The General’s Little Peasant Wife

Chapter 46: idea


Ning Mengyao looked at the vegetable patch in front of her in silence. She couldn't make anything related to modern times, so... being a small landowner seemed not bad.

Ning Mengyao laughed thinking about it, maybe it would be good for her to open a shop.

With an idea in her mind, Ning Mengyao stretched, locked the door and walked outside.

When she arrived at Yang Zhu's house, Yang Lele and Qiao were doing embroidery work in the yard. They were very happy to see her coming.

"Yao Yao, you are finally here." Yang Lele put down the things in his hands, grabbed her arm, and said with an aggrieved look.

That pitiful look made Ning Mengyao couldn't help but laugh. This girl is really.

Because of Chen's affairs these days, she didn't let Yang Lele go, and even the children's class time was shortened.

"I think you are bored." Ning Mengyao said funny.

After saying this, Yang Lele's face suddenly fell, and she glanced at Ning Mengyao sadly: "You are still joking here, what are you going to do about the Yang Cui family?"

She really doesn't know why these people always like to cause trouble for Yaoyao, who is such a good person. She really doesn't like it at all.

"It's okay, we can't make any big waves. By the way, is Uncle Yang at home?" Thinking of the purpose of her visit, Ning Mengyao looked at Yang Lele and asked with a smile.

"My dad is out for something, do you have anything to do with him?"

"There are some things, so I'll wait until she comes back to talk about it." Ning Mengyao said with a smile and no care.

"That's okay."

Ning Mengyao sat on the edge and watched the two people embroidering, with the corners of her mouth slightly hooked. Now Qiao was also learning needlework from her sister-in-law.

I am still very satisfied and generous with my sister-in-law Yang Lele.

The three of them talked and worked until more than half an hour later, Yang Zhu came back with a tired look on his face.

"Dad, you're back."

"Uncle Yang."

Yang Zhu saw Ning Mengyao here with a smile on his face: "It's Yaoyao here. What's wrong with you coming here today?"

"I want to buy some land from Uncle Yang."

"Buying land? What are you doing buying land?" Yang Zhu looked at Ning Mengyao in surprise and asked in surprise.

She doesn't look like someone who knows how to farm. How could she suddenly think of buying land? This is incredible.

Yang Lele also looked at Ning Mengyao in surprise, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Well, I want to buy land. I may use it myself or rent it out to collect rent." Ning Mengyao explained casually with a smile.

Yang Zhu thought for a while and realized that this was the case. Good luck was also an income.

"Okay, how much do you plan to buy?"

"How many fields can be purchased in the village?" Ning Mengyao thought for a while and looked at Yang Zhu.

Yang Zhu looked at Ning Mengyao helplessly: "There are dozens of acres of land in your house that are now vacant."

"what happened?"

"That family committed a crime, and the fields were taken back and needed to be redistributed. That's what I'm going to do today. I originally thought I'd go back to the village and talk to the people in the village. If you want it now, I'll give it to you directly. "Yang Zhu shook his head. Whenever something like this happens, he will become very busy. Just forget about being busy. He won't be able to make a profit by then.

Those who buy land will be happy if they buy good land, but if they buy bad land, they will be drowned by spittle.

If it wasn't necessary, he really wouldn't want to mess with such a thankless thing.

Ning Mengyao thought for a while, and it seemed that it was nothing to smash her own door, and it was close, so she nodded and agreed: "Then just give it to me. Uncle Yang, please explain it to me in detail."

Yang Zhu nodded and spoke in detail. In this world, there are twenty acres of good paddy fields, fifteen acres of medium ones, five acres of inferior ones, and a total of thirty-five acres of dry land and mountainous land. Although it is said that It's just that the best paddy fields are more expensive, but if you buy all these fields, it will still cost a lot of money.

"The price of the paddy fields in the above number is eight taels per mu, the medium ones are six taels, and the inferior ones are four taels. The price of mountainous land and dry land are the same at two taels per mu. Girl Mengyao, do you really want to buy it?" Yang Zhu was unsure. Looking at Ning Mengyao, she asked worriedly.

"Well, I want to buy it. It's three hundred and forty taels in total. Can you please help me go through the procedures? I don't know much about this." Ning Mengyao was very embarrassed. She had never done this before, and it was really a headache now. Once.