The Founding of the Reincarnated Demon King

Chapter 18: Dwarf brothers


"I am Magni Grote, and these are my brothers, Dorum and Mild..."

The dwarf across the table held the wine glass with a thick mouth tightly with ten thick fingers. He greedily swallowed a sip of strong wine, took a deep breath as if he was satisfied, and continued to introduce himself and his brother: "... We are the best craftsmen in Zenda City."

This was in a tavern called "Oli Forest". As soon as they were out of danger, the three dwarf prisoners asked to come for a drink. Lu Xidong said to his heart that we are fugitives now. Shouldn't we find a way to hide as soon as possible

Deliberately leaving them alone, the three dwarves followed him relentlessly, as if they knew he was being taken advantage of. In the end, Lu Xidong couldn't resist the stubborn dwarves and was dragged into the tavern.

When they came in, Lu Xidong and the others lowered their hoods for fear of being recognized, but later they discovered that the place was full of drunken male dwarves, telling vulgar pornographic jokes and staring lewdly at the exposed skin of the female dwarves' chests. As crazy as they were, no one paid any attention to them.

Dwarf nobles with real status will basically not come to such a mixed place. The ones here are all workers at the lowest level. At this moment, their minds are filled with wine and women.

Female dwarves shuttled between each table. Most of them were shorter than the men, but they were all equally stout. Their matching plump breasts and thick buttocks were still very attractive to some men.

Lu Xidong carefully retracted his gaze and focused it again on the three shameless guys in front of him, "The best craftsman? Is he a thief?"

According to the memory of his previous life, Lu Xidong's first impression of "craftsmen" was that of an industry that made a living through stealing. This is why it is not difficult to explain why these three guys were imprisoned.


The Paulownia wine glass was smashed heavily on the table. The dwarf brother opposite, Magni, with his beard and hair straightened, shouted in his thunderous voice: "We are craftsmen, not thieves!"

Seeing that everyone around them was turning their attention, Magni's two younger brothers quickly held down their extremely angry brother. Mild even covered Magni's mouth with his hand, fearing that he would continue to yell.

After finally controlling his eldest brother, Dorum continued to tell the story of the three Groat brothers.

Dwarves' hobby is making and creating. They are born with certain craft talents and are obsessed with it, and the Groat brothers are no exception.

Magni, the eldest, is good at leather processing and is good at making armors and cutting clothes, and can also make many small tools; Dorum, the second eldest, is good at ore exploration, mining and processing; Milder, the third eldest, is good at field surveying, In terms of construction of housing facilities, he can be called a genius.

Therefore, the three brothers all hold important positions in Zenda City. The Grote family is highly regarded by the dwarf king Glenn, but this also attracts the jealousy of their colleagues.

As a free trade city, a large part of Zenda's income comes from foreign trade. As the minister of production, Magni is responsible for the purchase orders for armor from other kingdoms, so those jealous people start from here.

Deliberately withholding materials, bribing workers, delaying construction deadlines, and using various common but indiscriminate means, Magni failed to complete the agreed order as scheduled, and was criticized by other kingdoms, and finally even went to the dwarf king.

Magni is very skilled in his craftsmanship, but I don’t know if all gods are fair. When they give you the same skill, they will also take something away from you. Magni’s character is flawed.

He has a hot temper and is impulsive, and his language is confusing. This is Magni. So when his opponent attacked, Magni not only failed to defend himself clearly, but spoke evil words, which angered King Glenn and was thrown into prison.

Lu Xidong's word "steal" just now touched his nerves even more, because at that time they were attacking the honest Magni for "secretly selling public materials". How could they not make him furious again

"I'm very sorry. I didn't know about it, which caused such a misunderstanding. Please forgive me." Lu Xidong lowered his head and apologized sincerely to Magni. He himself has been wronged before, and he also understands the feeling of grievance. Feeling deeply guilty.

Fortunately, a person with Magni's personality can come and go quickly. Although he is still glaring and blowing his beard, he doesn't mind it anymore. They brothers still have something to ask for.

"Are you two brothers involved in this matter?" Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, Lu Xidong asked Dorum.

"No, although we were doubtful at the time, no one had any evidence to prove that eldest brother was innocent, and the king's will cannot be defied. Mild and I could only endure it," Dorum's black eyes blinked, as if thinking of What did he say, and then said: "Who knows that the other party will not stop here."

Mining minerals is also one of the economic pillars of the dwarves, including gems that can be polished and sold, and raw metal ores necessary for making weapons. What Dorum is good at happens to be the ability that Zenda City needs most.

Who would have known that a few days later, a landslide occurred in the mine he was responsible for. Not only was the mine tunnel completely buried, but it also caused casualties. The dwarf subjects were very angry and asked King Glenn to severely punish those responsible for the accident. , so Dorum also entered the squad room.

"..." Lu Xidong knew that the responsibility for this kind of accident was the most difficult to define, and Dorum must have been unable to argue, but he still asked: "Is it really an accident?"

"Of course not. I have been to the scene of the accident. There are traces of man-made damage in the landslide area. It was obviously done deliberately." Dorum took out a palm-sized pulley from his tattered clothes, which was covered with scratches.

"Isn't this evidence?" Lu Xidong asked doubtfully.

"Yes, but who will believe me? Everyone takes this as an excuse for me to escape guilt. The king really needs a scapegoat for the anger of the common people. The other party must seize this point." Dorum looked a little sentimental and put the little The pulley was thrown on the ground, as if he had given up on proving his innocence.

Understanding that most things in the world are like this, Lu Xidong had no choice but to change the subject, "Then what happened to Mr. Milder?"

"Actually, the third child should have been the least threatening. Maybe it was because of our brothers' involvement." Dorum shook his head and pulled Milder over: "The third child can't speak."

Lu Xidong was shocked. He didn't expect that the dwarf engineer responsible for the renovation plan of Zenda City was actually mute. This shows how powerful this guy is.

"Their method of framing Lao San was quite simple. In the name of hunting down thieves, the police team patrolling the city found a bag of gold coins at his residence, and then found someone to accuse Lao San of taking bribes," Dorum and Magni took photos respectively. He patted Milder on the head, his eyes full of brotherly care, "Our two brothers were not here, and the third child couldn't explain it himself, so he was thrown into the cell where we were."

At this point, the experience of the three dwarf brothers became clear. Lu Xidong was thinking about what to do next when he saw the three of them approaching him.

"Sir, after saying so much, I actually want to ask for something." Dorum and the other three looked sincere.

"Please say."

"We saw you taking the goblins with you. You should have your own territory." The dwarves are very smart. They know that goblins are monsters with a fixed residence. "Can you let us live there? You can work and pay rent.”

"Of course, I was worried just now about how to invite everyone."

The purpose of Lu Xidong's trip was to find capable dwarf craftsmen. Just now he was still hesitating on what conditions he should offer to invite the three Grote brothers. At this time, the other party took the initiative, and he immediately beamed with joy and agreed. After landing, you must know that with the character of the dwarves, if they are still playing tricks at this time, they may make things worse.

The three brothers looked at each other, and they were all filled with joy. They had offended the powerful people, and had no place in Zenda. Now they escaped from prison, which was even more true. Therefore, it was better to go away and make other plans. Anyway, there were A craftsman will never starve to death wherever he goes.

"Sir, please take good care of me in the future." The three Grote brothers raised their glasses and toasted to Lu Xidong together.

Taking a sip of the bitter wine made from wheat, Lu Xidong felt his throat was burning. Lu Xidong couldn't get used to the bitter taste of this wine. The reason why he resisted coughing was because he was afraid that the other party would look down on him.

As the employer of the other party, you have to maintain a certain dignity. Over there, Silva and the other goblins were drunk from excessive drinking and were laughed at by the passing dwarves without even realizing it.

"Next, we have to figure out how to get out of the city, right?" Lu Xidong stabilized his shaky body and placed the only seven silver coins and thirty-two coins he had on the table. He didn't know what would happen after this drink. , there are still a few left.

"Don't worry, sir, we have a solution." A mysterious smile appeared on Dorum's wrinkled brown face, "We need to find someone first..."