The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 70


After dinner, Luo Zhouzhou put Honey Brown Bear and A Bao together and put them on the bedside.

Chu Feng followed, leaned against the bedroom door, and asked, "Zhou Zhou, the two bears have filled up the bed, where do I sleep?"

He is no longer sleeping in the guest bedroom, and has moved back to the master bedroom, in the same room as Luo Zhouzhou.

Luo Zhouzhou stopped when he heard the words, knelt on the bed, and looked around embarrassedly.

He picked up the two bears and got out of bed, crossed Chu Feng at the door, and walked to the guest bedroom.

"What? Are you three going to leave me to sleep in the guest bedroom?"

Chu Feng stopped leaning against the door frame and stood up straight.

Luo Zhouzhou didn't answer, and went straight into the guest bedroom.

Chu Feng followed and said, "It doesn't matter if you squeeze a little bit, I don't care..."

Luo Zhouzhou put the two bears on the guest bed, then turned around and put his arms around Chu Feng's waist, raised his head and said, "If they have company, they will sleep by themselves, but they can't squeeze you."

"Then don't you sleep with A Bao?" Chu Feng reached out and touched his nose.

"Everyone has to sleep with the person they love. Po and his honey bear, I'll just sleep with you." Luo Zhouzhou said.

Chu Feng bowed his head, kissed him on the lips, and asked, "What did you eat? Why is your mouth so sweet?"

Luo Zhouzhou smacked his lips, "Is there? I didn't eat anything."

"Then I'll try it again." Chu Feng said vaguely, and kissed again.

Luo Zhouzhou rested for two more days at the request of Chu Feng, and then returned to the underground trading floor and started his research work.

When he stepped into the research room he hadn't been to for a few days, he was surprised to find that besides Lin Fan, Qi Fen was also here, leaning over to look at the specimen under the microscope.

Before he came into estrus, he injected a strain of Xiyan bacterium with Benzodiol whose composition ratio had been adjusted by himself. He had not paid attention to the observation results for the past few days.

Lin Fan hid at the front desk and almost jumped up with joy when he saw Luo Zhouzhou entering the door, "Zhou Zhou, are you here?"

When Qi Fen heard the sound, he also looked at the door, then turned to continue to look at the microscope.

"Zhou Zhou, are you feeling better?" Lin Fan slipped in front of him and asked, bumping his arm.

He said in a low voice, "You've come, Director Qi has been coming over these two days, staring at the microscope all day. When you're not around, I'll just stay with him alone, and the whole person will be cold. of."

"Oh, I'm not sick." Luo Zhouzhou said, "I'm in heat these days, so I didn't come."

Lin Fan nodded understandingly, and said, "I guess the same is true. Even though I've taken an inhibitor, it's best to rest for a few days."

Luo Zhouzhou had already taken two steps forward, then turned around and said, "I didn't take an inhibitor."

"No inhibitor." Lin Fan repeated it, then raised his voice and screamed, "No inhibitor?"

Qi Fen also turned his head abruptly, the icy glasses facing his direction.

"I didn't take the inhibitor, don't you... don't you... "

Lin Fan's expression was both shocked and excited. He bumped his shoulder and asked in a low voice, "Then do you have that?"

"Which one?"

Lin Fan curled the thumbs of both hands, right.

Luo Zhouzhou also put his thumbs right, with a blank expression on his face.

"Hey, come here." Lin Fan leaned behind Luo Zhouzhou's neck and sniffed, "As expected, it was marked, is it Admiral Chu?"

"Yes." Luo Zhouzhou replied.

He lifted the collar on his neck to show Lin Fan, and said in a proud tone, "Look at the glands on the back of my neck, Chu Feng said, this mark is done perfectly, and my pheromones also smell like his. ."

Lin Fan glanced at Qi Fen secretly, saw that he was still looking down at the microscope, tugged Luo Zhouzhou's sleeve, and said with a blushing face, "Don't be so loud."

Luo Zhouzhou still wanted to talk, but heard Qi Fen suddenly call him: "Luo Zhouzhou, come over here."

"Oh, here we come."

He hurriedly walked over, leaving behind an excited Lin Fan, spinning in circles on the spot.

"How did you do it?" Qi Fen asked with his head buried in the microscope.

Luo Zhouzhou was stunned, and hesitantly replied: "It's not difficult, it's mainly because I'm in heat, so I can do it quickly."

Qi Fen's body froze, and he slowly raised his head with a strange expression.

Seeing him like this, Luo Zhouzhou began to beat drums in his heart, knowing where he was making him unhappy again.

But no matter what the reason is, admit your mistake first.

"Director Qi, I was wrong."

Unexpectedly, Qi Fen didn't roar this time, he just stared at him, his eyes shining behind the lens.

Seeing the expression on his face, Luo Zhouzhou seemed to be excited and joyful, and he was trying his best to suppress it.

"I was really wrong, don't look at me like that." He took a small step back.

Qi Fen spoke, his voice trembling a little.

"Luo Zhouzhou, what I'm asking is that the virus in this specimen has lost its activity. How did you do it?"

Luo Zhouzhou woke up and quickly explained: "That's it, just adjusted the drug content ratio in Benzodiol."

After speaking, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi Fen took out a handkerchief, took off his glasses, wiped the lenses, and said, "Show me the dose table."

Luo Zhouzhou saw that his hands wiping the lenses were trembling slightly, so he quickly rummaged through the pile of papers on the table, and finally handed a piece of colored handmade paper to Qi Fen.

"Why do you give me this? I need to see the dosage table." Qi Fen took it inexplicably.

"This is the dosage table." Luo Zhouzhou pointed to the rows of small characters on it, and said, "I was stacking frogs for the little fish that day, and I wrote it down."

Qi Fen didn't care about him anymore, looked at the dosage table carefully, and asked, "I just changed the dosage of the drug ingredients, and didn't add anything else?"

Luo Zhouzhou shook his head and said, "I think the drug composition of Benzodiol is already perfect, and there is no need to add anything else. I just made small adjustments to make Xiyan virus more afraid of it."

Qi Fen leaned down to look at the microscope again, then straightened up and looked at him from head to toe.

Luo Zhouzhou was seen with hair all over his body, and murmured: "Director, why are you looking at me like this?"

After speaking, he quietly shrank his neck, trying to hide the mark deeper into his collar.

He felt that Qi Fen might have smelled Chu Feng on his body.

"Zhou Zhou, I will take the virus back and observe it for a while. If it doesn't change, then I..." Qi Fen pointed at him with his finger, unable to think of a suitable word for a while.

"Then I'll be grateful to you for the rest of my life. No, the entire league is grateful to you," he said simply.

Luo Zhouzhou understood what he meant after a few seconds of reaction, and quickly stopped him: "No, no, Director Qi, you don't need to observe for a while. In about five days, the virus will wake up again."

"What?" Qi Fen frowned.

"It's true. Although I adjusted the dose of Benzodiol, I just made the virus more afraid of it. But in a few days, they will wake up from dormancy." Luo Zhouzhou explained.

"you sure?"


The light in Qi Fen's eyes slowly disappeared and dimmed. He turned around, supported the table with his hands, and lowered his head.

"Director..." Luo Zhouzhou called out in a low voice.

Lin Fan stood at the front desk, not knowing what they said, but he didn't dare to come over, so he watched worriedly.

After a long while, Qi Fen suddenly spoke, his voice was hoarse, full of deep despair and sadness.

"Zhou Zhou, why can't it die completely? Why? Has our research direction always been wrong? Is Benzodiol useless at all?"

"It just fell asleep, woke up in a few days, and put on tougher armor for itself. Is it? Zhou Zhou."

He suddenly laughed again, and said in his mouth: "I just fell asleep... I fell asleep..."

Qi Fen's voice fell, and he fell into his arms, motionless.

Luo Zhouzhou didn't dare to ask him what was wrong, and didn't dare to make a sound, so he stood silently aside.

After a while, Qi Fen raised his head and regained his icy indifference.

It's just that the eyes are red, and there are suspicious water marks at the corners of the eyes.

"Continue to study, what are you still doing?" He approached the microscope, but said to Luo Zhouzhou.

"Oh well."

The two were quietly experimenting, and Luo Zhouzhou peeked at Qi Fen from time to time.

Just when Qi Fen's eyes pierced like a knife, Luo Zhouzhou said, "Director, I have an idea for you."

"Let it go if you fart."

Luo Zhouzhou organized some language first, and then said: "Director, I don't think the research direction is wrong, nor is it that Benzodiazepine is useless, but we are always missing something."

"What do you think we are missing?" Qi Fen asked.

Luo Zhouzhou said: "I can't describe it in detail, but I just think that there is a key thing we haven't gotten. With that, benzophenone can really kill the virus."

"Yes, we lack key inhibitors that prevent the virus from replicating and integrating DNA into the host genome." Qi Fen closed his eyes.

"I just want time to go slower and slower, so that I can find that crucial thing."

When Chu Feng came to pick up Luo Zhouzhou from get off work, he sat on the off-road and looked out the window sullenly.

"What's wrong? With a frowning face, he was scolded by Qi Fen again?" Chu Feng asked.

When Luo Zhouzhou heard this, he turned his head to look at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Luo Zhouzhou didn't answer, and turned his head again.

Just when Chu Feng wanted to park the car on the side of the road and ask carefully, he suddenly said, "You sounded the same as General Lope just now."


"Every time I'm unhappy, he asks me, what's the matter? Worried, and quarreled with Lin Fan again?" Luo Zhouzhou gently pinched the car window with his fingers.

"Do you miss the general?" Chu Feng asked.

Luo Zhouzhou did not make a sound.

"Although you haven't mentioned it during this time, you must be worried about the general." Chu Feng said: "But I will try my best to find a way, you can rest assured."

"Well, I know." Luo Zhouzhou looked at him with trust in his eyes.

When he got home, Luo Zhouzhou went into the bathroom to take a shower, Chu Feng sat on the sofa, flipped through the book of flames, and rubbed the badge in his hand.

Although the murderer of omega's murder still had no clue, he still did not give up, and Chen Sihan had been mobilizing the police force, looking for clues.

The room was very warm. After Luo Zhouzhou took a bath, he wore a Chu Feng T-shirt all over his body, pushed open the door and walked out.

This T-shirt was big and long for him, covering his thighs, and the two exposed legs were slender and straight.

His skin was very white, his face was red from the steam in the bathroom, his hair was wet, and water droplets ran down the corners of his forehead.

Chu Feng leaned on the sofa with his long legs folded, watching him with gradually dark eyes.

He put down the Fire Sutra in his hand, stretched out his hand to Luo Zhouzhou, and said, "Come here."

Luo Zhouzhou walked over, sat beside Chu Feng, turned his head and looked at him with wet eyes.

Chu Feng patted his thigh, and he sat up again, wrapping his hands around Chu Feng's neck.

Chu Feng opened his mouth and was about to say something, but Luo Zhouzhou had already leaned in and kissed his lips.

"So positive." Chu Feng laughed.

Luo Zhouzhou began to unbutton his shirt and said, "Hurry up, hurry up."

"Okay, hurry up."

Chu Feng turned over, pressed him on the sofa, and kissed him deeply.

The next day, Qi Fen came to the No. 1 Research Institute of the Exchange to study Benzodiol with Luo Zhouzhou.

Luo Zhouzhou was sorting out the forms, and Qi Fen was looking at the microscope with his back to him.

"Xiaoyu used the benzophenone that you adjusted the ingredients before, and the situation has improved a little." Qi Fen said lightly: "She said thank you, and said that you will definitely cure her."

Luo Zhouzhou couldn't visit Xiaoyu these days, so Qi Fen often told him about her situation, and then brought his folded frog to Xiaoyu.

Luo Zhouzhou said without turning his head: "That kind of Benzodiol can only control the disease for a period of time. I have to work hard and try to develop a new Benzodiol when the virus wakes up."

Qi Fen didn't reply, Luo Zhouzhou didn't mind, and continued to share the information in his hand.

"Thank you." Qi Fen said suddenly.

"Ah? What?" Luo Zhouzhou asked blankly.

Qi Fen still looked at the microscope and said, "You bought time for Luo Bing."

Luo Zhouzhou was stunned for a moment, opened his mouth in surprise, and asked excitedly, "Director Qi, are you thanking me? Did you say thank you just now?"

Qi Fen's movements stopped, and his back looked stiff.

"No thanks! Director Qi, no thanks!" Luo Zhouzhou answered loudly.

"What are you doing so loudly? Would you like to get you another loudspeaker?" Qi Fen turned his head angrily and asked.

Luo Zhouzhou hurriedly said, "No, no."

Turning around, he continued to organize the information, humming a song in a low voice.

Qi Fen looked at the microscope and felt that this tune was very familiar. The staff in the research institute also sang it sometimes, saying it was the theme song of a recent TV series.

It's just that Luo Zhouzhou changed the lyrics and repeated "thank you" and "no thanks".

Qi Fen shook his head and didn't say anything, but the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

It was very quiet in the laboratory, only Luo Zhouzhou hummed softly, and the sound of paper flipping in his hand.

Luo Zhouzhou took two forms and carefully checked the data on them.

The number printed out was a little small. He looked at it and felt that his eyes were a little flowery, so he reached out and rubbed it.

Put down your hands and look at the numbers above, not only are they not clear, but they are starting to rotate slowly.

He rubbed hard again, turned his head to look out the window, but saw the birds outside the window also spinning in the sky.

"Director Qi." He shouted in panic.

The sound reached his ears, but it didn't seem like it came from himself, and there was a buzzing echo.

"Director Qi." He shouted again, turning his head to look at Qi Fen.

He saw that the surrounding scene was blurred, Qi Fen's mouth kept opening and closing, but he couldn't hear a word.

Qi Fen looked flustered, and Lin Fan rushed over.

Luo Zhouzhou wanted to ask why he was shaking everywhere, but before he could say a word, he completely lost consciousness and fell down slowly.

The author has something to say: Don't worry, we are not abusive, there is nothing that can't be solved.

Thanks to ilomilo, choose a random name, the world is changing, Ranran’s mines; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of buds on antlers; 5 bottles in Qingqiu; no meat, 2 bottles of blue sky every day; Xiaotaimei , Opening Daji, Xiaoluming, when that is a bottle;

Thank you all very much for your comments.