The Founding of the Reincarnated Demon King

Chapter 32: Army attack


The sun rises in the east.

Under the black tree Kigasida, there is an open space where hundreds of tents are stationed according to certain rules.

This is a temporary camp for human adventurers. At dawn, the originally quiet camp became lively. People prepared meals according to their respective divisions of labor, and a new day began again.

Lu Xidong was lying in the grass a few hundred meters away, silently calculating the number of people on the other side. It was estimated that more than 300 adventurers had entered the Forbidden Forest this time.

He didn't know why they had to infiltrate in batches, but he knew that with such a large number of people, the plan must be serious.

Although Lu Xidong claimed to be a lover of peace, he was reincarnated as a demon after all, so he couldn't ignore the adventurers' actions near his base.

At dawn, when humans are most tired and on alert, Lu Xidong took advantage of the patrol team's shift change to lead his subordinates to the human camp, hoping to find out what the other party's intentions were.

The so-called darkness under the lamp means that the most dangerous place is the safest place. No one would have thought that monsters would be bold enough to crawl under their noses, right

This is a question of IQ. Naturally, a race like the lizardmen with a lack of talent cannot understand it.

Tagore was lying next to Lu Xidong. This was the name he gave the lizard man prince. It seemed to be the name of a poet. Lu Xidong felt that the lizard man had that kind of talent, the ability to have arrogant illusions.

The green scales have evolved into a dark gray metallic color. Tagore has become a C+-level steel-armored lizard. This is one of the reasons why he agreed to be loyal to Lu Xidong - he wants to evolve into a stronger warrior. Every pride No one will miss the opportunity to become stronger.

"Ever since I was hit by this kid, I have realized the gap between myself and the named monster."

Tagore discovered for the first time that his noble birth was not enough to keep him proud. His strength was often based on the humility of his tribe, and a mere goblin who turned into a named monster could beat himself up and lie down again. Daydreaming about being a prince will only make you more and more complacent.

So, taking this opportunity and receiving the name given by Lu Xidong, the lizardman prince became a "named monster" last night, and later insisted on following him for investigation.

Due to their living habits, Silva and Tier were not used to being active during the day. Rolf's legs were too short and did not follow. At this time, Lu Xidong was only surrounded by Tagore, a big lizard.

In the misty woods, the two people were not conspicuous, but there was one thing that troubled Lu Xidong.


With his curled tongue, he caught the buzzing flying insects into his mouth in the blink of an eye. Even if he evolved into a more advanced species of lizard man, Tagore's head didn't seem to be very enlightened and he couldn't distinguish the situation at all. It is estimated that he would soon Will be exposed by him.

"Shut up, now is not the time for you to have breakfast." Lu Xidong was a little angry and regretted that he had made the impulsive request to accept the other party.


A patrol of adventurers passed by, and Tagore crawled on the ground knowingly. Lizardmen had the ability to change their body color according to the environment, thereby concealing their own talents. As long as they were not stupid, they would be difficult to detect.

"Have you heard? Sir Murat has found the entrance to the big cave." A man's voice came from above his head, and he was unaware that Lu Xidong and his wife, covered in disguise, were lying at their feet.

"Oh? That's great. I've really had enough of this cold and humid place. There's not even a place to take a bath, and there's not even a woman to play with."

"There are quite a few women, do you dare to play with them? Those female magicians will fire a fireball in return. The Priestess will not treat your wounds while they are festering. The female archers..."

"Damn, these girls are really troublesome, how can anyone in this town..."

After that, the patrol members were complaining in obscene words, but there was no information worth paying attention to, and the voices gradually faded away.

It turns out that what the other party is looking for is in a large cave, but I still don’t know what the other party is looking for? Lu Xidong did not dare to get closer. If he was surrounded, it would be difficult for him and Tagore to break out of the encirclement.

Can only wait.

By the time the sun rose, the smoke from the camp had been blown away by the wind, and it looked like the human adventurers were about to take action.

The large group of adventurers is not as neat as an army, but under the unified dispatch, there is also obvious order. Various professions are matched together, and every thirty people line up and advance towards the west.

Lu Xidong tugged at Tagore beside him and motioned for him to follow him. The lizard men's concealment made them natural scouts. As long as Tagore did not make any mistakes and followed the opponent quietly, it would be a piece of cake.

"Don't cause trouble and leave us marks along the way."

Seeing Tagore nodding, the two crawled away in different directions. The lizard man quietly followed the adventurer's team. Lu Xidong returned to the resting point to find other subordinates.


Yundi had a very strange feeling recently. She felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at her in the jungle. When she looked carefully, there was nothing there.

As a bronze-level adventurer, this was her first time going deep into the core of the Forbidden Forest. When she first received the mission, she thought the guild had made a mistake.

How could those of us reach Black Tree Gigas Cedar on our own? It turns out that Carter did not complete the task smoothly. Fortunately, he met the devil again.

Inexplicably, he was helped by the other party, and he made it clear that he would never see him again in the future.

Back in Border Town, Dieter stayed away from him, and Yundi didn't want to mention the past anymore.

The death of an adventurer during a mission is an ordinary event that happens every day. No one will investigate the cause of death of a low-level adventurer like Lart. I believe that Dieter has made up the story of the accident.

However, Yundi found that her friends around her were gradually alienating herself, and unpleasant rumors were circulating, which seemed to be about how she was captured by a demon...

You don't need to think about it to know that it is Dieter. In order to conceal the truth of the matter and make people no longer believe in any words of Yundi, the best way is to throw dirty water. This is not uncommon in the human world.

Human nature is so despicable, Yundi smiled bitterly in her heart. The most brilliant part of this trick is that rumors are spreading, but you can't stand up and defend yourself, otherwise people will think you are trying to cover up, and more rumors will follow.

So when they passed through the Goblin territory again, Yundi and Lu Xidong kept a distance, avoiding all kinds of contact as much as possible, watching their companions indifferently eating the food provided by the monsters while studying how to Kill monsters to increase your level.

Since when did adventurers become a profession only for climbing up? You must know that when I learned magic and joined the guild, it was to protect my hometown from the threat of monsters. Yundi shook her head. For the first time I feel a bit hopeless about human society.

Seeing the goblins working hard and building the town bit by bit, Yun Di was suddenly moved. It turns out that monsters are also guys who yearn for a better life, even though they are really ugly.

Unfortunately, as humans, both sides will eventually stand on opposite sides of the battlefield. Just like this mission, although the details are not clear, it is said that it is to recover a "magic outerwear".

"Magic Exterior" - sealing specific magical power in weapons and equipment, allowing the user to obtain that magical power, a method to quickly increase power from the outside.

As for what kind of magical appearance it was this time, Yundi didn't know. The guild's senior officials blocked the news. She only heard from her fellow investigators that a large number of living corpses and skeletons appeared in that place, which seemed to be a powerful equipment containing death magic.

Lord Murat has determined the specific location and will set off there today. Yundi tightened the hood on her head and secretly prayed in her heart: she must come back alive.

"Go!" The soldier in charge of delivering the order repeated Murat's order loudly and spread it far away.

Yundi followed her team and headed towards the dense forest in the west...