The Founding of the Reincarnated Demon King

Chapter 46: Thinning method


Don’t you even know about thinning

Lu Xidong suddenly understood that the dark elves were like a group of blind protection associations that only knew how to blindly shout slogans but did not understand the concept of harmony and moderation.

"Thinning means cutting down wood appropriately in order to maintain the integrity of the forest." Lu Xidong nodded in response to Ai Xia's question.

"To cut down trees to maintain the forest...?" Apparently Ai Xia still didn't understand, with a confused look on her face.

As a last resort, Lu Xidong contributed his limited knowledge of agriculture and forestry:

"This is a natural thing to do. If trees are allowed to grow freely, they will grow taller and larger, and their branches and leaves will spread in all directions.

Once the branches and leaves block the sunlight, the small trees cannot grow, and if the density is too high, it will also affect the growth of each other, and eventually it will become a fragile forest with only old trees left.

This fragile forest cannot withstand the attack of wind and snow and will easily fall into pieces.

Moreover, if the sun does not shine in, the weeds at the bottom will wither, and the ability to conserve soil and water will be greatly reduced, which can easily cause landslides...

This should be basic common sense, right? Don’t you understand? "

Lu Xidong stared at Ai Xia's eyes seriously, but received a response like a bobblehead doll.

He even picked up a branch and drew it on the soft ground. In this way, the explanation was more intuitive and easier to understand. At least in the end, Lu Xidong felt that Ai Xia had understood.

As a result, the next moment, the dark elf female archer's reaction was to suddenly kneel down in front of her.

"My lord! No, my lord!"

"Uh... what are you doing?" Lu Xidong was stunned by the other party.

"I offended you earlier, so please forgive me." Ai Xia apologized sincerely, her attitude changing 180 degrees.

Didn't you clamor for an opportunity to kill Lu Xidong before? Why did you suddenly become so respectful

Lu Xidong was a little confused, "Actually, I don't take it to heart... But, can you kneel down to me?"

"Of course! I have regarded you as my lifelong lord, and I will offer my absolute loyalty!" Ai Xia raised her head, and even her eyes that looked at Lu Xidong were shining with a strange light.

Wait, wait, wait, what on earth is going on? Lu Xidong was still confused.

"From now on, my life will be at your disposal! I will devote all my body, mind and purity to you! If you want me to go to the battlefield, I will go to the battlefield! If you want me to love you, I will love you! Even if you want me to become a concubine or... Slave, I am so happy! If you want me to die, I will die!"

Damn it, what's going on? Such a sudden confession made Lu Xidong at a loss. Do all dark elves like to fight in the wild

"What's this attitude of complete dedication!? What happened in the past few minutes!?" Lu Xidong felt that he should ask clearly. He was not a casual man.

Of course, even if you act casually, you are not a person.

"But before you order me to die, please listen to my last wish!"

"Eh!? Ignore!? You actually ignore me!?"

I said mmp in my heart, when will you be asked to die? Please listen to other people’s problems, okay

"Please teach me how to thin out my people!"

As she said that, Aisha hit her forehead heavily on the ground again. This kind of self-inflicted request was simply a threat.

Only then did Lu Xidong realize that the other party was attracted by the thinning incident and had adopted a low profile to please him. It turned out that he had not really fallen in love with him.

It's okay, okay, it's not good for such a beautiful elf to be a jerk. After all, Lu Xidong's orientation is normal.

"Want to learn the method of thinning?"

"That's right! Please teach everyone the so-called 'thinning' method! In recent years, our trees have faced the problems mentioned by the previous owner.

Densely grown trees are too thin, new trees cannot develop, water sources are turbid, and the ground will be exposed after strong winds and heavy rains.

After the master’s release, I finally knew the reason! "

Sure enough, it was terrible to have no knowledge. They would only protect without understanding the reasons behind it. Lu Xidong suddenly felt that these proud dark elves were actually quite pitiful.

"But aren't your trees said to be thousands of years old? Were they only discovered recently?"

I heard Tire and the others mentioned before that the trees that the dark elves rely on are a very rare species, about the same as the black tree Gigas Cedar. They have an extremely long lifespan and strong materials. They are the best building materials here.

But no matter how noble the species are, they are still trees, right? The thinning method is a common method for sustainable forest development, and it is naturally also applicable to the trees of the dark elves.

Facing Lu Xidong's inquiry, Ai Xia nodded shyly.

"Our trees are already very long-lived, so people thought it was just the end of these trees that was coming, so they didn't notice it before."

"I see, this cannot be ignored. None of the forests in the Forbidden Forest have been cultivated according to the thinning method. Maybe every place is facing the same situation."

"But except for places that are extremely dependent on forests, there should be no problem in other places. After the old trees die, new trees will grow on their own. Even if the fragile forests are completely wiped out by natural disasters, as long as ten years or so, the forest will It will be resurrected. The so-called nature is originally like this."

But isn’t this a fatal problem for the dark elves

After all, they live in this forest. Without the protection of the forest, they immediately become refugees.

Refugees with such a high force value would inevitably become the source of trouble. Lu Xidong thought about it and decided that he should help them solve the tree problem immediately.

"Let's go, we must take measures immediately."

"Oh oh oh! Thank you so much, master!" Ai Xia heard that Lu Xidong had agreed to her request, and she immediately thanked him gratefully.

As the female archer walked toward the center of the woods, Lu Xidong discovered that there was a hidden cave here.

In the middle of the dark elf forest, there is a round lake. It is not big, but the water is very clear, like... the eyes of a fairy.

So beautiful!

Even guys like Lu Xidong couldn't help but admire in their hearts. The dark elves became nervous and heightened their vigilance because they saw outsiders.

But when they saw Aisha, they bowed respectfully, regardless of gender or age.

"Ai Xia is the leader of the dark elves?" Lu Xidong asked in surprise. You must know that in other races, the leaders are mostly older or stronger people.

Ai Xia looks like just a cute little girl. Although her bow and arrow are very strong, she doesn't look like the strongest person in this tribe.

Aisha blushed with embarrassment: "Well, I am the queen of the dark elves, Aisha Oudkard. I am already over 1,300 years old this year."

This sentence really shocked Lu Xidong. Although he had heard that the elves had a long lifespan, the girl in front of him... the queen was already over 1,300 years old.

"Then you still agree to be my slave?" Lu Xidong felt a little incredible.

"According to our rules, the defeated must obey the victor unconditionally. Of course, if the victor is killed, this contract will no longer exist." Aisha explained: "But now, I recognize you as my master. , because you can bring our clan the method of long-term prosperity—that is, the method of thinning."

Lu Xidong nodded and said to his heart that knowledge is really power. Thanks to the teachers from childhood to adulthood, a simple tree thinning arrangement was able to regain the dark elves who regarded trees as more important than life.

So profitable!

At this moment, a dark elf ran in and said in panic: "Her Royal Highness, there are a group of monsters outside, about to rush in..."

Ai Xia looked at Lu Xidong, knelt down and asked for instructions: "Master, please give instructions!"