The Frog Prince and the Witch

Chapter 20: Doubtful witch


Joanna noticed that Ian would do strange things when she wasn't paying attention.

For example, while she was sleeping, he hugged her cloak and sniffed it up to his nose. Even though he was weaving bracelets with his poor craftsmanship, he still held the cloak in his arms as if he was holding some kind of treasure.

For another example, when she is busy and not in the room, she will sneak into her room, lie on her bed, sleep on her pillow, and pick up her fallen hair and put it away...

She didn't feel disgusted or anything, but worried... He was too obsessed with her, maybe even prioritizing her over himself. If it is a family relationship such as parents and children, or even a relationship between husband and wife, this is reasonable, but what kind of relationship is it between them

She thought she had provided a place where poor people could rest in peace, and in return the tenant would clean up the house for her, that's all. However, it seems that the "tenant" doesn't think so... She is a little puzzled how this man views their relationship. She never believed in the words "sacrifice everything for the master". The reason why the servants are loyal is because the master has given them the conditions of loyalty. Once the conditions are no longer, then the loyalty of the servants will naturally disappear, and the death of the master is even more so. The best reason these servants are no longer faithful.

And if after the death of the master, the servants are loyal to the master from generation to generation... Then this is not called loyalty, it is called "faith". Believers of this belief, once manipulated in the hands of some people with ulterior motives, the consequences are not what they seem to think.

It's not that she didn't think about another possibility. After all, just before this, there was a crazy woman who was so obsessed with Ian that she even gave her soul to the devil to get him... But to her? In love? It's not that she has low self-esteem, but if it is reasonable to calculate, this is impossible.

Not to mention her unremarkable appearance, just saying that she always wears black and blue clothes is enough to make many people look at her and hate her, not to mention her living habits are too abnormal compared to ordinary people, not everyone can accept her. Not getting up and going to bed on time. Moreover, she is also a notorious witch, a terrifying witch who raises turtles, crows and lizards, and lives in a house that rarely sees sunlight all year round... With so many anomalies, she understands that the nearby neighbors don't like to be near The reason; the neighbors who didn't know so much about her life were already showing confusion and disgust, not to mention the man who tried to hold her hand

My mother once expressed regret for not being able to cure her strange disease, and passed away with this regret. At that time the mother said that she might not have any children in the future, so the name of the witch should be properly passed on to a student who was willing to worship her as a teacher. Her disease is inherited from her great-grandmother and even earlier ancestors. It is not a terrible disease, but her skin is very sensitive to temperature. Once it exceeds the level that the skin can bear, it will burn directly, instead of being exposed to the sun like ordinary people. Into wheat black.

Therefore, she is actually very envious of dark-skinned women, especially those hearty village girls with healthy wheat-colored skin, who can stand upright in the sun and grin... Unlike her, who can only hide under a small black and blue umbrella Next, you have to hide from the sun like this all your life.

So, Ian will fall in love with her? She disapproved very much, so she was more inclined to Ian had suffered too much trauma, so she regarded her as his belief. As long as she is persuaded, she is no longer special, and he will be like an ordinary person.

When that time came, it was time for him to leave.

So, what should be done to heal the invisible and intangible wounds in his heart? Joanna began to struggle.


When she came back to her senses because of the screaming, Ian knelt down beside her again, put his hands on her knees, and raised his head slightly to get close to her sitting in the chair. He was looking at her worriedly, "Is the master unwell? He seems to be so absent-minded lately... Is there something to worry about?"

"No, it's nothing." Joanna also found out, he especially liked the situation where he was kneeling in front of her... Then he scolded lightly, "Is the bracelet knitted? Your craftsmanship is really bad, you can't read any of the previous knitting. of!"

"I'm sorry, master."

"Then why don't you go quickly?" Joanna snorted, "Don't let me find out that you are going to the flowerbed to move flower pots again, be careful I will burn those flowers with a fire, and you will have nothing to grow!"

She was obviously swearing, but Ian smiled happily, "Got it, my master."

How could the situation be so bad, even when she was cursing, he could listen to it with a smile