The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 4


Luo Zhouzhou sat on a bench outside the police station, looking at the flower bed under the steps.

Adjutant Qin who came to pick him up was going through the formalities inside.

"Young Master Luo has caused you trouble." Adjutant Qin filled out the last form and bowed to the police officer in front of him.

"No, no, Mr. Luo is very well behaved." The police officer was frightened. Seeing that he was about to go out, he quickly opened the transparent glass door one step ahead.

After Adjutant Qin came out, he looked around, walked slowly to Luo Zhouzhou, and exhaled, "Young Master Luo, go back."

I thought I would be rejected, but Luo Zhouzhou got up without resistance at all, and followed him to the parking lot.

The black car started, and slowly left the police station under the watch of several police officers.

Adjutant Qin drove the car silently. Luo Zhouzhou tossed it all night, and now he also felt tired, so he leaned his head against the back of the chair and stopped looking outside.

The person he was looking for was in Enesia, and he was no longer as attractive as before.

Chen Sihan…

Luo Zhouzhou's sleepiness disappeared when he thought of the name, and his heart was excited again.

Chen Sihan, Chen Sihan, he repeated the name several times.

But Enesia was so big, and he didn't know where he lived at all, and he was a little worried when he thought about it.

But then I became happy again, as long as I knew someone, it was easy to do. I searched every day, and I could always find it.

I've been looking for it for so many years, I don't care about it for a while.

Luo Zhouzhou, you have to calm down.

he told himself.

What will you say when you find him

Hello, I am your first love.

But what if he didn't believe it

Then say it yourself, let me take a bite, and you'll know after a bite.

Thinking of this, Luo Zhouzhou pressed the tip of his tongue against the teeth on his side.

Since he came to this world, he found that his fangs could no longer stick out, no matter how hard he tried.

There was always only one small, pointed and short tooth. A malnourished look hangs weakly from the gums.

Can I use this to bite open Chen Sihan's skin and pierce his veins

Luo Zhouzhou thought of that scene, excited and a little worried.

But he didn't dare to go to the dentist.

Can't always say, hi, I'm a vampire, but my fangs aren't coming out lately, please check it out for me.

There are not many pedestrians on the street, but the neon is still on, and the color of the car is changing through the glass.

Luo Zhouzhou looked at the side face of Adjutant Qin in the driver's seat, the same position, the same angle, he suddenly thought of Chu Feng.

Immediately, the joy of finding the object of his first embrace was diluted a bit.

If he had known that he was only arrested in the police station, he would never have told him his race.

This secret can only be known to Chen Sihan.

Luo Zhouzhou exhaled in frustration and tilted his head slightly to look out of the car window.

The street has widened, Adjutant Qin accelerated his speed, and the scenery on both sides flashed quickly.

Suddenly, he saw a man in a military uniform on the street, with his back to him, a bag full of things in his hand, and a young woman in an orange dress standing and talking.

The woman looked at him and smiled, then took the bag from his hand.

Luo Zhouzhou felt that the uniform and back were very familiar, like Chu Feng.

He turned to look out the rear window, but the two were blocked by a vehicle parked on the side of the road.

However, he saw a black patrol car parked beside him. He was very familiar with it. He had just sat in it.

This person is clearly Chu Feng, is he dating

Luo Zhou turned around and sat down, a little curious, but after the car slowly drove into Enesia's checkpoint, this curiosity was forgotten by him.

He knew that he was going to meet General Lope next, that is, the endless anger of his father.

The electronic gate recognizes the car and opens automatically. Following the private driveway full of tulips on both sides, Adjutant Qin parked the car in front of a villa.

The ground floor of the villa was brightly lit, and it was obvious that the people inside had not rested.

Luo Zhouzhou felt that he was not afraid of Lope, he was only a vampire, and he was just an ordinary person.

He was a little flustered at first, but over the past two months, he has seen that this person will only shout loudly and order him not to go out.

But he was still reluctant to get out of the car and looked down at his fingers.

Can hold off for a while.

"Master Luo, get out of the car." Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, Adjutant Qin turned around and said.

Luo Zhouzhou did not move or speak.

Adjutant Qin said again: "Master Luo, I have to put the car back in the garage."

Luo Zhouzhou couldn't get past it, so he took a deep breath and got out of the car.

Diligently walked up the marble steps and pushed open the heavy door.

Under the gorgeous chandelier, Lope was sitting on the sofa wearing a dark red silk nightgown.

Although he was a little fat and slightly fat, he was still full of majesty after being in a high position for many years.

Mrs. Lope Linda, who claimed to be his mother, was wearing a nightgown from the same series and sat on his right, clutching her hands worriedly.

Seeing this situation, Luo Zhouzhou didn't move any more, standing straight on the carpet beside the door with his hands down.

The room was silent, only the red sandalwood desk clock in the corner could be heard ticking.

He felt that he should say something, so he said, "Good evening, General Lope, Ms. Linda."

"Did you hear? He called me a general." Lope stood up suddenly, turned his head and said loudly to his wife.

"You have indulged him since I was a child. Now, Mrs. Linda, he has gone to the checkpoint and was arrested at the police station. Next, he is going to kill."

"I won't kill." Luo Zhouzhou couldn't help interrupting: "Although you humans are very fragile, I will never kill."

Seeing that both Lope and Linda turned to look at him, he said seriously: "General Lope, you treated me with a brutal and savage attitude for two months and three days, but I didn't kill you either."

Lope quickly walked to Luo Zhouzhou, pointed at him, and opened his mouth to say something.

"It's very late, General Lope, what can I say tomorrow?" Luo Zhouzhou interrupted what he was about to say.

He felt very tired today and didn't have the energy to listen to Lope's roar for the first half an hour. He just wanted to rest.

Although he was actually distracted every time he yelled.

Looking at Luo Zhouzhou's innocent eyes, Lope couldn't say anything. He turned around with a helpless sigh and looked at his wife, "Take him to the military department to check his brain tomorrow."

Mrs. Lope couldn't say a word, just covered her mouth with her hand and choked up.

Luo Zhouzhou bowed to the two of them and went up the stairs to the second floor. He walked silently through the corridor covered with silver-gray carpet and entered his room.

To be precise, it was the original Luo Zhouzhou's room.

He closed the door gently, turned on the wall lamp, and walked straight through the large bedroom to the bathroom attached to the bedroom.

This bathroom is bigger than the house in his original world, and the bathtub seems to be able to swim in it.

Luo Zhouzhou squatted down and put in the hot water, then walked barefoot to the mirror, staring at himself inside.

The person in the mirror has big eyes, very white skin, and half of the beard is still hanging on his face. He reached out and gently picked it up and threw it into the trash can under the desk.

He also has a beard like this. In order to make it easier to dress up outside the villa, he sealed it with a plastic bag and buried it under the fence with the worker's uniform.

The owner of this room looks exactly like himself, also called Luo Zhouzhou. When I woke up two months ago, I became him, and he just disappeared.

She should be a vampire instead of herself.

Luo Zhouzhou originally thought that he would become himself from now on, and that he would come and go freely in a world without General Lope, and he felt very uncomfortable.

But tonight was different. He was very fortunate to have exchanged with that Luo Zhouzhou, because he had found the first love of his heart here.

An elegant, handsome sheriff.

Thinking of Chen Sihan, it seems that all this is not so unbearable.

Luo Zhouzhou began to undress happily, and when he was about to throw the work clothes into the dirty clothes basket, he pinched something hard.

When he took it out, he saw that it was the candy that Chu Feng stuffed him.

He wanted to throw it into the trash can, but after hesitating, he peeled it off and put the milky white sugar ball into his mouth.

Lying in the bathtub with his eyes closed, he remembered Chu Feng's agitating cheeks, and used his tongue to hit the candy ball.

The sugar ball and the teeth collided gently, making a sound, and the sweetness of the orange slowly spread on the tip of the tongue.

After taking a bath, Luo Zhouzhou wore a nightgown and lay on the luxurious big bed. My body is already very tired, but I can't fall asleep even after tossing and turning.

I really want a coffin, he thought.

Made of nanmu, the outside is painted black or dark brown, and the inside is covered with a red gold velvet blanket.

Lie in and put the lid on, hands folded across your chest, relaxed and comfortable. It's like lying on a bed with no sense of security around.

He tossed for a while, then suddenly got up, picked up the pillow and walked to the wardrobe by the wall, opened the door and got in, then closed the door.

After a while of rustling, the room gradually returned to quiet.

The curtains were not drawn, and the moonlight poured in through the window, and I could only hear a car from a distance from a distance.

"Bang", a heavy sound broke the silence, and the wardrobe door was pushed open and bounced back.

Luo Zhouzhou climbed from the cabinet to the ground, covered his throat with his hands, and gasped for breath.

He had just fallen asleep curled up in the closet, and was soon woken up by the lack of air.

He sat on the ground for a while, coughing as he walked to the big bed, and just as he was about to climb up, he paused again.

Slowly squat down and look under the bed for a while.

Then got in.

Soon, the room was quiet again, and the exhausted Luo Zhouzhou lay under the bed and finally fell asleep.