The General’s Little Peasant Wife

Chapter 33: Being robbed


Then she saw the weak-looking Ning Mengyao reaching out and throwing the ruffian aside.

Looking at all this in stunned silence, Yang Lele wiped his eyes subconsciously. Yang Lele only had one feeling at the moment, that is, he was actually dazzled, right? Otherwise, why would Ning Mengyao suddenly seem like a different person when she saw her frail body.

Ning Mengyao didn't have time to pay attention to Yang Lele's expression at this moment, but looked at the trembling ruffian: "Want to steal our money? Want to have fun with us? I'll let you two have fun now." Hehehe."

Then she raised her foot and kicked the ruffian in the stomach who was looking at her tremblingly. The ruffian's body flew out like a kite with its string broken.

Ning Mengyao turned to look at Yang Lele: "Take your things and go there first."

Yang Lele nodded stupidly, picked up their things and left. When he got to a crowded place, he realized that he had done something wrong. How could he leave Ning Mengyao alone

Just when she was about to go back, she heard the ups and downs of screams and screams.

"Ah, gangster."

"Kill the gangsters."

Yang Lele was surprised, why are there gangsters? When she looked over, she wanted to poke her eyes out. What was going on? Why were those two people running naked on the street

"What are you looking at?"

The sudden sound in his ears startled Yang Lele, and he almost threw everything in his hand. Turning to look at the person next to him, Yang Lele patted his chest: "You scared me to death."

"Are you so cowardly? Let's go, we should go back." Ning Mengyao teased in a funny way.

Yang Lele turned around and glanced at the farce behind him, then looked at Ning Mengyao beside him, and finally didn't ask anything.

"Don't want to ask?"

"Actually, I'm curious about whether you know martial arts." Yang Lele asked sheepishly.

"Yes, I have learned it for several years. It is used for self-defense." Ning Mengyao was stunned for a moment, and then said calmly, her expression a little misty.

She learned martial arts from Ling Luo, just because he said he hoped she could protect herself, so she practiced martial arts with him every day. Now she can protect herself, but some people have disappeared.

Qiao Tianchang watched the two people leaving downstairs with a smile.

When he saw Ning Mengyao and the others being stopped, he originally wanted to go on. It was precisely because he was a step slower that he saw a side of that girl other than elegance. He had to say that this side was really attractive. people.

"Boss, what are you looking at?" The people next to Qiao Tianchang saw that he was looking downstairs with a smile on his face. They looked over in surprise, but they didn't see anything.

After glancing at the person next to him, Qiao Tianchang's expression returned to indifference, and he lightly glanced at him: "What are you doing here?"

"Boss, can you stop doing this? I worked so hard to find you." The man looked at Qiao Tianchang sadly and muttered dissatisfied.

Qiao Tianchang's expression turned cold and he looked at him with deep eyes: "Have you forgotten what I said to Lei An?"

Leian's expression froze, he lay on the table and said feebly: "Boss, we remember, but we want to know why you did this. Not only us, but that person also wants to know."

"I'm tired and want to rest. Don't come to me again." He stood up and left.

Lei An looked at Qiao Tianchang leaving with tears in his eyes, his eyes full of anger. Damn it, that family must have said something to the boss again, causing the boss to come to such a place where birds don't shit. They were not allowed to come to him yet.

Qiao Tianchang didn't expect that Lei An would come to this place to look for him. It seemed that the guy was impatient. He stretched out his hand to rub his eyebrows, and fatigue flashed in his eyes.