The General’s Little Peasant Wife

Chapter 113: Seedlings in the fish pond


Qingshuang looked at her young lady and suddenly said: "Miss, should the fish pond you opened in the south be stocked with fry?"

"Yes, I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me. Qingxuan asked someone to bring me some fish, shrimps and crabs, and by the way, there are also bastards." Ning Mengyao said with bright eyes. These are all good things. When they are raised, It can be sold for a lot of money, although she really doesn't care that much now.

Qingxuan nodded: "It's Miss."

"Don't hit the lotus root?"

"Grow it, you have to plant it." She likes to eat lotus seeds and drink lotus seed and white fungus soup. If she doesn't plant lotus roots, where will she get lotus seeds

Speaking of this, Ning Mengyao couldn't wait to walk towards the fish pond.

Reaching out to pull the person back, Qiao Tianchang looked at the man who suddenly became angry and dumbfounded: "What are you busy with? Why are you so anxious when your things are not back yet."

Ning Mengyao paused for a moment, then turned around and walked back to Qiao Tianchang, her cheeks flushed and she felt a little ashamed.

Seven days later, a pair of motorcades pulling large tanks arrived at the door of Ning Mengyao's house. Ning Mengyao's eyes lit up when she saw the motorcade.

The leader carried the large tank to the fish pond. A lot of water had been put in it, as well as some aquatic plants. The lotus roots had been planted before, and these were the only things left.

The escort tied up the fish, shrimps and crabs in the tank and poured them down. Looking at the fish swimming in the water with their tails wagging, Ning Mengyao was satisfied.

"It's great. I'm really looking forward to summer." In summer, if this place is full of lotus flowers, it will be very beautiful. Then I can get a boat.

"Well, how about I build you a pavilion here and get a boat?" Qiao Tianchang stood next to Ning Mengyao and watched the sparkling waves in the pond with him.

Ning Mengyao gave Qiao Tianchang a strange look: "How do you know what I am thinking?"

"you guess."

Giving Qiao Tianchang a blank look, Ning Mengyao went back to the house and took the money and handed it to them: "I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

"No trouble." The leader said with a smile.

They made a lot of money this time, and she gave them more. Even if business is not good in the next year, they can live well with this little money.

After seeing them off, Ning Mengyao planned to cook for them herself.

Qiao Tianchang went into the kitchen and watched her neatly chopping vegetables. He couldn't help but laugh: "It seems like I'm going to have a good meal today."

"That is."

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and shook her head helplessly. This girl is really hard to blame.

Since Ling Luo came that day, he has not come to Baishan Village again. I don't know if he gave up or because of the pestering of the family, but this has nothing to do with Ning Mengyao. She has been busy recently and has no time to talk to her.

Ning Mengyao has become very interested in hunting in recent times. She pestered Qiao Tianchang to take her to the mountains. Just go if you want. It doesn't matter. You can also catch hares and pheasants. But she wanted to go deep into the mountains. Look at what's inside, it's hard for Qiao Tianchang.

"Tianchang, hurry up." Seeing Qiao Tianchang walking slowly behind her, Ning Mengyao was dissatisfied. She finally persuaded this man to bring her here. What did he want to do by walking so slowly now

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao helplessly, with a headache: "Yao'er, let's not go to the mountains, right? There are many wild animals in the mountains." He was like entering a no-man's land by himself, so he just took Ning Mengyao with him. I was a little worried, not because I was worried about being implicated, but because I was worried that this girl would be hurt, but she didn't feel it.

"No matter, you promised me that you would take me there, do you want to go back on your word?" Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang warily, her eyes seeming to say that if you don't take me there, I will ignore you.

Qiao Tianchang sighed heavily and could only lead people to the mountains: "Just this once."


In the end, there was no other way to get entangled. Qiao Tianchang finally took Ning Mengyao to the deep mountains. There were many more things in the deep mountains than outside. At least Ning Mengyao found some good things, namely star anise.

"Why are you looking at this?"

"Dig a few small ones and plant them." Ning Mengyao knelt down and started digging.