The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 59


Luo Zhouzhou watched Sirius coming this way, sinking his body further, moving slowly to the left, and got under the bar.

Gently fumbling around with his hands, he held a stainless steel mixing glass in his hand.

He heard the rustling footsteps and stopped where he was hiding, knowing that Sirius was standing outside the bar and looking in.

He held his breath, held the cocktail glass to his chest, and stared at the ground in front of him for a moment.

He knew that he was no match for Sirius. As long as Sirius bypassed the bar and entered through the entrance next to him, he would have to strike first and then find a chance to rush out.

A bead of sweat slid down his forehead and dripped into his eyes. The sting was itchy and painful. Luo Zhouzhou didn't raise his hand to wipe it, but just blinked.

The rustling footsteps sounded again, and Sirius was walking towards the entrance of the bar.

Luo Zhouzhou turned the mixing glass in his hand, and turned the end with the bottom of the round seat toward the outside.


At this moment, a terminal voice came from above him.

Sirius' footsteps stopped, and he stopped.

"... it was me... did not find... I will hurry... "

Sirius spoke in a low voice, his tone very respectful.

But after hanging up the terminal, he spat, and said in a disdainful tone, "What the hell?"

The footsteps sounded again, and strode towards the living room.

There was a muffled sound from the stairs, and he went up to the second floor again.

Luo Zhouzhou no longer hesitated, took this opportunity to get out from under the bar, quickly hid behind the overturned sofa, and looked at the stairs on the second floor.

There was no one there, and the sound of doors opening and closing came from the depths of the corridor on the second floor.

He hurriedly lightened his footsteps and trotted out the door.

As soon as he left the living room, he saw two people standing at the iron gate of the villa. They should be the subordinates brought by Sirius.

They leaned against the iron gate with their backs to the villa, smoking cigarettes, talking in a low voice, glancing at the end of the road from time to time.

Luo Zhouzhou crept along the door all the way to the right, then climbed over the fence of the steps and went down into the garden.

There was no light on the right side of the garden, and the flowers and plants were hidden in the darkness. He ran over quickly, then walked a few steps forward, hiding in the shadow behind the bushes.

The rain became heavier, no longer in strands. The rain dripped down the branches and leaves on the head, dripped into the neck, and then slid down the collar to the back, bringing a biting cold all the way.

Luo Zhou squatted motionlessly behind the bushes and waited quietly.

Finally, he heard the sound of going down the stairs in the villa, and then Sirius said loudly: "Let's go, there is no one to be found here."

"Where are you going now?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

"Call more people to quietly check all the people Enesia knows and see if they are hiding there. If not, search the surrounding area. He won't run far."

"Why in Enesia? Isn't his alpha in Beardor?"

Sirius seemed to sneer and said, "His alpha is not there, and he just returned here and left before I came."

"Then what if he passed the border and left Enesia?"

Sirius' voice gradually leaned towards the gate of the villa and said, "They issued a seizure order to the checkpoint. If there is no news at the checkpoint, he is still in Enesia."

"Then this villa, just keep it like this?"

"What if you don't keep it? Do you still want to move in?"

"No, I mean why don't those people seal and lock the door?"

Sirius laughed and said, "The military is actually much more terrifying than you think, and how inconvenient is the seal? Let me tell you, the people who come to this villa tonight will be one after another..."

Luo Zhouzhou hugged his knees tightly, shrinking the whole person as much as possible.

It wasn't until there was a sound of a car starting, and then gradually moving away, that he slowly raised his head and looked at the iron gate through the gap in the bushes.

There is no one there, Sirius and the others have already left.

On the right side of the villa was an iron fence, covered with roses he planted with his own hands. Because it is winter, although the gardener has taken measures to prevent the cold, a lot of leaves have fallen.

After waiting for a while, until he was sure no one was left, he got up and ran quickly to the fence.

In the second flower bed under the rose, there is another set of work clothes that he buried.

It was the spare clothes that I hid for convenience in the future when I escaped through the checkpoint. Although I never thought about escaping later, I always forgot to take it out.

The soil in the flower bed was very wet. He felt the red brick as a mark, and gently removed it. He peeled off the floating soil on it, grabbed the corner of a plastic bag, and slowly dragged it outside.

After dragging the sealed plastic bag out, he sat down against the flower bed, rudely tore open the mouth of the bag, pulled out the worker's uniform inside, and put it directly over the coat.

There was also a string of fake beards at the bottom of the plastic bag. He tore off the tape from the beard and stuck it on his face.

Following the fence and out the gate, he walked out with his head down.

After confirming that he could no longer see himself in the direction of the villa, he ran on the empty avenue.

Now the men were searching for him in Enesia, and he was going to return to Beardor before he was found.

Although Chu Feng is not here, you can go to Chen Sihan and ask him for help.

Luo Zhou ran around and dialed Chen Sihan's terminal, but for some reason, the connection was dialed several times, but no one answered.

He simply gave up and continued to dial, and ran directly to the checkpoint.

The rain was heavier, and a small pool of water accumulated on the ground, reflecting the light of the pale street lamps.

He stepped on the pools, running and crying silently with his mouth open.

His eyes were washed away by the rain, and he couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears running down his face.

Only then did he vent the panic that Lope and Mrs. Lope were taken away.

Soon he ran near the checkpoint, Luo Zhouzhou stopped and watched from a distance.

On the checkpoint of the checkpoint, there was still only one soldier on duty, wearing a black raincoat, stomping his feet lightly, putting his hands to his mouth, and breathing white.

In the farther post, there were two more soldiers talking in low voices.

Luo Zhouzhou knew that they had all received their own photos. If they passed the border like that now, they would be detained immediately.

Then Sirius will pretend to be a relative and come to the level to pick him up.

He wiped the rain off his face, slowly approached the level from behind the bushes by the road, and then hid behind the trees not far away.

It was raining heavily, and it was cold and dark around.

Luo Zhou looked at the sentry box unblinkingly, like a little leopard dormant in the dark, waiting patiently.

I don't know how much time has passed, and the two soldiers in the guard box walked out of the guard box, talking and laughing, and walked to the duty building next to them.

Luo Zhouzhou and Chu Feng were here last time, and they knew that there was no toilet in the guard booth. If they wanted to relieve themselves, they had to go back to the duty building.

When the two soldiers entered the duty building, he walked out from behind the big tree where he was hiding, hugged his arms and shrugged his head, and trotted towards the post.


"Li Qiangsen."



Seeing the unfamiliar soldier looking at himself, Luo Zhouzhou said proactively, "I work in Enesia. I heard that my aunt was ill, so I wanted to go to Beyardo to take care of her overnight."

"Identification card." The soldier said in an official manner according to the procedure.

Although a checkpoint was set up, the main precaution was that the civilians of Beardur came to Enesia in the middle of the night.

After all, there have been several bad incidents in the past few years. The civilians of Beardur went to the wealthy area of Enesia to fight, smash and loot in the middle of the night, so there was this pass.

For those who went from Enesia to Beardur, it was not so strict.

What's more, the bearded man on the opposite side was obviously not the young omega who asked to be detained, so the soldiers didn't pay much attention to him.

Luo Zhouzhou touched his whole body and said angrily, "Oh, I went out too quickly, I forgot to bring it with me."

"Then you can't pass the test, go back." The soldier said impatiently.

Luo Zhouzhou stood still, looking at him pleadingly, with genuine anxiety in his eyes.

"My aunt is very sick and I really want to go out," he repeated.

The soldier glanced at the heavy rain outside, then looked at the bearded man's drenched body, hesitated, and asked, "Then who can prove your identity?"

Luo Zhouzhou thought about it and reported a series of terminal numbers.

The soldier checked it with a portable identifier, and the number belonged to Chief Lin's house.

"Whose terminal number is this?" the soldier asked, looking at him.

Luo Zhouzhou said: "The son of Chief Staff Lin's house, I work at his house."

Lin Fan, I'm sorry, use your number.

He apologized to Lin Fan from the bottom of his heart.

When the soldier saw that the information was correct, he said, "Then you wait."

"Okay." Luo Zhouzhou replied.

The soldier walked to the sentry booth and wanted to dial this number for verification.

The moment he turned around, Luo Zhouzhou let out a long breath, glanced at the retractable door of the checkpoint from the corner of his eyes, and approached slowly.

When the soldier stepped into the sentry booth and picked up the intercom, Luo Zhouzhou had flexibly passed through the gap of the retractable door and rushed to the main street of Bearduo.

"Stop! Someone broke through the level."

"Stop, don't stop and shoot."

Luo Zhouzhou ran like a gust of wind, the rain blocked his vision, and everything he could see was blurred, and he could only identify the direction of progress with the street lights on both sides.

The air was filled with water vapor, and it smelled of rust in the lungs. He gritted his teeth and swung his arms to the rhythm of the run.

Gradually, he distanced himself from the people chasing behind him, getting further and further away.

After rushing into a dark alley, and then turning into another alley halfway, he finally managed to get rid of all the pursuers.

Luo Zhouzhou stopped, leaned his back against a wall, supported his knees with his hands, and gasped for breath.

After the breath calmed down, he slowly walked out of the alley and came to a street.

On a rainy night in Beardor's winter, there were no pedestrians in the streets, all the shops were closed and only a few neon lights were flashing.

Luo Zhouzhou stood at a bus stop, blocking the rain overhead, and went to call Chu Feng's terminal.

Although Chu Fengren was at the border, at this time, he still wanted to hear his voice, tell him his panic and sadness, and ask him what to do now.

And Luo Zhouzhou has to ask clearly, what is going on in all this? What exactly happened

His trembling fingers couldn't align the number keys that popped up, so he had to use his voice to read out the string of numbers that he had memorized by heart.

After waiting for a while, the mechanical female voice informed him coldly that there was no signal and could not be connected for the time being.

Luo Zhouzhou made up his mind and went to call Chen Sihan's number again, but this time it was the same as calling Chu Feng, and it showed that he couldn't get through.

He wiped the rain off the terminal and leaned over to look under the street lamp. I found that all the signals above are gone, no wonder I can't make any communication.

In the rain curtain in the distance, two snowy headlights appeared, and there was a red dome light of a taxi on top.

Luo Zhouzhou just wanted to stop the car, but after thinking about it, he retracted his hand and cautiously hid behind the stop sign.

After the taxi passed by quickly, he circled out, looked at the line on the stop sign, and silently kept it in his mind.

According to the route, it was only about ten miles away from here to Chu Feng's house, so he decided to just walk back.

Luo Zhouzhou walked forward on the sidewalk on the long street, his soaked trousers clinging tightly to his body.

Occasionally, there are people who come home at night and hurriedly walk with an umbrella, and they will look at him strangely.

Finally passing by a 24-hour supermarket, he went in and bought a raincoat.

He hid behind the shelf, took off the wet work clothes, took out his wallet from his coat, and went to the cashier to pay the bill.

"Are you soaking wet? Go home and take a hot bath."

The eldest sister at the cashier saw that Luo Zhouzhou was shaking all over and couldn't help reminding.

"Thank you." He thanked in a low voice and took the raincoat silently.

Put on a raincoat and a hat, wrap the whole person, and walk out of the warm supermarket.

A cold wind suddenly hit his face with water vapor, he exhaled and continued to walk forward.

An hour later, just when Luo Zhouzhou's hands and feet were freezing to the point of unconsciousness, the familiar streets and houses finally appeared in front of him.

This road goes out of the head and then turns right, it is the street of Chu Fengjia Community.

He was refreshed and quickened his pace.

Just after walking halfway, a couple came across, holding the same umbrella in the wind and rain, leaning closely together.

When Luo Zhouzhou approached them, he heard the handsome boy complaining, "I said don't watch the fun, look, I'm all wet."

The boy next to him said excitedly: "There is a gunfight in the community, even if you listen to the sound. Before you came, they fought in the community, and then rushed into a building and fought in the building. But the sheriff was really brave, he killed four or five, even though he was lying down..."

"Then is he dead?"

"I don't know, but I'm in the hospital..."

Luo Zhouzhou stopped, his heartbeat was about to pop out of his throat.

After thinking about it, he stepped forward again.

At the end of the long street, he turned right, praying in his heart that he would not see the community of Chu Feng.

In that case, the injured sheriff would not be Chen Sihan.

However, his wish came to nothing. As soon as he turned around, he saw several police cars parked at the gate of the community, with a long cordon drawn on both sides.

More than a dozen police officers were busy there, and many onlookers were holding umbrellas, watching the excitement outside the cordon, and whispering to each other.

There were a few people looking around.

Luo Zhouzhou walked straight forward, and when approaching the community, he pulled down the rain hat on top of his head, covering half of his face.

The red lights on the police cars flickered, illuminating the fence beside the sidewalk on and off.

He turned his head slightly and saw seven or eight corpses covered with white cloth lying beside a van, and someone was carrying those corpses into the van.

Luo Zhouzhou calmly passed behind those people, listening to their whispers, and kept moving forward.

It wasn't until the whole community and those noises were left far behind that the whole person started shaking uncontrollably.

The heavy rain fell endlessly, and the streets seemed to have no end.

He didn't know where to go now or who else to turn to for help. I don't know what happened to Lope and Mrs. Lope, and how to rescue them.

Luo Zhouzhou walked aimlessly, this was the first time that he deeply hated himself for being an omega, not an omnipotent vampire.

He didn't know how long he had been gone, but his whole body was freezing cold, only one heart seemed to have fallen into a furnace, burning hot and painful.

He stopped and looked at a bank not far away.

The bank was closed, and the steps beyond the glass doors were flat and wide.

He walked to the steps, closed his raincoat, and slowly slid down to the ground.

A gust of wind blew, and a piece of rain and fog swept up the steps, and Luo Zhouzhou shrank back again.

The rain-soaked clothes grew clammier and colder, and he wrapped his arms around himself, his teeth clashing uncontrollably, making a gurgling sound.

He replayed the scene of Lope sitting in the military vehicle repeatedly in his mind.

He said to himself outside the car window: go quickly.

"Five months and fifteen days... General, I have endured you for five months and fifteen days... Dad, in fact, I can bear it any longer..."

Luo Zhouzhou buried his head on the thigh wrapped in the wet and cold trousers and cried.

When he had enough crying, he leaned against the wall sleepy and tired and fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know how long I slept, but I only felt that there were no pedestrians or vehicles on the street, only the sound of rain.

Suddenly, in his sleep, he was awakened by a strange feeling in his body.

It was a surge that slowly spread from the lower abdomen, penetrated into his limbs, and invaded every cell.

Luo Zhouzhou remembered this familiar feeling when he was awake.

In Beardor police station, he had experienced it.

He's in heat.

The author has something to say: thanks to ilomilo for the mines; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Yunli; 5 bottles of still a little happy, the world is changing; 3 bottles of Yuluoyucheng; 2 bottles of ilomilo; Ruoshui, coral red , Yunyi, Licyivy, Egyptian Pyramid 1 bottle;

Thank you all very much for your comments.