The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers

Chapter 2: first meet


Le Yao felt that when Jiang Xinduo said that Xu Yao was a bit fierce, he should have guessed that Xu Yao was particularly fierce. But after seeing the photos, he realized that the gap between the times limited his imagination.

Fierce, not only does it look fierce, but the eyes also seem to be quenched. I don't know who took the photo, Xu Yao seems to be on the battlefield. His hair was a bit long, and it hadn't been cut or washed for an unknown amount of time during the war. It coagulated with the dried blood on his face, and it looked really scary. And such a terrifying person actually held a saber with a cold light in his hand. The saber is dripping with blood, and there are corpses under your feet. At first glance, it seems that they will come to kill you in the next second.

Le Yao was really a little scared when he saw it at first glance, but when he scrolled down, he found that perhaps only such a man can be the commander of the Flying Wolf Master of the Tarot Empire at a young age.

Xu Yao is a major general of the Air Force of the Twelfth Army of the Tarot Empire, and is currently the commander of the Flying Wolf Division of the Twelfth Army.

According to the information on the Internet, in January 275 of the new star calendar, Huaxia was attacked by an orc army from Sarna. At that time, Xu Yao, who had just served as the deputy division commander, was ordered to lead the Flying Wolf Division to Huaxia to defend against foreign enemies.

In July of the same year, the Sarna army was defeated, and the Flying Wolf Division led by Xuyao won a complete victory. Taking advantage of the victory and pursuing, they took down the two ore stars that originally belonged to the Sarna star in one fell swoop. His decisive fighting style on the battlefield made his subordinates give him a nickname: Emperor Hades.

In August of the same year, the King of Hades was exceptionally promoted to two ranks within one year and became the youngest officer in the history of the Tarot Empire, leading more than 30,000 soldiers at a young age.

However, just when all the star people thought that Yan Wangye was about to lead the team back to the mother planet, the chief took his subordinates to completely station in Huaxia Star and became the earth emperor of Huaxia Star.

Regarding the behavior of Xu Yao at that time, there were many speculations from the outside world: some people said that the natural environment of Huaxia Star may have gradually recovered after more than two hundred years of recuperation, and Master Xu was ordered to stay and re-explore the available resources of Huaxia Star. It is worthwhile; some people also said that Master Xu discovered some important secrets on Huaxia Star, and he could not return to his home planet if he did not find out; emperor.

In short, there are various speculations. Until the end of last month, the Marriage Center of the Tarot Empire suddenly announced a special marriage order on the official website, ordering Xu Yao to rush to Tarot immediately to marry the eldest son of the general of Lefei Mountain. Le Yao registers her marriage.

The marriage order came suddenly and urgently, as if it carried some kind of temptation. But Xu Yan Wang received the news and immediately responded, saying that he agreed.

When Le Yao saw this, he wasn't sure what Xuyao's idea was, but wanted to know more about it, only to find out that there was only one photo of Xuyao on the whole network, and there seemed to be photos in other places, but special permissions were required to view them. He was already very sleepy at this time, and he didn't want to toss about any more, so he simply put down his head and fell into a deep sleep.

Anyway, no matter what, he must go to Huaxia Star.

"Le Yao hasn't woken up yet?" At the breakfast table the next day, Le Feishan didn't see the eldest son—that's right, he was the eldest son. There are also two cousins. In fact, he is the eldest son of Le Feishan.

"He must be tired from all the tossing and tossing yesterday, so I didn't ask anyone to wake him up." Jiang Xinduo smiled and said with a motherly look, "Let him sleep more."

"Who said I'm still asleep?" Le Yao, who got up early and took a shower, and changed into clean clothes, said as she went downstairs.

He watched too many bloody pictures last night, didn't sleep well all night, and now he still has a headache. But you can't act too weak, you have to speak as tough as the original owner, you can't be gentle, and you still have to sneer and sarcastic from time to time, he still remembers.

Jiang Xinduo didn't overwhelm Xiaoxin's embarrassment at all, and scooped up a bowl of porridge for Le Yao with a smile: "Since you're awake, come over and have breakfast together."

Le Yao sat down opposite his stepbrother Le Tianyu. He ate everything, except for the bowl of porridge that Jiang Xinduo served.

Jiang Xinduo saw this in her eyes, and a flash of anger flashed in her eyes, but she quickly put it back.

Le Feishan naturally also found out that Le Yao didn't eat what Jiang Xinduo gave. But Le Yao didn't do it again all night, he rarely had a good night's sleep, so he didn't complain about it. It's just that he habitually frowns when he speaks, so there are three deep folds between his brows, and he looks unhappy without expression. He said: "Xuyao didn't stay in Tarot Star for a long time this time, and he still has a lot of business to deal with, so this time you register first, and don't hold a wedding. But he also said, after the busy period Make it up for you."

"It doesn't matter if you don't make love." Le Yao said, "Anyway, it's not because we like each other that we get together."

"What kind of attitude is this! Is it my problem that you can't be with the person you like?" Le Feishan's face turned black, "Don't you think about it, which omega is like you outside? Fighting, skipping classes, no Keep discipline, Xu Yao didn't refuse this marriage order, so you can just smile secretly."

"Why am I laughing secretly?" Le Yao said with an unhappy face, "That Xuyao looks so fierce, so scary, I'm going to marry him, if I want to laugh secretly, he must be smiling, right? ?!"

"... He doesn't rely on his face to eat! What's the good-looking thing?!" Le Feishan's fire came up immediately, "Le Yao, let me tell you! Your medicine is about to expire, and you have to follow Yao Yao in the next few months." Together! After registration, you will go to Huaxia Star with Xuyao. I will suspend your school for you at your school. After half a year, if you still want to continue to study, you can resume your studies. But before that, you must give I'm fine! Do you hear me?!"

Le Yao chewed the food vigorously without making a sound.

Le Feishan stared at him.

Le Tianyu said softly at this time: "Dad, brother, he will be with someone he doesn't like soon, he must be very sad. Besides, you don't know that he likes beautiful things since he was a child. Then... just give me some time."

Le Yao sneered: "Le Tianyu, what's the matter with you? Pretend to be empathetic and show it to someone?"

Le Feishan said, "Can you speak human language?"

Le Yao said "No!" Then "Boom!" kicked the table, got up and left.

Le Feishan shouted: "Where are you going!"

Le Yao yelled louder than him: "Go and register!"

This arrogant attitude almost made Le Feishan have a heart attack, but seeing that stubborn back, he thought of his late wife again. She also has such a tough temper, but she will become very soft when facing him. It's not like Le Yao, a stinky son who always fights against him.

When Le Feishan thinks of Le Yao jumping with him, he just feels pain in his head. Seeing that Le Yao had completely disappeared from his sight, he called out, "Old Chen!"

Butler Chen Bo came in from the outside. He is about fifty years old, his figure is a bit fat, and his face looks very festive when he smiles, especially with his pair of big ears, he looks a bit like a Maitreya Buddha with long hair.

He used to be a personal guard of Le Feishan, but later he fell ill and was not suitable to stay in the army, so he was recruited by Le Feishan to help manage the house. He walked to the opposite side of Le Fei Mountain, and said with a smile: "General, the third young master is gone. Wang Hao will follow."

Le Feishan squeezed his forehead and said "hmm".

Le Tianyu stood up at this moment, her eyes were red, she lowered her head and said, "Dad, Mom, I'm full and I have to hurry to school. Eat slowly."

Jiang Xinduo waved her hand: "Okay, let's go. Be careful on the road."

Le Tianyu walked away, Jiang Xinduo sighed: "You said it would be great if these two children could get together? Le Yao is too strong, Tianyu is too soft. I am worried that Tianyu will be bullied outside. "

Le Feishan said: "Who will bully him? He is also a child of the Le family. You just like to think about it when you have nothing to do."

Jiang Xinduo said seriously and half jokingly: "Why not? You said that he is afraid of his own brother at home, and he is not sure what will happen outside."

Le Feishan's face, which had just recovered a bit, turned cold again when he heard this: "It's not what you're used to."

Jiang Xinduo looked aggrieved: "I don't want him to hate me, who knows that after so many years, he still doesn't accept me."

Le Feishan was silent for a moment and said: "Forget it, anyway, Le Yao won't be staying at home for long. He has registered with Xu Yao today, and it is estimated that Xu Yao will bring him here, and then he will be taken away when Xu Yao returns to Huaxia Star." It was taken."

Jiang Xinduo smiled and said, "That's true." She asked Uncle Chen, "Old Chen, have Le Yao and the others arrived at the marriage center?"

Chen Bo said, "I'll be there soon."

The speed of the aircraft was really too fast, Le Yao flew to the marriage center in the blink of an eye.

Every star has a civil affairs bureau and a marriage center, both of which can handle marriage registration procedures. However, those with outstanding genes like Xu Yao and Le Yao who are designated for marriage must register with the marriage center.

Since I came earlier, there was no one in the office hall at this time. But it has nothing to do with them. According to Wang Hao, Yan Wangye has a special status, so the staff will handle them individually, as long as the person comes.

So at the moment Le Yao is waiting for a certain general with Wang Hao. They sat at the corner of the hall on the first floor, and there was no one here. Le Yao asked Wang Hao: "Captain Wang, have you seen King Xu Yan?"

Le Yao seldom talked to people so kindly, Wang Hao was slightly taken aback, and then said: "I met ten years ago, he is my senior."

Le Yao did the math, the original body was not yet ten years old ten years ago, so it is impossible to pay attention to Xu Yao. But since he is Wang Hao's senior, then Wang Hao should be able to recognize Xu Yao. Le Yao got up: "Then you wait here, I'll go to the bathroom."

Wang Hao also stood up: "I will accompany you."

Le Yao said, "No need, I'm fine."

Wang Hao was expressionless: "You think too much, I'm afraid you will run away."

Le Yao: "..." Can you give people some dignity!

When going to the bathroom, Le Yao was so angry, like a puffer fish that has been robbed of food. When I went to the restroom area, I saw a total of six independent restrooms, five of which were under maintenance, and only one was open. The door said "shared during the maintenance period, sorry for the inconvenience", there are still people here, he Even more angry.

He waited for a while in front of the toilet door with people, when he heard the sound of "squeaking" water coming from inside.

After a while, there was another sound of zipping, and soon a man came out of it. The man was wearing a black peaked cap, under the brim of the hat were sharp eyebrows and eyes, and there was a gust of cold wind when he came out. Le Yao looked up, good guy, he is more than 1.9 meters tall, standing there straight like a pine tree, no wonder...

Suddenly the man asked, "What are you looking at?"

Le Yao was startled by the deep voice, and said the thoughts in his head without making a detour: "It's nothing, buddy, you pee loudly."

man:"… "

Seeing the man squinting his eyes slightly, Le Yao suddenly realized what he said, and was so scared that he got into the bathroom and closed the door behind his hands. Pat the little chest: Damn it, I'm scared to death!

The author has something to say: Xu Yao: There will be something more scary tomorrow, do you want it

Le Yao: Please die in place! Thanks!

PS is no longer a flag, friends who want to know the update time can look at the chapter list. In addition, in the last chapter Wang Hao was labeled as "Wang Wu", and occasionally I may label Le Yao as "Le Yao" and Xu Yao as "Xu Yao", but I will try to avoid it. The last chapter also waited a few days to fix, because OCD wants to see the same update time, please understand.