The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 44


There was a tall and thin officer standing at the exit of the platform stairs. Chu Feng smiled at him and said, "Captain Weisen, please let me go."

Wesson didn't move, didn't speak, just raised a pair of narrow eyes and looked at him.

"Captain Weisen, please let me go." Chu Feng repeated it again.

He still had the right smile on his face, but his eyes turned cold.

Everyone looked at this scene, including Luo Zhouzhou.

Luo Zhouzhou felt that the officer who blocked Chu Feng was a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere. After thinking about it, I remembered that the last time President Calgar visited the institute, this officer was also present, and he and Chu Feng followed behind Calgar.

After Wei Sen and Chu Feng looked at each other for a few seconds, they slowly smiled.

He approached Chu Feng and said in a low voice, "I really want to know which omega can impress Admiral Chu. It must be very charming."

The smile on Chu Feng's face deepened, and he reached out and patted Wesson's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Thank you for your concern, but it's not like Miss Luya in the Ace bar."

Wesson's face darkened instantly, and the light in his two long and narrow eyes became cold.

"Wesson, can't you wait? Don't worry, you can invite your favorite dance partner soon." Calgar, who was on the platform behind them, picked up the microphone and joked.

Everyone else could only see the movements and expressions of the two, but couldn't hear the conversation. When they heard Calgar say this, they thought that Wesson and Chu Feng were joking, so they booed, and some people laughed loudly: "Wesson and Chu Feng were joking. Guard chief, stop Admiral Chu, don't let him invite the most dazzling omega in the field."

Wesson glanced at the platform, and Calgar stood on it and looked at him with a smile on his face, but a warning in his eyes.

He slowly turned to his side, shrugged at the crowd, and said helplessly, "How can I disturb Admiral Chu's beautiful night?"

After he finished speaking, he let go, and spread his right hand, making a gesture of invitation to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng didn't look at him again, turned around and stepped onto the marble floor of the banquet hall.

Luo Zhouzhou looked at Chu Feng, his heart beating fast.

He was going to dance the first dance with Chu Feng, but he didn't even glance in this direction, how did he know he was here

Especially now that he and Lin Fan are still huddled in the crowd, being blocked by the tall guys in front of them.

He hurriedly moved to the place on the left where there were few people, and said to the people around him, "Sorry, let me go, sorry."

The people around him were pushed away, and looked at him a little dissatisfiedly, but Luo Zhouzhou couldn't care much now, so he could only apologise and drill out.

Lin Fan also followed behind, squeezing to the left together.

Chu Feng was wearing a fitted black suit with a silver-gray shirt and a tie of the same color.

The hair was all combed back, revealing a full forehead and deep eyebrows, looking handsome and compelling.

He stood tall and straight forward, a beam of bright chasing light hit him, and all the people passing by made way for him.

When Luo Zhouzhou saw that he was heading towards him, his heart beat faster and he almost collapsed out of his throat.

He was a little flustered and thought that although he had learned dance steps in the clan before, but being watched by so many people seemed a little nervous, what would he do if he frequently stepped on Chu Feng's feet

But even though he was beating a drum in his heart, he quickly squeezed to the left side where there were few people, and tiptoed slightly, trying to make himself stand out.

Chu Feng smiled and greeted the person who made way for him in front of him, his eyes crossed the crowd, fell on Luo Zhouzhou, and quickly moved away.

Luo Zhouzhou came into contact with his sight at that moment, and his heart suddenly calmed down.

He thought excitedly, seeing me, Chu Feng finally saw me.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan covered his mouth and whispered, "Zhou Zhou, Master Chu has invited you in the future. I'll go to the corner first." After speaking, he quickly ran to the corner.

Chu Feng had already walked in front of Luo Zhouzhou.

As he approached, Luo Zhouzhou stood up straight, nervous and expectant, holding his breath waiting for the invitation.

His right hand hanging on the side of his trousers even moved, ready to hand it over the moment Chu Feng stretched out his hand.

However, when Chu Feng walked in front of him, he did not stop.

In his surprised eyes, he passed him by without turning his head, and continued to walk forward.

Luo Zhouzhou was stunned in place at that moment.

After he reacted, he hurriedly turned around, wanting to tug on Chu Feng's sleeve, and then whispered, "I'm here."

However, before he had time to step up, there were warm applause and cheers around him.

He saw Chu Fengzheng bending over slightly, bowed to the famous girl, and made an inviting gesture.

The band played another dance, with purple shadows flashing around.

Luo Zhouzhou was knocked on the shoulder before he recovered, and saw that it was a girl in a long purple dress, smiling sweetly, and was led by Chu Feng to the dance floor.

The people around rushed over, leaving only a small open space in the middle.

Luo Zhou Zhou was at the end. Through the gap in the crowd, he saw the two people under the beam of the chasing light, spinning and dancing.

The long purple dress was like spreading flowers, enclosing Chu in it, making people's eyes sore.

Luo Zhouzhou slowly clenched the right hand hanging on the side of his trousers, put it in his trousers pocket, and walked to the door silently.

He passed the lawn and walked out of the gate of the building, following a gravel road, aimlessly.

Several men in black looked at him, neither inquiring nor following him, but just stood motionless at the door.

After Luo Zhouzhou walked out for a while, looking at the outline of the trees in the dark in the distance, he remembered the instructions that Chu Feng gave him.

After standing for a while, he turned around, walked over to the men in black and asked, "I'm an omega, are those dark places safe? Can I sit alone?"

Sadness was clearly written on his face, and his large dark eyes were full of sadness.

The men in black looked at each other, and one of them said, "It's very safe. There are people guarding the outside circle. You can rest assured to sit."

"Thank you." Luo Zhouzhou turned around and walked towards the start with his head down.

There are street lights along the way, the light is just right, not dazzling but also illuminate the road.

He didn't want to hear the music, so he walked farther and farther, and finally reached the edge of a lake and found a bench to sit down.

The lake was very quiet, so quiet that only the chirping of insects remained, but the sound of music floating in the distance still drilled straight into his ears.

Luo Zhouzhou heard that two songs had been changed since he left the banquet hall.

Chu Feng and Qin Baozhu, who pursued him, have already danced two songs.

He thought that he would go to Chu Feng tomorrow and ask him to tear off the vampire stickers on the doll machine and the light shield and return them to himself.

Chu Feng would definitely be surprised to ask the reason, so he questioned him sternly and loudly.

Ask him why he's dancing with someone else, why... why he's smiling like that, holding someone's hand, looking at someone else.

Luo Zhouzhou was thinking sadly when he heard rustling footsteps behind him.

He looked back and saw a tall figure standing on the side of the road against the light, motionless and facing towards him.

"Zhou Zhou." The man called him, it was Chu Feng.

Luo Zhouzhou's heart jumped, but he didn't answer, only turned his head.

The footsteps sounded again, slowly stopped beside him, the bench swayed slightly, and Chu Feng sat down beside him.

"The hall is too stuffy and there are too many people. Zhou Zhou found a good place." Chu Feng said.

Luo Zhouzhou didn't want to talk to him, so he kept his mouth shut.

After Chu Feng said this, he loosened his tie, leaned back, and put one arm on the back of the chair behind him.

After waiting for a while, Chu Feng didn't speak again. Luo Zhouzhou couldn't help but asked stubbornly, "Why don't you continue dancing with Qin Baozhu?"

As soon as the words fell, he regretted it and quickly closed his mouth.

Chu Feng looked at him and asked in surprise, "Is her name Qin Baozhu? Do you know her?"

Luo Zhouzhou said nothing and turned his face away.

"I really can't remember her name." Chu Feng said warmly, "I only remember her surname is Qin."

Luo Zhouzhou still didn't look back. After a while of silence, he recited in a slightly hasty tone: "Omegas and alphas with mature gonads will smell each other's pheromones, and they will be attracted, creating a sense of nostalgia, and want to get The other party's pheromone to appease, or to mark."

After reading it, he stopped talking, leaving only the back of Chu Feng's head.

Although it was a few words without thinking, Chu Feng instantly understood what Luo Zhouzhou meant and said, "Zhou Zhou, I am not attracted to her, nor am I interested in her pheromones."

"Really?" Luo Zhouzhou still didn't turn his head.


"Then you said you wanted to invite me to dance the first dance, why did you dance with her?" Luo Zhouzhou's voice became louder, with a nasal voice of grievance.

After a pause, Chu Feng said, "I'm sorry, Zhou Zhou, I broke my promise."

Luo Zhouzhou pursed his lips, "Well said, why did you break your promise?"

After a long time, Chu Feng sighed and said, "Zhou Zhou, there are reasons I can't tell you, and you don't have to understand the twists and turns. Just understand that I do this tonight because I don't want you to be in danger. ."

"It would be dangerous for me to dance with you, so why wouldn't it be dangerous for Qin Baozhu to dance with you?" Luo Zhouzhou's thinking was unprecedentedly quick, and he kept on asking.

"Because many people know that I have been rejecting Qin Baozhu, they don't think that I really have anything with her. She is safe." Chu Feng replied patiently.

After a moment of silence, Luo Zhouzhou said with a stern face, "I don't like you with others."

Chu Feng replied softly, "I know."

"You will be attracted by other people's pheromones."

"I won't." Chu Feng sighed.

"Then what do my pheromones taste like?"

After thinking about it, Chu Feng took out an orange candy from his pocket, peeled it off, and stretched it out from the back of Luo Zhouzhou's neck to him, and said, "Try it."

"No, you're trying to divert the topic." Luo Zhouzhou pushed the hand in front of him away.

Chu Feng retracted his hand, put the candy in his mouth, and said, "Your pheromone is the taste of orange candy."

Luo Zhouzhou turned his head slowly and asked suspiciously, "The taste of orange candy?"

"Yes, it's fragrant and sweet." Chu Feng said.

Luo Zhouzhou stretched out his hand, "then give me one, I'll try it now."

Chu Feng took out another one, peeled it off, and threw it into his mouth.

Luo Zhouzhou smacked his lips, and after tasting the taste, he pushed the sugar ball to his cheek, and asked Chu Feng with a bulging cheek: "You are an alpha, I am an omega, I have smelled your pheromone, and I like it very much. Do you like mine?"

Chu Feng's breathing stagnated slightly, and when he met those clean eyes, he felt that his usual smoothness and means could not be used.

I don't want to perform either.

He answered honestly, "I like it."

Unexpectedly, Luo Zhouzhou sighed melancholy and said, "It turns out that you like my pheromones because you like orange candy."

"Want to know why I like orange candy?" Chu Feng asked suddenly.

Luo Zhouzhou nodded and said, "I want to know."

Chu Feng leaned back on the back of the chair, and the hand that was placed behind Luo Zhouzhou had already wrapped around his shoulder at some point.

However, Luo Zhouzhou didn't notice this, and just concentrated on waiting for his next words.

After pondering for a moment, Chu Feng said, "At that time, my parents had not passed away, and my mother always boiled a pot of Mugao potato porridge, and the whole family ate it all day."

"Our family eats all tapioca, and after eating it, I feel like vomiting. But every few days, my mother will give me a few candies, among which the orange flavor is the best."

"So, I've always liked orange candy."

He turned to look at Luo Zhouzhou again, smiled, and said, "If your pheromone is not orange but tapioca, I will like it too."

Luo Zhouzhou avoided his sight and looked towards the lake.

"What are you thinking?" Chu Feng asked after a while.

"Fortunately, I don't have the cassava flavor, but the orange flavor, which will make you happier when you smell it." Luo Zhouzhou whispered.

Chu Feng patted his hand lightly on his shoulder and said, "Got it."

"When she dances, the purple skirt looks good." Luo Zhouzhou said suddenly.

"Huh?" Chu Feng didn't respond.

Luo Zhouzhou said a little aggrievedly: "When she dances with you, the skirt turns beautifully."

"Does it look good? I didn't pay attention." Chu Feng replied after thinking about it.

Luo Zhouzhou was stunned, "Didn't you pay attention

"Yes." Chu Feng whispered, "I only saw you wearing a white dress, standing there like a little prince, your whole body glowing."

Luo Zhouzhou's heart suddenly swelled, and all the sadness and grievances flew away in an instant. He wanted to keep himself from appearing too happy, but the corners of his mouth couldn't hold back.

"Then why did you come out?" He quickly turned his head to look at the lake, and asked the question he cared about most in a careless tone.

Chu Feng looked at him for a moment, his eyes so tender that water dripped from them.

"Because I saw you coming out, so I hurried out too."

Luo Zhouzhou began to gently kick his feet up and down, "Did that come out to find me?"

"Of course." Chu Feng affirmed: "I came here specifically to find you."

"What do you want me to do?"

Chu Feng didn't answer, but got up and walked in front of him, touched his chest with his right hand in a salute, and then stretched out his hand, "Zhou Zhou, can I ask you to do a dance?"

Luo Zhou Yiyi was startled, slowly handed out his hand, and whispered, "Yes."

On the lawn by the lake, Chu Feng embraced his waist, then took one of his hands, and took the first step to the music floating in the distance.

Luo Zhouzhou's dance steps were very jerky, he kept stepping on Chu Feng's feet, and kept saying sorry.

Chu Feng bowed his head and said softly, "You don't need to say sorry."


"I don't feel anything in my feet anymore, and you can't hear it when you say it."

Luo Zhouzhou hurriedly stood still, and stammered with a red face: "Did I step on it? Well, then we won't jump."

"Shh, it can't hear anyway, and I don't know that you stepped on it, don't make a sound, we continue to dance." Chu Feng said in his ear.

The lake surface shone in the moonlight, and it was reflected in Chu Feng's eyes, as if a handful of broken gold had been sprinkled.

Luo Zhouzhou suddenly didn't dare to look at him, and turned his eyes to other places.

The footsteps of the two became slower and slower, and in the end, they didn't play with the music, but just subconsciously moved in place.

Luo Zhouzhou felt his heart beat faster again.

Not only because of Chu Feng's tone, but also because he was getting closer and closer to him.

He was so close that he could smell the faint scent of perfume on his body, and the hot breath sprayed onto his face.

He didn't know what would happen next, but this strange atmosphere made him nervous and full of expectations.

"Close your eyes, don't look at me like this." Chu Feng whispered.

Luo Zhouzhou closed his eyes obediently.

He first felt something soft fall on his face, on his eyelashes, on his eyelids, itching.

He wanted to open his eyes to take a look, but thinking that Chu Feng told him to close his eyes, he held back and did not open them.

Then, the soft touch slowly slid down the cheek, with a hot breath.

He understood in an instant, shook like an electric shock, and froze there.

Chu Feng's lips slipped onto Luo Zhouzhou's lips and remained motionless against each other.

Sensing that he was trembling slightly, he mumbled, "Don't be nervous."

After he finished speaking, he held Luo Zhouzhou's neck with one hand, and wrapped his arms around his waist with the other, full of love and cherishing, and gently touched his lips.

"Open your mouth," he said.

Luo Zhouzhou opened his mouth in obedience to the order.

In an instant, Chu Feng's tongue slid into his mouth like a swimming fish, choked on his, and began to toss and suck.

After a long time, Chu Feng released his lips, raised his head, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Luo Zhouzhou's whole body had no strength, and was soft in Chu Feng's arms, gasping for breath with his eyes closed.

Chu Feng pecked his lips again, and said in a hoarse voice, "You can open your eyes."

Luo Zhouzhou's eyelashes fluttered a few times, and he gently opened his eyes.

His whole figure is like drunk, his face is red, his eyes are hazy, and he is moist and covered with a layer of mist.

Seeing him staring at him for a moment, Chu Feng asked in a hoarse voice, "What's wrong?"

Luo Zhouzhou licked his lips, put his feet on it again, and said vaguely, "one more time, one more time."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: forgetting, 10 bottles of Tangtang; @Northwest Wind 9 bottles; in 5 bottles; Langli Baitiaolaiye, Yuxiao, Chasing, the past has passed, the future has not yet 3 bottle; 1 bottle of Sheyu, I am Meow, Egyptian Pyramid, Yunli, Yunyi;

Thank you all for your comments, and bows.