The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 50


Shen Shu, who was caught, froze, and covered the real estate certificate in his hand. He tried to maintain a calm expression, not to let Ye Sui see his movements.

In just a few seconds, Shen Shu had thought of a way.

Ye Sui rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Shen Shu stood by his bed, his condition didn't look right.

Shen Shu didn't answer Ye Sui's question, nor did he look at her, but got up on his own, and walked around Ye Sui's bed. At the same time, he has not forgotten to hide the real estate certificate in his hand.

Ye Sui watched Shen Shu get up unconsciously, walk, turn... It seemed very similar to his sleepwalking state before.

Shen Shu thought that this page was just opened so quietly, and the distance was less than one meter away, so he could retire with success.

When Shen Shu was about to walk to the sofa, Ye Sui was already half awake. She squinted her eyes and felt a little strange when she saw Shen Shu skillfully turning the corner.

Is Shen Shu really sleepwalking? They have only stayed here for one night, and they are not familiar with it at all, why did he walk back to the sofa so easily

Ye Sui said suddenly: "Shen Shu, stop."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Shu paused, and then walked slowly towards the sofa, pretending that he didn't hear Ye Sui's words at all.

With a snap, Ye Sui pressed the light switch. The lights suddenly turned on and poured down from the top, illuminating the whole room brightly.

That one-second pause ruined the atmosphere, and Shen Shu's poor acting skills couldn't escape the discerning eyes of actor Ye Sui. Ye Sui got off the bed, walked towards Shen Shu, and patted him on the shoulder.

Shen Shu who was exposed: "..."

Shen Shu turned his back to Ye Sui, clutched the real estate certificate in his arms, and said in a sleepy voice, "I'm going to sleep."

The next second, Ye Sui walked up to Shen Shu unexpectedly, glanced down, and fixed on the book in his hand.

Ye Sui raised her eyes and met Shen Shu's eyes: "Take it out."

When Ye Sui looked at Shen Shu, the tails of her eyes were slightly raised, and her eyes were a little scorching, as if there was a faint temptation.

Shen Shu's eyelids twitched suddenly, and subconsciously handed out the things in his hand. He couldn't hide the real estate certificate that he had worked so hard to get.

Shen Shu lowered his eyes, and heard the air was quiet for a few seconds, and then Ye Sui's voice sounded: "You... actually bought a villa in Erhai Lake!"

Shen Shu sighed, yes, he is such a superficial person, he spends money to buy villas every now and then. He lowered his head, ready to accept Ye Sui's education.

At one o'clock in the morning, everything was silent, Ye Sui's familiar voice filled the room: "Shen Shu, you are really amazing."

In the eyes of the Shen family, Shen Shu doesn't know anything, he is a person who can only survive by relying on the family's trust fund.

Ye Sui felt that Shen Shu was completely different from the person they mentioned. He has made money now and can afford a big villa.

Shen Shu was stunned, his eyelids twitched again. He couldn't believe it, and murmured what Ye Sui said just now: "Excellent?"

Ye Sui pronounced the words seriously, emphasizing it again: "You are super powerful."

Only then did Shen Shu turn his gaze back to Ye Sui, seeing that she was still smiling, with encouragement and appreciation in her eyes. Ye Sui's pretty face and beautiful smile became vivid in his original gray world.

He suddenly wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

Ye Sui asked, "Why did you put the real estate certificate here?"

Shen Shu: "I accidentally brought it here."

Ye Sui suddenly realized, she didn't feel that Shen Shu was lying at all.

Shen Shu's eyes were heavy, looking into Ye Sui's eyes, wondering if it was because it was late at night, his voice was a little hoarse: "Good night."

As the lights dimmed, inexplicable emotions surged from all directions, surrounding Shen Shu in the middle.

They got married not long ago, and they really got along with each other in these two months. Before that, Shen Shu had never known Ye Sui.

The Ye Sui who approached her actively, the extremely timid Ye Sui, the Ye Sui who was always showing kindness to him... Every beautiful fragment of her overlapped little by little.

Became such a clear figure.

Shen Shu lay on the sofa, staring blankly at the ceiling, curled the corners of his lips, and smiled silently.

They were so tired the day before that they slept until noon and had lunch directly at the hotel.

Shen Shu booked the entire hotel, and there were no other guests here.

In other words, every employee of this hotel, the only people who need service these days are Shen Shu and Ye Sui.

The restaurant of the hotel is also close to the water. Through the glass, you can see the sunlight coming in obliquely, and the calm and peaceful lake outside.

When ordering, Ye Sui kept her head buried the whole time. The sunhat covered most of the face, and a pair of sunglasses blocked the eyes, which can be regarded as a tourist dress.

Looks like wearing full sun protection gear.

They were the only table in the restaurant, and after the waiter left, Ye Sui finally looked up.

After delivering the meal, the waiter frequently looked at them. Shen Shu is handsome, and Ye Sui, who is wearing a long skirt, can tell that he has a good figure, but his face is completely unclear.

In the end, the waiter came to a conclusion that Mrs. Shen loved beauty so much that she was afraid of getting tanned even after eating in a restaurant.

When Shen Shu and Ye Sui were eating, they heard the waiter whispering. Because Ye Sui and the others were the only ones in the whole restaurant, the voice fell into the empty restaurant, and it was very clear.

The words "Legend of water ghosts" were mentioned in the words, and Ye Sui became very alert when she heard about ghosts, and she turned her head all of a sudden.

Ye Sui was so engrossed in listening that she even forgot to eat lunch.

Shen Shu quickly noticed Ye Sui's small movements. He first glanced at Ye Sui's hat, and the next second he put his hand on Ye Sui's hat brim.

Ye Sui was startled, and turned to look at him, Shen Shu pulled down the brim of his hat to ensure that Ye Sui's face would not be seen.

"Waiter." Shen Shu motioned to the waiter, and the waiter who was talking secretly just now came over quickly.

"May I ask what else do you need?"

Shen Shu pointed to another waiter standing not far away: "Tell us what you said to her just now."

The waiter was stunned for a moment, with embarrassment on his face: "Sorry to disturb your meal."

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui: "My wife is very interested in the legend of water ghosts, and wants to know all about it."

Seeing that Shen Shu didn't pursue his negligence, the waiter immediately told the whole thing what he just said.

It turns out that there is a legend in this place. Once a young girl died in love in this water area. After her death, her soul wandered in the water and became a water ghost, unable to leave.

Water ghosts are so beautiful that they can seduce people's souls. In order to get more people to accompany her, she came to the shore again and again, dragging those who were close to the water's edge into the water.

So people fell into the water one after another here, some people hurt their heads, and some fell into the water.

But there is a solution. The water ghost only appears after midnight. When she is staring at you, don't look at her for more than five seconds. Don't be seduced by her. Just find a chance to escape later.

The waiter's mouth was dry, and she was almost surprised by her ability to tell stories. Suddenly, she heard an untimely plop, which just interrupted her story, and her heart almost stopped in fright.

Ye Sui lowered her head, she lost her grip just now and dropped the chopsticks on the ground, she would never admit that she was afraid.

Shen Shu bent down, picked up the chopsticks on the ground very calmly, and handed them to the waiter: "Please get a new pair of chopsticks."

As soon as the waiter left, Ye Sui immediately hypnotized herself: "This story must be false." Her tone was very certain.

Seeing the waiter come back, Shen Shu took the clean chopsticks: "Then remember not to drop the chopsticks next time." Shen Shu mercilessly exposed Ye Sui's fear.

Ye Sui: "..." If you don't expose it, we are still good friends.

Ye Sui can only comfort herself, Shen Shu is beside her, she has nothing to be afraid of.

Even if the water ghost appeared, according to Shen Shu's temperament, he might pull the ghost by its hair, pull the ghost out of the water, and expose it to the sun for a whole day.

Thinking of this, Ye Sui didn't feel so scared anymore.

After the meal, Shen Shu's phone rang suddenly, and Ye Sui went back to the room first.

She opened all the curtains, and the warm sunlight filled the room, and there was nowhere for any ghost to hide.

After opening the curtains, the lake happened to be outside the window. The lake surface in the daytime was very quiet, with only the sound of the wind blowing in my ears, and it seemed to be immersed in silence at this time.

Ye Sui was sitting on the edge of the wooden floor, with the water ripples around her feet, she almost wanted to squint her eyes and take a nap here.

In the quiet afternoon, the water lines on the water surface suddenly became bigger, from far to near, Ye Sui kept staring at the strange water surface.

The next second, a head emerged from the water. Even in the shadows, the girl's skin was still white and glowed like pearls.

The wet long hair hangs down on her shoulders, and a few strands of hair hang down in a mess, covering her cheeks, but she can peep out that mysterious and beautiful corner.

Suddenly the water rippled again, and the girl slowly stretched out her two snow-white arms, and gently put them on the ground.

The girl looked at Ye Sui and tilted her head slightly. Those clear and clean eyes were looking at Ye Sui. This scene was like a beautiful picture scroll.

Ye Sui glanced at the girl's feet, it was the feet, not the tail, so the beautiful girl in front of her was definitely not a mermaid, but a water ghost from the water ghost legend just now.

The kind that will seduce people's souls and drag people into the water.

Ye Sui didn't wait for the water ghost to approach, and immediately stood up from the floor. The ghosts Ye Sui met before were all cute, so she reluctantly persuaded herself to live in peace with the ghosts.

But the water ghost in front of me is different, she can harm people.

Ye Sui remembered the way to deal with the water ghost, and turned her eyes away as quickly as possible, not to meet the water ghost.

Just as Ye Sui was about to escape back to the room, Shen Shu's voice suddenly sounded in the room: "Ye Sui, are you outside?"

Ye Sui was too nervous just now, he didn't hear the sound of the door opening, and didn't know that Shen Shu had come in. In the time it took to speak, Shen Shu walked out of the window and stood in front of Ye Sui.

Shen Shu immediately noticed that Ye Sui's reaction was wrong, and he frowned slightly: "What's wrong? Did you see a ghost again?"

In the next second, Shen Shu turned his head to look at the water, and looked around, trying to find out what the legendary ghost looked like.

But Shen Shu is doomed to be disappointed, he is a ghost insulator, he can't see it even if he wants to.

Seeing Shen Shu's actions, Ye Sui panicked inexplicably. At this moment, she forgot the fact that Shen Shu could defeat ghosts, for fear that Shen Shu would be seduced by that beautiful water ghost.

Ye Sui's instinct was faster than her thoughts, she stretched out her hand to cover Shen Shu's eyes.

"Don't look, that ghost will seduce your soul."