The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 82


When Chu Feng saw the locker, he hugged Luo Zhouzhou and kissed him hard on the face, "Zhou Zhou, you are really amazing."

Luo Zhouzhou blushed and said happily, "I'm really good."

He brought the other side of his face up again, "And this side."

When Chu Feng finished kissing the other side, he moved to the side and waited for Chu Feng to see the locker.

Chu Feng frowned and pondered: "This locker is used by the military. If the identification fails, it only takes three times and the contents inside will be automatically destroyed."

He turned his neck and took the first two steps: "I'll see if there's a password—"

Before he finished speaking, the scanner above the locker flashed a green light, and with a soft sound, the door of the locker popped open.

"Ah, this door is open." Luo Zhouzhou looked at Chu Feng in astonishment.

Chu Feng was obviously stunned. After reacting, he was also full of surprise: "Has General Luo also entered my information?"

"The general is amazing, does he know that you will come to get things?" Luo Zhouzhou asked.

After thinking for two seconds, Chu Feng sighed and said, "It's really amazing."

"You are also great, and our family is great."

"Well, the family is amazing."

Luo Zhouzhou looked at the locker excitedly and urged, "Look at it and see what's inside."

Chu Feng calmed down and gently opened the popped cabinet door.

The cabinet looked empty, save for two small silver cards lying at the bottom.

"What is this?" Luo Zhouzhou squeezed half of his head from under his arm and asked in a low voice.

Chu Feng carefully took out the two cards and said, "Opto-magnetic memory card."

"Opto-magnetic memory card, is this evidence?"

"It should be, it records what we want."

Luo Zhouzhou looked at the memory card in his palm and stretched out his fingers to touch it.

He pointed his finger in the air, suddenly stopped, turned his head slightly, and the expression on his face became strange.

"What's wrong?" Chu Feng asked, "Did you remember something again?"

Luo Zhouzhou didn't answer, and continued to turn his head sideways, listening intently.

Just as Chu Feng was about to ask again, he felt his body light up and he flew up. At the same time, the soles of his vacated feet—the concrete floor where the two of them stood, instantly splashed with stone chips.

A burst of gunshots rang out from outside the garage, and thick smoke filled the space.

Outside the garage, several machine guns spewed flames in this direction, and the sound of the gunshots kept ringing.

And he had an arm around his waist and was leading him to move swiftly above the garage, dodging those flying bullets, at a speed that made people dizzy.

Luo Zhouzhou hugged Chu Feng, and after dodging in the small garage for a while, he rushed out of the door and jumped up.

His movements were too fast, and the people outside only felt a flower in front of him, like the shadow of some flying bird passing by.

However, this did not attract attention, and the machine gun continued to fire at the front.

The smoke and dust in the garage was so thick that it was hard to see, and the half-hanging rolling shutter door was also riddled with holes.

"Stop, stop, it's alright." The leader shouted loudly.

The others stopped firing and stowed their guns up.

"Wait a minute to turn it over and see what they have on them, and bring them all back."

The man fanned the smoke and dust in front of him with his hand, kicked the little man beside him, and said, "Go, you go and drag them out."

The little man pulled up the corner of his clothes, covered his mouth and nose, and walked into the garage with his eyes narrowed, while the others waited outside with guns on their shoulders.

After a while, in the smoky garage, the little man's panicked voice sounded, "Boss, there is no living person inside."

"I know that there is no living person, so I asked you to drag the body out." The boss scolded impatiently.

"No corpses either."

"There's a limit to your fucking lie, can they still have wings and fly?"

A few people around laughed, "You are just too timid to move the corpse and want us to go in."

The boss was about to swear, but before he opened his mouth, there was a scream beside him, making him swallow the rest of the words.

He turned his head and scolded the person next to him, "Are you fucking mourning?"

The subordinate didn't answer, just looked behind him, his eyes widened as if they were about to fall out of their sockets, and his face was full of horror.

The others followed and looked over, all showing the same expression.

The head slowly turned his head, and when he saw behind him, he almost jumped up in horror.

At some point, there was another person in front of him, standing quietly, looking at him with scarlet eyes.

No, this is clearly not a human being.

His eyes were blood red, his pupils were invisible, his pale face had tiny blood vessels of cyan and purple, and two long fangs protruded out of his lips.

"You... Are you a fucking human or a ghost?" The leader was so frightened that his voice changed.

Luo Zhouzhou tilted his head and said, "It's a ghost."

The boss turned around and ran out of the courtyard. He had just taken a few steps before he felt his body light up, and the collar on the back of his neck was lifted, and his feet flew off the ground.

The other person hugged his foot reflexively, and was also caught in the air with a scream.

Luo Zhouyi carried a person in his hand, flew up to the roof, and leaped forward rapidly in the low sky.

The two people in his hands closed their eyes tightly, only to feel the wind whistling in his ears, and he couldn't say a word out of his mouth.

It seemed like a few minutes, maybe a few minutes later, before they heard the sound of the waves.

Immediately afterwards, I felt that the back collar loosened, and the whole person fell instantly.

Luo Zhouzhou stood on the edge of the cliff, watching the two fall into the sea with a long scream, clapped his hands, and jumped towards the garage.

There were people left outside the garage, wondering what was going on.

"Let's go." Someone shouted in horror: "Don't worry, that guy is too weird, run first."

"Where are you and Qiangzi? What are they going to do?"

"Escape first, then go find them after you escape."

Just as everyone was about to run, they heard several gunshots coming from an unknown direction, and the soil around their feet was hit and splashed in all directions.

"There is an ambush, lie down." Someone shouted.

Everyone fell to the ground and held their heads, motionless.

The gunshots stopped abruptly with their movements and did not sound again.

Several people lay on their stomachs and looked at each other in dismay. Someone climbed up tentatively and found that the other party did not respond, and shouted: "Run quickly."

But after a few people moved their feet again, the gunshot suddenly sounded again, and a row of craters were instantly hit in front of them.

"Don't run, don't run, all squat down."

Someone screamed, and everyone followed him and squatted down.

They squatted motionless, showing their eyes to look around, but they were surrounded by dense woods, and they had no idea where the shooter was hiding.

The surroundings fell silent, only the rustling of the wind blowing the leaves, and their own heavy breathing.

It was clear that someone neither killed them nor let them leave.

It's like playing a game of cat and mouse.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared on the ground in front of them.

Before he could react, he didn't even make a scream, and two more people were caught and flew away in the air.

"Ah! The ghost is here again."

A famous subordinate couldn't bear this mental torture any longer, so he ran out.

"Crack!" A gunshot rang out, and he fell down holding his legs, rolling on the ground and wailing.

"Someone won't let us move, don't move."

The thug in front had bloodshot eyes, holding his head and ordering the people around him.

"If you don't move, if you don't move, you will be taken away by ghosts." The man said with a weeping voice.

"You won't necessarily die if you are caught by a ghost, but if you run away, you will be shot to death immediately. You choose."

Luo Zhouzhou happily ran back and forth between the cliff seaside and the garage, throwing those people into the sea.

Until the last two were thrown down with screams, he clapped his hands and shouted to the bottom: "You can't go ashore here, if you can't survive, it depends on whether you can swim out."

This area is full of cliffs, and there is a beach only three miles away. The group of people who were thrown down are desperately swimming forward while begging for mercy.

Luo Zhouzhou stood on the cliff and watched for a while before leaping back to the garage.

As soon as he fell to the ground, he saw Chu Feng leaning against a big tree and asked lazily, "Have you had a good time?"


"Come here, let me see your teeth." Chu Feng said.

Luo Zhouzhou obediently stepped forward and asked him to reach out and touch his teeth.

"Can I get it when I usually brush my teeth? What should I do if I have a cavity?"

Chu Feng shook the one on the left and found that it was quite strong.

"Ah! I haven't thought about this yet." Luo Zhouzhou became nervous and covered his teeth with his hands. "This is my baby. The baby that finally grew, can't be decayed."

Chu Feng touched his head and said, "Usually, your fangs are tucked away, so it's not in the way."

"Who are they, why are they chasing here?" Luo Zhouzhou retracted his teeth, and his pupils returned to normal.

Chu Feng put the gun back in the holster and said, "We came here after we met General Luo, and the people who followed him would naturally want to keep up."

"Then are they from Calgar? The military?"

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "He didn't dare to send people from the military. It would be bad if he left the corpses. These people are the same as Sirius, and Wesson found them out of nowhere."

"oh, I see."

"Come on, go to the car, let's see what's in here."

Chu Feng took out the two memory cards and held them at his fingertips, shaking Luo Zhouzhou.

When they got to the car, the two sat in the back seat, Chu Feng put the memory card into the terminal, and a three-dimensional screen appeared.

After waiting for a while, Lope's enlarged face suddenly appeared on the screen.

"General." Luo Zhouzhou couldn't help calling out.

On the screen, Lope was adjusting the distance of the camera. After adjusting, he went back and sat on the sofa.

This video should have been shot not long ago, because he was wearing his usual favorite burgundy nightgown, with a whole bookcase in the background, in his study.

"Zhou Zhou, when you saw this video, Dad may have fallen into a situation where he lost his freedom." Lope spoke slowly to the camera.

"Since you can get the memory card, then you are free now. Chu Feng took good care of you. Dad is very happy. But it also means that you are in danger, otherwise I will not give you the memory card."

Lope said this, crossed his hands on his knees, and lowered his head slightly.

Luo Zhou Zhou fixedly looked at him, his eyes warmed for a while.

After a while, Lope looked up, looked at the camera and said, "Dad wants to say a lot to you, so where do you start? Let's start when you were young."

Luo Zhouzhou suddenly heard him mention that he was a child, and sat up a little dazedly.

"You may have noticed an abnormality in your body, maybe not yet. But it's not important. What's important is what I'm going to say next, you have to keep it in your heart."

"I'll remember it well."

Luo Zhouzhou said solemnly to Lope on the screen.

"You were born in the last year of the empire, yes, the year the empire perished. Every time you mention your birthday, it makes me feel a little better about the word empire. Mom and Dad are very grateful for your presence. In our lives. However, just when you were just full moon, it was detected that you had suffered from Xiyan."

When Luo Zhouzhou heard this, his eyes widened in surprise, and he turned to look at Chu Feng beside him.

Chu Feng grabbed his shoulder and squeezed, and said softly, "Listen first."

"Your mother and I have tried every means to treat you, but as long as the Empire finds a patient with Xiyan, they will be expelled from the country. Dad is only a small local official and can't protect you, so he can only find a doctor secretly. During that time , Dad has traveled all over the cities in the empire, but no matter if he is looking for a famous doctor or a witch doctor, he is helpless and helpless against Xiyan."

"When I was at a loss, someone showed me a way, saying that there is a wise man at the border who can penetrate the sky and the earth, has magical abilities, and is said to be able to control Xiyan. The wise man had suffered from Xiyan for many years, but his condition was It didn't get worse, and those who came to seek medical treatment got better."

"After I heard the news, I finally saw a glimmer of hope. When I was about to take you away, I heard that the wise man, including all the Xiyan patients he had treated, would be expelled from the country. The Holy Son heard about this and thought that he was possessed by a devil who was good at disguising, and he couldn't stay."

When Lope said this, his brows also tightened, as if recalling the hopeless mood at that time.

He took a long breath before continuing.

"When I was thinking of a way, I got good news. The place where this wise man was exiled was an isolated island in the sea. If you want to go to that island, you have to start from Saisu port, which was under my jurisdiction at the time."

"After waiting in torment for half a month, they were escorted to Saisu Town. When I saw the group of exiles, they were tossed all the way by those sergeants, all of them were not humanoid, and they might not be able to wait until they were sent to the island. , my life is about to die. Although I was selfish, they were really pitiful, so I secretly sent food and drink. Your mother also collected a lot of clothes and sent them to them together. "

"On the day before they went to sea, the wise man asked me if I had any requirements, and I told you about you. I didn't have much hope, but he said, you can take a look at me. ."

When Lope said this, he could see that he was in a very uneasy mood. He paused and looked out the window sideways.

Chu Feng also took Luo Zhouzhou into his arms.

"The next day, I held you in my arms and hurried, and finally arrived before they boarded the ship..."

Although Saisu Port is a small port, if you want to go east from the sea, this is the only departure port, so there are several ships parked.

Lope drove the car anxiously and kept looking at the time on the terminal.

"Fortunately, it looks like I can catch up."

He hissed and looked at the co-pilot.

There was a baby carrier on the passenger seat. Inside was a six- to seven-month-old baby who was kicking his chubby feet and biting his own little fists.

Seeing Lope, he grinned, and a string of crystal saliva flowed out.

Lope freed one hand and picked up the handkerchief next to the basket to wipe his saliva, but the baby opened his mouth and bit the handkerchief with the only two small front teeth.

He looked at Lope with round eyes, and when he saw his helplessness, he opened his mouth and giggled again.

"Zhou Zhou, you naughty bastard." Lope said.

When he finally arrived at the port, he put the gauze on the basket, lifted it, and trotted all the way to the dock.

A large wooden boat is parked by the sea, and sailors can be seen from a distance making preparations for the boat.

Those ragged exiles were already lining up to go to the boat, surrounded by imperial soldiers with long guns.

Lope stepped forward and said to the soldiers, "I'm the administrator of Port Saisu, and I'm looking for an exile."

"Just over there, go."

"Borrowed, borrowed." Lope hugged the baby basket to his chest, pushed aside the crowd, and pushed forward anxiously.

Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder, turned his head to look, and was pleasantly surprised to find that he was a wise man.

"Mr. Wise, I finally, finally caught up with the time." Lope couldn't care to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and was a little incoherent with excitement.

The wise man withdrew from the crowd and stood aside, and Lope quickly followed.

He put the basket in his arms with one hand, gently lifted the veil, and said, "Sir, this is my son, Luo Zhouzhou, he is an omega, take a look."

The veil covering Luo Zhouzhou's face was lifted, and he squinted in the sunlight. After getting used to the light, he stared curiously at the stranger in front of him, making a ooh sound in his mouth.

The wise man smiled and said nothing, just looked at him like that.

"Sir, look..." After a while, Lope had to interrupt the urging when he saw that everyone else got on the boat one after another.

"Dear sir, your son is fine." The wise man still looked at Luo Zhouzhou, but said to Lope.

Lope nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I always thought so."

"He is a gift from God to the world," said the wise man.

Lope didn't understand what this meant, but it was very comfortable to hear, and he nodded quickly.

The wise man didn't say anything, he stretched out a thin finger and pressed it lightly between Luo Zhouzhou's eyebrows.

Although the sun was shining brightly, his hands were cold, and Luo Zhouzhou had a cold fight in the basket.

He turned his head uneasily, trying to avoid the finger, but he couldn't.

He looked at Lope, and pursed his mouth aggrieved.

Just when Luo Zhouzhou was about to cry, the wise man withdrew his hand and took out a transparent vial from his arms, which contained a liquid like white water.

He handed it to Lope and said, "This is a medicine I developed. Although it can't cure Xiyan, it can be controlled for 20 years. At that time, the child is also older, and there may be a better treatment. "

Lope took it carefully, wrapped it in a handkerchief and put it in his pocket, and said gratefully, "Mr. Wise, how do you need me to repay you? As long as I can do it, I will do it."

The wise man squeezed Luo Zhouzhou's little hand again, looked at him and said, "I don't need your repayment, this child will naturally do it."

Luo Zhouzhou looked at the leaves above his head curiously, and was blinded by the sun. His eyes blinked, and he sneezed.

The wise man smiled and looked at him for a while, then leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Grow up quickly, Zhou Zhou."

The author has something to say: I can't finish writing a chapter, and I can explain Zhou Zhou's things clearly tomorrow.

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Licyivy, 1 straight ball; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 33963260 20 bottles; Wuyangga 10 bottles; Junli 5 bottles; 1 bottle of Meat, Diligent Qin;

Thank you all very much for your comments.