The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 66


Ye Sui has been very popular recently. As soon as the draft of her suspected meeting with a man late at night was published, a large number of netizens rushed over, and almost all of them were suspicious.

"Ye Sui left the hotel late at night, what else would she do other than meet a man? This happened to her just after she became popular, does she still have the self-consciousness to be a star?"

"Before I thought that Ye Sui's resources were too good. There is a financial backer behind her relationship. No wonder even Changying Peining can't compare to her."

"With Ye Sui's operation, all the popularity she managed to accumulate with passers-by was wiped out. Let's see how she cleans it up."

However, Ye Sui's fans also objected.

"One photo of entering a hotel, I can only imagine so many people, the jealousy of Hei Sui Sui's people is going to protrude from the screen."

"Sui Sui will give us an explanation, trust Sui Sui."

The Internet has already turned the world upside down, but at this end, after Ye Sui walked into the hotel, Xiao Liu was still outside and was about to come in. At this time, she saw the news about Ye Sui on the Internet, and frowned.

Xiao Liu immediately called Ye Sui to tell about this matter, and asked worriedly: "Sui Sui, a paparazzi followed me outside the hotel, what should I do now?"

Ye Sui has already entered the elevator, and the number of floors has increased layer by layer. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she will be able to see Shen Shu soon.

Her phone vibrated and she picked it up. Ye Sui's heart shivered, and she said decisively: "Don't panic, you come in first and wait in the lobby, I'll come down right away."

Then Ye Sui called Shen Shu and told him not to come out, there was something wrong with her. She hung up her cell phone, and immediately took the elevator down to meet Xiao Liu.

Seeing Xiao Liu, Ye Sui said, "Let's go."

Xiao Liu: "Where are you going?" At this juncture, where can they go

Ye Sui said mysteriously: "A place that the paparazzi can't imagine."

Ye Sui and Xiao Liu Gang walked out of the hotel, and the paparazzi who had been squatting outside cheered up. They raised their cameras and took several photos in a row.

Wait, isn't there a man next to Ye Sui? It seems to be her assistant.

The paparazzi were a little disappointed, but they thought about it, even if Ye Sui hadn't come out of the hotel with the man, it's very likely that Ye Sui was on his way to meet the man right now.

The paparazzi continued to follow excitedly, and the camera never left Ye Sui. As a result, they watched Ye Sui walk down a street, saw Ye Sui turn into a snack bar, and then saw Ye Sui start ordering food.

Ok? snack bar? What about men

Ye Sui doesn't care what the paparazzi are thinking, this is her strategy. Instead of going back to the hotel, go to the snack bar to eat.


Start streaming.

Ye Sui clicked on the live broadcast app and started the live broadcast. Because it was already late at night, there were not many people in the live broadcast room at first, so Ye Sui talked on his own.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ye Sui. I've wanted to eat here for a long time. I just have a schedule today, so I'm going to come here for supper at night."

Ye Sui also asked Xiao Liu to say hello to everyone. Xiao Liu already knew Ye Sui's strategy, and she said politely: "I asked Sui Sui to accompany me to eat."

At this time, the dishes Ye Sui ordered came out, filling the table one by one. Seeing these delicious foods, Ye Sui also felt a little hungry.

She picked up a chicken paw and showed it to everyone, then took a bite and narrowed her eyes: "It tastes very good, everyone can come here to taste it later."

There are more and more people in the live broadcast room, and everyone is waiting to eat melons. Before the paparazzi revealed who Ye Sui's man is, they waited for Ye Sui's food live broadcast.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Isn't Ye Sui meeting men at night? Why are you eating supper?"

"I remember that this snack bar is not far from the hotel. It seems that Ye Sui rushed here just after putting down her luggage. She really came here for the delicious food."

But there were still some objections. They didn't believe that Ye Sui was just here to eat, so they decided to wait and see.

Ye Sui picked up a bowl of noodles and started eating slowly.

At the same time, the number of live broadcasts has been increasing, and suddenly millions of people are watching, and there are fewer and fewer doubts.

"Sui Sui is poisoning in the middle of the night, tell me, how do you eat so much and still have such good skin?"

"You all pay attention to what Ye Sui eats, am I the only one who stares at Ye Sui's hands? Those hands are so beautiful."

"Ye Sui just came here for supper, and the paparazzi insisted that she came to see a man. What about the man they were talking about? Did he wear an invisibility cloak?"

Ye Sui ate for several hours, and she ate slowly bit by bit, talking to Xiao Liu from time to time in the middle, and the barrage gradually decreased.

"Sui Sui is so cute. I also like to eat. I am willing to go out in the middle of the night just to eat. I feel that I have drawn closer to my idol."

"Suisui, go to sleep, and wait for us to scold the rumor-mongering media."

After Ye Sui's live broadcast, the rumors were self-defeating. What is Ye Sui doing at another hotel late at night? Go for a delicious late night snack.

Who did Ye Sui eat with? Assistant Xiao Liu, the two also live-streamed eating supper for several hours, under the witness of millions of people.

What about the so-called man the paparazzi said? Ha ha, not even a shadow.

Fans started to fight back, calling the paparazzi for spreading rumors. He also scolded those netizens who said that Ye Sui had a financial backer, whether the face hurts this time.

Overnight, Ye Sui's image changed from being questioned by most people to being loved by everyone. Ye Sui's food live broadcast also attracted a lot of fans. They thought Ye Sui was very cute, and Ye Sui's popularity with passers-by became much better.

After the live broadcast ended, Ye Sui walked back to the hotel. It was already late at night, and Ye Sui was too embarrassed to ask Xiao Liu to accompany her, so she had to go back to the room by herself.

Walking in the empty corridor, Ye Sui immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to Shen Shu.

-have you slept

A second later, Shen Shu's call came in, and Ye Sui answered it immediately: "Shen Shu, I want to video chat with you."

Ye Sui calmed down when Shen Shu's face appeared on the phone screen. This is a famously haunted hotel, not just talking about it.

Since Ye Sui came in from the door, she has seen quite a few ghosts.

"Don't hang up the phone, we'll talk about it when I get back to the room." Ye Sui didn't squint, and only focused on Shen Shu's eyes.

Seeing Ye Sui's appearance, Shen Shu couldn't help but tilt his head and smile. Unexpectedly, when he turned his head, Ye Sui was frightened.

"Look at me, look at me, don't turn your head away." Ye Sui was so anxious that she didn't even know what she said, she only knew that when she looked at Shen Shu, she could be bold.

Ye Sui fumbled all the way back to the room, she turned on all the lights in the room, it was as bright as daytime, but it didn't help.

Ghosts are afraid of the sun, not the lights.

Ye Sui glanced into the room, the black shadow in the corner frightened her so that she quickly looked away, and she didn't dare to look at it.

"Shen Shu, look at me, don't turn your head." Ye Sui couldn't help repeating the words over and over again, her voice was tense, like a string that was about to snap at any time.

But Shen Shu responded tirelessly: "I've been watching you."

Ye Sui didn't dare to enter the bedroom, only dared to nest in a corner of the sofa, there are still a few hours, it will be dawn, she is not going to sleep, who knows what will happen when she closes her eyes.

"I'll chat with you for another five minutes, and you can go to sleep." Ye Sui said so, but the tone was obviously different.

Shen Shu didn't expose it, but only bent the corners of his lips.

Ye Sui chatted with Shen Shu casually, she glanced at the time in the upper right corner, and found that five minutes had passed before she knew it.

Ye Sui dawdled not wanting to say goodbye: "Shen Shu, it's been five minutes, do you... have to... go to bed?"

Just as Ye Sui finished speaking, the door was knocked suddenly, and the sound of knocking fell into the silent night, which was particularly eerie.

"Shen Shu, there is a ghost knocking on the door." Ye Sui looked at the door in horror.

Shen Shu's helpless voice fell: "It's me, open the door."

Ye Sui was startled, threw the phone on the sofa, quickly got off the sofa and rushed to the door, the door opened, and Shen Shu stood outside.

Shen Shu walked sideways into the room; "I've checked, the paparazzi outside the door have dispersed."

With Shen Shu around, Ye Sui has nothing to be afraid of, she couldn't help but smile: "You can leave tomorrow morning, I'll let Xiao Liu take you out."

Shen Shu naturally had no problem: "Go and wash up, I'll wait for you here."

Ye Sui hesitated for a moment, but Shen Shu noticed it, and Shen Shu pointed to the room: "Go to the bathroom, I'll wait for you in the room."

This time, Ye Sui nodded quickly.

When Ye Sui went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, she poked her head to look at Shen Shu who was sitting in the room from time to time, to make sure that Shen Shu was still there, so she felt relieved.

After a whole day's journey, Ye Sui was already too sleepy, her eyelids were drooping, and her face was full of exhaustion.

"Sleep, I'll watch over you here." As soon as Shen Shu finished speaking, Ye Sui's eyes closed, and she fell asleep instantly.

Shen Shu didn't leave the room until Ye Sui fell asleep. He sat on the sofa in the room, not too far away from her.

Ye Sui was very tired, he didn't want ghosts to disturb her.

When Ye Sui opened her eyes in the morning, she saw Shen Shu sleeping with his clothes on, leaning against the edge of the sofa. Even when he was sleeping, Shen Shu maintained his elegance.

Shen Shu just lowered his head slightly, not drooling, not snoring, his breathing fluctuated lightly, as quietly as if he just closed his eyes.

The warm sunlight came into the room, making the whole room bright and warm, and the fine sunlight just fell on Shen Shu's face, creating deep and shallow shadows.

Ye Sui's breathing was stagnant, she didn't get up in a hurry, but chose to maintain the original posture, looking at Shen Shu all the time.

The next second, Shen Shu's body suddenly moved slightly, and his eyes slowly opened, just in time for Ye Sui's unblinking eyes.

Ye Sui felt a little more embarrassed about being caught, she immediately sat up from the bed: "You're awake."

Shen Shu was still dazed just after waking up, he didn't realize that Ye Sui was staring at him just now, but nodded in accordance with Ye Sui's meaning.


There was a sound of pressing the password outside the door, Ye Sui almost forgot, Xiao Liu knew the password of her room, and now she should take the program team with her.

Ye Sui walked up to Shen Shu quickly, and grabbed his hand, her voice was full of apology: "I'm going to wrong you."

In the next second, Shen Shu was pulled to the front of the closet, Ye Sui gently pushed Shen Shu in with his hand.

Ye Sui bent down and lowered her voice: "After I leave, I will ask Xiao Liu to take you out through the back door."

Before Shen Shu could react, Ye Sui closed the door of the closet, and was instantly plunged into darkness, through the shutter door, wisps of light penetrated.

The moment the wardrobe door closed, people from the program team also entered the room.

As long as they come one minute earlier, they will directly bump into the large-scale rape scene, and the news of last night will be properly confirmed.