The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 47


The place Chu Feng said to find was his home.

After a while, Cross Country stopped by the supermarket outside his community.

"You sit, I'll go buy something, I'll be out soon."

After Chu Feng instructed Luo Zhouzhou, he unbuckled his seat belt, jumped out of the car, and walked to the supermarket.

Through the window of the driver's seat, Luo Zhouzhou watched Chu Feng enter the supermarket and choose fruits in the fruit and vegetable area.

After choosing the fruit, I took a few cans of beer from the shelf and piled them on the cashier counter.

The shopping guide on the side was selling something to him enthusiastically. After listening to a few words, he seemed to be moved, and followed the shopping guide inside.

knock knock knock.

Luo Zhouzhou was looking at Chu Feng's back when he heard a knock on the car window on his side.

He turned his head and saw a man standing outside the car door. He was so close that he couldn't see his face, but he could see a military uniform.

As Luo Zhouzhou pressed down the car window, the man leaned over the car frame with his hands and said with a smile, "Hello, handsome guy."

Seeing those long and narrow eyes, Luo Zhouyi immediately recognized that he was an officer who stood with Chu Feng at the institute and at the dance.

"Hello." He replied politely.

"What's your name?" asked the officer again.

Luo Zhouzhou looked at him, suddenly became uncomfortable, turned his eyes away and lowered his head.

He was very sensitive to people's emotions, and could see that although the officer had a smile on his face, the smile did not reach his eyes.

There was only an icy chill in those long and narrow eyes.

The officer waited for a few seconds. Seeing that Luo Zhouzhou didn't answer, he continued to say, "Don't you want to tell me? It's fine if you don't tell me, because I know your name."

Luo Zhouzhou couldn't help but ask, "Really?"

The officer said slowly: "Your name is Luo Zhouzhou, you work in the research institute, you are the son of General Lope, am I right?"

He looked up at the supermarket again and said, "I also know that you are waiting for General Chu here, and when he comes out of the supermarket, he will take you on a date."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Luo Zhouzhou to answer, he touched the brim of his hat and saluted, and said with a smile, "Wesson wishes you a good time, Luo Zhouzhou."

Luo Zhouzhou watched him turn and walk towards the car behind, and then whistled away.

At this time, Chu Feng walked out of the supermarket with a large paper bag in his left hand and a newly bought juicer in his right.

After putting things in the trunk, he opened the driver's door and sat in, asking, "Wait?"

"It took a long time, but no hurry." Luo Zhouzhou replied.

Then he added: "Your colleague named Wesson knocked on the car window just now. I thought he was looking for you, but he left after saying a few words."

Chu Feng stopped when he was starting the vehicle, and his face sank.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Luo Zhou Zhou asked nervously.

Chu Feng glanced at him and said, "It's okay."

After saying two short words, he continued to start the car with his lips pressed together.

Luo Zhouzhou looked at his expression and suddenly said, "I said, I don't like to keep anything in the dark."

Chu Feng seemed to be stunned, and after a while, he said, "Sorry, I will pay attention to this."

Luo Zhouzhou looked at him without speaking.

Chu Feng sighed, drove the car into the gate of the community, and said, "Wesson and I have always been at odds, so I don't want him to know your relationship with me, and worry about what he will do to you."

"Then did he follow us all the way from the military?" Luo Zhouzhou asked.

After a while, Chu Feng murmured, "Who knows?"

"But is this what you're worried about?" Luo Zhouzhou asked suspiciously.

He felt that according to the degree of Chu Feng's concern, it was not just for this reason.

"I don't want to hide it from you. I will definitely tell you what I can tell you. What I can't say, naturally has my reasons." Chu Feng replied.

"Okay." Luo Zhouzhou no longer asked.

"But don't worry too much. You are General Luo's son. Who dares to take you lightly, right? General Luo will level his house with a gun." Chu Feng rubbed his head and smiled. road.

Luo Zhouzhou held the hand above his head and laughed.

"Will I keep my distance from you after that?" Luo Zhouzhou asked.

"Yes." Chu Feng smiled and said, "Otherwise General Luo will level my house first."

After a while, Luo Zhouzhou sat on the sofa of Chu Feng's house, watching the projection.

Chu Feng had already taken off his military uniform, put on his black T and sweatpants, and squeezed juice in the kitchen.

Luo Zhouzhou heard the sound of the juicer, walked over curiously and asked, "Did you only use the juicer today?"

"I seldom drink juice. I put the juicer away because I thought it was a hindrance. I don't know where to put it after a long time, so I just bought a new one." Chu Feng picked up the juice with the cup, and the muscles on his back pierced through the T-shirt. Come out, undulating slightly with the movement.

Luo Zhouzhou asked happily: "Did you buy it for me to squeeze juice?"

"Yeah, lest you get drunk again." Chu Feng's voice contained a faint smile.

Handing the squeezed juice to him, Chu Feng opened the refrigerator and took out two cans of beer.

Although Luo Zhouzhou was holding the juice, he looked at the beer with envy, and his eyes followed his hand.

Chu Feng's hand closing the refrigerator door paused, opened a can of beer, took the juice cup in Luo Zhouzhou's hand, and poured a little into it.

Shake it up and hand it to him, saying, "Beer juice."

Luo Zhouzhou took it carefully, took a sip, smacked his lips, and said in surprise, "Delicious."

Chu Feng took his beer juice, took it along with two cans of beer, and walked to the entrance.

Luo Zhouzhou followed him for unknown reasons, watching him press the small raised switch on the wall.

Then, the ceiling above the head moved slowly, revealing a side of the sky, and a long wooden ladder was lowered.

Chu Feng stepped on the wooden ladder and said to Luo Zhouzhou, "Go, go to the rooftop."

Luo Zhouzhou followed behind him and stepped on the wooden ladder. As soon as his head appeared, he looked around and let out a surprised wow.

This rooftop is very big, not only placing all kinds of fitness equipment, but also a rectangular infinity swimming pool.

A corner of the roof was half-covered by an arched glass curtain, and a white long-haired carpet was laid underneath. A few cushions and a few books were thrown randomly on the carpet.

Chu Feng walked to the glass room, put the juice and beer on the low table, and turned to greet Luo Zhouzhou, "Come here."

"You are so beautiful here." Luo Zhouzhou praised sincerely.

Chu Feng smiled and lay down on the carpet without saying anything.

Luo Zhouzhou also lay down beside him and pulled a cushion to make a pillow.

The setting sun has set, the sky is a touch of red, and the stars are already covered with shadows on the top of the head.

Luo Zhouzhou looked at the sky and listened to Chu Feng's breathing beside him, feeling extra peaceful in his heart.

It reminded him of those evenings when he was still in the clan. In the forest outside the village, he would also find a big rock to lie on it and watch the sunset and birds in the sky.

"After we graduated from the military academy, we entered the army and were collectively assigned to the special forces of the three armies of the alliance."

Chu Feng looked at the sky and spoke calmly, suddenly breaking the silence around him.

Although this sentence was mindless, Luo Zhouzhou instantly realized that he was talking about the cause and effect of the matter, and quickly retracted his divergent thoughts and turned his head to look at him.

"It seems that we are no different from other soldiers. We perform tasks, complete tasks, and wait for awards for good performance, but in fact, we also signed a verbal nondisclosure agreement with the military."

Hearing this, Luo Zhouzhou swallowed nervously.

"Zhou Zhou, you have been working in the research institute for a while. I believe you also know what the research institute is doing now, right?" Chu Feng asked suddenly.

Luo Zhouzhou said: "I know, it's the Xiyan virus."

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Wrong, you are not studying the Xiyan virus."

"What is that?" Luo Zhouzhou asked in surprise.

"It's benfedol."

"But Benzodiol is to cure Xiyan. Is there any difference between studying Benzodiol and studying Xiyan?" Luo Zhouzhou asked.

Chu Fengquan's fingers on the back of his head moved, Luo Zhouzhou saw it, and hurriedly sat up, took a cushion beside him, and placed it under his head.

"Benzodiol was put into research to cure Xiyan, but its use is not only for Xiyan patients, but also for our group of students." Chu Feng said lightly.

Luo Zhouzhou turned his head to look at him, surprised: "And you?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly and said: "Benzodiol has been developed to the third generation. Although the effect of one generation is better than that of the previous generation, it is still a long way from curing Xiyan. Although it has not been successful yet, the military has discovered that Another use of it is that when it acts on ordinary people, it will make people explode with amazing potential."

"Amazing potential?" Luo Zhouzhou asked.

Chu Feng put his hands behind his head and said calmly: "After injecting a certain amount of diluent of Benzodiazepine into the body, whether it is physical or explosive, it will increase to several times the usual level. Just like you see in the movie Yes, we can easily climb along the outer wall of the building without any auxiliary tools, we can nimbly dodge the oncoming bullets, and easily jump to seven or eight meters."

Luo Zhouzhou listened in a daze, thinking to himself, when I was not a half omega, but a full vampire, that's how it was, and it's more powerful than this, and I don't need any Benzene at all.

Chu Feng looked at the top of his head, his eyes were far away, and he said, "Because of these effects of Benzodiol, the military wants to use it in the army. Imagine if everyone in an army has this ability, What kind of combat power would that have?"

Luo Zhouzhou seriously recalled that in the past, the patriarch often warned dozens of vampires in the clan.

He always looked at everyone dignifiedly and said, "Although you have the ability to turn the world upside down and control everything. But as long as anyone does something beyond the rules of vampires, I will make him suffer the most severe punishment."

"If there is such an army, you can turn the world upside down and control everything." Luo Zhouzhou replied.

"The world is turned upside down..." Chu Feng murmured and repeated: "Yes, I will control everything and turn the world upside down."

"What about later?" Luo Zhouzhou turned over and asked with his head propped up on his elbows.

Chu Feng continued: "It was because of the reason you mentioned that the injection of Benzodiol into the army was voted down. The research on Benzodiol can only affect Xiyan."

"However, although the experiment has been suspended on the surface, it is still going on in secret. Our group of students signed an oral and secret agreement with the military that they will participate in the human experiment of injecting Benzodiol."

"Because of Benzodiol, our special forces have completed many impossible tasks. During that time, both the military and ourselves were full of confidence in Benzodiol."

When Chu Feng said this, he reached into his trouser pocket and wanted to touch something. His trouser pockets were empty, and he took out his hand and put it on his chest.

Luo Zhouzhou saw it in his eyes and knew that he was touching the cigarette subconsciously again. Every time he was in a bad mood, he would do this action.

Luo Zhouzhou sat up, took out a candy he had saved from his pocket, peeled it off, and handed it to his mouth, "Here."

Chu Feng glanced down and put the candy in his mouth.

He turned the sugar ball in his mouth and continued: "But there was an accident during a mission. A team member fell on the ground and fell unconscious after injecting benzophenone. In a short period of time, his blood pressure plummeted. Breathing and heartbeat stopped. We called Qi Fen to try to find a way to rescue him, and then he got his life back."

"We only then learned that there is a limit to the dose of benzophenone that normal humans can receive, and the total amount cannot exceed that level. If it exceeds, the human body will not be able to bear it."

"But our team members, the amount of benzophenone accumulated in the body has almost reached the limit. The military later decided to let us retire from the front line and replace them with other special forces who have never been injected with benzophenone."

"That's okay." Luo Zhouzhou said, "Then you will be fine."

He regretted the words as soon as he said it, because he suddenly remembered that other than Chu Feng and Chen Sihan, the rest of their group had an accident.

But Chu Feng didn't pay attention to his words, still staring at the sky without moving, his eyes seemed empty, and said, "Just before we are about to retire, an urgent mission suddenly came. The report said that in a certain church, a large number of Austrian The fugitive believers of Lin Shinrikyo are gathering, and they are going to carry out terrorist actions in places where the crowd is concentrated. And there is evidence that several high-ranking members of Shinrikyo will also appear. If they are captured in one fell swoop, a lot of inside information can be interrogated, including absconding all the time. Truth out there teaches the whereabouts of the Son of God."

"The Holy Son of Truth?" Luo Zhouzhou asked suspiciously, "What is that?"

"Every archbishop will select the future bishop's successor in advance, and that person is called the Holy Son. Before the Holy Son succeeds to the throne, he will not reveal his whereabouts and identity until he becomes the archbishop. Their Son escaped and his whereabouts are unknown."

Luo Zhouzhou nodded in understanding.

"In the end, we took part in that mission. And the results of the physical examination showed that we could all be injected with Benzodiol once. Everyone just wanted to complete the mission beautifully and make their special forces career successful before retiring."

When Chu Feng said this, he suddenly stopped and raised his hand to cover his eyes.

Luo Zhouzhou lay down again, quietly looking sideways at him.

After a while, he grabbed the hand by his side, put it on top of his head, and rubbed it.

"What's wrong?" Chu Feng asked in a hoarse voice.

Luo Zhouzhou whispered: "You laugh every time you rub my head, you rub it now."

Chu Feng still covered his eyes with his hands, but his exposed lips slowly turned up, showing a smile.

He rubbed Luo Zhouzhou's head lightly.

The last ray of sunlight disappeared, and the lights in the city lit up one after another, connecting with the stars in the sky.

It was late autumn now, and a gust of night wind blew, Luo Zhouzhou felt a chill and fought.

Chu Feng took off his hand covering his eyes, looked at him, and asked, "Is it cold? If it's cold, we'll go down."

"It's a bit cold, but I don't want to go down, I just want to be on it." Luo Zhouzhou said.

He glanced at Chu Feng's short sleeves and wondered, "Aren't you cold?"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "I'm not cold, you wait, I'll go get you a dress."

After Chu sealed the roof and went back to the room, Luo Zhouzhou picked up his beer juice and drank slowly, and then picked up a book on the carpet.

The pages of the book were opened, and a photo fell from the middle. He put down the book and juice, and picked up the photo to read.

This is a group photo of a group of people with a field in the background. They were all young men in their early twenties, all in camouflage uniforms, huddled together, smiling brightly and arrogantly.

They had apparently just finished training or had a mission, their faces and bodies were dirty, and they still had guns in their hands.

Luo Zhouzhou quickly swept across the faces of these people, and soon found Chu Feng among them.

He was not wearing a steel helmet, with two camouflage painted on his face, a cigarette in his mouth, his eyes squinting at the camera, his handsome face looked impatient.

But Luo Zhouzhou could see that he was actually in a good mood, and there was a happy light in his eyes.

After watching for a while, he was ready to put the photo back in the book. As soon as I put it in, I saw a line of words written on the back of the photo.

The handwriting is written in black ink, and it is difficult to identify the dragon flying and phoenix dance. He recognized it with difficulty, muttering in his mouth: "You, you..."

"You are stars, shining on the alliance forever." Chu Feng had arrived behind him at some point and put a wide coat over him.

You are the stars shining on the Alliance forever.

Luo Zhouzhou always felt that he had heard this sentence somewhere, tightened his jacket, and tried to recall with his head sideways.

"Yes, you have seen this sentence, at the gate of their cemetery." Chu Feng said.

Luo Zhouzhou suddenly remembered that there was this sentence at the entrance of the cemetery, which was inscribed by President Calgar.

Just replace "you" with "twenty-eight".

"The inscription on the back of this photo was also written by President Calgar himself. When he came to inspect a certain time, he happened to meet us after finishing our mission, so he asked someone to take pictures of us, and each had an inscription." Chu Feng Looking at the photo said.

Luo Zhouzhou looked at the group of smiling people in the photo, touched it lightly with his fingers, and asked in a low voice, "Then what happened behind them?"

Chu Feng walked to the low table, picked up a can of beer, opened it, and walked to the edge of the rooftop, leaning on the glass fence with his elbows, looking into the distance.

Luo Zhouzhou carefully put the photo back on the page, picked up his beer juice, followed him, and lay beside him.

Chu Fengtou clinked glasses with him with a beer can, raised his head to take a sip, and said, "The mission was urgent and the situation was unknown. After we arrived at the ambush site, we found that the believers were much more than we imagined. To win this fight, you have to inject benzofidol."

"At that time, he was ambushed in an abandoned residential building opposite the church. The captain reported the situation to the command post, and the command post immediately sent someone to bring Benzodiol to us."

Chu Feng raised his head and took another sip, exhaled a long breath, and then said, "In a short while, someone brought the password box containing Benzodiol."

"I have never seen that man in the military, but I still remember his appearance. He is a little shorter than me, about 1.88 meters, with a bald head and a very obvious black mole on the left corner of his mouth."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. "After he handed me the lockbox, the moment he turned around, I saw a dent on the back of his neck. It was a scar left after the gland was surgically removed."

Luo Zhouzhou listened quietly, not even breathing loudly.

"It was obvious that there was something wrong with that person, but I wasn't vigilant enough, so I sent the password box in. After that, everyone started injecting phenytoin."

Chu Feng was silent for a moment, and then said, "I should have had an injection, but Wang Jun handed me a cigarette and said that I will act immediately, and hurry up and smoke one."

"I hid outside the back door because I was afraid that the cigarette butt would attract the attention of the other side. After slowly smoking the cigarette and then going in, something happened to them..."

Chu Feng's voice was so soft that it took a lot of effort to hear it clearly.

"Their injection was twice the usual dose of benzophenone, which was far beyond what their bodies could handle," he said.

Chu Feng poured the last beer into his mouth and looked sideways at Luo Zhouzhou.

His eyes were full of red silk, and his eyes were very complicated, which made Luo Zhouzhou wince, and had a bad premonition about what to say next.

"Zhou Zhou, the commander who was in charge of the arrangement and deployment of the entire mission, as well as the manpower to deliver the medicine, was your father, General Lope."