The Founding of the Reincarnated Demon King

Chapter 51: Monster army


Dwarf King Glenn hated the man in front of him because he was a bit mystical.

With the strength of Free City Zenda, did he still think that Glenn would not notice what happened in the Forbidden Forest

Or does he really know something that he doesn't know about

Glenn was a little confused, which shook his confidence, so he resisted the urge to kick Fitz out and continued to listen to what the other party said...

"In this forbidden forest, a pure demon suddenly appeared. He first conquered a group of goblins, and then evolved them by giving them names..."

Fitz chattered endlessly, and King Glenn frowned. This was all a long time ago. He already knew it clearly from the spy. What he wanted to know was something he didn't know.

It's natural, isn't it? Everyone wants to know what they don't know, and this curiosity will eventually burn them out.

"... Later he subdued a group of ogres and gave them names. The ogres also evolved... "

Fitz didn't seem to notice the short veins on King Glenn's forehead, and he was still talking slowly from the beginning, which made Glenn unbearable.

"That's enough... We already know this, tell us something we don't know!"

Glenn finally interrupted Fitz's tirade. Although this was a bit rude, it was time for this long-winded guy to stop.

"What don't you know? What are the things you don't know?"

Fitz looked innocent and spread his hands, implying that he didn't know what the other party knew or didn't know.

King Glenn had a dark look on his face and thought to himself that this is not bad. Even he himself doesn't know what he doesn't know. How can he blame the other party for not knowing what he doesn't know

Isn’t it a mouthful

But in fact, that was the case. King Glenn waved his hand and allowed Fitz to continue speaking.

But what's even more devastating is that Fitz actually said something like this: "Hey, where did I just say it? Uh... Well... let me do it all over again!"

Unfortunately, this guy really looked serious and started talking from the beginning.

"In this forbidden forest, a pure demon suddenly appeared..."

Damn it, King Glen is covering his face. With such an IQ, he is actually the branch president of the Adventurers Guild in Zenda City. Are these adventurers fools

Now he learned well. Not only did he not dare to speak out anymore, but he even signaled the people in the palace with his eyes.

"... Just like that, the A-level magic weapon—Death Disaster, which was originally going to be captured by our Adventurer Guild, was shamelessly plundered by this guy, and even killed all the elites of our guild..."

It wasn't until he said this that Glenn became slightly interested. "A-level magical equipment - disaster of death" was information that he didn't know. Even his spies didn't expect that it was a treasure hunt. war.

And now this A-level magic suit containing death magic is worn by this demon, which is indeed a big hidden danger.

Glenn knew that the more powerful the magic weapon, the stronger its own ability, and the greater the corrosive effect on the holder or wearer.

In other words, this guy who calls himself the Demon King is likely to come towards him with a group of skeletons and living corpses in the near future. After all, Zenda is one of the richest cities on the continent of Calradia. one.

Thinking about it this way, the opponent is not standing still, but is accumulating strength.

In this case, why not strike first

Glenn was a little hesitant. He couldn't rashly provoke a group of monsters just because of the other party's one-sided words. This would not do him any good.

Dwarves are a very artistic race. They are only interested in creation, so they are pacifists at heart. But as the leader of a city and country, Glenn can't just do things based on his feelings. He has to weigh the pros and cons.

"Order: Send out all the spies who are proficient in invisibility, continue to pay attention to that monster town, and investigate in as much detail as possible, especially the matter of A-level magic equipment."

It is necessary to send more people to investigate. King Glen needs more information, but at the same time, Zenda City's combat readiness must still be maintained.

"Additional order: The Fire Knights continue to maintain a state of war preparation and are on standby at any time. The rest of the national army lowers the alert level and enters a quasi-martial law state, just in case."


The ministers and knights standing in front of the throne answered in unison, and they also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Fitz left the worried dwarf king behind and turned around to leave, with a strange smile appearing on his lips.

He didn't lie. Of course, the A-level magic weapon "Disaster of Death" was true, but Fitz used his expression and tone to induce these stupid dwarves.

"What happens next depends on your imagination... Hehehehe..."

Fitz actually smiled proudly...

… …

On the other side, Lu Xidong has also been studying this hard-won blue armor recently.

Ever since he came out of the underground palace, the guy named "Kiluo" has never appeared again.

Lu Xidong had also tested it, and this armor did allow him to have a certain ability to control dead corpses. Unfortunately, he could not control such a large group of living corpses as that time.

Now he can only control three or two skeletons or living corpses and perform some simple operations.

Among his men, only Yundi knew some magic, and Lu Xidong hoped to get some help from her.

It's a pity that Yundi studies elemental magic, but she knows nothing about the death magic attached to this armor.

Lu Xidong felt uncomfortable as he couldn't use the high-end magical equipment he had obtained through all possible means, just like the goddess Bu Ri who had finally caught up with him.

When he felt really uncomfortable holding it back, he would secretly watch Ai Xia and Yundi taking a bath. This was the serious consequence of their inability to help him solve the problem.

Of course, the dark elves' sharp arrows and the female magician's fireballs also came towards Lu Xidong. Fortunately, he had high agility and managed to avoid them.

It's so dangerous, Lu Xidong said to himself, these two little bitches are trying to murder their own husbands.

Of course, at Ai Xia's age... she can't be called a little girl.

The elves who are thousands of years old can still have such a curvy figure, white and tight skin, especially that pretty and colorful face. Lu Xidong doesn't mind having a love that spans thousands of years.

However, this is all his own fantasy, and he hasn't gotten started yet.

However, there are also business matters that need to be managed by him. The establishment of the Goblin Wolf Cavalry represents the beginning of Lu Xidong's monster army taking shape.

The cavalry used for the assault include the Goblin Wolf Cavalry, the heavy infantry Horned Troll who are good at attacking forts, the dark-scaled murlocs of the Nishizawa Navy, and the steel-armored lizardmen of the land and sea special forces. Of course, there are also the wandering and harassing cavalry. Ranged archers Dark Elves.

Lu Xidong felt that his men suddenly became stronger, but he had not yet figured out how to use this force.

Little did he know that a dark cloud was coming towards him, and this army of monsters would soon come in handy...