The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 79


One of the largest orphanages in Beardur, today there are balloons hanging all over the place, and many children are chasing and running on the lawn.

They were very happy because the most honorable President of the Union, Calgar, came and brought them a lot of snacks and toys.

Calgar held a little girl in his arms and was listening to the dean's introduction with a smile. There were several photographers beside them, and they were facing them with cameras in their hands.

Wesson stood not far behind him, looking around indifferently.

The terminal sounded, and Wesson walked to the side to connect. After listening without saying a word, he walked to Calgar and said a few words in a low voice.

The dean called a few children playing ball and asked them to come and say hello to Calgar.

As soon as the child ran over excitedly, he saw that the smile on Calgar's face disappeared, and it was instantly covered with dark clouds.

"President..." They timidly hid behind the dean.

Seeing this scene, the dean took the children to the side, and the photographer stopped filming temporarily.

Wesson lowered his head and whispered respectfully: "Your Excellency, the prison report just now said that Lope suddenly offered to see his son, on the condition that the thing be returned to you."

Calgar looked at the balloon on the tree next to him, and after thinking for two seconds, said lightly, "Let him meet then."

"But you're going to be speaking in the league tomorrow, and then there's voting, and if something goes wrong—"

Calgar raised his hand to interrupt him and said, "The more this is the moment, the more you have to get that thing, and you can't make a mistake during the voting period. You arrange for them to meet tomorrow, let more people stare at them, and do everything they say and do. All recorded."

"As ordered."

When Wesson left quickly, Calgar showed a gentle smile again, and said lovingly to several children: "Come on, tell uncle about your ordinary life."


The next morning, Chu Feng woke up at seven o'clock on time, and habitually stretched out his arms to embrace the people around him, but he was empty.

"Chu Feng, are you awake?" Luo Zhouzhou's voice sounded in the room.

Chu Feng turned his head to look and saw that he was well dressed and sitting upright on the sofa in the bedroom.

He was wearing a well-fitting dark blue suit, with a gemstone brooch of the same color, and his soft hair had been groomed, as if he was going to a banquet soon.

"When did you wake up? Why did you wake up so early?" Chu Feng raised his body with his elbows and asked with narrowed eyes.

The thin quilt slid off him, revealing a smooth upper body, with a few red scratches on his back.

Luo Zhouzhou was suddenly a little shy and said, "It wasn't too early, so it was a little earlier."

Seeing that Chu Feng didn't move, he reminded again, "I'll go to see the general later."

"Yes, I'm going to see General Luo soon. I'll get up now."

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he lifted the quilt, just sat up and fell down again, hissing in his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Luo Zhouzhou asked quickly.

"I was tired last night, my body was sore, no, I couldn't get up, no no no." Chu Feng frowned.

Luo Zhouzhou hurriedly got up to look at him, stretched out his hand and pressed lightly on Chu Feng's back and waist, and asked repeatedly, "Is this here? Does it hurt here? Is it here?"

He apologized a little angrily and said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault last night."

Chu Feng had a painful look on his face, but when he heard this, he could no longer pretend.

He turned over and pressed Luo Zhouzhou under him, smiled and kissed him casually, and then licked his most ticklish neck, making him bounce on the bed like a fish out of water.

Luo Zhouzhou finally pushed him away and panted, "You lied to me, you don't look like you are in pain at all."

Chu Feng looked at his blushing face from laughter, and his moist eyes, lowered his head and kissed him again, saying, "You can be more powerful in the future."

Chu Feng got up to wash up, and Luo Zhouzhou opened the closet and fetched his clothes.

When he walked out of the bathroom, he found a dress already laid out on the bed, with a matching shirt and tie, and a cufflinks brooch beside it.

Chu Feng stepped forward, mentioned the dark blue dress, and said, "Zhou Zhou, we are going to Enesia Prison, not to a banquet. It may be too grand to wear this."

"But isn't it more grand to visit General Luo than to attend a banquet?" Luo Zhouzhou asked.

Chu Feng thought about it and said, "You're right, I'll change it right away."

At 8:00 in the morning, at the gate of Enesia Prison, just after the changing of the guards, they saw a black military off-road vehicle driving on the road.

The person in the car did not stop, but just pressed the window when the vehicle was approaching, and stretched out a hand holding a military pass.

The hand was well-jointed and the fingers were slender, and the expensive gold watch and dark blue gem cufflinks gleamed in the early morning sun.

The guard hurriedly opened the gate and watched the off-road drive directly to the prison building before stopping.

Chu Feng pushed open the car door and stepped on the ground with his bright leather shoes. After he got out of the car, he reached out and straightened his stylish hair, then adjusted his tie, and raised his arms to Luo Zhouzhou who had just gotten out of the car.

Luo Zhouzhou took his arm, and in the eyes of the guards, the two walked gracefully into the prison building as if they were attending a banquet.

Enesia Prison Interview Room.

Luo Zhou thought on Monday that he would see Lope, who had not seen him for a long time, and was a little excited.

Although he was sitting upright, his hand began to pick at the seam of his trousers. After being held by Chu Feng, he scratched the armrest of the chair with the other hand.

Every footstep sounded by the door, he would quickly turn his head to look, and then turn back in disappointment.

"General Luo will not come from the door, but will appear directly inside." Chu Feng patted Luo Zhouzhou on the shoulder and explained to him.


Luo Zhouzhou no longer turned his head to look at the door, but only stared at the small door behind the isolation glass without blinking.

Today was the day of Calgar's league-wide speech, and Chu Feng wanted to accompany him. But when he went to ask for leave and said that he couldn't accompany him today, Calgar agreed without asking why.

Lope did not know what method to use to get Calgar to agree to let their father and son meet. It's just that the meeting is in the prison meeting room, and every word, every action, including every expression, is under the surveillance of others.

Under such circumstances, Luo Zhouzhou didn't know what Lope would say to him. If he wanted to tell Calgar's secret, there was no way he could avoid his eyes and ears.

But even if he can't say anything, let him see Lope's current situation and say a few words casually.

There was the sound of shackles being dragged on the ground in the distance, and someone was brought over.

Luo Zhouzhou stared nervously at the small door that opened, and Chu Feng held his hand in the palm of his hand.

When Lope appeared at the door wearing an orange prison uniform, he stood up instantly, put his hands on the isolation glass, and exclaimed: "General."

Lope also looked at Luo Zhouzhou, walked to the isolation glass and sat down, took off the receiver next to his handcuffed hand and put it to his ear.

The two guards who were escorting him took a step back and stood behind him, left and right.

After Luo Zhouzhou also picked up the receiver, Lope called Zhou Zhou, but he couldn't say a word again, and his eyes were red.

"General." Luo Zhouzhou pursed his lips, "When can you come out?"

After Lope calmed down, he pulled out a smile and said, "Don't worry about when I come out, as long as you are fine, Dad will be relieved."

"But I'm not good. I miss you and Mrs. Lope very much." Luo Zhouzhou's voice trembled a little, "I feel very sad thinking about it."

Lope immediately looked at Chu Feng beside him with eyes like two knives.

"He's fine." Chu Feng hurriedly made an export.

"Zhou Zhou, I said earlier, you have to grow up quickly. I know you have encountered many difficulties, but you have overcome them. Dad is very happy for you." Lope said.

"No matter what happens in the future, you have to go on well, just like now. Mom and Dad are always thinking of you and worrying about you. As long as you live well, we will be relieved."

Luo Zhouzhou held the receiver and looked at Lope with tears in his eyes.

Chu Feng took the tissue box aside, took out two pieces of tissue paper, and gently wiped his tears.

Lope looked at him, moved his right hand, and habitually wanted to reach out and touch his head. As soon as he reached out, he pulled the handcuffs, making a metallic crunch. He retracted the action again, holding the receiver with both hands.

"Time is so fast. In the blink of an eye, you have changed from a baby to an adult." Lope said.

He looked at Luo Zhouzhou with red eyes, "I still remember that when you were born, it was a thunderstorm. The old locust tree behind the house was struck by lightning, and half of the wall on the left side of the garage collapsed. I was repairing it. Butler Li rushed out of the garage and said that your mother had a seizure. Before half an hour, you were born in my hands, red, like a little monkey with wrinkled skin... "

"Dad..." Luo Zhouzhou held the receiver, tears streaming even more fiercely.

Although the little monkey Lope said was not him, but another Luo Zhouzhou who disappeared, he still felt that love.

"Zhou Zhou, you have to remember that the happiest day in my life is the day you were born." Lope said choked up.

Luo Zhouzhou nodded desperately and said into the microphone, "I remember it, remember it firmly."

Lope hung up the microphone, looked at Luo Zhouzhou again, and pressed his handcuffed hands to the glass.

Luo Zhouzhou also put the microphone on, stepped forward with his upper body, put his head on the position of his hand, and rubbed against the glass.

Lope turned around, wiped tears on his shoulders, and said to the prison guard behind him, "Let's go, go back."

The prison guard looked at Luo Zhouzhou, who was still crying, and asked, "It's not time yet, why don't you talk?"

"Stop talking, let's go."

Watching Lope disappear behind the door, Chu Feng took Luo Zhouzhou into his arms, patted his shoulder lightly, and kissed the top of his hair.

"We, let's hurry up and save him, okay?" Luo Zhouzhou asked with a sob.

"Okay, I'll find a way."

"If, if it doesn't work, I, I will tear up all the prisoners, and take him out, okay?"

Chu Feng grabbed his shoulders and walked out, saying, "No, there are too many prison guards, you can't tear them apart."

"I, I will try my best."

"They are also innocent."

"I tore up the innocent." Luo Zhouzhou cried.

The prison guard standing at the door glanced at him, his eyes light.

He has seen many family members of prisoners who are emotionally charged, and has heard more nonsense, and they want to raze the prison to the ground.

After the two of them went out, he turned his head again indifferently.

After the military cross-country drove out of the prison, Luo Zhouzhou turned his head and watched the stern gate from the rear window gradually closing.

It wasn't until the car turned a corner and could no longer see him that he turned around and stared out of the car window in a daze.

Chu Feng also quietly didn't make a sound to disturb, just peeled an orange candy and threw it into his mouth.

After a while, Luo Zhouzhou said in a hoarse voice, "Chu Feng, you said the general would tell me the evidence, but he didn't say anything."

Chu Feng stared at the car driving ahead and replied, "He said it."


"General Lowe is very cunning - resourceful, the president will be elected tomorrow, this is his only chance, and he will never just say a few words about your childhood."

Luo Zhouzhou asked blankly: "Is there something I haven't heard?"

"No, he must have his intentions when he said this."

Chu Feng suddenly stepped on the brakes and asked, "Zhou Zhou, where was your birth place? It's only been a few years since your villa was repaired, so it definitely won't be there."

Luo Zhouzhou sniffed and said, "I don't know, that's another Luo Zhouzhou thing."

He glanced at Chu Feng, his expression a little uneasy, "I'm a vampire who came halfway, I don't know what happened in the past."

Chu Feng looked at him in the rearview mirror and said, "Zhou Zhou, how do you actually know that Zhou Zhou when you were young must not be you? Maybe you are the same person, but your memory is confused?"

"Really? We are the same person?" Although Luo Zhouzhou knew that he was comforting himself, the same person made him very happy.

Chu Feng said: "No matter what the matter is, you are Luo Zhouzhou, and there is only one Luo Zhouzhou. You are a unique treasure. So the general and the general's wife are your father and mother."

Whether this is comforting or not, Luo Zhouzhou is also happy.

With a lighter expression, he said, "I don't know where I was born because I was too young to remember."

"Yes, you don't know, it's just because he is too young and has no memory." Chu Feng said: "But it doesn't matter, I can find out."

Chu Feng parked the car and called Lieutenant Lin's terminal.

"Lin Yi, send me all of General Lope's information, including his previous address."

"As ordered."

Chu Feng hung up the terminal, looked at Luo Zhouzhou, and found that he was dazed.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"I was thinking about what you said just now, that I was the only baby in the world."

"Well, yes, do you think so?"

"Well, I definitely am, and the patriarch also said this to me." Luo Zhouzhou said.

He was once tricked by other little vampires and hid in the woods alone and cried for a long time.

When the patriarch came to him, he sobbed and asked, "Patriarch, am I stupid, so everyone loves to make fun of me?"

The patriarch wiped his tears, led him back, and said, "Zhou Zhou, you are the smartest vampire, not stupid at all."

"But they all said I was stupid..." Luo Zhouzhou was still very sad, feeling that the patriarch was coaxing him.

The patriarch stopped, squatted down and said to him: "Every vampire has its own destiny, and you are no exception. Other vampires think you are different from them because they are too ordinary and don't understand you. Zhou Zhou, you It's a gift from God, the most special vampire."

"Really? Am I the most special?" Luo Zhouzhou stopped sobbing, a little disbelieving, and a little excited.

The patriarch said softly, "Zhou Zhou, you are very special, a unique treasure in the world..."

The patriarch also said a lot, and Luo Zhouzhou couldn't remember it, but this sentence made him remember it very deeply, and when he was bullied by the little vampire in the future, he would not be sad.

What the patriarch said, he is different from others. No one else knows that he is a unique treasure in the world.

"Zhou Zhou, many things cannot be explained or verified. No matter whether the patriarch is comforting you or not, he is right in saying this. You are a gift from God, and you are the most special vampire."

After Chu Feng heard Luo Zhouzhou's remarks, he reached out and touched his head.

Luo Zhouzhou pursed his lips and smiled, his nose still red.

"Then who am I a gift from God?" he asked deliberately indifferently.

Chu Feng knew what he wanted to hear, and quickly answered: "You are a gift from God."

"Whose baby is it?"

"my darling."

Luo Zhou Zhou squinted at him and said, "I'm A Bao's baby."

Chu Feng retorted loudly: "A Bao's baby is Honey Bear, and you are my baby."

"Then I'm Dawu."

"Da Wu's baby is Xiao Wu, and you are my baby."

Luo Zhouzhou was satisfied and said with a smile, "You are my baby too."

Chu Feng still stared at the front, but the corners of his lips curled up.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Licyivy and ilomilo for the mines; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 16 bottles of lucky; 6 bottles of quail tail; 5 bottles of Qimo; 4 bottles of Sanshengtan; 1 bottle of Egyptian pyramids, Licyivy, and Juncheng ;

Thank you very much for your comments, it's hard work.