The Frog Prince and the Witch

Chapter 28: Prince and witch before separation


Because of exhaustion, Joanna fell asleep soon after laying on the bed. And Ian, who was sleeping beside her, was having trouble falling asleep.

Tonight is the last day with the goddess... He looked at her sleeping face, thinking heartbroken.

He knew that the goddess had always thought that his love was just a disease, but he felt that if falling in love with a beautiful woman was also a disease, then he would rather stay sick like this all his life than get cured.

After Joanna fell asleep, she slept very deeply and was very difficult to wake up. So he approached boldly, put his nose to her neck, and filled the tip of his nose with the scent of her after bathing... He would always remember her scent, and he would never forget it for the rest of his life, because this was his life. The only love, there will be no other woman like her who can fully occupy his heart, and every frown and smile will involve his thoughts.

Reaching out to embrace her in his arms, he used his body to remember the touch that belonged to her. He never dared to be so arrogant, except on the night of the campfire, when the villagers were all there, he gave him a joking hug. It was only that time, because he thought that she wouldn't spoil the fun in front of so many people. After that, he didn't have the courage to stretch out his hand again, for fear of seeing her disgusted expression.

Is her waist so thin? No wonder the neighbors felt worried when they saw it, it was so thin, it seemed like it was about to break.

Is she really so cold? I really want to keep her warm like this... But she doesn't really need it, right? Otherwise, how could such a strong witch not find a way to keep herself warm? Naturally, she didn't go to keep warm because she didn't feel cold!

She had the smell of yellowed paper like books and the smell of dried herbs, which reminded him of when he was a little frog, watching her in her study while weighing herbs and flipping through books. appearance.

She was the most charming back then.

Being able to sleep beside her was probably the happiest thing he could think of, but tonight was the last night, so it would be a pity to just fall asleep like this. So even though he was exhausted, he carefully painted her face with his eyes and remembered the smell that belonged to her with his nose... But what to do? It's not enough, no matter how much I remember it, it's not enough!

Why is he not her familiar? Why wasn't he accepted as a familiar when he was a little frog? If he is her familiar, does it mean that they are bound by an invisible contract and will not be separated? She clearly promised... She clearly promised that he would not abandon him, didn't she

The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt, and he was so wronged that he almost cried, but he still didn't dare to make any big moves to wake her up. Very nice look.

Joanna saw his smile before she opened her eyes. She couldn't see the reluctance in his eyes, but she was a little surprised by his dark circles; this bed was the best quality bed she had ever slept in. This kind of bed will actually cause dark circles to come out... Is it so uncomfortable? Or... Because he's a prince, he's not used to sleeping in a bed outside the palace

"Good morning, Master." He helped her get up, "Do you want me to get you a basin of wash water?"

"Okay." Although it seems like it can be solved by pulling the bell, but if he wants to go out, let him go out, maybe he wants to go to the toilet, right

In fact, he really wanted to get out of Joanna's sight sooner, because he wanted to wash away these bad marks on his face. After all, this is the last impression, she can't let her see such a haggard face!

So after taking care of herself, another elegant young man appeared in front of Joanna with the basin in hand, and gently waited for her to wash... It made her feel very weird, and it was obviously not so sticky before.

As for the little bit of reluctance in her heart, she completely ignored it.

The author has something to say:

It will end tomorrow, and the word count will be more than before. . .