The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 71


Luo Zhouzhou had a dream in which he was still a little vampire, sitting around the patriarch with other vampires and listening to him tell stories.

"Patriarch." He called out with attachment.

The patriarch stretched out his hand, touched the top of his head, and said, "Zhou Zhou, no matter where you go in the future, remember that you are the best vampire."

As soon as the picture turned, he was in darkness again, with only a light in the distance.

He walked towards the light, and kept going, but he couldn't get to the exit.

What about Chu Feng? Where is Chu Feng

He looked around for Chu Feng, but there was no one around him, and he couldn't help but start to feel anxious.

He started to run and shouted Chu Feng in panic. It seemed that he was the only one left in the world. The darkness was overwhelming and endless, shrouded in loneliness and despair.

Luo Zhouzhou suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling and gasping for breath.

It wasn't until the beating heart that was beating slowly calmed down that he turned his head and looked around.

There are white walls, white sheets, and an empty infusion bag hanging on the iron frame beside the bed, apparently in a hospital ward.

He recalled carefully, and the last scene he remembered was that he suddenly lost consciousness. It is estimated that Qi Fen sent him to the hospital.

This is a suite, there is no one in the room, but on the small balcony alone, there is a small conversation, it sounds like there are two people's voices.

He lay down and distinguished, the voice was like Qi Fen and Chu Feng.

Their conversation was not loud, but it still came into Luo Zhouzhou's ears intermittently.

"… Are you sure? I want to check again… "

"...he's already showing initial symptoms..."

"It came out in the blood... obviously..."

Luo Zhouzhou lifted the sheets and got up, put on the slippers by the bed and walked to the balcony.

Hearing his footsteps, the conversation on the balcony came to an abrupt end, and then, Chu Feng hurried in.

Behind him was Qi Fen with his head down.

"Zhou Zhou, when did you wake up?" Chu Feng asked softly.

His face was pale and his eyes were red. Luo Zhouzhou immediately looked at Qi Fen behind him and found that his expression was also very ugly.

"Did you two quarrel?" Luo Zhouzhou asked.

Chu Feng didn't answer, just said hastily, "I'm going to the bathroom." He hurried out the door.

When he walked to the door, something caught his foot, staggered a step, and quickly supported the wall beside him.

After standing up, he continued to walk out, leaning on the wall, as if his entire body was supported by that hand.

"Ah... We didn't quarrel, we just discussed something." Qi Fen looked in other directions.

Chu Feng walked in a hurry, the door was not closed, Luo Zhouzhou stared blankly at the door.

After a while, he turned to Qi Fen and asked, "Director Qi, am I seriously ill?"

Qi Fen said in a hurried tone: "What nonsense, how can there be any serious illness."

"Then why don't you look at me?" Luo Zhouzhou asked.

Qi Fen turned his head to look at him again, and said, "What's so beautiful about you? Why should I look at you?"

Luo Zhouzhou said: "There is a bathroom in this room, but Chu Feng went out. And every time you are told something by me, you will be inexplicably loud."

"Is there?" Qi Fen roared, and immediately lowered his voice: "You are talking nonsense."

"Director Qi, tell me, what's wrong with me?"

Qi Fen wiped his face and said with difficulty: "Luo Zhouzhou, you are usually so stupid, why are you suddenly smart now?"

"Because I've always been smart," Luo Zhouzhou said.

"Yes, you are smart, you are smart..." Qi Fen laughed briefly, but there was no smile on his face.

"Director, I got Xiyan, right?" Luo Zhouzhou turned around, gently pulled the quilt on the bed, and asked softly.

"Don't talk nonsense, you just fainted because you were too tired, where is Xiyan." Chu Feng's voice came from the door.

His hair was still wet, as if it had just been washed with water, and it fell messily on his forehead.

Luo Zhouzhou sat down beside the bed, his voice sounded calm: "I study Xiyan every day, how can I not be clear? Xiyan's initial symptoms include sudden deafness, dizziness, and syncope, and I heard your conversation."

"What's in my blood? Is there Xiyan virus? There is—"

He didn't say anything later, because he saw that every time he said a word, Chu Feng's face turned pale. Now standing at the door, like a wax figure, there is not a trace of blood on his face.

Chu Feng stared at Luo Zhouzhou with deep sadness in his eyes.

Luo Zhouzhou saw his eyes clearly, and felt that an invisible hand squeezed his heart, and then squeezed it tightly.

"Then... I'll go first."

Qi Fen didn't want to stay any longer, so he squeezed past Chu Feng and left in a hurry.

Luo Zhouzhou sat beside the bed, looked at Chu Feng for a while, and stretched out his hands to him.

Chu Feng walked over slowly, squatted down in front of the bed, hugged Luo Zhouzhou's waist, and buried his head in his arms.

In Luo Zhouzhou's heart, Chu Feng has always been powerful and omnipotent, and nothing can knock him down.

But now the alpha in his arms is like a severely injured wolf, so fragile that a single finger will make him fall.

Gradually, he felt a warm liquid seep into his hospital gown, scalding the skin on his chest.

"Chu Feng, don't worry." Luo Zhouzhou stroked his hair and said softly, "Have you forgotten what my job is?"

Chu Feng didn't answer, Luo Zhouzhou pushed his shoulder and urged, "What is my job?"

"Researcher." Chu Feng's voice was a little choked.

"No, I'm a cleaner who's studying how to deal with Xiyan." Luo Zhouzhou said.

"You are the director now."

"Oh yes, I am the director."

He leaned over and kissed Chu Fengfa before asking, "I'm an omega, what else?"


"Yes, I'm still a vampire. Think about it, I'm both the director of the research institute and a vampire, and the modified benzophenone has also improved Xiaoyu and Luo Bing. Would I take this Xiyan virus? Is there a way? There must be a way." Luo Zhouzhou said seriously.

Chu Feng hugged his arm tightly, nodded in his arms, and said, "Yes, you must have a way."

Luo Zhouzhou pushed his shoulder again, "You look up at me."

Chu Feng slowly raised his head and looked at Luo Zhouzhou.

This was the first time that Chu Feng had seen helplessness and fear on his face. His light brown eyes were like amber soaked in water.

Luo Zhouzhou held up his face and said: "Chu Feng, you have to believe me, I will not be knocked down by Xiyan. I am a vampire, I am a powerful vampire. Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to conquer Xiyan. way."

Chu Feng stared at him blankly, looked at his confident eyes, and murmured, "You will definitely find a way, definitely."

"Yes, I will definitely find a way." Luo Zhouzhou said firmly.

In the following time, Qi Fen went to the underground trading floor every day to do experiments with Luo Zhouzhou.

Since Luo Zhouzhou first developed Xiyan symptoms, it will happen every two or three days.

However, except for the first episode, where he passed out, his eyes were blurry, his ears were temporarily deaf, and he recovered slowly every few minutes.

Luo Zhouzhou just picked up a test tube, and the familiar feeling came again.

He quickly put the test tube back in place, sat on the chair behind him, closed his eyes, and waited for the dizziness to pass.

"Do you want to rest for a while?" Qi Fen asked softly.

Luo Zhouzhou didn't say anything, and waited until he fully recovered before asking, "Director Qi, how long will it take for me to develop mid-term symptoms?"

Qi Fen was silent for a while, then said, "Half a month."

"After half a month, I can experiment with myself." Luo Zhouzhou muttered.

Benzodiol can only be used after symptoms appear in the mid-term of Xiyan. He wants to adjust the dosage of the medicine in these ten days, and then inject it into himself, and he can observe the reaction at any time.

Chu Feng rarely went to the military during this time, and followed Luo Zhou Zhou at any time.

Calgar is approaching the election, and he needs to be brought with him on many occasions. Whether it was a speech or attending an event, as soon as it was over, he rushed over immediately.

When Luo Zhouzhou was working in the research institute, as long as he turned around, he could see Chu Feng sitting outside the laboratory, looking at him for a moment.

His eyes were so focused, as if he was the only one in the whole world.

Seeing Luo Zhou Zhou looking over, Chu Feng stood up and asked, "Do you want to drink water?"

After speaking, he walked into the laboratory with warm white water beside him, and handed it to Luo Zhouzhou.

It has only been two weeks since the inspection of Xiyan and today, Chu Feng has lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He became taciturn, his jaw collapsed at any time, and his lines became more profound and clear.

Luo Zhouzhou took the water from Chu Feng, touched his face with his lips, and said, "Thank you."

Qi Fen has turned a blind eye to these scenes, as if he hadn't seen it, and continued to do his own thing.

After Luo Zhouzhou finished drinking, Chu Feng took the empty water glass and went back to sit outside.

Luo Zhouzhou turned his head, exhaled, and secretly encouraged himself in his heart: Luo Zhouzhou, you must do your best, and don't let Chu Feng be sad for you.

In the middle of the night, Luo Zhouzhou suddenly woke up from his deep sleep, unusually not feeling Chu Feng beside him.

During this period of sleep, Chu Feng would always hug him tightly, and he would always feel a soft kiss in his sleep, falling on his face and lips with incomparable nostalgia and cherishing.

"Chu Feng." He called out sleepily.

Chu Feng didn't respond. He reached out and touched the side, but he didn't touch anyone.

"Chu Feng." He rubbed his eyes, sat up, and called out to the bathroom again.

Seeing that he still didn't answer, Luo Zhouzhou didn't turn on the light in the bathroom, so he simply got up from the bed, put on his slippers and walked out of the bedroom.

The living room was also pitch-dark, only the porch showed a side of sky light, and the stairs leading to the rooftop were lowered.

Luo Zhouzhou just wanted to go forward, remembering Chu Feng's usual advice, he went back to the room to get a coat, put it over the thin pajamas, and then climbed up the entrance stairs.

Just as he emerged from the passage, he saw Chu Feng standing quietly beside the glass fence on the far right.

There was a can of beer on his right hand, and there were two or three empty cans on the ground beside him.

The night in the deep winter was extremely cold, and the breath turned into frost. Chu Feng just added a jacket to the short-sleeved T-shirt that was used as pajamas.

The shoulder blades were propped up from under the jacket, and the tall, broad shoulders looked thinner.

He rested on the fence with both hands, his head drooping sullenly.

Luo Zhouzhou watched quietly, motionless.

He didn't bother Chu Feng, just looked at his back like that, and after a while, he walked back to the house lightly down the stairs.

He lay on the bed with his eyes open, and more than half an hour later, he heard a slight noise from the entrance, and that was Chu Feng's return.

In the darkness, he heard the bedroom door being gently pushed open, Chu Feng took off his jacket and made a rustling sound of leather friction, and then the quilt was lifted and the bed beside him sank.

Luo Zhouzhou didn't speak, Chu Feng thought he was asleep. It was not until he warmed himself under the quilt that he reached out and took Luo Zhouzhou into his arms.

Luo Zhou was close to his warm and firm chest on Monday, and his nose was sour.

His hands automatically wrapped around Chu Feng's waist, and his feet were also wrapped around them, tying the person firmly.

Chu Feng was stunned and asked softly, "When did you wake up?"

"I've been awake for a long time." Luo Zhouzhou put his face on his chest, and spoke in a hoarse voice.

Chu Feng didn't answer, and he said again, "I went to find you. I saw you drinking on the rooftop, so I didn't call you."

"I haven't had a drink for a long time. I can't sleep tonight. I'm in the mood, and I don't want to disturb you, so I went up alone, sorry." Chu Feng said apologetically.

He asked again, "It's very cold up there, did you add clothes just now?"

Luo Zhouzhou nodded.

Chu Feng said in a relaxed tone: "I haven't had a drink with Sihan for many days. It seems that I have to ask him to drink more, otherwise I won't be able to sleep."

Luo Zhouzhou remained silent, Chu Feng patted him on the shoulder again and said, "Go to sleep."

Chu Feng put his chin on top of his head and closed his eyes.

After being quiet for a minute or two, Luo Zhouzhou suddenly said: "Chu Feng, you don't have to pretend that you don't care in front of me. I know you are afraid that I will be sad, but when I look at you like this, my heart is real. sad."

Chu Feng didn't speak, Luo Zhouzhou heard him take a long breath.

Luo Zhouzhou raised his head from his arms and said, "You don't believe that my illness can be cured, you think I will surely die, do you?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Chu Feng retorted hoarsely, his voice was stern.

"I'm not talking nonsense, that's what you actually think."

Luo Zhouzhou simply sat up, turned on the lamp beside him, and the warm and soft orange-red light instantly illuminated the room.

He looked at Chu Feng seriously, and when he saw that he raised his hand to cover his eyes, he pulled his hand down again.

"You think I will die, so you want to stay with me more during this time. When I die, you will have a lot of things to remember."

Luo Zhouzhou's voice was still so clear and pleasant, but the words he spat out were like a sharp sword piercing Chu Feng's heart for the first time.

"Zhou Zhou, don't guess, I didn't think so." He almost begged Luo Zhouzhou in a weak tone.

Luo Zhouzhou did not give him a chance to escape, and continued: "I know you are sad, Chu Feng, I can imagine that kind of sadness. If it were you, I would want to die before you, and I don't want to go through it. The pain of losing you."

Chu Feng stretched out his hand to hold down his heart, opened his mouth and took a big breath, as if this was the only way to squeeze a bit of air into the lungs that were about to be evacuated.

"Trust me, okay? Trust me." Luo Zhouzhou knelt down and moved a few steps forward, holding up Chu Feng's face, and pressing his fingers between his eyebrows, trying to smooth the tight frown.

Chu closed his eyes and let him move, tears slowly sliding down his cheeks.

Luo Zhouzhou leaned closer, kissed those tears lightly with his lips, and said softly, "I believe I will work hard and try my best not to make you sad for me. Don't pretend not to care in front of me, just cry if you want to. Cry and let me comfort you, okay?"

"Okay." Chu Feng choked and said.

Luo Zhouzhou took his head into his arms, patted it lightly, and said, "Then you can cry now, I'm here, little darling, little baby..."

He used the usual names Chu Feng used to call him, and called out affectionately.

Chu Feng's figure is much taller than Luo Zhouzhou. He leaned over and buried himself in that thin embrace in an awkward posture.

His hands gripped the sheets by his side spasmodically, clenching so hard until the knuckles turned white and made a slight noise.

Luo Zhouyi patted his back all the time, holding him and shaking it gently.

He knew that he had been holding back all this time, and it was only now that he released those emotions.

I don't know how long it took before Chu Feng slowly calmed down.

The two hugged each other like this, listening to each other's heartbeat and breathing only in their ears.

After a while, Chu Feng slowly raised his head, there was no sadness in his eyes, and it was so bright that it seemed to be burning.

"Aren't you crying?" Luo Zhouzhou raised his hand to touch his face, but he held it back in his hand.

"Stop crying." Chu Feng said in a hoarse voice, "I won't cry anymore."


Chu Feng hugged him tightly, resting his chin on top of his head, and said, "You are right, the sadness is because you have no hope. Zhou Zhou, I want to work hard with you."

Luo Zhouzhou raised his head with difficulty in his arms and said, "I'm really not an ordinary omega, I'm a vampire, you have to believe me."

"You are not an ordinary omega, you are the most special and unique." Chu Feng said.

Luo Zhouzhou looked into his eyes and asked, "Is it the truth this time?"


Luo Zhouzhou thought for a while, and then said, "If you can't stand it sometimes, you can still come to my arms and cry."

Chu Feng bowed his head, put a pious kiss on his forehead, and said, "Thank you, little vampire."

The author has something to say: Hold steady and don't panic, it's no big deal, it'll be fine in no time.

Thanks for the mines of Ran Ran and ilomilo; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 8 bottles of any name; 5 bottles of Wancheng Ding Palace; 4 bottles of flowers; 3 bottles of Qimo and Dabao; 2 bottles of meat; 1 bottle of Junli, juice, and Dangpu;

Thank you all very much for your comments.