The General’s Little Peasant Wife

Chapter 75: envy


After all the noise, they finally arrived in town. Ning Mengyao and Yang Lele got off the car together, without even looking at the Luo mother and daughter, they went to another place holding hands.

The two went to Aunt Luo's place first. Yang Lele bought some cloth and two sets of ready-made clothes before leaving.

"What do you think of Yaoyao?" In the jewelry store, Yang Lele asked Ning Mengyao standing next to her with a silver hairpin.

Ning Mengyao looked at it and shook her head slightly. Although the style of the hairpin was good, it was a bit old-fashioned.

In the end, Ning Mengyao helped Yang Lele choose two. They were still silver, but the style was much prettier than the previous one.

Looking at the two hairpins in his hand, Yang Lele was also very satisfied and chose another one for his sister-in-law. The three hairpins cost a total of six taels of silver, which almost made Yang Lele feel bad.

"What are you doing?" After leaving the jewelry store, Yang Lele's expression was still very tangled, as if he had suffered a big loss.

"How about I withdraw?" Yang Lele said cautiously.

Ning Mengyao looked at Yang Lele with black lines on her head. Was this girl just joking with her

"Okay, it's just six taels of silver. You go to Aunt Luo after the New Year to get some things to embroider and sell. Won't the money come back?" Does she care about the six taels of silver hairpin

Yang Lele tilted her head and thought, it seemed to be the same thing, so she didn't feel bad anymore, took one hairpin and put it on her head, and inserted the other one into Ning Mengyao's head.

"Why did you give it to me?"

"What are you doing? You have helped me so much, why don't I buy you a hairpin as a gift? In fact, I know you don't need it, but..." She knew that Ning Mengyao might not like such a hairpin, so she was a little A little disappointed.

"I didn't say no, okay, don't do this." Ning Mengyao reached out and knocked Yang Lele on the head, and said helplessly.

Only then did Yang Lele become happy, chatting and laughing with Ning Mengyao before heading to the next place.

"During the Chinese New Year, I'm going to the county town to watch the lanterns. Do you want to come with me?" Ning Mengyao suddenly thought of her promise to Qingzhu, and looked at Ning Mengyao beside her and asked.

Yang Lele thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "Okay, I haven't seen it since I was so old. I want to see it too."

"Okay, I'll call you when the time comes."


When the appointed time arrived, Ning Mengyao and Yang Lele took many things to the entrance of the town, where many people were already waiting.

Yang Xiuer naturally saw what they had in their hands, but what she was even more jealous of was that they were wearing newly bought hairpins on their heads.

Why should their lives be better than mine

Seeing them talking and laughing, Yang Xiuer wanted to tear them apart.

But she didn't dare, fearing Ning Mengyao's revenge.

On the oxcart, acquaintances were talking about what they had bought. Even Yang Lele and Ning Mengyao were asked.

Most of them bought cloth and some things for the New Year.

Back in the village, Ning Mengyao was about to take her things and leave, but was kicked to the ground by Yang Xiuer.

Looking at the things scattered on the ground, Ning Mengyao frowned. Not only her, but the people in the car also frowned and looked at Yang Xiuer displeased.

"I'm telling you, girl Xiu'er, you kicked someone's stuff on the ground, shouldn't you apologize to them? What kind of tutor are you?"

"that is."

"You deserve it, what's the point of modesty?" Luo Shi snorted coldly and said angrily.

Seeing Luo Shi like this, everyone frowned again. How Luo Shi became like this now was simply unreasonable.

Looking at the things on the ground, they were not dirty. He picked them up from the ground and left without saying a word.

Ning Mengyao's behavior made everyone's attitude towards their mother and daughter even worse.

"I'm not telling you, Luo, but your Yang Xiu'er has reached the age of marriage, right? Aren't you afraid of not finding a good husband like this?"

"Who would dare to have such a personality? I'm not afraid that if I marry him back, my family will be disturbed."

"that is."

"Yang Xiu'er, do you really think that this can arouse Yaoyao's idea? Stupid." Yang Lele laughed sarcastically. This person is so shameless. To do such a thing is simply embarrassing.