The General Only Fears the Maiden’s Escape

Chapter 3


Hating a person is actually very simple. After the provocation of Liang Yuxia and Cui Yunxiu, Cui Miaohe has decided to hate Chai Zhexia.

Now that he has decided to hate her, of course he is even more reluctant to marry her.

What's more, Liang Yuxia still used the word "fancy".

Who does this man think he is? Only the current emperor is qualified to choose a beautiful girl. He is only a mere general. Why does he choose her with a superior attitude

Not to mention that in the market place, rumors about his habit of breaking his sleeves and his execution of his concubine by sticking a concubine had already been rumored, how could she be happy with such a man who regarded human life like a mustard.

If she guessed correctly, Liang Yuxia's wishful plan for the mother and daughter is to try their best to get into the Chai family's marriage, so that Chai Zhexia can do her best in her father's career, and they can also borrow it. Chai Zhexia's hands abused her and even got rid of her.

They didn't mind at all how dire her life would be in the future, or they would rather her life be miserable in the future, so that the hatred in their hearts could be reduced a little.

But she never figured out, what exactly did they hate about her


When her mind was turning a thousand times, her father stepped into her small pavilion. She was suddenly interrupted, and she looked up abruptly, and saw her father's face and figure that seemed to be much older.

"Father!" Cui Miaohe shouted softly, and the grievances he suffered in the past few days came to his heart, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Girl, what's wrong with you? Did you suffer any grievances?" Cui Mingyuan saw his daughter's red eyes and asked quickly, looking at her daughter with pity.

Seeing that pity, the grievances in her heart softened a lot, but when she opened her mouth, she still had a bit of a hard throat, but in order not to worry her father, she tried her best to smile, "My daughter is fine."

Fortunately, although the stepmother has always been unacceptable to her, my father really loves her.

"Why are you crying when you're fine?" Although Cui Mingyuan felt pain in his heart for this daughter who had lost her mother after urinating, but sometimes for the sake of quietness, as long as the successor's actions were not excessive, he would also turn a blind eye. , Close your eyes.

But it was also because of this attitude that he and his eldest daughter became increasingly estranged.

"I heard from your mother that she has had a long talk with you today. She said that you are very happy to marry Chai Zhexia. Could it be that she fabricated these words out of thin air?" The daughter's tears were very unhappy.

"I..." Hearing this, Cui Miaohe wanted to tell the truth about his stepmother's tricks, but when he saw his father's tired face, he thought of the recent incident of his father being implicated in punishment and demotion, and swallowed all the accusations that came to his lips. go back.

Well, what's the report

Even if she tells all the truth now, it will only add to her father's grief. After all, even though Liang Yuxia is the successor, she is still her father's married wife.

Do not look at the monk face, but also look at the boiling face.

She also didn't want to be at this juncture, making her father's mood even heavier.

Bowing his head and sighing, Cui Miaohe changed his mind and said to his father. "My daughter is fine, it's just that I've been bored in Uri recently and want to go out for a walk."

Hearing this, Cui Mingyuan knew that his daughter was complaining about his alienation from the Che family, so he reached out and rubbed the top of his daughter's head and said calmly. "He'er, it's not that Daddy didn't let you go out, but the matter of your cousin and uncle has been on the rise recently. Daddy knows that you and the girl from the car family have always been on good terms, so that's why you are banned. You don't want you to get involved in right and wrong. Do you blame dad?"

The daughter grew up with the girl Che Yuanyu urinating, so he was naturally worried about the situation of the girl in the Che family, but as a father, how could he just watch his daughter get thrown into that mess

"Father, my daughter is not a senseless person, but Sister Yuanyu and I are cousins. Even if we can't rehabilitate the Che family, we can't help the Cui family with financial assistance?"

"But your mother..." He had been an official in the same dynasty as Lord Che for many years, so how could he not want to help, but when he thought of the successor's crying, making trouble, and hanging himself, Cui Mingyuan's face wrinkled unconsciously.

"Father, mother actually still has some private money left. If I don't use the money in your li, she will have nothing to say. You should let me go out!" Cui Miaohe said, shaking his father's hand from side to side. Shaking, with a loving look on her face.

"This..." He was hesitant at first, but when he saw the innocent look of his daughter, a wave of doting came to his heart, and he couldn't take it anymore, so he had to agree, "Okay, Dad still has it in his hand. If you have some money, you can collect some and give it to Yuanyu, and let her hire a doctor for her father!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Cui Miaohe's white sworn face, swept away the gloom and grievances he had just felt.

Great, my father finally agreed to let her out, her eyes flashed, and the car family must go there, but...

It's really great style!

Looking up at the layered eaves and the jade carvings on the winding piers of the nine-turn bridge in the garden, Cui Miaohe snorted coldly in his heart, and his impression of Chai Zhexia, the rich boy, was even worse.

Although it is said that this young general is a rare and unparalleled genius in a century, he is always invincible and invincible in leading a war.

Originally, she could just listen to these words as a story, but now the legendary man is somehow involved with her, and the displeasure against him in her heart is accumulating bit by bit.

Although she told her rationally that all this was because of Liang Yuxia's mother and daughter's calculations, she still had a hard time letting go of his behavior like choosing a concubine.

Suddenly, the lead servant stopped respectfully and said. "Girl, the front is our young master's study."

"Why, aren't you taking me there?" Cui Miaohe asked in confusion about the servant's stop.

I saw the little servant hurriedly shook his head and said with sincerity and fear. "The madam has explained that I can't disturb your conversation with the young master, so the little one can only escort you here."

"But..." Seeing the terrified look on her face, she wanted to ask again with a puzzled face, but the servant had already run away.

Looking at the figure that disappeared quickly, then turned to look at the study that was so quiet that there was no sound at all,

Is it worth the fear? This family is really strange. Regarding her rashly coming to Chai Zhexia, the old general's wife not only did not have any bad face, but she was even so enthusiastic that she was shocked. Not only did she find a servant to lead the way, but even before she came In the past, he was looking at her hand earnestly, asking her to come to the general's mansion often to play.

Her enthusiasm taught her to wonder if Chai Zhexia really couldn't marry a wife

She tilted her head and thought for a while, still puzzled, let out a sigh of relief, and walked over to the tightly closed door.

"Come on!"

Her hand had just touched the door, and before she had time to push it open, a loud growl came from inside, which really startled her.

It sounds like the master of this voice has a bad temper, no wonder she will torture her own maid to death, but such a man doesn't seem to have the habit of breaking his sleeves!

Liu's eyebrows were slightly adjusted, and before Cui Miaohe could think about it, there was another roar from inside—

"Who the hell is out there, and why shouldn't you speak up?" Thinking that it was some servant girl outside, Chai Zhexia waited for a long time after shouting, but no one answered, so she roared again impatiently.

Since that day he and Ju Susheng agreed to find a woman to appease his mother, his mood has deteriorated day by day.

He knew that he should go to the woman in the portrait, what was Cui Miaohe's name, but as long as he thought of doing this kind of self-inflicted trouble, he hesitated. In such repeated emotions, his Bad temper will be aroused entirely.

After asking in a rough voice, the people who stopped outside the door were still in a daze, and the anger in Chai Zhexia's heart burned wildly like a wild horse.

A few strode forward, rudely opened the door, and just as they were about to teach the servant who didn't know how to behave properly, that pretty face came into view.

He stared blankly at the somewhat familiar but completely unfamiliar face. This was the first time he had seen her real appearance.

"You're... Miss Cui?!" Unexpectedly, the portrait was drawn so vividly that he could see the identity of the person at a glance.

The anger on his face didn't have time to restrain, and he was about to ask her why she was here with a dark face, but Cui Miaohe took the first step to white-

"I'm Cui Miaohe."

"you… "

Hearing her confirming his identity, he was about to speak again, but who knew that she would snatch it up again. "I'm here to tell you that I don't want to marry you at all. I don't want the power of your Chai family, let alone the wealth of your Chai family, so I don't allow you to ask people to come to my house to propose marriage. "

Staring at him who was as majestic and mighty as a mountain, the slender Cui Miaohe looked much petite, but she was not afraid, raised her head proudly, and warned sharply.

She had decided long ago that instead of fighting endlessly with the scheming nanny, it would be better to take the first step in the bottom line and avoid future troubles.

As long as he doesn't "designate" her, even if Liang Yuxia and her daughter want to do something wrong, there is nothing they can do!

"Why?" Seeing her look at herself with disgust in her eyes as if she saw something dirty, Chai Zhexia was naturally dissatisfied.

"I'm not a woman you can manipulate at will. I don't want to marry you as a wife and be a widow for life. Do you understand?"

In the face of such a burly and terrifying man, it would be a lie to say that she was uncle, but she knew that she could not back down.

How could she miss the contempt in her eyes, Chai Zhexia's eyes widened suddenly, her eyes full of anger were about to come out of the nest, and after a second thought, she already understood what she meant.

Does she really believe he beats his wife and has a fetish for broken sleeves

He has always believed that rumors stop at the wise, so he never refuted such rumors. He didn't expect that there are still many stupid people in this world.

In the past, when he encountered such a person, the only solution for him was to turn around and leave, but... his playful eyes suddenly looked at the petite pretty girl in front of him with impunity.

Unexpectedly, she didn't have time to dislike the trouble of a woman, but she disliked him first.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the unpleasantness in his heart, he glared at her and said. "So you're so determined that you don't want to marry me?"

"The person I want to marry must be the person I love deeply. Do you think you will be that person?" Looking back at his sharp eyes, Cui Miaohe said word by word and firmly.

She does not marry Ronghua, nor wealthy, her only wish is to hold hands with the man she loves for a lifetime, one for the rest of her life.

"You haven't tried it, how do you know you won't fall in love with me?"

"You don't need to try to know this kind of thing! No matter what the reason is for you to provoke me, I can tell you with certainty that I will not marry you."

Although when she met with Sister Yuanyu and Sister Junyin a few days ago, they still reassured her that she should not look at her appearance, and the rumors outside were unbelievable, but she just felt that there would be waves without wind, even if the rumors were added Oil and vinegar were added, but he was still the initiator.

If she broke her oath to her mother and married a man with such a notorious reputation, she must not feel at ease under Jiuquan!

"So you won't come to Cui's house to propose marriage?" Thinking of her mother who had always loved her, she looked up at him, wanting to hear his promise.

"I..." He should have said proudly that he didn't want to have anything to do with her, but seeing her impatient face, Chai Zhexia's natural stubbornness reappeared and glared at her. "Why do you care if I will?"

"Why don't you talk like that?" Cui Miaohe frowned, stomped his feet, and glared at him.

She thought that he had agreed, but her heart suddenly hung up again. She looked at him in disbelief but could not see the slightest trace of guilty conscience on his face.

"I never promised you anything."

It was her self-righteousness who came up with such a conclusion, can this also be blamed on him? This girl is so funny!

"You really don't have to waste your time, I will never marry you, and you don't really want to marry me, you are a new noble of the dynasty, a high-ranking minister of the emperor, what princess and princess do you want to marry, like me You have no family background, and you have a mother and sister who regard you as a cash cow, what are you provoking for such trouble as me?"

In order to break his thoughts, she did everything she could to criticize her own shortcomings and her family's shortcomings, just to make him back down.

Staring at her, a smile suddenly appeared in Chai Zhexia's eyes, she was really a strange girl.

In order to persuade him to give up his idea of marrying her, he would not hesitate to testify against himself and his family. If he was a gentle and honest man, he would swear that he would never provoke her again.

But he is a naturally rebellious person. The more people don't want him to do things, the more he wants to do them.

"What I will or will not do is up to me."

The ambiguity of his eleven-legged words made her heart skip a beat.

"What on earth are you going to do to agree to me?" Angrily glared at him, she wanted to turn around and leave, but when she thought of the mother and daughter's scrutiny at home, she still gritted her teeth and asked at him.

"Are you trying to negotiate terms with me now?"

This girl really doesn't know how to write the word "give up"!

Seeing her agile eyes twitching, Chai Zhexia, who has always kept women at a distance, couldn't help but think of teasing her.

"Then what conditions do you need to agree to?"

"I don't know yet, let me think about it first!" He said helplessly, spreading his hands.

In fact, it wasn't that he was really greedy for her conditions, but just watching her desperately trying to draw a line with him, he didn't want her to be too happy.

It turns out that this is the taste of disgusting people

This is the first time he has tasted it!

Cui Miaohe tried to shake her drowsy face with a sense of heaviness and powerlessness all over her body. Her normally flexible body seemed clumsy and heavy, but the slight movement made her out of breath.

Realizing that something was extremely wrong, she tried to calm down her panicked mind a little, trying to figure out what was going on.

Last night, she read a book in the house as usual, and then the maid Huanhuan brought a bowl of bird's nest porridge for her supper.

At that time, she looked at Huanhuan's face as if it was not good, and asked a few questions with concern, but Huanhuan always answered briefly and urged her to eat as soon as possible.

She didn't think too much about it. Huanhuan was the playmate her mother chose for her when she was a child. She was a family child and was always loyal to her, so she was never defensive.

Is it possible that the strangeness after waking up this time is really the ghost of Huanhuan? How is this possible

Cui Miaohe was shocked and tried to move his stiff limbs, but he was still powerless.

damn it!

She was so anxious that sweat dripped out, but the more anxious she became, the more she couldn't move.

In the end, she could only stop struggling in frustration, letting the sweat on her forehead wind down her white face in strands, and then looking through the sweat, she saw a vague and graceful figure.

"Are you awake?"

She was shocked, isn't this her stepmother? What does she want to do

"You girl who doesn't eat toast, tell you well, if you want to find a way to marry yourself into the Chai family, so as to help your father's career, but you don't want to, then you can't blame me."

Condescendingly, Liang Yuxia glared at Cui Miaohe, who was weak and unable to move.

" you want a thousand?" A bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart, Cui Miaohe stared at his stepmother and tried his best to suckle, but he could only ask this feeble question.

"What can I do? Naturally, it is to help you, so that you and Chai Zhexia can cook rice!" She stated her plan without any hesitation.

"Don't mess around... Dad can't let you do this."

She knew that her stepmother had always been an ambitious person, and she was never willing to be the wife of a sesame official, but she never thought that she would be so bold and dare to plan such a shocking thing.

"Do you think your father will save you?" Hearing this, Liang Yuxia snorted coldly and looked at her coldly. "Don't you know that your father was urgently dispatched to Zhejiang by the emperor yesterday, and I'm afraid he won't be back in half a year at the earliest."

Although it was only half a year, it was enough for her to do what she wanted to do unscrupulously.

When the raw rice is cooked, even if the master comes back, he can't change anything, and he can't do anything to her. After all, everything she does is to make him rise to the top!

"What exactly do you want?"

Originally holding her own identity, she expected that her stepmother would not have the courage to do anything to her except for her words, so she did not take extra precautions, but she did not expect that she even kept her father from going south all night to keep her from knowing. Calculated.

Thinking of this, Cui Miaohe really panicked, she stared at her and said calmly. "Even if Daddy is not there, there are still clan elders. Aren't you afraid that what you have done will be shaken out and swept out of the house in the future?"

"What am I afraid of? When they know, they have already made a boat, let alone those big men who usually don't ask me for benefits. Do you really think they will uphold justice for you?"

In order to control everything in the family, she has already done all the calculations, just to give her daughter and herself a guarantee, and she has already taken care of those big men.

"You..." Cui Miaohe was so excited that she tried to get up with all her strength, but her limbs were still paralyzed and she couldn't use her strength.

Looking at the gloomy face of the stepmother, Cui Miaohe knew that she was plotting against her, she had to run away, otherwise...

"In the past few years, you have relied on your father's favor and ignored me. You have never respected my stepmother. I have endured all these years, isn't it just for this day?"

She spit out the resentment she had buried in her heart for the past few years. In fact, Liang Yuxia didn't know that she was taking a risk this time, but she couldn't help it.

Over the years, in order to support the unqualified elder brother of her parents' family, she has secretly and secretly acquired a lot of the Cui family's property and went back to fill the bottomless abyss he created. The high-priced dowry promised by the family is to save the Cui family from ruin.

But as a mother, how could she be willing to sacrifice her own daughter, so she thought about it, naturally Cui Miaohe was the most suitable,

Since she is someone else's daughter, even if it is true as the rumors say, Chai Zhexia is a Lu man and has no pity on women, so what? Even if Cui Miaohe was tortured to death, why would he be with her

"What exactly do you want to do?" Cui Miaohe asked through gritted teeth, holding on to the last clear thought.

It is absolutely impossible for the stepmother to drug her for no reason. She must be afraid of her escaping or resisting.

"Since you don't want to please General Chai, it's natural for me, the mother, to help you!"

"Chai Zhexia will not accept it." Although it was only a one-sided relationship, and it was even more unhappy, but she believed that he was not such a person who took advantage of others' dangers.

"If it's in our house, of course he won't accept it, but what if it's in a brothel?"

"What do you mean?" It's not enough to force her to marry, is it possible that you plan to sell her into a brothel

Cui Miaohe stared at her stepmother with a pale face, she couldn't believe that she was really so daring.

"Of course I won't sell you into a brothel, but if you are caught, and your innocence is tainted by a drunken general, then I, the mother-in-law, will rush to the brothel. Looking for someone, then you will be a good girl. Either you want to die, or you will marry Chai Zhexia as your wife. No matter which one you choose, it will only benefit me, not harm." This was a plan she had been thinking about for a long time. , No matter what the result is, she will not suffer.

"Aren't you afraid that I will publicize your evil deeds after I get out of trouble?"

"That's just your overly frightened madness, who would believe it?" Over the past few years, on the surface, she has taken care of the Cui family very well, and not only the people in the clan praised in unison, but also the people outside. She is virtuous, since she has done enough work, who would believe Cui Miaohe's words

Seeing the determined appearance of the stepmother, Cui Miaohe took a deep breath, at this moment, she could not panic!

The confident voice of the stepmother could still be heard in her ears, but the more she heard it, the more blurred it became, and the seeds in her head were constantly drowsy... gradually swallowed by the darkness.

"Even if I marry into the general's mansion as you wish, wouldn't you rely on me to see the situation of the Chai family and take good care of your mother and daughter?" Even in the drowsy state, she still murmured a warning without giving up Look.

Unexpectedly, Liang Yuxia listened to her words, not only was not afraid, but laughed arrogantly. "I heard for a long time that Chai Zhexia doesn't know how to pity fragrance and cherish jade. If he is beaten and put on the shelf to marry you, wouldn't he think you are full of scheming? If you want to win his true love, it's as hard as the sky. It's impossible to be angry for you." Talk about it, and a confident smile appeared on her face.

She has been planning this matter for a long time. Although it can't be said that it is seamless, she has a certain degree of certainty. In any case, she just has to fight hard and find a way to survive for her parents' family.

While groggy, Cui Miaohe vaguely felt that he was being carried into the sedan chair from the house, and after getting off the sedan chair, he seemed to be carried into a small pavilion.

She finally woke up a little bit, she didn't know where she was, until the cryptic words of love and love kept coming into her ears, plus the vulgar and gorgeous decorations all around, and there were bursts of silk and bamboo outside. The sound of drinking and having fun, she knew that this was a man's ecstasy.

Her heart suddenly seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss, and she wanted to call for help in a hurry, but she couldn't make a sound.

Originally, although she was weak, she could at least speak a word and shout for help, but before leaving the house, her stepmother poured a bowl of medicine, and the dark concoction hit her stomach, and her throat felt like being swallowed by someone. It was locked, and there was no sound.

It seems that the stepmother really wanted to treat her as a tribute this time and give it to Chai Zhexia to enjoy, so she ruthlessly rejected the possibility that she wanted to ask for help.

Cui Miaohe was anxious, but she could only be at the mercy of others, her eyes widened and she looked around, trying to find a way out for herself.

Suddenly, she seemed to hear the sound of the door being pushed open. She tried hard to see the person in front of her, and even stopped him from approaching, but the more anxious she was, the more she could feel the person's approach.

Then the man's hand touched her, and she was so anxious that tears rolled down her, thinking that the man's claws were going to eat her into her stomach, but he just moved her aside like a decoration, and followed The soft couch beside her sank heavily, and the warmth made her look cold through her clothes, and she couldn't help leaning over to the man's side because of her weakness.


Cui Miaohe tried her best, and finally was able to make a little noise. She tried to ask for help, but who knew that the person only thought she was noisy.

"Don't be noisy, I'm going to bed now!"

Such a familiar voice, isn't that the deep and deep voice of Chai Zhexia

Realizing that the person beside him was him, her heart sank even more. This time, the stepmother put so much effort into it that even the general dared to design it.

Can't sleep! She tried to shout in a hurry, but she couldn't make a sound. In this sleep, even if nothing happened between them, their reputations were ruined because they talked about Sikkim.

"Ugh..." She was extremely difficult to speak again, but Chai Zhexia slammed her into her arms and wrapped her hands and feet around the weak and powerless her.

Frightened by his move, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, fearing that he was as fierce as the rumors from the outside world.

She held her breath and waited for a while in a panic, but he just stared at her like an octopus, and then a steady breath came from her ears.

This man dared to treat her as a soft pillow.

Hearing his increasingly steady breathing, Ling's lips showed a wry smile, it seemed that her innocence was really ruined.

She just didn't know how the man would react when he woke up. She had a hunch that a proud man like him would never like being beaten up like this.

The fire of his anger will definitely be like a huge wave, and she is the first to bear the brunt.

Come to think of it, this is also one of the wishful thinking of the stepmother. I want to borrow the hands of others and teach her a lesson.