The Gaming God is Arrogant
Author: 守花
Latest: Chapter 191
Status: Completed
Genres: Supernatural
BTG’s newest signing is rumored to be former world champion Gloria. As soon as this revelation came out, everyone was waiting for the rumor of discord within the team to come out. After all, BTG Captains Bae Yi and Gloria, a new champion with a lot of momentum, and an old king with a lot of determination. Two kings against each other. It’s quite a show. Not long. Well, instead of fighting, they’re... together. The crowd...
传闻BTG新签的队员是前世界冠军,Gloria。 此爆料一出,众人都等着队内不和的传闻流出。 毕竟,BTG队长裴弈和Gloria,一个势头强劲的新冠军,一个是杀伐果断的旧王。 两王相争,真是一场好戏。 没多久。 咳,两人没打起来,反而……在一起了。 围观群...