The Founding of the Reincarnated Demon King

Chapter 60: Bang bang bang?


Lu Xidong has no intention of keeping only "Iserlohn City" as a town. Isn't this too poor for a country

Unlike the free cities where dwarves gather, the capital of the Monster Federation is a flat city in the forest. There is no danger to defend it and it is easy to be attacked. It is very disadvantageous both militarily and politically.

Although this situation does not happen now, in fact, this situation has to be guarded against.

The so-called Cunning Rabbit Three Cave, Lu Xidong wants to build more towns within the territory. The forms of these towns may be different depending on the terrain and monsters, but the basic functions are all required.

Therefore, the planning and construction of the second town of the Monster Federation, named "Londolina" by Lu Xidong, was officially put on the agenda.

The old site of Rondolina City was a cave in the swamp beside Xize Lake. After re-planning, Lu Xidong planned to build it into a multi-functional town with equal emphasis on the ground and underground.

Of course, the residents here are still mainly lizardmen, but compared with the loose tribal system in the past, now that they are included in the territory of the Federal State, the lizardmen have to take on more tasks assigned by the state.

The Monster Federal State is still based on the original racial power structure of the monsters, so each clan has its own clan leader and a job that matches the racial characteristics.

For example, the Goblin clan, headed by Guluwa, was assigned to work as craftsmen because they were good at digging. As for the lizard people, Lu Xidong assigned them the task of growing herbs.

The medicinal herbs mentioned here are a unique plant that can absorb magic elements from the world and store them. People in this world refine and extract them and make them into various magic potions.

In general, it is the general name of a kind of magic plant. For Lu Xidong, who commands a large number of monsters, this thing is very valuable. Not only can it be kept for personal use, but it can also be made into magic potions and obtained from Free City Zenda. Go to the city to sell it in exchange for the universal currency of this world.

The trade agreement that was finally reached cannot be wasted like this. Dorum's ceramic toilets were sold very well in Zenda, allowing Lu Xidong to accumulate a lot of wealth.

This wealth was also exchanged for many supplies that were urgently needed by the Monster Federation, including seeds of magic herbs. Only then did Lu Xidong start to have the idea of growing herbs.

Among them, the one he asked the lizard people to grow was a relatively high-quality green herb called Hippocut.

This kind of medicinal herb likes damp and cold places, and the lizard man's cave is very suitable. Yundi is considered a semi-expert in this regard.

When every elemental magician starts learning, the masters will first teach them the knowledge of medicinal herbs.

Now, she is checking the results of the lizard people and observing the cultivation situation of Hippocut medicinal herbs. In order to investigate which state will have better quality, Yundi suggested that each area adopt different planting methods.

In addition to Lu Xidong, Tagore, who was in charge of planting, also accompanied Yundi for inspection.

Lu Xidong asked: "Yundi, what's the result? Did this kid do the right thing?"

"Hahaha, good question! It went very well! I, Tagore, have worked very hard." Before Yundi could answer, Tagore answered first, pointing at the large field of medicinal herbs with a proud face.

"Well, this is the fruit of hard work." After saying that, Yundi handed over a handful of grass.

It's weed!

Although Lu Xidong didn't understand much, he could still distinguish between weeds and Hippocratic herbs.

He was speechless and immediately kicked Tagore, causing the steel-armored lizard man to stagger.

He couldn't die anyway. Lu Xidong was very good at controlling strength. To deal with a shameless guy like Tagore, he had to use such a rough method.

"Oh, oh, why are you like this! What did I do wrong?"

"Idiot, isn't that a weed? What the hell are you planting!"

"At least four of the ten plants are weeds..." Yundi held a handful of pulled out weeds in her hand and interjected at this time.

"W-what? Sorry! I, Tagore, was a little too hasty in order to achieve results."

"You can get away with it just because you're too hasty for results... Really, be careful. After all, with the density of magic in this cave being so high, it's not that easy to grow weeds."

"Yes, but if you don't take care of it carefully, the probability of weeds appearing is not small!" Yundi nodded and shook her head.

It was indeed a bit difficult for the lizard people to engage in such delicate work, but fortunately there were many of them. Tagore and his son quickly selected more than thirty relatively smart guys to form a patrol team.

These lizardmen do not need to participate in the cultivation of medicinal herbs. They are only responsible for observing the cultivation of Hippocut medicinal herbs and pulling out weeds in time.

Lu Xidong also left Yundi behind to teach the lizard people how to distinguish weeds. Fortunately, she had no magic to study when she returned to Iserlohn, so she had found a place to use her skills.

Despite this episode, the plan is generally proceeding according to the steps. The cultivation of the rare plant Hippocote herb that the lizard people are responsible for is proceeding smoothly, and it is believed that it will be in full production soon.

There is another thing that is more scratching his head, that is, whether the institution of marriage should be established among monsters. This is a headache for Lu Xidong.

His previous attitude was to just let these monsters follow their own customs.

But now that there are more types of monsters, the birth rate has actually dropped.

Of course, this is related to the fact that after they were named, the race has evolved and their reproductive ability has decreased.

But the more important issue is that no matter what kind of monster he has, the strong man has the right to choose the partner to mate with. This custom is probably to leave stronger descendants.

But the question arises here, should polygamy be recognized

If a strong man plunders all the female monster's properties, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction and make other companions angry. If it is still based on tribes, it is okay, but now it is based on the concept of country.

Lu Xidong's men now have nearly 800 goblins alone. No matter how strong they are, they can't monopolize too many females and prevent them from mating with other males, right

Moreover, there seem to be two types of monster children.

Casual fertilization and serious birth are equivalent to one being an irresponsible accidental pregnancy, and the other being a carefully cared for offspring reproduction.

The former will inherit the abilities of their parents to a certain extent, but due to the lack of necessary nutrition and care, the children are often born very weak. If they are reproduced in this way, the strength of the monster will be reduced.

The latter will inherit all the abilities of their parents and will be very strong when they are born. After being raised, they may even be higher than their parents.

This is an inadvertent difference. Lu Xidong does not want the previous method, where one generation is inferior to the other, and in the end this country will perish.

What's more, it will also affect the birth rate of newborns. Lu Xidong now needs more labor and combat power. More people are strength, so this problem is urgent and he must solve it.

It was not good for the strong to have more spouses, but Lu Xidong felt that he had found a way to solve the problem.

—In this monster federal state, when it comes to strong people, who else can be stronger than himself? If he is strong, he can have more spouses...

"Then all the females will belong to me!"

This was Lu Xidong’s speech at the latest meeting, which shocked all the monster leaders. After all, the monster leaders such as Guluwa, Silva, Tier, Tagore, and Da Keba are all The strongest within his own race.

Lu Xidong's words were depriving them of their power, but they didn't dare to disobey... or to obey willingly. As I said before, these guys were very dissatisfied with Lu Xidong's lack of a fixed mating partner.

Whether it is the human girl Yundi or the dark elf Ai Xia, they all assumed that they were Lu Xidong's spouse, but there has been no movement.

Therefore, they were more anxious than Lu Xidong himself, and these monsters had no concept of chastity. If their spouse could be favored by the Demon King, it would be a dream.

Therefore, there was no resistance to Lu Xidong's order. Everyone obediently counted up the females from each tribe who had no fixed mates and reported them to Lu Xidong.

So after that, Lu Xidong then issued an order: Single male monsters who have a partner they like can pursue the female monster named after them. If the female is also interested, they will become a fixed mating partner and raise children together.

If a male monster gives up after a long time, he will be severely punished and will not be given the right to mate for the next three years.

This is a very serious punishment. They cannot mate for three years, which will stifle these idiots to death.

A confession ceremony is held at the beginning of every month, and those who successfully become husband and wife are allocated separate houses by the state, while single male monsters can only live in longhouses in groups.

In addition, since it is a female monster under the name of Lu Xidong, powerful people are not allowed to use their position to force females to obey.

Monster couples who successfully conceive a son can receive rewards from the state and give their son free education and food subsidies.

After the introduction of this series of policies, the birth rate of monsters in the territory gradually increased again, and the concept of eugenics and eugenics became more and more popular.

Is it time to solve your own problems

Seeing the monster couple who had a close relationship holding their young son, Lu Xidong was thinking about it.

At this moment, Ai Xia suddenly appeared in front of him, startling him again.

Last time she appeared in front of him quietly, bringing news about the dwarf spies. What would happen this time

I'm afraid, that's not good news, right

Lu Xidong sighed and asked, "What's going on this time? Is it bang bang bang?"