The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 65


Chu Feng got out of the car, and after a while, walked back holding an ice cream cone.

Luo Zhouzhou watched with bright eyes and reached out to pick it up. As soon as the hand touched it, the ice cream was taken back.

"Give me a bite?" Chu Feng asked.

"Okay, you eat first." Luo Zhouzhou replied happily.

Chu sealed the car, closed the door, looked at Luo Zhouzhou, opened his mouth slowly, and took a deep bite on the ice cream.

A round ice cream ball, suddenly only a small point remained.

"Here, eat." He handed the remaining point to Luo Zhouzhou and said vaguely.

Luo Zhouzhou looked at the ice cream in disbelief, then looked at him again, closed his mouth when he wanted to say something, and took it aggrievedly.

"What? Do you regret letting me eat it?" Chu Feng finally swallowed a mouthful of ice cream and asked.

Luo Zhouzhou pursed his mouth and said, "If you eat too fast, your stomach will hurt."

Chu Feng said, "I won't have a stomachache."

At night, Chu Feng was lying on the sofa, holding a hot water bottle.

The ice cream still stimulated his stomach problems that he had not had for a long time.

Luo Zhouyi rubbed his stomach one after another, and said, "Be obedient, and stop eating ice cream in winter."

Chu Feng looked at him sideways and said, "But as soon as I see the dessert shop, I want to eat it."

Luo Zhouzhou persuaded bitterly: "Just bear with it, it's winter now, and eat it when the weather is hot."

"I can't bear it when I see you eating."

"Then we won't eat it." Luo Zhouzhou thought about the scene and said.

Chu Feng said: "Okay, wait until the weather is hot before eating."

Soon, a month passed, and the temperature gradually warmed up.

Chen Sihan's arm has fully recovered. In the past, he used to go to the bar with Chu Feng, but now he can't call anyone out. He can only bring two bottles of wine to the house and chat with Chu Feng on the rooftop for one night.

Luo Zhouzhou knew that what they were talking about was serious business, and it was about whether General Lope could be rescued. So every time at this time, just sit quietly on the side without disturbing.

The weather is not very good today, it is raining again, although it is only five o'clock in the afternoon, it is already dark.

Director Ding of Enesia Prison, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office, touched his few remaining hair, preparing to leave work early.

This prison was built on the edge of Enesia. Because the prisoners are all felons or people with sensitive identities, although the scale is not large, it is heavily guarded.

Today, a new prisoner was added to the prison. After the initial trial, he was sentenced to life for sex, and then he was sent here.

It was a criminal who, in just a few short years, had raped several omegas and stole a lot of property.

After being arrested by the police, the evidence was conclusive, and it only took a few days to finalize the case and start serving the sentence.

Director Ding has no feelings for such prisoners. Most of the prisoners are guilty of this kind of crime. After watching more, it will be normal.

He was about to dial a terminal for his lover and let her get ready. As soon as he raised his hand, he saw three black off-road vehicles on the road outside the prison.

Warden Ding recognized with sharp eyes that they were three military vehicles, and the one in the middle was the kind of military vehicle that only high-ranked officers could be equipped with.

With a stern expression, he quickly retracted the hand that dialed the terminal, wiped the hair on the top of his head, and hurried out of the office.

Chu Feng sat in the back row of the off-road vehicle in the middle, with Chen Sihan sitting next to him. The co-pilot and driver were all his trusted subordinates.

When the three cars were parked at the gate of the prison, and the front car pressed the window and showed the identity card to the guard, Warden Ding had already trotted over.

Chu Feng pushed open the car door and got out of the car, looked up at the sky, and brushed off the tiny water particles that instantly adhered to his shoulders.

"Admiral Chu." Warden Ding, panting, ran close and gave a military salute.

At this time, the doors of the other two military vehicles were also opened, and several subordinate officers walked down.

Chu Feng nodded at Warden Ding, and walked to the prison with a few steps, followed by several officers.

Warden Ding only knew Chen Sihan, whom he often dealt with, so he greeted, "Sergeant Chen." He hurried to chase after Chu Feng.

He was beating a drum in his heart, wondering why the general came here suddenly.

"When did Wu Yunkuan deliver it?" Chu Feng kept walking, looking ahead and asking.

Warden Ding was stunned for a moment, and quickly recalled the name in his mind.

Wu Yunkuan… Wu Yunkuan…

But who is Wu Yunkuan? He couldn't remember at all.

"Director Ding, Wu Yunkuan is the 8th omega, the felon who robbed 300,000 yuan of money."

Chen Sihan said with a half-smile behind him: "It should have been delivered in the past two days, so Warden Ding may not have seen it."

"Ah, yes yes yes, he is Wu Yunkuan. I have been preparing the report materials for other prisoners in the past two days. I am too busy to ask this prisoner." Warden Ding said embarrassingly.

Seeing Chu Feng stop and look at himself, he quickly added: "It was today, it was delivered this morning."

A subordinate officer passed them and led the way in a familiar way.

The group entered the prison office building, went straight up the stairs, and went straight to the interrogation room on the second floor.

"Admiral Chu, is this going to arraign Wu Yunkuan?" Warden Ding asked tentatively, not knowing what Chu Feng had come for.

Chu Feng did not reply, Chen Sihan replied from behind: "Have you heard of the omega serial murder case?"

Warden Ding nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, I heard that my daughter was too scared to go out for several days."

"We suspect that Wu Yunkuan did not fully explain the facts of his crime. Maybe he also did this serial murder case," said Chen Sihan.

Warden Ding opened his mouth wide and asked in astonishment, "Really?"

"Both the police and the military attach great importance to this case, so General Chu brought me here, and he wants to personally interrogate Wu Yunkuan."

This kind of prisoner's identity and crimes are not sensitive, and Warden Ding's mind quickly turned, and he nodded decisively and replied: "The prison department must fully cooperate with the military and the police in the interrogation, and strive to find the real culprit."

The group soon reached the interrogation room on the second floor.

Warden Ding pushed open the door of the interrogation room and said to Chu Feng, "Admiral Chu wait a moment, I will go and bring Wu Yunkuan over now."

Chu Feng frowned and asked, "Where is he locked up?"

Director Ding looked for help to a prison guard who had heard the news.

The prison guard quickly replied: "Because it was delivered in the morning, the number room has not yet been assigned, and it is temporarily detained in the confinement room."

After Chu Feng heard this, he glanced at Warden Ding and said meaningfully, "Warden Ding, even if he treats prisoners, he must follow the rules and regulations."

Prisons have always had their own set of rules, that is, when new prisoners arrive, they must first be locked in the confinement room for 24 hours. It is said that it is to punish their crimes, but the most important thing is to kill these prisoners.

Warden Ding wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied, "My subordinates understand, my subordinates understand, so I'll go and bring Wu Yunkuan to you."

"No need." Chu Feng said lightly, "I'll go by myself and interrogate him in the confinement room."

"Ah?" Warden Ding was a little at a loss.

Chu Feng said nothing, turned around and walked towards the stairs, and the other subordinate officers immediately followed.

Warden Ding and the prison guard looked at each other, and the guard asked, "Headmaster, what should I do?"

"What should I do? He will judge wherever he wants, walk around, and follow quickly."

The confinement room and the cell are not together, they are in a separate building.

The subordinate officer who led the way brought Chu Feng there exactly.

Warden Ding quickly stepped forward and introduced: "This is Building No. 4, and the confinement room is in this building."

The building was heavily fortified and surrounded by electrical grids.

At the entrance of the corridor, there are not only iron gates scanned through, but also six prison guards with live ammunition standing.

Chu Feng looked up at the small building and asked, "What floor is the confinement room on?"

"Second floor." Warden Ding replied.

After speaking, he quickly took out his ID card and swiped open the iron door of the corridor.

Chu Feng entered the corridor, followed by a group of officers behind him, stepping out of the corridor with a thumping sound.

At the passage on the second floor, Chu Feng stopped and glanced left and right, then walked quickly to the right.

At the end on the right is a closed metal door with only an information scanning device on the smooth door leaf.

There were also two prison guards standing in front of the door. They were smoking and chatting against the wall. When they saw Chu Feng and others, they immediately threw away the cigarette butts and stood up straight.

"Admiral Chu, wrong, wrong, wrong direction."

Warden Ding went up the stairs and quickly stopped when he saw it: "That's not the confinement room, the confinement room is on the other side."

Chu Feng stopped, looked at the metal door in front of him, and asked, "Isn't it a confinement room? What kind of room is this? And a third-level defense?"

"This..." Warden Ding looked at Chu Feng in embarrassment.

Chu Feng chuckled lightly and said, "Understood, this is the secret of your prison. If it's inconvenient, you don't need to say it."

Warden Ding nodded gratefully, "Thank you, General Chu, for your understanding."

Although Chu Feng didn't ask any more questions, he said: "The military expenses are very tight now, and Lord Calgar has donated his monthly salary. It is a waste of your prison to have such a three-level defense cell vacant. "

"No vacancy, no vacancy." Warden Ding quickly clarified, "It is in use."

"Well, that's fine." Chu Feng nodded, then turned and walked to the left, saying, "Let's go, go and interrogate Wu Yunkuan now."

Warden Ding opened a small door on the far left, looked inside, then turned to Chu Feng and said, "It's too small and dark here, General Chu, why don't you go to the next door for trial?"

"What room is next door?" a subordinate officer asked.

"It's the prison guard's office." Director Ding said.

The subordinate walked to the door of the confinement room, raised his hand to cover his nose, and said to Chu Feng, "Admiral, it smells too bad here, so go next door."

Seeing that Chu Feng had no objection, Warden Ding quickly pushed open the door next door and said to Chu Feng, "General Chu, please."

This is an ordinary office with only two desks and a couch.

Chu Feng sat down on the sofa, folded his long legs, put his hands on his lower abdomen, and closed his eyes slightly.

Chen Sihan walked in, dragged one chair and sat down, then pointed to the other and said to Warden Ding, "Sit down."

"Okay." Warden Ding sat down on the chair.

The two officers quickly escorted Wu Yunkuan from the confinement room.

Wu Yunkuan was ordinary in appearance, wearing shackles and handcuffs, standing in the middle of the room with his head down.

"Are you Wu Yunkuan?" Chen Sihan asked.


"Okay, then let me ask you, what are you doing at 8:00 p.m. on September 18th of the alliance calendar?"

Next, Chen Sihan began to ask Wu Yunkuan carefully, asking a lot of questions in a row.

Chu Feng kept his original posture, sitting motionless on the sofa, listening with his eyes slightly closed.

While listening to the interrogation, Warden Ding peeked at Chu Feng from time to time, judging that the admiral was dissatisfied with his reception today.

The interrogation went on without any development, and Wu Yunkuan repeated those few sentences.

"I really don't remember, but I was at the border at that time."

"Injustice, I really didn't lie, I was at the border at the time."

Chu Feng stood up impatiently and walked out of the office.

After staying at the door for a few seconds, he went to the right again.

Warden Ding also stood up and wanted to follow, but two officers at the door blocked the door and blocked him.

"Director Ding, you can't leave. If the prisoner has any mistakes, I'm not good at dealing with each other." Chen Sihan said with a half-smile.

"That is, that is." Warden Ding looked out the door and sat down again.

Chu Feng quickly walked to the right of the passage, where two subordinates were already waiting.

"The cameras have been dealt with, and the prison guards were led away by Lieutenant Lin and the others," said a subordinate.

Chu Feng nodded, took out the badge from his wallet that had not cleared the pass information, and placed it on the information scanning device on the metal door.

After a soft sound, the metal door bounced open a gap, and Chu Feng silently ducked in.

Entering the door is a passage, and next to the passage are two prison cells.

The door of the cell is still closed, but there is a transparent window on the upper part of the door, and there is a communication hole on it.

Chu Feng walked to the first room and looked inside, it was empty, and took a few steps forward to the second room.

There was someone in the second room, who was facing him, sitting on a single bed, looking at the screen opposite.

There was an old movie playing there.

Hearing the footsteps, the man did not turn his head, still looking at the display. But Chu Feng recognized that it was Lope at the first sight of him.

"General Luo." He knocked on the door.

Lope turned his head and saw Chu Feng from the transparent window.

There was no surprise on his face, he just glanced at it, then turned back to continue watching the movie.

"General Luo, I'm here to ask about the secret you once said." Chu Feng said frankly.

Lope was silent for a few seconds, and asked calmly, "Is Zhou Zhou okay?"

"He's fine."

Lope looked ahead and said, "As long as they don't come to me, it proves that Zhou Zhou is still with you."

"General Luo, give me the secrets and evidence you know, and I will set you free," Chu Feng said.

Lope laughed, leaned back on the quilt, and said, "I think it's pretty good now. I never had a chance to watch a movie before, and I was always complained by Linda. Now I have enough time to like her watch all those movies.”

Chu Feng said solemnly: "Then you always hope that Zhou Zhou can be completely out of danger and live in peace, right?"

Lope put his hands behind his head and said easily, "I'm very relieved that Zhou Zhou is with you. My son gave it to you, so I won't say anything thank you."

"Zhou Zhou is safe now because of the presidential election, and Calgar can't take care of him for the time being. But what about after the election? He can use all kinds of methods without hesitation. General Lowe, if I get the evidence, I can clear it up. All future troubles, let Zhou Zhou be truly safe from now on."

"What if you fail?" Lope's face sank, and he sat up and looked at Chu Feng, "If you fail to get the evidence, what will Zhou Zhou do? Who can protect him? This is the only thing I can protect. His chips. Chu Feng, no matter what you say, I won't hand it over and take Zhou Zhou to risk it."

Chu Feng gritted his teeth and said, "General Luo, if you don't give me evidence, aren't you taking Zhou Zhou at risk? Once the election is successful, Zhou Zhou will face great danger."

Lope got excited, and his forehead burst with blue veins. He roared in a low voice: "Chu Feng, you don't understand the feeling of being a father if you are not a father."

"General Luo, you also have a lover, why don't you understand the feeling of protecting your lover with all your strength? You are Zhou Zhou's father, but I love him no less than you." Chu Feng also yelled back at him.

Lope glared at him, gasping for breath, his chest heaving up and down.

Chu Feng also looked at him fiercely, pursing his lips.

"I know you brought the guards in. Come out, it's almost time for them to change the guard."

Lope stopped looking at him, turned his head and said.

"What about the evidence?" Chu Feng continued to ask without giving up.

After a few seconds of silence, Lope said, "You let me think about it for a few days."

Chu Feng said: "It's okay to think about it for a few days, but you know, it's still a little difficult for me to meet you."

"If I want to find you, of course I can," Lope said.

Chu Feng took a deep breath and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for your news."

Just as he was about to turn around, he asked again, "Where's Madam? Why haven't I heard from her?"

Lope moved his fingers and said, "She was sent to a secret location in advance by me. If Calgar doesn't intend to find her, it will be safe for the time being. I separated her mother and son, thinking that if one of them is caught, The other one can escape…”

"Understood, I will tell Zhou Zhou to reassure him." Chu Feng said.

He had just taken two steps when he heard Lope say loudly, "Thank you."

"General Luo is very polite, you gave me Zhou Zhou, and I should thank you." After Chu Feng finished speaking, he took a few steps forward and pushed open the door of the cell.

The author has something to say: A new pre-collection has been opened, tentatively named "The Actor's Deer Bodyguard", the handsome actor is evil, cute and cute, enter the column and click on the collection.

Lu Rong is looking for someone she has liked for many years.

He wants to tell him, I still keep the little wooden horse you made, and I hang the little deer you drew on the wall. You said that when I grow up to find you, we will get married.

- I finally grew up!

He found the man, but it was on TV.

Shen Jize is now a great actor, and it is too difficult for Lu Rong to approach him and tell his heart.

He ran back and forth between the airport, the studio, and the apartment. After following him for half a month, he finally got the chance to meet Shen Jize face to face.

Shen Jize also spoke to him.

Shen Jize pulled off his sunglasses, revealing his perfect face, "Whether you are a paparazzi or an illegitimate child, stay away from me."

Being followed by a fanatical fan, Shen Jize was a little annoyed and wanted to hire a bodyguard.

In the group of tall and sturdy candidates, he actually found the fanatical movie fan, mixed in like a chicken.

"What are you doing here?"

Lu Rong nervously tightened her trouser legs: "I, I'm here to apply for a bodyguard."

The big actor Shen Jize has recently added a few small followers, and he is so cute that it makes people feel distressed.

Shen Jize recited the lines, and he brought tea and water, knocking on his back and rubbing his shoulders. When Shen Jize was sleeping on the set, he squatted aside and fanned.

"Emperor Shen Daying, did you bring your little daughter-in-law too?" a passerby asked.

Shen Jize said lazily, "Bodyguard."

After a while, the scene in front of me was shocking.

The little valet was sleeping, and it was Shen Jize who brought tea, water, and fans.

"Emperor Shen Da, is so good to your bodyguard?"

Shen Jize: "What bodyguard? Little daughter-in-law."

1V1 HE?? Handsome and Evil Interesting Attack* Soft and Cute