The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 15


At the request of Mimeigui, Ye Sui dialed Qin Xin's cell phone number.

After a few beeps, someone picked up the phone, and Qin Xin's voice was a little puzzled: "Hello." The girl fan gave Ye Sui Qin Xin's private number.

Qin Xin's private number is only known to some people, important people will use this number to contact her, presumably Qin Xin is suspicious of this strange number that Ye Sui called.

Ye Sui got straight to the point and didn't sloppy, because what she said next might make Qin Xin call her a lunatic.

"I want to tell you about your daughter Wei Xuan."

As soon as the words finished, Qin Xin frowned. Everyone outside knew that her daughter had already left. Was this person calling to play tricks on her

But because Ye Sui mentioned Wei Xuan, Qin Xin still let Ye Sui finish speaking patiently.

"I can see your daughter, she wants me to contact you, she has something to tell you." Ye Sui was afraid that Qin Xin would hang up the phone, so she finished her sentence at once.

Qin Xin's voice turned cold all of a sudden: "Miss, I don't know what your purpose is, but don't make fun of my daughter anymore."

After Qin Xin finished speaking, she hung up the phone without giving Ye Sui a chance to explain, nor did she believe Ye Sui's words at all.

Because of this, Ye Sui didn't dare to tell Shen Shu that he could see ghosts.

If Shen Shu thinks his wife is a person who talks nonsense, she will completely lose Shen Shu's protection.

The crew of "The Son of the World" brought together the popular little flower Chang Ying and the traffic niche Shen Xiu. The two joined forces and naturally attracted a lot of CP fans.

Since she is a CP fan, Ye Sui, who is so sympathetic, will be taken out by everyone for a while.

CP fans are very consistent in their position of scolding Ye Sui. They all said that after the show is broadcast, they will skip Ye Sui's scenes and only watch Chang Ying's Shen Xiu's scenes to wash their eyes.

Changying's team is planning something recently. When Chang Ying Ye Sui fell into the water before, everyone thought it was Ye Sui who pushed Chang Ying into the water. Who would have thought that there would be a reversal in the end, and it was Ye Sui who saved Chang Ying.

Now those who scolded Ye Sui felt slapped in the face, and Chang Ying's team felt that most of the dirty water splashed on Ye Sui had bounced back on them.

They were so angry that they were already planning to make Ye Sui unhappy. On this day, a lot of news releases suddenly appeared on the Internet.

[A female star who touches porcelain is suspected of using the show to strike up a conversation with the traffic niche!]

[Pengci did it, and she also took the opportunity to tease the male star, what else can she not do?]

[A certain actress who is blackmailed on the whole network is acting as a monster again, who is she trying to drag into the water this time?]

These press releases were intentionally ambiguous, without mentioning at all who the female star who hooked up with Shen Xiu was, leaving room for everyone's imagination.

But secretly pointed out the identity of the actress, Pengci, the whole Internet black, these few labels are simply pointing at someone.

The traffic niche in the crew of "The Son of the World" is undoubtedly Shen Xiu, so who is the Porcelain actress? Shen Xiu's fans were furious. They were all guessing, who was this shameless person who hooked up with their idol

Shen Xiu's fans checked the actresses of the entire crew one by one, and finally confirmed that the shameless female star was Xiao Chang Ying Ye Sui.

It is worth mentioning that after this incident broke out, Shen Xiu's team did not respond. This confusing attitude is equivalent to admitting in disguise that Ye Sui did indeed do this.

Netizens discussed a lot, and most of them firmly believed that Ye Sui did just that. First, where there is no wind, there is no wave. If Ye Sui didn't strike up a conversation, why did this matter come out

Second, Shen Xiu and Ye Sui, one has rave reviews and has never had a black spot, the other is a black spot on the Internet, and has a criminal record of touching Chang Ying.

Who is more believable? Think about it with your toes.

In the eyes of Shen Xiu's fans, Shen Xiu is a perfect idol, how could they bear Ye Sui, a person full of slander, contaminating their idol

Not at all, it is bound to tear Ye Sui to pieces.

The matter of Ye Sui flirting with Shen Xiu is already a certainty, even if this matter has not been confirmed, it has given enough reasons for netizens to tear Ye Sui up.

Shen Xiu's fans, as well as Chang Ying's Shen Xiu's CP fans, joined forces to spray Ye Sui, and Ye Sui's little reputation, which had been accumulated with great difficulty, became stinky again.

Netizens went to Ye Sui's Weibo to criticize.

"Ye Sui, show some face, don't blackmail my idol, brother won't fall in love with you!"

"If you dare to strike up a conversation with Shen Xiu again, I'll send you a blade."

"Ye Sui, did you premeditate to join the crew for a long time? I advise you to stay away from our idol, and if you dare to strike up a conversation again, I will tear you apart for the rest of your life!"

The comments on the Internet became more and more violent, and Ye Sui naturally knew about it. Ye Sui was on the set, swiping her phone between filming.

Ye Sui thought about it and knew who wrote these manuscripts, it was nothing more than Chang Ying or Shen Xiu, and they wanted to recruit themselves again.

It's just that the two of them didn't think about it, Shen Shu was so much more handsome than Shen Xiu, she thought Shen Shu would post Shen Xiu if he didn't like it? She did this with her head caught in the door.

Ye Sui was thinking, at this moment, Shen Xiu's voice sounded beside him: "Ye Sui, don't think that posting these drafts can gain my popularity."

Shen Xiu thought that Ye Sui bought the manuscript, and decided that Ye Sui wanted to make a name for himself.

"If you do this again, it will only make me hate you more."

Ye Sui looked at Shen Xiu with a crazy expression on his face. This narcissistic big brother, have you taken your medicine? You are so narcissistic, do you want to see an ophthalmologist

Ye Sui was too lazy to talk to Shen Xiu, so she simply turned her back and turned her back to Shen Xiu, as if she didn't want to talk to him at all.

But Shen Xiu was relentless, the more Ye Sui ignored him, the more he wanted to get an explanation from Ye Sui: "Because of you, Chang Ying is not happy anymore, do you really want to drive a wedge between us?"

Ye Sui laughed angrily, this man, the more you give him face, the more he will climb up the pole, Shen Xiu is a model of shamelessness.

Ye Sui turned to look at Shen Xiu, her voice turned cold all of a sudden: "I'm not blind, I really don't mind rubbing the heat of people like you."

"Also, how did you talk to your little aunt? If you are so impolite, I will tell your grandpa and let him teach you what the rules are."

After Ye Sui finished speaking, she stopped looking at Shen Xiu and walked away. Shen Xiu was choked by Ye Sui, and the words "little aunt" were like a mountain pressing down on his head.

Shen Xiu didn't want to admit it, but he had to give in. He remembered that old man Shen told them to respect Ye Sui, and he felt even more breathless.

Shen Xiu didn't know that these shots had already been taken by someone with a heart. Even if he and Chang Ying's team acted like a monster, they would only face more cruel slaps.

The time on the phone just stopped at eight o'clock, and Ye Sui would always step on it to go home, because Shen Shu would arrive home on time at eight o'clock, and she didn't want to face so many ghosts alone.

Shen Shu was not around, she was afraid.

When Ye Sui entered the door, the living room was not lit. Ye Sui felt a little strange, and she fumbled for the switch on the wall.

With a snap, the lights turned on and filled the whole room, but the house was empty, Shen Shu didn't come home.

On weekdays, Shen Shu's shoes would be neatly placed at the entrance, but there are none at this moment.

"Shen Shu." Ye Sui shouted tremblingly, wanting to get Shen Shu's answer, but there was only a vibration in the air, leaving only an echo in the empty living room.

It's really strange, Shen Shu always strictly abides by his time, he is never late, what's the matter with him today

Ye Sui didn't dare to go back to the room alone, she saw a few shadows floating outside the window on the second floor from a distance, Shen Shu was not there, those ghosts could easily make mistakes.

Ye Sui sat on the sofa where Shen Shu often sat, took a coat and put it on her body, covering her head tightly.

Ye Sui took the mobile phone into his jacket, time passed by little by little, it was extraordinarily long for Ye Sui.

The screen lights up, it is already ten o'clock in the evening, and Shen Shu is still outside. Just as Ye Sui was about to dial Shen Shu's number, there was a sudden sound of opening the door.

Ye Sui lifted his coat and looked towards the door. Shen Shu was lowering his head to change his shoes. Ye Sui frowned slightly when he saw Shen Shu's actions.

Shen Shu did not arrange the shoes at the door neatly as usual, but placed them in a mess.

Ye Sui couldn't tell what was wrong, but felt that today's Shen Shu was a little different.

Shen Shu lowered his head slightly, without looking at Ye Sui, the air pressure in his body was very low, and the air was filled with a faint smell of alcohol.

As far as Ye Sui knew, Shen Shu never drank alcohol.

Ye Sui called tentatively: "Shen Shu?"

At this time, Shen Shu was like a wandering soul with nowhere to rest, his originally dark eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed extremely exhausted.

Shen Shu still responded to Ye Sui: "En."

But when Shen Shu spoke, his eyes didn't fall on Ye Sui, his eyes seemed to have no focus, and he just answered Ye Sui's question instinctively.

After saying this word, Shen Shu didn't continue talking, and went straight to his room.

Although Ye Sui and Shen Shu have lived under the same roof for so long, but to be honest, the two of them have no real communication.

According to Shen Shu's current state, Ye Sui thinks it might be better for him to stay alone for a while.

It was getting late, Ye Sui had to go to filming tomorrow morning, she went to bed after returning to her room to wash up, but her sleep was a little restless.

Just when Ye Sui was in a drowsy sleep, she was suddenly awakened by a hasty knock on the door.

Ye Sui thought she was dreaming, she opened her eyes and looked at the pitch-black ceiling with blank eyes.

bang bang bang—

It was late at night, and the sound of knocking on the door fell into the silent night, which seemed a bit abrupt.

Ye Sui woke up all of a sudden, she lifted the quilt, got off the bed, and moved towards the door little by little. Ye Sui thought for a while and opened the door.

All the lights in the house were turned off, only the moonlight fell in through the window at the end of the corridor, spreading thin light spots on the ground.

Shen Shu stood at the door, his figure was tall, Ye Sui felt that most of the light in front of him was blocked, Shen Shu had his back to the light, his face was hidden in the shadow, and he couldn't see clearly.

He doesn't seem to be awake and looks like he's sleepwalking.

Ye Sui stepped on the ground with bare feet, the floor was cold, she stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Shen Shu's eyes, Shen Shu didn't seem to be able to see it, and didn't respond at all.

His expression was in a trance, like a child surrounded by loneliness.

Ye Sui's tone was puzzled: "Shen Shu, you..." Are you okay.

Before Ye Sui finished speaking, Shen Shu suddenly opened his mouth.

Shen Shu was completely different from what he showed to outsiders before, his original clear voice became hollow, hiding a trace of uneasiness and fragility.

"Don't leave me behind."