The Frog Prince and the Witch

Chapter 23: The hunted prince


Both witches, if they have similar smells, they will call each other sisters, and they do treat each other as close as sisters in their actions.

Some witches are very keen to visit, and often go out to chat with their sisters. Of course, there are also lonely witches who don't like to be so gregarious and enjoy solitude by themselves. Joanna, on the other hand, is a rather peculiar one, who belongs to the loneliness of last resort, rather than deliberately enjoying loneliness. She doesn't take the initiative to visit, but she welcomes any sisters to come and chat. There are always five or six guests in a year, and they are all sisters from far away.

The witch of the snow is named Sora Snow White, who inherits the name of her teacher. Unlike Joanna's obscurity, the witch Sora is very famous in the snow in the north. After all, as a witch, she is so hyped that "as long as you have money, I will do whatever you want, and I will find a way to do it for you". , really very different.

"I said, even though your name is Black Velvet, don't always make yourself so dark!" Sora glanced at the moonlit room with disgust, and then her eyes lit up to see the pink patch The colored cloth, "Oh, look what this is? You should have done it! Although the Witch of the Wilderness should be dressed in black and blue, can't you make your house so dark, and the color will be brighter? I'm in a good mood~」

"But the colors don't look right..."

"I don't care if you match it or not, use this to make me a tablecloth and replace your dark tablecloth!"

"Okay, don't keep yelling like this and disturb the neighbors." Joanna reluctantly pulled Sora into the house and closed the window, "What are you here for, you made a special trip to pick on my clothes?"

"Not really, although your clothing taste is really worthy of my fault." Sora sat down to herself, grabbed Joanna who was sitting next to her, and began to talk, "You know, I'm so flamboyant, Many people looking for witches have found me because they don’t know where to find someone, and even the kingdom where you are now found me!”

Joanna couldn't help thinking of the previous royal list, "The royal family found you?"

"Yeah. You can really keep a low profile. Back then, the name of the Wilderness Witch was quiet on your side. It's obvious that your abilities are comparable to mine, but instead of finding you who are so close, you are far away. Run to my country to find me." Sora took out her small leather purse and digged it differently, "I remember I had that portrait, where was it... oh, tell you, the royal family Gao Liu's family lost their second prince, saying that the second prince was cursed into a frog and asked me to help find it, but they didn't know the exact location. If you want me to tell you, maybe such a small frog can't be found. After the winter, I freeze to death. Do I want to find a frog's mummified corpse or the soil where the frog was buried? Maybe I only find a row of small bones, and then maybe the Gao Liu family thinks that I have a false reputation and will start a crusade. Witches and the like... the royal family's demands are really annoying!"

Cursed into a frog... Joanna thought of Ian, wondering if it was such a coincidence that the little thing she picked up on the side of the road was actually a prince

Although Sora has a very rich taste in life, without her envoy butler, her life is actually a mess, at least she never remembers where her things are kept, and always throws things in small bags. Don't think about it, it must be a mess. So while she was talking about the commission of the royal family, she was looking for the portrait that the royal family gave her.

It is said that after the second prince disappeared for four months last year, two embarrassed knights found the palace and said they had news of the second prince, but they asked for absolute protection. The king was skeptical that his son was cursed to be a frog, and that the duke's daughter, Vivian, was actually an evil witch. But after seeing the crazy witch chasing at the gate of the palace, and because the situation was too sudden, one of the knights who defected was killed by the witch, the king believed it, and was very worried about the situation of his second prince, but he was also worried that it would be so casual Publishing a bounty will expose the location of the second prince and cause the second prince to encounter unexpected events. The royal list only states that he is looking for a frog, but does not clearly explain what is going on, so as to send a message that the second prince should be careful to protect himself.

That day, the witch who was still at large under the siege of the heavy soldiers made the king so frightened that he hurriedly searched for the knights and priests of the temple to come to the rescue. Fortunately, on the day he encountered the witch, he saw the high priest listening to the suffering of the people, so the witch's attack on him was blocked by the high priest, and even the old high priest had time to fight back, so that the witch screamed and left.

The high priest said that as long as the prince was found, he would have a way to undo the curse, but he could not find the prince whose energy was very low, so he suggested that the king seek the help of a witch.

"Are you still recommended by the high priest?" Joanna was surprised. "I thought those believers thought we were all evil!"

"It was only after the High Priest met me that he realized that not all witches are evil, which is fortunate... Otherwise, the reputation of our witches would have been ruined by that mad woman! God knows, why did that mad woman think so Anyone who is close to witches should know how terrifying black magic is!" Sora finally stopped pulling the purse and pulled out a rolled up portrait, "Finally found it! Look, this is what the second prince looks like. It was painted by an artist on his twentieth birthday. See if you can find out where he is based on this? Really, I am not familiar with this land. I am looking for something in an unfamiliar place, which is really embarrassing for me. Fortunately, you are here, this is your place, you are familiar with it, so it should not be difficult for you, right?"

"Yeah. It's not difficult." She was a little familiar with the person in the portrait, but also a little unfamiliar.

The twenty-year-old second prince looks like a very proud person, wearing a luxurious palace uniform makes him more outstanding... How different from the red-haired man who is clinging to her now.

And she sincerely felt that the man should continue to have the appearance in the portrait, instead of staying in this dark room, accompanying her as a lonely witch.

"Sister, the person you are looking for is in my room."

Sora was thinking that she would ask for something as a reward, and when the two of them continued to discuss how to divide labor and cooperate, she was stunned by her words, "What did you say? The second prince is here with you?"

Joanna nodded, "The mad woman was pulled into the abyss by the devil because of the backlash of magic. I saw it with my own eyes. I also broke the prince's curse, but my body still needs to be recuperated, so I accept it in my room now. treat."

Sora looked at her carefully, "Then when will he go back?"

"Soon, sister, I will send him back soon. There are so many people in his family waiting for him to go back." Joanna touched the portrait and said.

She probably didn't know that when she said this, her expression was lonely and her eyes were sad... Although the tears did not flow, but looking at it made people know that she was absent.

"Oh, dear Joanna, it's alright." Sora hugged her, and the uncomfortable Snow Witch could only pat her on the back, "everything will be alright, it will be alright."

Yes. will be fine. After all, he was expected to leave, wasn't it? Joanna just thought blankly, or she didn't think about anything, she just let herself be embraced into the same cold embrace as hers.