The General Only Fears the Maiden’s Escape

Chapter 10


Long and phoenix looked at Zhu from a distance. It was the first time they got married. Her biological father was not there. She had been bullied. Now that she is in the hall again, her father is sitting in front of the hall, but her husband is not alive. Looking at his father's tearful old man, Cui Miaohe just smiled faintly. She dressed herself up beautifully and smiled.

The tears were firmly hidden in her heart, she just smiled, and also smiled when she took the tablet from Chai Muxiu.

She had to let him see her smile in order to make him feel at ease under Jiuquan.

These days, she never stepped into Cui's house again, but her father came to Chai's house diligently. When he learned that she was going to worship with Chai Zhexia's tablet, he didn't say anything, just nodded quietly and put her All the dowry her mother left her was handed over to her.

Surprised by the large number, with these silver taels, the Cui family He Chou couldn't revive the family voice.

She wanted to return the silver tael to her father, but her father said that the silver tael was left to her by her mother and wanted her to accept it with peace of mind.

Looking at his father's face that seemed to have aged a lot overnight, no matter how much resentment in his heart, Cui Miaohe also let go.

The Buddha said that only by repaying grievances with virtue, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, can those who died in vain be freed and ascended to heaven as soon as possible.

She wanted to accumulate blessings for Chai Zhexia, so she only took part of the dowry as a souvenir, and she sent the rest to Liang Yuxia and Cui Yunxiu.

A poor and white family can't find any good husband's family, and her disregard for the past makes Liang Yuxia feel ashamed.

Since then, she has restrained her resentment towards Cui Miaohe and sincerely treated her as her daughter, but it was a pity that Cui Yunxiu was deeply jealous of her. Even though she secretly tried to arrange a good marriage for her, the two still did not reply. Sisterhood.

"Waiting for heaven and earth!" Holding the tablet of Chai Zhexia in his hand, Cui Miaohe slowly bowed down following the raised voice of the ceremonial official.

"Two prayers to the high hall!" Cui Miaohe and the tablet bowed down again.

"Bye husband and wife!"

Cui Miaohe stared at the icy tablet, and the tears that she had held back for a long time finally fell down.

She wanted to worship, but she was so trembling that she couldn't move.

His willful appearance suddenly appeared in his mind. If she had known that it would be today's result, she should have let him be willful that day.

Her heart was not slowing down, and suddenly, the sound of hoofs galloping fast was heard in the distance, mixed with the shrill voice of the palace servant, "The imperial decree is here!"

Hearing the sound, the delicate Liu Mei'er was slightly wrinkled. She just wanted to marry the deceased Chai Zhexia. Why did the emperor come to join in the fun

He was puzzled, but Cui Miaohe still bowed to the tablet of Chai Zhexia.

When the voice of long live, long live, long live my emperor rang out in unison, everyone bowed their heads, and someone came to announce the decree—

"Fengyao Chengyun, the emperor summons the sun, has a daughter Cui Shi, loyalty is good, chastity is good..." A familiar voice suddenly broke into Cui Miaohe's ears, causing her to tremble and her mind to be confused.

How can it be? !

There was absolutely no way she could have mistaken the domineering arrogance in that voice.

So she looked up suddenly without caring about anything, and saw him standing in front of the crowd to announce the decree

"She was given the title of a first-class official lady, and she was given a thousand taels of gold, a house, and hundreds of slaves..."

But what is the importance of those rewards? Cui Miaohe looked blankly at him who was standing upright in front of him, and there was an inexplicable anger in his heart.

How could he deceive her in such a way? !

Ignoring how disrespectful her behavior was to the emperor, she stood up abruptly and hurried to him, just as Chai Zhexia, who had returned from the dead, was about to laugh, she suddenly raised her hand and slammed it towards him. His smiling handsome cheeks waved down.

With this slap, not only Chai Zhexia was stunned, but even the people who knelt down to receive the order were stunned.

Everyone could only foolishly see that Cui Miaohe took off her red and beautiful wedding dress in anger, and then walked away.

Looking at the figure that was quickly out of sight, Chai Zhexia looked at the hot pain on her cheek, and couldn't recover for a long time.

"Hey, hurry up and chase!" Chai Zhexia still couldn't figure out the situation, but Ju Susheng, who followed him, already knew where Cui Miaohe's anger came from, and quickly reminded him.

"Chasing..." Repeating this word blankly, Chai Zhexia finally came back to her senses, and hurriedly left a room of people who were in shock, and chased after him without any face.

Is he... still alive? How can it be

If it wasn't for the pain in the palms of his hands, Cui Miaohe couldn't believe what he just saw.

It is even more ridiculous to look at the tablet in one's own hands to think that the dead have come back to life.

I can't tell whether I'm angry or relieved at the bottom of my heart, and it's precisely because I can't tell that I want to escape.

Locking himself in the room, even in the midst of his rage, the smiles on his face still appeared in front of her from time to time, disturbing her mind.

Damn him, why is he playing with people's hearts like this

Cui Miaohe was angry, when his heavy footsteps and knocks sounded outside the door.

Still not sure what mentality to use to see him, Cui Miaohe simply hid in the house to be a tortoise. No matter how he shouted or knocked, he would not open the door if he didn't open the door.

She thought that this would bring her a moment of tranquility, and let her think about how to face him who came back from the dead, but who knew that the patience of the person outside the door was extremely poor, and the door stopped after only three knocks.

She was about to step forward to check, but she hadn't even moved her feet, but there was a sudden bang in her ears, so frightened that her heart was about to hang in her throat.

Then, the frightened Cui Miaohe could only stare blankly at Chai Zhexia coming through the smoke and dust in the sky.

One step, two steps, three steps... She watched him swept to her side with the fastest speed, and then hugged her tightly. It wasn't until his warmth penetrated into her body that she remembered that she should struggle.

After he broke her heart so much, why would he want to hug her without explaining anything, and just want to reconcile.

Even though she was thankful that he was still alive in her heart, the anger in her heart couldn't be dissipated.

The two faced each other back and forth, and for the first time in their lives, the great general with infinite natural strength had nothing to do with a woman who was powerless.

Because she looked at her chubby belly so much that he wanted to be tough but worried about hurting her and the child, so he could only watch with patience.

"Miaohe..." He murmured softly, seeing the name he had called countless times in his midnight dream.

Although the soft cry full of distress and apology made Cui Miaohe struggle for a while, she still refused to give in easily.

"I am sorry… "

Finally, these simple three words made her stop struggling completely. How could she not be moved by a man as proud as him who confessed to her without any scruples.

Seeing that she was finally willing to listen to him, he said quickly. "Death cheating is an exchange condition between me and the emperor. I used the technique of cheating death to make the attacking army of 100,000 take lightly, and then I secretly planned to defeat them in one fell swoop, and he promised me that after my triumphant return, he will decree to seal you. For your madam."

I couldn't believe what I heard, just because of Mrs. Haoming's false name, he used fraudulent death to make her sad, and the parents who gave birth to him and raised him so sad.

Staring at him with bright eyes, Cui Miaohe couldn't help but secretly regretted that the slap he had just slapped was too light.

"I know you don't want to be Mrs. Haoming, but I don't want any unfavorable rumors in the market. This is the only thing I can do for you." After the words were finished, Cui Miaohe was stunned. Looking at him blankly, a burst of distress suddenly burst out.

It turns out... it's for her after all! The monstrous anger disappeared, and she looked at him madly.

Although this man was in danger, but he was still for her, how could she blame him any more

this fool!

"I'll forgive you this time, but I won't do this next time." She looked up at him, tears in her laughter, but she did not forget to look at the policeman in a hoarse voice.

That kind of heart-piercing pain, once is enough, she doesn't want to taste that kind of ignorance again in this life and this life.

"You..." Chai Zhexia couldn't help feeling distressed for her forgiveness so easily. This woman always looks like this, but she is actually softer than anyone else.

He clearly said that he would not marry him, but he was willing to guard his icy tablet for a lifetime of loneliness.

Mingming was very angry and returned to him, but she just said sorry, she softened her heart again and forgave him.

Just looking at her soft heart, how could he dare to die before her

In order to protect her justifiably, Chai Zhexia suddenly looked at her hand and said. "Let's go!"

"Where are you going?" Cui Miaohe was puzzled, unable to return to the joy of his resurrection from the dead.

"By the church!"

This time, even if the sky fell, he would have to bow down to her solemnly, so that he could justly place her under his wings.

"Didn't you just worship?"

"Just now you worshiped the tablet, not counting, this time you have to worship me."

It's impossible for her to be so vague!

Ever since he learned that she planned to marry his tablet, he had run away a few famous horses before he came back from the frontier. If he didn't even get to worship, wouldn't it be a big loss? Seeing his hurried pace, Cui Miaohe couldn't help but smile for his willful childishness.

This man, where is the rudeness in other people's mouths, it seems that she has to ask him at night, how did the rumors about his appalling concubine torture to death and his habit of cutting his sleeves come about.

Her husband is really nice and treats her like a treasure, that's why she is willing to let him carry untrue rumors and live a life that makes people point at him. So this time she had to find a way to rehabilitate him.


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