The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 62


Luo Zhouzhou fell silent after listening to Chu Feng's remarks.

After a while, he asked, "Then why did Calgar kill them?"

Chu Feng said: "This is also the question I want to understand. I try to investigate from all aspects, including who I want to kill by our death, or I don't want Benzfei to be known to the outside world, so I silenced us and so on."

"Are those reasons?"

"Neither. After the accident, Calgar was furious at a high-level meeting. Since then, the military has stopped using Benzodiol on soldiers, only against Xiyan."

Luo Zhouzhou asked in confusion: "Then why?"

Chu Feng stared out of the window in a daze, and murmured, "Yeah, why exactly? There must be a reason buried deeper..."

"Then does his capture of the general have anything to do with this?" Luo Zhouzhou asked.

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know. If the incident of killing a group of special forces was simply revealed, it would not be the secret of subverting the alliance as your father said. People will easily forgive him for his contributions to the alliance. The crimes committed. The death of a group of ordinary special forces only made others sigh. But the secrets from the general’s mouth, perhaps including the real reason behind the death of the special forces, are only more serious.”

"No wonder they are rummaging around at home." Luo Zhouzhou said: "They want to find the evidence the general is holding."

"Then recall, is there any place to hide things at home?" Chu Feng asked.

Luo Zhouzhou recalled for a while, shook his head blankly, and said, "I can't think of where to hide things."

"What if they have found it?" He asked Chu Feng nervously.

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "No, if they have found it, they won't want to arrest you to threaten General Luo."

Luo Zhouzhou frowned and said, "Isn't it easy for the president to arrest me? I definitely won't be able to run away."

Chu Feng patted his head and said, "As long as we are careful, it will be fine, because if he wants to arrest you, he does not dare to use the military force, and can only use people outside."

"Then will he deal with you?" Luo Zhouzhou asked worriedly.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "I am a famous general, and I don't like vases. If he wants to deal with me, it may be difficult to find a high-sounding reason. Besides, I was very useful to him, and I didn't notice that he was in Investigate him, he won't deal with me for the time being."

When Luo Zhouzhou heard this, his expression relaxed a lot.

"By the way, how's Sheriff Chen?" He raised his voice again.

Chu Feng comforted: "It's okay, he was just shot in the arm, no bones were injured or hemorrhaged, it's fine to rest for a while."

Just as he was talking, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a man with a bowl walked in and said with a smile, "Little sharp blade, come and drink a bowl of chicken soup."

"Xiaofeng!" Luo Zhouzhou shouted in surprise.

He recognized this person, the Xiaofeng he had seen in the underground fighting arena.

"They will keep an eye on me now, and then follow along to find you, so I will bring you here. It is quite safe here, and no one knows the relationship between me and Xiaofeng." Chu Feng explained.

At this time, the terminal sounded, and Chu Feng said to Luo Zhouzhou, "It's Sihan."

He walked out of the room while talking. "Sihan, I'm, um..."

Xiaofeng put the chicken soup on the bedside table, rubbed his hands and said, "Drink it, the temperature is just right."

Seeing Luo Zhou looking around the room while drinking soup, he explained understandingly: "At the beginning, the sharp blade left me a terminal number so that I could find him when I encountered difficulties. Not long after that, I did encounter something that I couldn't solve. If there was any trouble, I called it according to that number. As a result, the sharp blade not only helped me solve the trouble, but also gave me this small building to live in. "

"Then are you still working in the underground fighting arena?" Luo Zhouzhou asked curiously.

"No, I'll do some other small business now." Xiaofeng said gratefully: "The sharp blade really cares about love and righteousness, it saved my life."

Luo Zhouzhou listened to his sharp blades and asked, "Don't you still know his name?"

Xiaofeng smiled and said, "I know. I thought he would get along well before, but I didn't expect it to be so good. But I still like to call him Sharp Blade."

"The sharp blade sounds nice." Luo Zhouzhou said, "but his name is also nice."

Xiaofeng said quickly: "It's all good, all good."

"What are you laughing at? So happy." Chu Feng ended the call and walked in from outside.

Xiaofeng quickly picked up the empty bowl on the bedside table and said, "You guys talk first, I'll go buy some food and prepare for lunch."

After Xiaofeng left, Chu Feng sat down beside the bed and asked, "Is your body still uncomfortable?"

Luo Zhouzhou felt it for a while and said, "It's not uncomfortable anymore, it's just a little soft."

"But last night was very, very, very uncomfortable." In order to show the degree, he said several specials in a stressful tone.

Although he survived last night, but now that Chu Feng is by his side, Luo Zhouzhou feels particularly aggrieved.

"It's raining so hard that I got wet all over. It's very cold and cold. I saw the general being taken away and went back to the villa. I met the Sirius before." He pouted and leaned against Chu. Cover your arms.

Chu Feng didn't speak, just wrapped his arms around him.

"I sneaked out quietly, put on a work uniform to pass the level, and put on your favorite beard." Luo Zhouzhou touched his face and asked, "Where is my beard?"

"I lost my beard when I saw you, maybe I lost it on the road." Chu Feng whispered.

Luo Zhouzhou continued: "I ran very fast when I passed the checkpoint, maybe I lost it at that time. The rain was so heavy that my eyes were stung and I couldn't see the road, so I could only run along the lights. But I still ran past those Soldiers, don't let them catch up."

After saying this, he did not continue to speak, but raised his head from Chu Feng's arms and looked at him.

"Zhou Zhou is really amazing, and he runs really fast." Chu Feng knew what he was waiting for, and said hoarsely.

Luo Zhouzhou was a little aggrieved at first, but the more he talked, the more excited he became, and he sat up from Chu Feng's arms.

"I remember you said to be cautious, so I didn't take a taxi and walked outside your house from the checkpoint. It took me less than an hour to walk that long."

Chu Feng praised in a low voice as he wished: "It's amazing that you have walked so far alone in such a big storm."

"I found a step to hide from the rain, and then I got into heat. I kept holding on, I kept holding on."

Luo Zhouzhou made a forceful movement with both hands.

Chu Feng opened his mouth and finally couldn't boast any more, he stretched out his hand and hugged him tightly, burying his face on top of his head.

Luo Zhouzhou finally realized that something was wrong with Chu Feng and closed his mouth.

After a while, he comforted: "It's alright, just make an affair, I can handle it, and it's not like I haven't done it before."

Chu Feng raised his head, his eyes were a little red.

He put his hand on the back of Luo Zhouzhou's head, pressed it against his forehead, and said in a hoarse voice, "Yes, it's just an affair, nothing can trouble Zhouzhou."

The two talked for a while, and Chu Feng got up and looked out the window.

There are some ordinary residents around here, and there are no suspicious people.

"Zhou Zhou, you can rest for a while. I have to meet the president and report on the border affairs." Chu Feng walked up to Luo Zhouzhou and said.


"When I get back, I can take you home."

"Can I get out of here?" Luo Zhouzhou's eyes lit up.

Chu Feng patted his head and said, "I will let Calgar stop you temporarily."

Chu Feng went back to his house first, and met a few dodging people at the gate of the community. He looked away as if he didn't see it, and went straight into the elevator.

When he got home, he took a shower and put on a clean shirt. Then apply shaving cream to your chin and carefully shave your stubble in the mirror.

He took the military uniform hanging from the coat rack, fastened the buttons one by one, and straightened the brim of the hat.

He turned around and walked out of the bathroom without looking back, through the living room, and out the door.

presidential palace.

President Calgar just ran a few laps on the lawn of the mansion, and was about to have a small meeting after breakfast.

He was in his forties this year, and he was in good shape, looking like he was in his early thirties.

Calgar's routine is very regular, getting up at six every morning, exercising until eight o'clock for breakfast, and then working all day.

Review some documents at night, listen to news and music, and go to bed at ten o'clock.

He doesn't smoke or drink, has no bad habits, and has no emotional history. He is still single in his forties, and is laughed at as "the most valuable single alpha in the league".

Now, just as Calgar wiped his mouth with a napkin, someone pushed the door and announced that Chu Feng was in the future.

"Let him in." Calgar threw the napkin on the plate, and the waiter hurriedly brought it out.

"Your Excellency." Chu Feng walked in and gave a military salute.

Calgar smiled and said, "It's coming back so quickly, is everything all right?"

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the chair beside him, "Sit down first, there will be a meeting later. Since you are here, just join it and go to the conference hall with me."

Chu Feng only bowed, stood still, and said loudly: "Go back to your Excellency, the matter has been settled, and the relatives of the deceased and the media who reported it have also calmed down."

Calgar picked up the coffee on the side and said slowly, "I thought it would take several days, but you did it in less than a day. This is... Is it too eager to come back?"

"My subordinates want to come back as soon as possible to work for His Excellency the President." Chu Feng replied.

Calgar looked at the coffee cup and smiled, but said nothing.

After a few seconds of silence, Chu Feng said, "Your Excellency, I still have something to call you."

Calgar asked, "What's the matter?"

"About General Lope."

Chu Feng said: "The reason why the military department took action against General Lope is just because of a vase and a confession from an outsider, which seems to be too hasty."

The smile on Calgar's face faded. He looked down at the coffee cup in his hand and said, "General Chu, although you are at the border, you are well informed."

Chu Feng replied respectfully: "Your Excellency, this is not a secret. It has been spread in the military, and even the media have inquired about it."

"There is a device in the vase that is directly related to the Truth Religion, doesn't this constitute evidence?" Calgar asked indifferently.

Chu Feng replied: "It can certainly constitute evidence, but how did this evidence get to General Luo's mansion? Does he know the device inside? His subordinates feel that they should investigate and investigate. Otherwise, the military department will not be able to answer the media's inquiries. ."

Calgar looked up at Chu Feng, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Media?"

Chu Feng leaned on his leg and said loudly, "Chu Feng's words are all out of concern for the reputation of the military, and have no other meaning."

Calgar put the coffee cup on the table and asked, "Then you are standing here now, are you trying to complain for Lope? If you have any objection, you can show your evidence in the military court to prove his innocence. , instead of coming to me and questioning me."

Chu Feng looked straight ahead and replied, "My subordinates dare not question your Excellency, but I was blocked by reporters from several media outlets just now outside the presidential palace, so I couldn't answer."

"Really? You won't be able to answer?" Calgar narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Chu Feng, "Chu Feng, you seem a little abnormal this time."

Chu Feng straightened his shoulders and replied, "It was Your Excellency who brought me to this position. Chu Feng remembers it in his heart and keeps his duty at all times."

Calgar laughed briefly and said meaningfully: "I know, you and Lope's son, the omega named Luo Zhouzhou are very close. Young people, it's normal to be overwhelmed by love, I I understand. But no matter what, you have to stick to the minimum rules and don't ignore the laws and regulations of the alliance. Chu Feng, it's not easy for you to come this far, you can't make mistakes and take a wrong step. higher."

Chu Feng lowered his eyes and said, "This subordinate understands."

Calgar added: "You don't have to be nervous, Lope is Lope, his son is his son, the league strictly follows the law, and no one will mix them up."

"Yes." Chu Feng looked straight ahead and replied loudly.

Calgar said no more, stood up, straightened his collar and walked towards the door, "Let's go, it's almost time, go to the meeting."

When he walked to the door, he found that Chu Feng hadn't followed. He turned his head and asked, "What? Is there anything else?"

Chu Feng showed an embarrassed look, opened his mouth and stopped talking.

"If you have something to say, the meeting will be held soon." Calgar frowned.

Chu Feng lowered his head, stared at the dark red carpet in front of him, and said in an uneasy tone: "Your Excellency, the media just now not only asked about Lope, but also asked me about Sita Manor."

"Xita Manor?" Calgar was obviously stunned, and asked, "What happened to Xita Manor?"

Chu Feng still kept his head down, his tone unchanged, "I received an anonymous email a few days ago. Someone investigated and found that there are six racing horses in the Sita Manor, and each one costs tens of millions of alliance coins."

Calgar retracted his hand on the doorknob, turned around slowly, and looked at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng continued to say carefully: "There are several photos and photocopies in the email, including the sale and purchase contract, and the payment account information. Although the payment account is the military department and the signer is Wesson, the horse racing is recorded in your account. I immediately refuted him and deleted the email, lest anyone who wants to use it to criticize you. There were other media asking about it just now, but they were not sure and were still asking me for confirmation. "

Calgar didn't speak, just looked at Chu Feng coldly.

Chu Feng also slowly raised his head and looked at him, "Your Excellency, the general election is about to start, my subordinates understand the importance of this email, so I deleted it, you don't need to care."

The room was quiet, and Calgar's face was cold.

After a while, he said in a very soft voice: "Chu Feng, I have always loved hunting. When I was an administrator of Beardur, I laid a few iron traps in the woods around my apartment. A wolf cub was caught in the sky, and it was dying of blood. I rescued it, healed it, fed it, and raised it. As a result, one time, it wanted to take the meat from my dinner plate, and when I stopped it , it actually wanted to scratch me with its claws."

"It can eat what I give it. It can't pick up what I don't give, even if it falls on the ground. Guess what I did that time?" Calgar asked.

"My subordinates can't guess." Chu Feng replied unchanged.

After looking at him for a few seconds, Calgar suddenly laughed and said, "As a result, my iron cap caught a little wolf again and was trapped there. The wolf cub wanted to give it to her and let it live. , scratching me is out of a hurry. So I forgave it that time, and let the little she-wolf out of the iron cover."

"The wolf cubs will only scratch people if they are in a hurry. Your Excellency is really kind." Chu Feng replied.

Calgar put away his smile, looked at him silently for a moment, and said word by word: "But this is a betrayal, there is no next time. Otherwise, I will cut off the wolf cub's claws and watch it die."

After Calgar finished speaking, he reached out and patted Chu Feng's shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, what if someone has an email? Anyway, it's all faked by my competitors."

"Your Excellency is right, it must be fake." Chu Feng nodded and smiled.

"Let's go, have a meeting." Calgar turned to open the door and walked out.

Chu Feng gave him a deep look from behind and followed.