The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 31


After cutting the ribbon, Ye Sui went to the bathroom.

I don't know if it was Ye Sui's illusion. When she cut the ribbon just now, she didn't know where to put the scissors. After she touched the scissors, her hands became dirty.

How dare Ye Sui dare to wash her hands in this square, because she didn't see a ghost in this square.

Ye Sui wondered why there were rumors of ghosts in this square, but she personally identified it, and it must be the ghost of the other family.

Ye Sui hummed in a good mood, and after washing her hands, she came out of the bathroom, ready to leave here. Just halfway there, Ye Sui felt something was wrong.

Didn't she just walk the road she's walking on in the last minute

Ye Sui remembered very clearly that there was a circular turntable in the center of the square, and a strangely shaped artwork was specially placed in the middle.

At that time, Ye Sui also praised that it was unique, but she didn't expect that she saw it twice in just one minute.

Ye Sui took a deep breath and hypnotized herself first: "No, no, I'm just lost."

It wasn't until Ye Sui passed this strange-shaped artwork for the fifth time that she began to curse in her heart. It turned out that she was waiting here, no wonder everything went so smoothly just now.

Ye Sui didn't continue walking, she sent a text message to Xiao Liu while it was still dark, asking Xiao Liu to find someone to come in to pick her up.

—I’m in the middle of the square, and I may have hit a wall, so hurry up and find someone to pick me up!

After sending the text message, a few seconds later, Xiao Liu's text message came.

- Your husband is coming to pick you up, of course I won't be a light bulb.

what? ? ! ! Is there something wrong with her expression

Ye Sui immediately sent the next text message.

—I said I hit a ghost!

Xiao Liu's information immediately arrived.

—Hey, I understand, I'll go home now, and I won't delay you and your husband.

Are she and Xiao Liu on the same channel? Could it be that the magnetic field here has changed

Ye Sui was so frightened that her hands shook, she immediately dialed Xiao Liu's phone, but fortunately the phone was picked up quickly, Ye Sui immediately asked, "Where are you? Don't leave, don't leave me alone."

Xiao Liu's voice was a little fuzzy: "Sui Sui, is the signal on your side not very good? I can't hear you clearly. Remember to call me when you get home. I'll turn off the phone when it runs out of power. "

Ye Sui listened desperately to the beeping sound of the phone hanging up, she glanced around, and the surrounding area was still empty, without a single ghost, how could a ghost hit the wall.

Ye Sui didn't give up hope, so she called Shen Shu. When Shen Shu received Ye Sui's call, he happened to be outside the square, and Ye Sui called Shen Shu's name in panic.

"Shen Shu, where are you? Can you come pick me up?"

Ye Sui thought that Shen Shu was separated by a long distance, even if he rushed over, it would take an hour, how could he suddenly appear here.

The next second, Shen Shu spoke: "I'm outside the square, how about you?"

Ye Sui hurriedly told Shen Shu her location, and finally someone was connected to the same channel as her.

When Shen Shu found Ye Sui, Ye Sui was squatting on the ground with his legs hugged, and he didn't dare to move. Before Shen Shu approached, Ye Sui heard footsteps, and she immediately raised her head.

"Shen Shu!" Ye Sui's cry made her almost cry with joy.

Ye Sui stood up from the ground as quickly as possible, and stuck to Shen Shu's side: "I encountered a ghost hitting the wall, and I can't get out anyway."

Shen Shu scanned the empty square: "There are no ghosts in this world."

Ye Sui retorted weakly: "Yes, there are really ghosts in this world."

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui and was silent for a few seconds, without sticking to his point of view: "That's right."

The rapid change of the front and rear calibers made it impossible for people to believe the truth of these words.

Ye Sui touched her heart, she didn't want to force Shen Shu to admit, there are really ghosts in this world, but Shen Shu is full of yang energy, the ghosts would run away when they saw him.

Ye Sui couldn't prove that everything he said was true.

When Shen Shu came, Ye Sui felt relieved a lot, now that the sky has just darkened, all he needs to do is follow Shen Shu home.

They went back the way they came, ready to go out through the main gate.

A minute later, Shen Shu and Ye Sui also returned to the place where they set off just now, and now they encountered a ghost hitting the wall at the same time.

"How did you get in before?" Ye Sui couldn't help asking, why can't it work now

Shen Shu was calm: "I chose a random road, and I just came here."

It's really irresponsible to say this, but now I just choose a road to go out.

Ye Sui had no choice but to drag Shen Shu to another road, let's go to the head office through the back door.

Hehe, a few minutes later, Ye Sui once again verified that it is impossible to find another way out when encountering a ghost hitting a wall.

They just changed their way and walked repeatedly, and when they came in, they had to stay obediently.

"There is a problem with the design of this building, the roads are exactly the same." Shen Shu perfectly found a reason, and firmly pressed the problem of ghosts hitting the wall on the designer's head.

Innocent designer: "I... I don't take the blame for this."

In order to prove to the fearless Shen Shu that there are ghosts in the world, Ye Sui decided to stake out things and make signs along the road.

Ye Sui glanced at herself, then at Shen Shu, hesitated for half a second before deciding to use something on Shen Shu's body as a marker.

"You took off your tie." Ye Sui pointed to Shen Shu's tie.

Shen Shu first followed suit, holding the top of the tie with his long and slender fingers, pinched his fingers slightly, and pulled the tie, his voice was a little puzzled: "Tie?"

It was only then that Ye Sui realized what she had said. In this dark and windy night, only she and Shen Shu were alone in this empty and remote place.

She actually asked Shen Shu to untie his tie. According to the atmosphere at this moment, the next step is to take off his shirt.

Afraid of causing misunderstanding, Ye Sui quickly explained: "I want to do an experiment with your tie."

In the next second, Shen Shu pulled the tie off his neck with a little effort, and the top button of the white shirt became loose by two.

Shen Shu put the untied tie in Ye Sui's hand: "Here."

Ye Sui suppressed the messy thoughts in his head, took Shen Shu's tie, and tied it on the armrest beside him.

"Later we'll see if your tie is still on."

Shen Shu has no opinion on what Ye Sui does. Naturally, he wouldn't mind experimenting with his tie.

The next time he went back to the armrest with the tie, Ye Sui immediately pointed to Shen Shu: "Look, I said it was a ghost hitting the wall."

After experiencing so many strange things, Shen Shu remained calm as before: "It seems that we are really lost."

Ye Sui: "..." Let's find a decent reason.

Ye Sui can only take Shen Shu around in the shopping mall, it's fine if he just gets lost, but the sharp-eyed Ye Sui finds something extra on the handrail.

A bright red dress appeared unexpectedly, hanging beside Shen Shu's tie, Ye Sui pointed to the weird red dress with Shen Shu tremblingly.

Shen Shu followed Ye Sui's gaze: "The tie is still there, what's wrong?"

Shen Shu couldn't see it, which meant that the red dress could only belong to ghosts, not humans. Just as Ye Sui was about to speak, there was a snap, and the light on the top went out.

In the darkness, she and Shen Shu just stood in front of the red dress, they couldn't even see a fart clearly, let alone hiding from ghosts.

Ye Sui didn't want to stay here, and wanted to back away in the dark, Shen Shu didn't understand Ye Sui's thoughts, so he grabbed her arm: "Wait, I'll turn on the phone."

Shen Shu took out his mobile phone, the screen of the mobile phone went dark, and pressing the power button several times was useless.

"The battery is dead." Shen Shu put the phone back in his pocket.

Only Ye Sui, who knows the truth, knows that there is no electricity, the ghost wants you to die in Qingming, and will never keep you until May Day.

Shen Shu didn't let go of Ye Sui's hand, and he took out a lighter from his pocket.

Click, the flames lighted up slowly, the flames flickered on and off, trembling slightly in the silent air.

Shen Shu saw that Ye Sui seemed to be very afraid of the tie that kept appearing, so he gently tugged Ye Sui, trying to tell her the truth that there was nothing terrible about this incident.

Ye Sui, who was completely desperate for Shen Shu's behavior at this time, was pulled to the armrest, and Shen Shu reached out and pulled the tie tied on the armrest.

"Look, isn't it just a tie?" So you're just overthinking it.

Ye Sui couldn't listen to Shen Shu's words, she saw the owner in red clothes not far away. That ghost turned out to be one of the aunt ghosts that appeared at her house that day.

Who can tell her what the aunt ghost in the community is doing so far away

Aunt Ghost looked in Shen Shu's direction with a look of horror, wondering if he was suppressed by his yang energy.

Ye Sui turned her gaze back to Shen Shu, and only then did she realize that the terrified eyes of Big Mom Ghost were not only due to Shen Shu's yang energy.

Because of Shen Shu's improper operation, the flame of the lighter happened to be placed on the red clothes next to the tie, and the red clothes instantly caught fire.

The game uniform specially customized by Big Mom Ghost can no longer be worn.

The next second, Ye Sui saw the aunt ghost and turned around and ran away quickly: "Old sisters, there are devils here!"

The moment the aunt ghost left, the lights came back on again.

Ye Sui followed Shen Shu with a numb face, this time they detoured the way they had walked several times before, and the gate reappeared in front of them.

The ghost hit the wall and disappeared.

The open space in front of the gate was already filled with a group of aunt ghosts in dance costumes and uncle ghosts who came to join in the show.

They turned on the deafening speakers, and the host spoke enthusiastically on the stage: "Tonight we finally ushered in the day of the final competition. Thank you for your hard practice for a month. Let's give these seeded players some applause!"

All the aunts and ghosts who came to Ye Sui's house that day were here, and Aunt Zhang was also there. They mentioned that the pk contest with the neighborhood next door was held here.

Therefore, the frequent hauntings in Rose Square in the previous month were caused by these ghosts.

From their mouths, Ye Sui also heard the reason why the ghost hit the wall. It turned out that the aunt ghost specially set it up to prevent shameless opponents from maliciously destroying the stage.

"There are no ghosts in the world." In order to comfort Ye Sui, Shen Shu reinstilled in her the truth that there are no ghosts in the world.

Shen Shu's voice was not heavy, but it made the active atmosphere of the scene suddenly cold, and even the music was stopped by the ghost dj.

Shen Shu's words clearly fell into the air.

"If you are still afraid, I can accompany you here once a day."

All the ghosts: "..." Have you considered our feelings

Ye Sui started to feel sorry for the ghost for the first time, she nodded quickly, and Shen Shu left Rose Square with Ye Sui contentedly.

Rose Square officially opened, but no one thought that this square could be saved, at most it was struggling on the verge of death.

Nonsense, this is a haunted place, it's not bad if you don't kill people, and you want to have a prosperous business? Dreaming.

In this way, Rose Plaza ushered in its first day of business without anyone's expectations.

At the beginning, there was no one in the square, but the weird late-night music never appeared again. Later, the business got better and better, and the number of people who came every day was uncountable. The business was so good that the products sold here were often out of stock, because they were too popular. .

Is this haunted square brought back to life? At this time, everyone thought of a person in unison.

Who cut the ribbon for Rose Square? leaf spike.

After who cut the ribbon, the business of Rose Plaza was booming and the decline was completely reversed? Or Ye Sui.

Everyone couldn't help but have a guess in their hearts. Could it be that Ye Sui has a special aura that can bring everyone good luck