The Founding of the Reincarnated Demon King

Chapter 11: Agreement Chapter 3


"Master, do you really want to let them go?" Guluwa couldn't hide his surprise.

"Of course, when I say let them go, I mean to let these ogres leave freely." Not sure if there was any ambiguity in the meaning, Lu Xidong explained his words again.

After all, this is a different world, and goblins imitate human language. "Go" can have many interpretations. One interpretation means "eliminate", but this is not what Lu Xidong meant. He meant it. Wherever you want the ogres to go.

This was indeed not his original intention. He originally wanted to keep these ogres to work as slaves, but after fighting this troll, Lu Xidong changed his mind.

Although they are a bit naive, these are a group of guys with dignity and honor. Violence and threats cannot win the other party's obedience, even if they are inferior monsters.

They were somewhat similar to his previous life, or perhaps these guys were braver. Lu Xidong couldn't bear or was unwilling to force them to do anything.

The goblins who were originally extremely excited because of Lu Xidong's victory fell into silence at this moment. However, they had already agreed with Lu Xidong's leadership and could only watch the ogre captives being released from the cage.

Also shocked were the ogre captives who had regained their freedom. They stared at Lu Xidong blankly for a while. They finally picked up the exhausted ogre troll and left.

As if it was an episode, the goblins resumed their noisy carnival, with the male goblins singing and dancing in front of the female they admired.

The courtship process of most creatures is similar. They all strive to show their charm. Whether it is a peacock spreading its tail or a martial arts competition to attract a mate, they all want to outshine similar competitors. Goblins dance with the little beasts under their skins to fight for females. favor.

Goblins have very strong reproductive capabilities. Each female goblin can give birth to four or five baby goblins per pregnancy. The pregnancy time is only one-quarter of that of humans. The rapid reproduction rate is much faster than that of the goblin race. Because of the speed of death from accidents, killings, and natural regression, the continuation of the race is ensured.

You must know that it is very rare for a person as weak as a goblin to die a good death. After all, it is a low-level monster that novice adventurers like to gain experience.

Evolving into D-level giant goblins seems to slow down their reproductive capacity, but in contrast, the lifespan of a single individual has become longer, and the survival rate in the face of danger has also become higher, so large groups of goblins have taken refuge. come over.

Lu Xidong had already listened to Guluwa's explanation of the stakes. More than five hundred goblins had woken up from the celebration and were kneeling in front of him, swearing allegiance.

The process of naming evolution was very slow. Lu Xidong didn't have that many name reserves in his head, so in the end he could only come up with some single-character code names.

But there are still many goblins who are extremely excited and cry with joy. After all, becoming big goblins has become a completely different race and can survive longer.

It has become a large goblin population of nearly 600. To lead such a large population, many practical problems need to be solved, but Lu Xidong now has an important thing that must be mentioned in advance - that is, to be loyal to his subordinates, and to have What norms need to be followed.

Rules are an indispensable element in group life and must be established at the first opportunity. Lu Xidong did not want to take over a loose group of goblins. After fighting with the ogres, he understood that these guys must be trained into an army. , in order to survive in this forbidden forest.

"There are three rules in total, and everyone needs to abide by them." Lu Xidong said loudly, facing the goblins who were looking at each other.

Will the goblins who are used to being lax listen? Lu Xidong muttered in his heart, but his face was as cold as an ice sculpture and he couldn't show it. He was warning himself.

"First, we cannot attack humans!" Not knowing how the goblins would react, Lu Xidong stared at the green faces, trying to figure out something.

"With all due respect, why can't you attack humans?" Goblins were still very simple-minded. The leader of a tribe couldn't help asking, but was immediately glared at by other goblins, as if they were trying to attack humans. The murderous look in his eyes was probably dissatisfaction with this guy's subsequent crimes.

Then some guys glanced at Yundi secretly, thinking, isn't it obvious, the master likes female humans, idiot! Even Guruwa thinks so.

The dull Yundi was not only surprised at why the demon would set such a rule, but she did not guess the dirty thoughts of these goblins. She continued to gnaw on a melon, watching the fun like an outsider.

"Ahem," Lu Xidong in the night was not that innocent. He glared at the thinking goblin with a red face, and continued: "The reason is very simple. You can't defeat humans. Don't go and die. I don't want me to His men turned into corpses before they could pledge their allegiance."

"I see, you guys understand." Many goblins bowed and promised. Being hunted by adventurers for a long time is indeed an important reason for the high mortality rate of goblins.

However, it doesn't mean that humans will let goblins go if they don't provoke them, but in this case, no one would dare to refute in front of Lu Xidong.

Huh? So you agree? Lu Xidong looked around at everyone's green faces, but he didn't see any signs of dissatisfaction. The next words he had prepared were useless.

"Well, the second rule is that my subordinates can no longer engage in internal strife, let alone betrayal." Since there was no need to explain, Lu Xidong continued, and at the same time he grabbed the big sword at hand and split it open with a "swish" sound. Wooden pile, "otherwise it will be like this wooden pile..."

Using the threat of actual action to impress the goblins, Lu Xidong felt that this would help everyone abide by the rules better.

For Goblins, this rule is far easier to understand than the first one. There were originally many conflicts between the various tribes, and even fierce conflicts broke out. Now they are facing foreign enemies and have taken refuge in Lu Xidong. Under his command, naturally there can be no more intra-racial fighting.

As for not betraying, do you still need a reason? Everyone just swore allegiance. Although Goblin is stupid, he is not stupid. Betrayal will be struck by lightning. This is a legend passed down by the Goblin elders. It is far more terrifying than Lu Xidong splitting a wooden stake.

It seemed that this was agreed by the goblins again. Lu Xidong continued: "Third, we must live in peace with other races."

"Coexisting in peace... What does this mean?" Another goblin expressed his doubts. Lu Xidong waved his hand to stop other subordinates from wanting to hit him.

"Well, that's actually the case. Other races also live in groups. If they stir up trouble for no reason, it will lead to fights, which will inevitably cause casualties. So I ask everyone to live in peace with other races..." Lu Xidong paused, and then He touched his chin and continued: "But if the other party comes to provoke us, we cannot be cowardly. We will definitely fight back. Do you dare?"

"Ho ho!" Countless goblins raised their little fists high and roared to show their bravery. Although most of them were just bluffing and were afraid in their hearts, on the surface they could not back down in front of Lu Xidong.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Xidong assigned the work: selecting the strongest one hundred people to serve as warning fighting goblins patrolling the camp, and directly obeying his orders; the less powerful ones became to reorganize the camp and repair it. The craftsman goblins of the house; the weaker ones and most of the females are the logistics goblins who collect ingredients and take care of the elderly, weak, women and children.

Accordingly, the Goblins needed a leader of their own, and Lu Xidong gave this position to Guluwa, "Guluwa, from now on, you are the Goblin lord of this territory, and you must manage everyone well."

"Woo~ I, Guluwa, will risk my life and fortune to live up to your expectations!"

He was so moved that his words choked up and he accepted it without even thinking.

The other five tribal chiefs were named "Goblin Leaders". As grassroots personnel managers, they assisted Guluwa. At least they could communicate with Lu Xidong in human language.

Just when everything was about to be arranged, another unexpected thing happened.

A panicked Goblin Guard soldier crawled into the hut where the meeting was held, whining and reporting something to Guluwa.

"Master, a large group of ogres suddenly gathered outside our camp..." Guluwa's face was very ugly, and he eagerly reported to Lu Xidong, "Our security soldiers have been assembled. Please give me your instructions, master."

It was his negligence. He didn't expect that the ogres could get together and come back again. Lu Xidong cursed secretly that he was still too young.

The soldiers could only cover up the water and the soil. Lu Xidong picked up the big sword and said, "Let's go and take a look..."