The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 23


A few seconds later, Shen Shu couldn't help laughing: "Actually, you don't need to buy so many."

Ye Sui shook her head hastily: "What can I do? I agreed to buy a few more for you, but I thought ten were too short." After all, she was the one who broke Shen Shu's vase, and she would feel bad if she didn't do so.

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui with unclear emotions in his eyes. Ye Sui asked Shen Shu for credit, but she forgot for a moment, and took Shen Shu's hand and came to the table: "Come over and have a look first, see if you like it?"

Shen Shu was taken aback for a moment, the soft touch was vaguely absent through a layer of clothes, but it was clearly transmitted through the clothes. Ye Sui's voice continued to ring, but Shen Shu couldn't hear it anymore.

Ye Sui: "I have chosen this vase for a long time..."

As Ye Sui was talking, she realized that she was holding Shen Shu's hand. She was startled, and her voice suddenly stopped. She quickly let go of her hand and took a few steps back embarrassedly.

Shen Shu noticed that the warm touch had disappeared, he looked over and saw Ye Sui lowering her head, her ears were a little red.

Shen Shu's clear voice rang out, calmly alleviating Ye Sui's embarrassment: "Sorry, I was distracted just now, can you say it again?"

He didn't mention the matter of Ye Sui pulling him just now, and brought the topic to himself.

Shen Shu's eyes were dark and silent, with a reassuring emotion: "Go on, I'm listening."

Shen Shu didn't seem to notice her actions just now, Ye Sui's embarrassment eased a lot, and she coughed a few times: "Look, isn't the pattern on this vase a bit too much?"

Shen Shu lowered his eyes slowly, and said in a calm voice, "No, I like it quite a bit." It well concealed Ye Sui's worry.

Ye Sui picked up another vase, and she looked sideways, her tone a bit annoyed: "What about this one? It's short and fat, it looks interesting in the store, but now it looks a bit ugly. "

Shen Shu caught a glimpse of Ye Sui's expression, and his eyes moved slightly: "I think this is quite cute."

No matter what Ye Sui said, Shen Shu replied, subtly taking care of Ye Sui's mood. Ye Sui likes to talk, and Shen Shu is also willing to listen. No one noticed that the time passed by like this.

It was late at night, and the two of them had to go back to their rooms to sleep. Shen Shu was lying on the bed, it was eleven o'clock, he had already fallen asleep as usual, and he would not let himself exceed this time.

However, today he did not fall asleep, thinking about the scene just now in his mind, Ye Sui specially bought him ten vases, pulled him to talk cheerfully, the joy in his eyes seemed to overflow.

In fact, if the vase is broken, it will be broken. Although it is an antique, he already owns too many expensive things, so he doesn't feel much in his heart.

If one is gone, he can easily get more. At that auction, when Shen Shu saw the sky-high price of antiques, he didn't feel any disturbance in his heart.

And just now, when the fake Ye Sui bought was placed in front of him, it was obviously worth nothing compared to those things, but strangely, he seemed to be in a happier mood.

There was no light in the room, and it was dark all around. The window was opened a crack, and the moonlight fell through the window. Shen Shu's eyes were clear, like the clean and white moonlight outside the window.

After a while, he curled up his lips and smiled.

Ye Sui's role has already wrapped up, and the time is completely free, and she has a lot of leisure time. She made up for the whole day's sleep, and Shen Shu's dinner is arranged for the next day.

Because of Ye Sui's vase, Shen Shu proposed to invite her to dinner.

On a dark and windy night, Ye Sui put on a mask and hat to cover her face, and got into Shen Shu's car. Ye Sui had so much free time, and Shen Shu agreed to invite her to dinner again, he was really in a good mood.

Although Ye Sui is a small star, there will be no paparazzi following her, but Shen Shu is so low-key, she doesn't want to have any influence on him. It's better to be careful when the two of them go out.

Shen Shu's car was parked in the parking lot. When they got out of the car, Shen Shu saw that Ye Sui lowered the brim of her hat, her eyes only followed Shen Shu, and she didn't look at other places. She seemed to want to be recognized by others, and she Like hiding from something else.

Shen Shu could almost know what Ye Sui was thinking, probably because she was afraid when it got dark, and he didn't know why she was so timid.

Shen Shu bent his lips, and subconsciously slowed down his pace so that Ye Sui could follow him closely.

Ye Sui followed Shen Shu into the restaurant, she carefully looked around, the decoration was luxurious and the style was elegant, the word high-end was written all over this restaurant.

What satisfied Ye Sui the most was that there were so few Ah Piao here!

The location is in a prosperous place, and Guan Gong sits at the gate, and the yang energy is extremely prosperous. Ye Sui checked on the Internet. It is said that the owner of this restaurant likes to practice feudal superstition, and spent a lot of money to hire people to do it when it opened.

Ye Sui, who couldn't go out to play at night, burst into tears, this place was tailor-made for her.

The next second, Ye Sui thought about it and came to a conclusion. She raised her head and asked Shen Shu: "Will it be expensive?"

Shen Shu raised his lower eyelids, looked down at Ye Sui, and his eyes fell on that delicate and pretty face. His little wife looked worried, and looked very thrifty and housekeeping.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and the corners of Shen Shu's lips curled up slightly. For some reason, he felt inexplicably happy.

Ye Sui just bought ten vases for him yesterday, and this was completely based on the fact that she didn't know her own background. If Shen Shu told her the truth rashly, according to her personality, she would probably be intimidated.

In order to comfort Ye Sui, Shen Shu found a reason to convince her: "The money from the family has just been credited into the account."

After hearing Shen Shu's words, Ye Sui's body slowly stretched out and heaved a sigh of relief.

Yes, although everyone knows that Shen Shu is not the heir of the Shen family, but he can still receive money from the Shen family's trust fund every month.

Coupled with the remuneration they received, the family's money is still very sufficient, and they occasionally go out to eat a few big meals, which is not considered an expense at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Sui felt a lot less guilt in her heart.

Shen Shu and Ye Sui's box is very large, with a transparent glass wall next to it, they can clearly see the outside scene. Outside the window is a well-cultivated garden, with unique lighting scattered around the garden, creating a very elegant environment.

Ye Sui only glanced at it, and didn't dare to look again. There are no ghosts in the restaurant, but ghosts will float outside if I can't bear it.

It's rare to see ghosts here, and she really wants to have a normal meal, so it's better not to be disturbed for this dinner.

A waiter followed them into the box, menu in hand.

The waiter knew Shen Shu, their restaurant was extremely expensive, and the customers who could afford it here were either rich or expensive, especially this Mr. Shen, who had a different temperament from others.

The waiter didn't know Shen Shu's full name, he just saw Mr. Shen and some high-status guests coming here, and those people had a very respectful attitude towards Mr. Shen.

From other people's expressions, words and deeds, it is presumed that Mr. Shen's wealth background must be unusual.

The waiter spoke respectfully, and was about to ask Mr. Shen if he needed anything this time.

Shen Shu raised his head slowly, without giving the waiter a chance, he spoke directly, and threw the conversation to Ye Sui with a casual sentence: "Tell this lady about the dishes here."

Firstly, he avoided the waiter's special attitude towards him, and secondly, he didn't want Ye Sui to be neglected by the waiter.

"Yes." It was the first time for the waiter to see Mr. Shen and a lady dining alone, so he put his eyes on Ye Sui, and when his eyes fell on her face, he was stunned for half a second.

Isn't this little Changying who has been scolded miserably by netizens since her debut

Ye Sui didn't wear makeup today, she had a plain face, clean and delicate, and her skin was very transparent. Her facial features are three-dimensional, clear and distinct, but beautiful but not flattering.

The visual impact of this face is too strong. The moment you see her, the beauty can reach your eyes, and everyone who sees her can't help being surprised.

The waiter had to admit that Ye Sui was so beautiful in real life, ten thousand times more beautiful than on TV.

Ye Sui clearly has such a beautiful face, yet she is called Little Chang Ying by netizens. According to him, Chang Ying's face is completely incomparable to hers.

The waiter is used to observing words and expressions. He knew that Mr. Shen had a different attitude towards Ye Sui, so he quickly put away the complicated eyes and began to introduce the dishes here seriously.

There is no price on the menu, because the customers who come here don't care about the price at all.

After ordering, only Shen Shu and Ye Sui were left in the private room. Although the space is large, there are no ghosts as far as the eye can see. Ye Sui felt that her life was really comfortable, so she couldn't help looking for Shen Shu. chat.

Shen Shu leaned back lazily, he didn't speak, but listened to Ye Sui quietly.

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui's expressive face, and occasionally he showed a faint smile. Ye Sui saw that he smiled shallowly, she didn't know if what she said was funny, or because of her.

When the dishes were served one by one, the harmonious chat atmosphere between the two disappeared. Oh no, Ye Sui's unilateral chatter should have ended.

Ye Sui glanced at the plates on the table, Shen Shu really didn't lie to her, the dishes here are different from other places, even the presentation is so beautiful.

Ye Sui began to enjoy the dinner happily, but she had no idea that a meal here would cost at least tens of thousands of yuan.

Every bite is money.

When Shen Shu left with Ye Sui, the restaurant was about to close, and the work of the waiters was over. He walked out along the dark corridor, looking down at his phone.

Weibo and major gossip forums keep popping up new information.

The waiter is a senior netizen who has been gossiping for many years. Because he works in this restaurant, he has met many celebrities and exposed some unimportant things on the Internet.

Although the waiter will not disclose information about the guests, Ye Sui is a celebrity, so it is okay to disclose her private life, after all, everyone has a heart for gossip.

[I ran into Ye Sui dating a mysterious rich man at night]

The waiter didn't know Shen Shu's identity and name, and also coded Shen Shu's surname. He thought that this would not count as exposing Mr. Shen's privacy.

The black female celebrity on the Internet actually went on a date with a rich man at night. If you think about it with your toes, you can tell that there must be something between the two of them.

Such a topic, not to mention how ambiguous it is, is enough to arouse the interest of netizens. The waiter just wanted to gain attention, and maybe gain some fans.

After the waiter sent out the post with satisfaction, he took the bus home. When he got to the car and took out his phone again, he found that there was no reminder message.

No one replied, because this post was deleted within a minute of posting!

Huarui's public relations team is not for nothing, they have a lot of artists under their banner, so of course they have to monitor all kinds of gossip.

Ever since Manager Cheng Sheng knew about Mr. Shen's attitude towards Ye Sui, there was one more person on his list of attention.

As soon as this post was posted, the people under his command immediately notified Cheng Sheng.

Ye Sui, mysterious rich man, night... the combination of these words immediately pointed to their boss, Shen Shu. If the scandal between Shen Shu and Ye Sui is discovered, the identity of the boss will be easily exposed.

This news was deleted, and there was no rumor on the Internet, and the waiter who leaked his mouth was quietly fired.

Cheng Sheng works diligently every day. Since he started to help Mr. Shen pay attention to Ye Sui's affairs, he not only has to keep an eye on the Internet, but also prevents netizens from knowing about Shen Shu's date with Ye Sui.

And in the process, from time to time, the boss will stuff a mouthful of dog food.

Cheng Sheng couldn't help sighing, God, it's not easy being single.