The General’s Wife of the Buddhist Family

Chapter 21: Egg pimple soup woman is really troublesome. (one more) …


Chu Wei Leng was very sleepy, but he fell asleep.

But what just happened made him sober a lot.

Moreover, at this moment, the soft fragrance and warm jade are beside, and there is a strange fragrance in the air.

It's all a very unfamiliar experience.

Over the years, he has been the only one on this bed, and he has never shared a bed with any woman.

Luo Jianjia couldn't sleep either.

It was also the first time that she had shared a bed with a man.

Although the bed was huge and the distance between the two people was far enough that they could lie down for two people, she was still uncomfortable.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I thought of what had just happened.

Because the whole person is more alert, the senses also become sensitive.

After a while, she found that a strange smell came from her side.

How to say this smell, mixed with the smell of soil and sweat... It's like the smell of stinky tofu.

Looking sideways, sure enough, Chu Wei Leng was still wearing the same clothes he had just returned.

He didn't take a bath or change his clothes!

Luo Jianjia frowned tightly.

Does she want to remind him

But the two didn't know each other that well. No, to be exact, the male protagonist should hate the original protagonist.

Thinking of the male protagonist's eyes just now, Luo Jianjia hesitated for a moment.

Just at this moment, the faint snoring sounded again.

Recalling the male lead's ruthless temperament, Luo Jinjia pursed her lips, turned to face the wall, and pulled over the blanket that she used to cover, covering her ears.

That's it.

She depends on others, and she is in a precarious situation, so please bear with it.

Because there was another person beside him suddenly, another person who was dirty and smelly, Luo Jianjia felt that he hadn't slept well all night.

When it was almost dawn, she felt that she could not stand it anymore and took a nap.

Never thought that this sleep was an hour, and when she woke up again, it was almost the hour.

Looking at the bright sky outside the house, thinking of what had been agreed with the Zhao family yesterday, Luo Jianjia secretly cried out "bad" and hurriedly sat up from the bed.

When she sat up, she realized that there was no one in the seat beside her.

The man who slept by her side last night didn't know where to go.

Looking at the clearly visible grey marks on the bed, Luo Jianjia frowned in disgust.

Get out of bed and remove the sheets. Afterwards, he removed the pillow covers and quilt covers that had been soiled by Chu Wei Leng.

When she was ready to open the door, she saw that Mrs. Zhao was washing clothes by the well.

"Jianjia, are you awake?" Zhao shi greeted her with a smile.

Thinking that she told Mrs Zhao today that she was going to buy some flour to make Liangpi, she quickly said, "Well, I woke up. Sorry, mother, I got up late and missed the hour."

Zhao shi glanced at the dark circles under her daughter-in-law's eyes, and then looked at the bed sheet and quilt that her daughter-in-law carried over, and smiled very happily.

"There's no need for us to go. Brother Leng went to town with his father to buy it."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the sheets and quilt in his daughter-in-law's hand, and quickly took it over and said, "I'll wash it, you can go to sleep again, were you tired last night?"

Luo Jianjia was stunned for a moment, and then she thought, Zhao Shi must be aware of her son's snoring habit.

She is not a person who likes to complain, but she was noisy all night last night and smelled the smoky smell. She was in a really bad mood, so she said, "Well, I can't sleep."

Seeing her daughter-in-law admit it, Mrs Zhao laughed even more happily.

She quickly took the sheet from her daughter-in-law's hand and pushed her into the house: "You go and rest, don't be tired."

Luo Jianjia had just taken a nap for an hour, and felt that she was fine at the moment, so she didn't go to rest.

However, she is also very grateful for Zhao's thoughtfulness.

"Thank you mom. No need, I'll cook."

Zhao shi tried to persuade her again, but to no avail, he went with her.

At this moment, Chu Wei Leng was walking with Boss Chu on the way back.

A question that was asked just yesterday came to Chu Weilen's mind again, and he couldn't help but ask it again: "Dad, are you sure that the girl in the family is the Luo family?"

Not surprisingly, Chu Wei Leng was beaten by Boss Chu again.

"Silly son, who else is the daughter-in-law that you married yourself?"

After speaking, I was also muttering in my heart, why did my son become stupid after going to the military camp for three years.

Chu Wei had deep doubts in his eyes, and said, "Why does my son feel that she is not the same as before?"

When he first saw him yesterday, he only felt that his eyes were not the same as before.

At night, he found that the bigger difference was that her strength seemed to be too much.

Hearing this, Boss Chu laughed and said, "You still don't know the changes in your family, do you?"

"What's changed?" Chu Wei asked coldly.

He had wanted to ask this question for a long time. From the first time he got home, he felt that the home was not the same as before.

He thought that his parents were sick and would cry every day, but he did not expect that not only was he not sick, but his health was much better than before.

It was completely different from what he imagined.

Both parents are present, the body is safe, and the complexion is rosy.

This day is like being in a dream, especially a sweet dream.

Boss Chu told his son in detail about the changes in the family.

At the end, came a sentence: "Thanks to your daughter-in-law for all this, don't let others' girls go to you in the future."

Chu Wei was even more puzzled in his heart.

Is this really the same person as the girl he married

Why doesn't he feel like it.

He remembered that the girl disliked the poor and loved the rich, was stupid, and sacrificed her reputation to marry him.

Really shameless.

She is completely different from the girl his father said, who likes to work, respects her elders, and works hard to make money to support her family.

He also doesn't believe that she has the ability to make money.

If she can really make money, and she really has the ability, their family won't count the money of his family.

"Don't you think she has changed?" Chu Wei asked coldly.

Boss Chu didn't care much.

He is an honest man, and he basically doesn't take things to heart when others treat him badly.

All he can remember is Luo Jianjia's care for him and his wife in the past two months, as well as his contribution to the family.

"People change. Aren't you different from three years ago?" Boss Chu said with a smile.

No matter how his son changes, he is still his good son.

He will not dislike his son because of his change.

My daughter-in-law is also a good girl.

These words made Chu Wei Leng silent for a moment.

He has indeed changed, too many things have happened in the past three years.

But there was a reason for his change, but the girl of the Luo family seemed to change for no reason, it was too big.

"You left on your wedding night, which is a fatal blow to any woman. You haven't come back for three years, and someone said you died a few days ago. Your daughter-in-law has suffered so much grievance, It’s normal to change.” Boss Chu began to complain about his son, “Even if she hates you, blames you, beats you a few times, you will suffer more. The family and everything are prosperous. It’s you who is sorry for your daughter-in-law first, and a man should have it. Don't be picky and suspicious of your daughter-in-law."

Chu Wei Leng: "..."

After his father's words, he did not mention Luo Jianjia's changes.

After all, he didn't know Luo Jianjia very well either.

Before getting married, they only met twice.

The first time we met, Luo Jianjia said that he had been in love with him for a long time and was obsessed with marrying him.

The second time they met, she sacrificed her reputation to frame him, and the two settled for a marriage.

Maybe... She was also in trouble at the time

Chu Wei Leng was about to be persuaded by his parents.


"Dad, didn't you find that she is very strong?"

Obviously, Chu Weilen thought about what happened last night.

Boss Chu was startled for a moment, then smiled again and said, "I really beat you? You are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, don't bother with your wife."

"No..." Chu Wei was at a loss for words.

Is this still his father

"Okay, it's almost home, don't talk about that, it's not good for her reputation if your daughter-in-law beat you up to others." Boss Chu patted his son and said.

"Dad, she didn't hit her son, really..." Chu Wei Leng explained.

"Okay, okay, Dad got it." Boss Chu replied casually, "Your daughter-in-law has had a difficult few years, so let her vent her anger. You get along well with your daughter-in-law these days. Your daughter-in-law has a hard time. There seems to be a conflict in your relationship with your father-in-law recently, and you go to Luojia Village with your daughter-in-law another day to reconcile the conflict."

"This... um, my son knows."

On the other side, Luo Jianjia walked to the kitchen and looked around.

Last night, there was still some flour that was not used up, and was placed on the pot table. There were four or five eggs in the basket next to it, and there were a few green vegetables that were picked yesterday and not eaten.

Luo Jianjia thought for a while and came up with an idea.

She scooped some flour in a small bowl and put it into a small basin.

Looking at the flour, thinking of Chu Weilen's appetite, Luo Jianjia doubled the flour.

Then, I cracked two more eggs in it.

Now that the money is made more, the food is better than before, Luo Jianjia is also willing to put eggs.

Afterwards, Luo Jianjia mixed these things well and turned them into a batter.

After doing this, she went to the vegetable field to pick four tomatoes, washed them, and cut them into cubes on the chopping board.

Wash the small greens, cut them into cubes, and set aside.

After doing this, she started making a fire.

When the pot is hot, put the oil, put the chopped green onion when the oil is hot. After the aroma of the chopped green onion is fried, put the tomatoes in it, and when the tomatoes are smashed, stir-fry a thick soup and add water.

After the water boiled, Luo Jianjia brought a colander, picked up the bowl with one hand, and poured the batter into the colander.

Pour while stirring.

When the batter is all poured, use a slotted spoon to push away in the pan.

Cover the pot.

Wait until the pot is open, beat an egg in the bowl, stir, and pour it into the pot.

The gnocchi in the pot was fully cooked, and a handful of greens were sprinkled.

Added some more condiments.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the egg nugget soup is ready.

As soon as the eldest Chu, father and son walked near the house, they smelled the fragrance.

"Do you smell it? Is it fragrant? It seems that your daughter-in-law has made delicious food again. Your daughter-in-law's craftsmanship is really good, much better than those of the people who make mats in the village. You should try it." Chu said the boss.

Chu Wei Leng thought about the bells and whistles of eating yesterday.

Pushing open the door, Chu Wei Leng went to the kitchen room with fifty catties of flour on his back.

Luo Jianjia was still in the kitchen at the moment.

Seeing Chu Wei Leng suddenly appear, he was startled.

Soon, he came back to his senses and turned his head to look at the pot.

There was no communication with Chu Weilen during the whole process.

Chu Wei put down the flour silently, thinking to himself, is this woman really the perfect woman that Dad said

He doesn't look like it.

Luo Jinjia heard the voices of Boss Chu and Mrs. Zhao talking, and prepared to start dinner.

When she was serving the meal, she lifted her cuff a bit, and then she began to serve it.

Chu Wei was staring at Luo Jinjia coldly, when he suddenly bumped into her showing a white wrist.

His first reaction was to look away.

However, as soon as I moved it away, I thought of the abnormality I just saw, and couldn't help but turn around and confirm it.

"Sorry." Chu Wei coldly apologized.

Luo Jinjia didn't expect Chu Weilen to say this, so he followed his line of sight and saw the blue and purple on his wrist.

The blue-purple imprint can still be seen, it is the outline of a palm.

"I was wrong last night, did I hurt you?"

Chu Wei Leng knew how powerful he was. When fighting with the enemy, he could estimate the damage he could cause to the opponent.

He also exerted a little strength last night.

However, I didn't expect it to look so serious.

Luo Jianjia's wrist did hurt a little, but it was fine if she didn't touch it, only when she touched it would she feel it.

The reason why it seems serious is because of her skin problem, her skin is fair, and it is easy to leave marks.

Compared with this, she was more concerned about the problems of Chu Wei not taking a bath and snoring while sleeping.

There are only the two of them at the moment, and the timing is not bad, Luo Jianjia just wanted to say this.

However, when he looked up, he saw that Mr. Zhao was standing at the door of the kitchen room at some point, looking at the two of them with a smile on his face.

Luo Jianjia swallowed the words he was about to say, and said politely, "It's okay."

After he finished speaking, he said to Mrs Zhao, "Mother, have I served the rice?"

"Hey, okay, let Brother Leng help you."

After that, Mr. Zhao left with a smile on his face, and ran to murmur a few words with Boss Chu.

After Luo Jianjia had filled a bowl, he wanted to hand the bowl to Chu Weilen next to him.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw that Chu Wei's hands were dirty.

Suddenly, she frowned and put the bowl back.

"Wash your hands." Luo Jianjia simply said two words.

Chu Wei froze for a moment, then lowered his head and looked at his hands, they were not dirty, they were quite clean.

In order to make his hands cleaner, Chu Wei Leng wiped the clothes several times.

"All right."

Luo Jianjia's brows furrowed even deeper. She pursed her lips and repeated: "Wash your hands."

Chu Wei Leng didn't want to be so troublesome, but he looked up at Luo Jianjia's calm eyes, but he was defeated and went out to wash his hands.

But he secretly said in his heart that women are really troublesome.

After a while, the egg nugget soup was served on the table.

Naturally, this nugget soup has received praise from the Zhao family and Chu boss again.

"What is this, it's weird." Zhao Shi asked with a smile.

"Egg Pimple Soup." Luo Jianjia said.

Speaking, Mr. Zhao took a sip and said, "Huh? This dough has the taste of eggs."

Luo Jianjia explained: "Well, eggs are added to the flour."

Boss Chu also praised a few words.

The other person who didn't speak was the male protagonist, and he was looking down at the rice.

Luo Jianjia told everyone the steps of cooking.

After finishing speaking, the three of them lowered their heads to taste.

The other person had already finished drinking a bowl of nugget soup in a daze.

Seeing that his son's bowl had bottomed out, Mr. Zhao said, "It's so hot, why do you eat it so fast?"

Chu Wei said coldly, "My son is used to it."

"What are you used to? I still don't think your wife's cooking is delicious. You eat so fast now, and I never saw you eat so fast at home before." Zhao shi smiled and teased his son.

Chu Wei thought coldly, he was really hungry, he didn't taste the taste of the nugget soup at all, so he ate it whole.

He wanted to explain, but he felt that the explanation would add to the misunderstanding, so he didn't say more.

"My son is going to serve another bowl." Chu Wei said coldly.

"Go, go, eat more, there is no such delicious food in the military camp." Zhao said.

Chu Wei Leng took the bowl and went to the kitchen, thinking, is it delicious

I don't feel anything.

I feel like yesterday, bells and whistles and not enough to eat.

Luo Jianjia and the Zhao family were full after one bowl, and Boss Chu ate two bowls.

Chu Wei Leng ate five bowls and was not full, but there was no rice in the pot.

He was really hungry, so he searched in the kitchen, found a steamed bun left over from yesterday, and soaked it in the soup.

He mixed with chopsticks again, and squatted by the stove to eat.

The moment the steamed buns were eaten into his stomach, Chu Wei Leng finally felt that he was full.

I couldn't help sighing in my heart, what are all those bells and whistles doing, or steamed buns are the most real.

Luo Jinjia watched Chu Wei's appetite coldly from the side, and finally understood why the Chu family hadn't saved much money over the years.

He is so delicious!

Seeing how he swallowed in confusion while eating, four words popped up in Luo Jianjia's mind.

Desperate things.

He didn't even taste the food she carefully prepared, just like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit.

Really a waste.

Just thinking about it, Chu Wei Leng finished eating a big steamed bun, turned his head to look at her, and said seriously, "The steamed steamed bun is good."

Luo Jianjia: "..."

She decided to steam a pot of steamed buns for him at noon and let him eat enough.