The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 3


"What is your name?"

"Luo Zhouzhou."



Luo Zhouzhou sat at the table, answering the questions of the police officer on the opposite side.

He has answered that question three times tonight.

The policewoman was called away by someone who came out of the side door just now, and came back with a pair of shoes in her hand.

A pair of used sneakers.

"Put it on, General Chu ordered someone to find it for you." She put the shoes in front of Luo Zhouzhou.

Luo Zhouzhou hesitated, but stuck his feet in.

The shoes are a little big, but very soft.

While he was putting on his shoes, the policewoman seemed to be recalling something, and then slapped her hand, "By the way, there's coffee."

After that, he went to the coffee machine in the corner to pick up a steaming cup of coffee and put it on the table in front of Luo Zhouzhou.

"Drink it," she said.

"Why is Admiral Chu always patrolling? He's called Admiral." A police officer next to him who was sorting documents suddenly said.

The police officer who asked Luo Zhouzhou stopped the questioning, turned his head and said, "It's not the omega murder case, the murderer can't always be caught, but the guy continues to commit the crime. General Chu feels that our police officers are ineffective, so we simply Go out and patrol by yourself."

"Then there is no need for the general to go out in person." The policewoman was also curious.

"Admiral Chu and Chief Chen were classmates of the military academy before. Don't you think about why Chief Chen is only a sheriff, but General Chu is a general." The policeman lowered his voice.

"Why?" The female police officer and another police officer lowered their voices and gathered around Luo Zhouzhou's table.

Luo Zhouzhou carefully picked up the coffee and sipped it vigilantly, fearing that they would bump into his elbows, and shrunk himself into a ball on the chair.

"It is said that Admiral Chu is the only survivor of a secret operation, and the military needs to promote such a person without a complicated background..."

When the police officer said this, he suddenly closed his mouth.

"What's the matter? Keep talking." The policewoman and the other police officers urged him.

Seeing that he was still silent, he turned his head along his line of sight and saw Luo Zhouzhou sitting quietly holding a coffee cup.

Luo Zhouzhou leaned forward slightly, his eyes were wide and round, and he listened quite earnestly.

Several people no longer questioned, they dispersed, and the police officer on the opposite continued the questioning process.


Luo Zhouzhou held the coffee and did not speak.

"Address." The policeman asked again, raising his voice.

He gently picked the paper cup with his fingers.

The police officer looked up at him, "Luo Zhouzhou, where do you live?"

He looked down at the pair of shoes he just got.

"Why, haven't the little fugitive explained it yet?" A languid low voice sounded, and Chu Feng walked out from the side door.

He walked to Luo Zhouzhou, bent down and looked at him, and said to the police officer, "If you don't tell me, just lock it up until he can tell the address and let his family pick it up."

"Otherwise, it will be closed for a few years, and it will be fine for a few years. It is estimated that he does not eat much, and the police station can afford it."

Luo Zhouzhou looked up at him suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

Chu Feng smiled at him, took something out of his pocket, and put it in the palm of his hand holding the coffee.

He patted his head again, copied his pocket with one hand, and tossed the car keys with the other, and walked out unhurriedly.

Luo Zhouzhou kept twisting his body and looking at him, watching him walk out of the police station and down the steps, then start the car.

It was not until the black patrol car slowly drove away and left his field of vision that he turned around.

He opened his hands, and in the palm of his hand lay a candy that was wrapped in colored cellophane and screwed at both ends.

Remembering what Chu Feng was about to leave, he wanted to throw the candy away.

But the trash can was far away. Looking at the police officer on the opposite side, he didn't dare to move, so he had to stuff the candy into the wide pocket of the worker's uniform.

"Did you hear? The admiral has an order to keep it closed if you don't say anything." The policeman screwed the cap on the pen, closed the booklet, and called out to the policewoman, "Jenny, take him to take pictures."

in the photo studio.

Luo Zhouzhou held up the identification sign with a blank face, and patted the front and the side.

As Chu Feng explained, the beard was hanging on and never took off.

"Really don't tell me?" Amidst the flashing lights, the policewoman named Jenny stood by the door and asked.

Luo Zhouzhou thinks that Jenny is very good, pouring him coffee is not fierce, and it is very rude not to answer.

So he opened his mouth and replied, "I won't say it."

"Okay." Jenny shrugged, "Then it can only be locked up."

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Luo Zhouzhou asked Jenny after the photo was taken and the ID card was taken away.

"Okay." Jenny thought it was because of the cup of coffee just now, so she took him to the bathroom.

But before I got there, I saw a yellow plastic pointed cone at the door of the bathroom, which read: Under maintenance, prohibited to use.

The two stopped.

Luo Zhouzhou moved in his heart, turned his head and said to Jenny, "but I really want to go to the bathroom."

"I can't stand it anymore."

Jenny looked into his clear eyes and felt that there was absolutely no way to refuse. After hesitating for a while, he took him to the end of the passage and knocked on the door.

Luo Zhouzhou saw the three words Chen Sihan printed on the golden door plate.

No one was inside, Jenny pushed open the door directly and walked in.

Luo Zhouzhou quickly followed.

The room was large, with dark gray floor-to-ceiling curtains and a large desk.

Before Luo Zhouzhou could take a closer look, she was taken to a small door by Jenny and said, "Come on, I'll wait for you here."

After locking the door, Luo Zhouzhou began to look at the small space.

Aside from a tiny humming exhaust fan on the top left, there isn't a single window inside.

On the right side is a glass, and there are items such as shaving cream and facial cleanser on the shelf, which is supposed to be used by Chen Sihan occasionally.

Luo Zhouzhou compared the size of the exhaust fan with his hands, pinched his waist again, and lowered his head in frustration.

He started urinating.

When he pressed down on the toilet and watched the water swirl away, he really wanted to be flushed away by the toilet.

Down the sewer all the way to the sea.

What to do now

Go back or stay here

When he woke up, he came to this world inexplicably and became the son of General Lope. He had tried to get out of the level several times, and each time he was spotted by soldiers and chased away.

Because General Lope found that he was not normal, he told the soldiers not to let him go.

But I wasn't your son in the first place. Not only did you not listen to my earnest explanation, but you also asked me to call your father, so I was not allowed to go out.

Luo Zhouzhou is very annoyed when he thinks of this.

This time, he was arrested again, and it is estimated that he could not even get out of the room door.

The police station may be better, after all, this is Beardor, and it may be released for a few days.

At that time he was free to go everywhere to find his first embrace.

Luo Zhouzhou strengthened his determination to stay, and made up his mind that no matter how much he asked, he could not reveal his address.

"Alright?" Jenny knocked on the door when she heard the sound of the toilet.

"Well, okay." Luo Zhouzhou put his hand on the doorknob, ready to unscrew it.

At this moment, his movements suddenly stopped.

A faint smell, along the air, slowly soaked into his nostrils.

More delicious than fresh blood, sweeter than the fresh red tribulus fruit of Oria.

At this moment, his head was empty, and he felt something explode in his body. He shuddered because of the smell, and his soul seemed to resonate.

The words of the patriarch came to mind at the right time.

Don't ask me how to identify that person, when you meet the first embrace that matches you, you will naturally feel it magically.

Yes, I feel it.

Luo Zhouzhou wanted to cry and laugh, and covered his face with trembling.

It was him, and I finally found him.

Jenny waited for a while, raised her hand to knock on the door again, but the door suddenly opened, and Luo Zhouzhou walked out slowly.

He walked straight past without looking at her. With a strange expression on his face, he cocked his nose and sniffed the air.

First he went to the desk, then he went to the window after smelling it.

As if dissatisfied, I went to the bookcase to smell it again.

There wasn't what he was looking for in this room, just the smell of chamomile like an air cleaner.

Luo Zhouzhou frowned and quickly returned to the bathroom.

In front of the mirror, he smelled the faint smell again, and a shudder of happiness surged in his heart.

He twitched the wings of his nose greedily, and his toes went higher and higher.

But the smell became more and more faint, and finally, the last wisp also got into the ventilation fan.

Jenny didn't know what he wanted to do, so she forgot to stop it for a moment, and just stood in the room and watched blankly.

Luo Zhouzhou was sure there was no more, and finally gave up and went out of the bathroom.

He had regained his composure, but his eyes were still shining.

"Jenny, where did Chen Sihan go?" Luo Zhouyi looked at the photo frame on the bookcase for a moment.

Inside, a gentleman wearing a sheriff's uniform and glasses was smiling and looking at him.

He is so handsome.

Luo Zhouzhou felt that his heart was beating fast.

"What were you doing just now?" Whether it was his actions or calling the sheriff's name, Jenny felt very strange.

But she was not worried about any unexpected accidents. After all, Luo Zhouzhou could handle it with one hand.

Luo Zhouzhou thought about it seriously and replied, "I smell the person I'm looking for."

Jenny couldn't help laughing when she heard this. She was about to open her mouth jokingly, but she felt it was inappropriate and closed her mouth again.

"Jenny, can you tell me where Chen Sihan went?" Luo Zhouzhou asked again.

Jenny didn't want to answer, but looking at the beautiful half of his face that was not covered by the beard, she replied, "He went to the military for a meeting."

"Where does he live?" Luo Zhouzhou asked.

Jenny smiled again, and she said meaningfully: "Many people will ask for his address after seeing Sheriff Chen for the first time, but the sheriff's address cannot be given to anyone casually."

Seeing Luo Zhouzhou's dim eyes, she added, "I can only tell you that he is in the Enesia district."

Luo Zhouzhou's eyes instantly lit up again.



"Jenny." Luo Zhouzhou said, "My address is at No. 15 Avenue of Stars, Enesia District. Let someone pick me up."