identified it for a while before realizing that it was really Shen Shu's car.

Sleepy kept calling Shen Shu: "Mom, Dad is here to pick us up."

Ye Sui had no choice but to hold down Sleepy's writhing chubby body, Sleepy was already heavy, so she almost missed hugging her.

When Shen Shu's car approached Ye Sui, it slowed down and stopped slowly in front of Ye Sui.

Shen Shu immediately opened the car door, strode towards Ye Sui, and took Sleepy from her arms: "Your arms will get tired, I'll hug my son."

Shen Shu hugged Susui with one hand, and helped Ye Sui open the car door with the other. Susui was still young and had to sit in a child seat, so Ye Sui sat in the back with Susui.

Many children hate sitting in child seats, and Sleepy is no exception, but Sleepy is very obedient. Ye Sui explained the reason to him, so Sleepy will sit obediently even if she is reluctant.

Ye Sui helped Sleepy button it up, and even patted his head as a reward: "Sleepy is so good, what kind of car do you want to buy later?"

Ye Sui deliberately diverted Sleepy's attention, and sure enough Sleepy started to discuss his car excitedly, forgetting about the uncomfortable seat.

Shen Shu watched the back and forth conversation between the two people in the back seat of the car, and helped them close the car door.

When the car drove away, the fans were still immersed in the love between Ye Sui and Shen Shu. I didn't know how many people didn't recognize them before, thinking that their love would not last long.

But now the slap in the face is coming really fast, from Ye Sui and Boss Shen's marriage to now, it's getting sweeter and more dog-abusing every day.

The sky was getting darker, the entire sky was dyed dark blue, and the bright stars were reflected in the night sky.

Sleepy has long been tired from playing, Shen Shu has already put him to sleep, and went to find Ye Sui in the room.

There was no one in the room, the balcony window was open, and the cool night breeze poured in, rustling the curtains. Ye Sui was standing on the edge of the balcony with his back facing him.

Shen Shu walked over and hugged Ye Sui from behind, the warmth from his body spread to Ye Sui's back inch by inch.

Ye Sui relaxed her body, leaning against Shen Shu's body: "I now think that I am having a sweet dream."

Shen Shu and Ye Sui looked at the brightly lit city below, the neon lights illuminated the sky, he slightly tightened his arms, giving Ye Sui a little more reality.

"Even if it's a dream, I will accompany you never to wake up."

Ye Sui pulled the corners of her lips and smiled silently. She turned around and hugged Shen Shu.

Under the dark blue night, the two embracing figures turned into a small dot, hidden under the calm starry sky.