The General’s Vampire Omega

Chapter 88


The plane had already risen into the turbulent layer and began to sway from side to side, and a piercing alarm sounded at the same time.

The pilot scrambled to stabilize the fuselage, but the helicopter was completely out of control and began to fall diagonally.

"No way, it's about to crash." The pilot screamed in despair.

The people on several motorboats were holding guns collectively and firing in the direction of Chu Feng.

The front half of his motorboat had been knocked into a beehive.

"The plane crashed!" Someone shouted in horror, "The Holy Son is still on the plane."

The news that Calgar is the Son of God has spread throughout the Alliance, and the truth has been known to all. This group of people was the closest to Enesia, and they also received an order from the Great Deacon to receive the Son's return.

Everyone stopped firing and looked up at the helicopter.

Look at it falling towards the river at an increasing speed.

Chu Feng also stood up from the motorboat, holding his hands tightly, his nails sinking into his palms.

“Zhou Zhou, you can definitely…”

Just as the helicopter was about to collide with the river, a black shadow bounced out of the hatch and shot forward.

What else was in his hand, he tapped his foot when he was close to the mountain wall, changed direction and flew towards Chu Feng.

Chu Feng saw the dark green body, and his eyes instantly burst into brilliance.

Luo Zhouzhou took a step in the air, stood in the motorboat that was slowly sinking, and threw the things in his hands into it.

With a loud bang, the thing let out a painful groan.

It's Calgar.

The helicopter also crashed into the river completely. After a loud bang, the tail was snapped off, and it flew out and hit the mountain wall.

The fuselage splashed into the sky, the waves swept away, and several speedboats almost overturned.

The bullet holes in the motorboat kept flooding, and the water in it quickly disappeared over the feet.

Luo Zhouzhou raised his foot uncomfortably and said to Chu Feng, "I caught Calgar and didn't kill him."

"You're right, we're taking Calgar back, he's going to stand trial."

Luo Zhouzhou just cracked his mouth and laughed, when he heard someone shouting loudly: "Prepare to shoot, don't use machine guns, shoot, don't hurt the Holy Son."

He glanced in that direction and said to Chu Feng, "I'll clean them up and come back."

"Okay, then you still have to be careful."


With a few sporadic gunshots, Luo Zhouzhou turned into a swift black shadow and charged forward.

The bullet that came straight to it disappeared silently in the middle of it.

Chu Feng glanced at Calgar and saw him leaning against the side of the boat with his head drooping, as if he had passed out. The water in the boat was getting deeper and deeper, and it was almost over the calf.

The motorboat floated to the right side of the stone wall, and was stopped by a large stone that had just emerged from the water.

Chu Feng took the first two steps, grabbed Calgar's two arms, carried him on his shoulders and jumped onto the stone.

Just as he bent down and put his hand under Calgar's arm, he suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were sober and calm, full of ruthlessness, and he didn't appear to be in a coma at all.

He quickly reached behind Chu Feng's waist and held his gun in his hand.

Chu Feng's reaction was also very quick. While Calgar reached out to hold the gun, he dodged to the side, and an elbow hit him hard in the face.


The bullet deflected, and the large stone next to it splashed with sparks, causing the stones to fly.

Calgar suffered this heavy blow, and the bridge of his nose was fractured, and blood spurted out.

He resisted the pain and dizziness, turned sideways, and aimed the gun at Chu Feng again.

Chu Feng didn't wait for him to pull the trigger, and Fei kicked out a kick that hit his wrist. The gun drew an arc in the air and fell into the turbulent river.

The two stood at the bow and stern of the boat respectively, facing each other in silence.

Calgar wiped the blood from his face and began to take off the coat that was wrapped around his body.

Chu Feng was still wearing that dark blue dress, he also took it off, threw it in the boat, and pulled off his tie.

His shirt was clinging to his body, showing a firm and powerful body line and slightly bulging muscles.

The two threw away their jackets at the same time and rushed towards each other, their fists collided in the air, and each took two steps back.

Then, they fought together.

Calgar usually can't see it, but at this time, he showed his fists and he was able to draw a tie with Chu Feng.

The two top alphas released all the pressure and attacked fiercely on the violently shaking motorboat.

On the other side, Luo Zhouzhou threw the two of them into the river far away and clapped his palms.

The remaining few people looked at each other, took out an injection from their arms and stuck it in their necks.

"Do you think it's just you?" One of them said fiercely with blood-red eyes.

Luo Zhouzhou said: "It's different, you and I are different."

He adjusted the crooked brooch and explained, "The amount of benzophenone you injected is not as good as mine, and I can defeat you all by myself."

"Then what did you inject?" someone asked.

Another interrupted impatiently, "Why do you talk so much nonsense with him? Just kill him."

After he finished speaking, he pressed his feet hard and flew towards Luo Zhouzhou.

No one could see how Luo Zhouzhou was moving, but when they rushed forward, they suddenly lost their target in front of them.

The person who was standing there a second ago disappeared out of thin air.

"Left!" Someone shouted loudly.

Everyone looked to the left, only to see the slender dark blue figure disappearing in a flash.

"Right!" Someone shouted again.

"Head, spread out, head."

"Scattered and scattered, one person and one direction guard, the right side."

Luo Zhouzhou wandered beside them like a ghost, occasionally shuttling in the middle, reaching out to grab the neck of the nearest person.

These people have been injected with Benzodiol. Although they can't compare to him, their reaction speed is far faster than that of ordinary people. He stretched out his hand several times, but was noticed and attacked at the same time.

One or two Luo Zhouzhou did not take it to heart, but it was still difficult for five or six to go together.

He had to stop and continue to walk beside him, ready to find opportunities to solve them one by one.

Chu Feng and Calgar's motorboat continued to sink, and the water submerged their waists, and every punch and kick smashed into the sky.

Finally, the overwhelmed motorboat sank rapidly, and the two of them rushed towards the big rock next to their feet empty.

Calgar first hugged the stone and climbed up quickly, kicking Chu Feng in the water with his feet.

Chu Feng clamped his ankle and propped his other hand on the stone, and the man jumped up.

Calgar withdrew his foot and followed with a punch, Chu Feng turned sideways to avoid him, and hit him with an elbow under his arm.

The two fought again on the big stone several meters square.

"on the left."

Several truth believers confronting Luo Zhouzhou all turned to the left.

But a figure faster than the wind suddenly came from the right, grabbed the last person and flew into the sky.

"Up there."

"Climb up."

Several believers followed and climbed the cliff, moving swiftly like a gecko.

Luo Zhouzhou leaped faster than them, and after a few vertical leaps on the mountain wall, he did not enter the high mountain.


A few people climbed up for a short while, and suddenly something fell on their heads and smashed into the water heavily.

A few seconds later, the captured believer surfaced, with his neck drooping softly, and swept away with the current.

"Take care of me, beware of him coming down from the top of the mountain." One person said vigilantly.

The other person glanced in Calgar's direction and said, "Why don't I go to the Son of God first. Someone has been fighting the Son of God, so I'll go and kill him first."


The man had just left the mountain wall and was about to go down when he felt a gust of wind blowing past him.

Before the strange feeling in his heart disappeared, his body flew away from the mountain wall.

Luo Zhouzhou picked up his back collar and disappeared into the woods on the top of the mountain a few times.

"Go down, go down, you can't concentrate on the mountain wall." The leader ordered.

Everyone quickly slid down the mountain wall again.

Both sides were as straight as knives, with nowhere to rest, and when they slid down, they could only jump into the motorboat tethered to the stone.

But at this moment, Luo Zhouzhou landed like a Peng bird again, passing by in front of them.

Then, the thick ropes of the motorboats were all broken in the water, and as a wave rolled in, the motorboats floated quickly into the distance.

Luo Zhouzhou stood on a sharp stone emerging from the middle of the water, looked at several believers who were still climbing on the mountain wall, and said, "You can't come down, you can't gather together, you can only climb up and down the mountain wall. Go, I can kill you one by one."

The disciples looked at him in horror.

He glanced at Chu Feng and said, "If you jump into the water and swim away, I will ignore you."

Seeing that there was no response from a few people, he urged again: "It's very low here, you won't die if you jump down. Jump, jump, and walk away quickly."

One of them no longer hesitated, plunged into the river with a plop, and swam downstream.

The leader looked at him, quickly took out his gun, and aimed at him.

The man's body froze, and the river water around him was instantly dyed red, and floated down with the rapids.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zhouzhou looked at the leader in surprise: "You even killed your own accomplices? It's really bad."

The leader said nothing, raised the gun and pulled the trigger at Luo Zhouzhou.

Luo Zhou Zhou suddenly disappeared from the standing stone tip, and instantly appeared beside him again.


The leader's neck turned to a strange angle and fell into the river without a word.

Seeing that the leader's body was swept away by the waves in an instant, and the few people who were still climbing on the mountain wall, all looked at Luo Zhouzhou with trepidation, and did not dare to let out the air.

Luo Zhouzhou fell back to the stone tip lightly and said to them: "If you want, you can fight with me, and maybe you can save your holy son. If you want, just jump off here, if you can swim to the shore alive, In the future, you will never be allowed to return to the Truth Religion.”

Several believers looked at him, and then looked at the Holy Son who was still fighting against Chu Feng, and immediately made a choice.

"We dance and never return to the truth religion."

"Jump now, jump now."

They fell into the water one after another, making a thumping sound, and then swam their arms towards the distance.

Chu Feng looked at the empty space, and rushed forward when Calgar had no time to retract his leg, his fist slammed into his chest with fierce force.

Calgar snorted and staggered back a few steps, almost falling off the boulder.

Chu Feng followed, and Calgar said hurriedly, "Wait."

He covered his chest with one hand and pushed the other in front, gasping for breath.

Chu Feng stopped slowly, stood still and looked at him.

"Chu Feng, over the past few years, I have considered myself to be good to you, and promoted you from an ordinary special forces soldier to an admiral. Why do you still kill me?"

The blood on Calgar's face merged into two red streaks on his nose. One face could no longer be seen as it was, and there was still a half of his usual graceful appearance.

Seeing that Chu Feng was standing silently, he added, "You wanted to investigate the cause of death of those special forces soldiers. You said that you would give me your loyalty and life, and you only wanted to give you the power to investigate. I believed it and gave it to you, but you are Pay me back like this?"

"I'm the Holy Son of the Truth, yes, but can you say that I'm not a good president? I've been in office for the past few years, and the alliance is getting better and better under my leadership?"

"Maybe my ideals deviate from yours, but you can't target me just because of this. You must know that even if I am the Holy Son of the Truth Sect, I still want to build an alliance so that the people can live in peace."

Calgar took a few breaths and said again: "For the sake of my goodness to you over the past few years, you let me go. I will manage the Truth Cult well, so that they will no longer oppose the Alliance Army and become the largest in the Alliance. help. How is it?"

Chu Feng lowered his head and said nothing, no one could see what he was thinking.

Calgar raised a bit of hope in his heart, and said in a soft voice: "Let me go this time, and I will definitely repay you in the future. You are a kind and righteous person, and you don't want to see me reduced to a prisoner, right?"

Chu Feng's hand hanging beside him clenched slowly, his knuckles were clenched white, and then he raised his head.

Calgar was startled when he caught his gaze.

There was not only indifference, but also hatred in his eyes.

"They all think that my parents died of illness, and I told others the same. In fact, when I was seven years old, they both suffered from Xiyan. When they were escorted out of the country, they saw me running and falling outside the cordon. I wanted to rush over to help me. Those soldiers thought they escaped and shot dead on the spot."

Chu Feng gritted his teeth and said, "I watched my parents be escorted and expelled, and then fell not far from me. And you, the holy son of the truth religion, issued an order to kill Xiyan patients. people."

"Ah!" Luo Zhouzhou, who came here, just heard this sentence, and after a short exclamation, he covered his mouth with his hand.

Chu Feng turned slightly sideways and said, "Zhou Zhou, go to the side to rest, and let me resolve the matter between me and him."


Luo Zhouzhou silently jumped to the side of the mountain wall and stepped on a small raised rock.

Calgar slowly calmed down, he raised his sleeves, wiped the blood from his face, and said, "Chu Feng, I once told you that the Alliance is a machine, and we are the axis of this machine—"

"Fuck your mother's machine, you disgusting executioner." Chu Feng shouted, the blue veins on his forehead bulging, "So many Xiyan patients have been exiled and executed by you, they are not rust, they are not garbage, they are A living human life!"

"Calm down, listen to me, listen to me, Chu Feng, I'm not doing this for myself." Calgar explained as he approached Chu Feng, "Don't be too impulsive, you have been by my side for several years— "

A bright dagger appeared in his palm, and Calgar stabbed Chu Feng in the chest without finishing a sentence.

Luo Zhouzhou could see clearly on the mountain wall, and when he was about to dodge over, he saw Chu Feng kicked Calgar's wrist.

The sharp dagger made a long arc in the air and fell into the river.

Chu Feng followed closely and punched out.

He gritted his teeth and roared with the fist style: "I have been by your side for a few years, so I know you."

Calgar caught the punch in embarrassment and took a few steps back, only to feel that his entire arm was numb and sore from the shock.

Chu Feng jumped up immediately, raised his fist in the air, and hit his chest with a thousand strength.

At the same time, he shouted angrily: "This punch is for Wang Jun. He was deceived by you, and he thought he was pursuing his ideals until his death."

Calgar raised his hand to block, making a muffled sound of flesh colliding and a broken wrist bone.

He screamed and bent over to grab his wrist.

Chu Feng's whole body was numb, drops of water dripped down his cheeks, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Waiting for Calgar to straighten up, he punched him again.

"This punch is for the 28 special forces. They were full of blood, but died in the hands of the most trusted officers."

Calgar didn't dare to block any more, he only managed to lean sideways and used his shoulder to receive the punch.

After staggering a few steps, he fell on his back on the rock, with one shoulder propped up high, apparently dislocated.

Chu Feng took a step forward, grabbed him from the ground, and punched continuously.

"This punch is for those Xiyan patients, who were forced to leave their homeland, never see their relatives again, and finally died tragically in a foreign country."

"This punch is for the people of the alliance. They don't know that the president they love is actually a demon who supports the truth behind the scenes and wants to knock them down into the bottomless abyss again."

After Chu Feng hit the last punch, he slowly released his hand.

Calgar, covered in blood, lay dying on the stone, only his chest still slowly heaving.

Chu Feng panted and turned around, stretched out his hand to Luo Zhouzhou on the mountain wall, and said dumbly, "Come here."

Luo Zhouzhou quickly jumped onto the stone, threw himself into his arms, and hugged his waist tightly.

Chu Feng pressed his face to his hair, and the two hugged each other like this, motionless.

In the distance, there was the sound of a motorboat and the roar of a helicopter, accompanied by a shout from Chen Sihan's loudspeaker, "Chu Feng, hold on, I'll be there soon..."