The General’s Wife of the Buddhist Family

Chapter 49: New business is booming in town


Early the next morning, when Luo Jinjia woke up, he heard someone talking outside, not Boss Chu and Mrs Zhao, but two women.

She was secretly surprised that when she first arrived at Mao, the sun had not yet come out. I don't know who came so early.

Gradually woke up, after sitting up from the bed, Luo Jianjia heard who was talking outside.

Zhao and Aunt Wang.

After cleaning up, Luo Jianjia went out to wash up.

As soon as the door opened, Aunt Wang walked over with a smile.

"Brother Leng, daughter-in-law, you got up." Aunt Wang said with a smile.

Luo Jianjia also said hello to Aunt Wang: "Good morning, Auntie."

Aunt Wang couldn't hold back her words, and immediately said: "Your mother just told me that you want me to go to town with you to sell things? I'm free, I'm free any day, just call me. that is."

It turned out that Mrs. Zhao was afraid that Aunt Wang would go out early in the morning, so she woke up early and went to knock on the next door.

When Aunt Wang heard that there was such a good thing, she immediately followed Zhao.

There are only three people in their family every day, she, her eldest daughter-in-law, and her eldest grandson. The husband, the eldest son, and the second son all went out to work.

On weekdays, she cleans up the house, feeds the chickens, washes clothes and cooks, coaxes her grandson, and goes to the village to chat with people. She is very idle.

And the eldest grandson also has her eldest daughter-in-law watching, so she doesn't need her.

It would be great if she could go out and make some money too.

"Okay." Luo Jianjia replied.

Hearing this word, Aunt Wang's heart finally fell into place.

Aunt Wang lives next door to Chu Wei Leng's house, and she knows everything about her family, so she knows that the person who really sits up and does business is Luo Jinjia. Although I disliked her before, I have to admit that Luo Jianjia has become very powerful since three months ago.

Hearing her consent at this moment, I felt that this good thing really fell on her head.

"My niece, do I need to prepare anything?"

Luo Jianjia wanted to say no, but she thought about it and said, "There's nothing to prepare for, just two o'clock. I hope my aunt can pay attention."

"What is it, you said, I promise to do it." Aunt Wang said immediately.

Luo Jianjia glanced at Aunt Wang's hand and said, "First, we are in the food business after all, so we have to cut our fingernails and keep them clean."

Hearing this, Aunt Wang was afraid that Luo Jianjia would change her mind, so she quickly hid her hand and said, "Okay, I'll wash when I go back. What else?"

"The reason why I want my aunt to go with me is because I believe in my aunt and think that my aunt is a reliable person. The second point is that I hope that my aunt will not talk to outsiders about how much Liangpi we sell and how much we get every day. ."

Aunt Wang quickly patted her chest and assured: "Don't worry about this, although I love talking to people, I will never say anything that shouldn't be said."

"Well, I'll trouble my aunt from now on."

"What are you talking about, I have to thank you. Okay, then I'll go back and clean up first, and call me when you leave later."

"it is good."

After speaking, Aunt Wang hurriedly went back to trim her nails.

Seeing that this matter was settled, Zhao was relieved, and then she went to the kitchen to prepare Liangpi, and Boss Chu also followed.

If she just went to the pier to sell, Luo Jianjia could do it alone, but now she has to go to the town, so she can't be too busy.

Moreover, there is no need to put her strength-enhancing attributes on Liangpi.

Here, only people with some spare money will eat Liangpi, and the poor people are more likely to choose steamed buns for a penny.

After Luo Jianjia cleaned up, she also went to the kitchen to wash her face.

After a while, the three of them washed their faces and put them aside.

Later, Luo Jianjia went to cook.

After eating breakfast and resting for more than an hour, the surface water had almost settled down, so the Zhao family made cold noodles.

Now, Mr. Zhao has also grown a little bit more careful. When making Liangpi, the door is plugged in, for fear that this unskilled food will be learned by others.

Today Luo Jianjia didn't make Liangpi, it was made by Mr. Zhao and Mr. Chu.

Because Luo Jianjia was going to town and left early, she had to fry the vegetables she wanted to sell at the wharf.

This is a solid income for home do. Different from the seasonal food of Liangpi, rice side dishes are eaten all year round, and many people eat them.

And her power-increasing attribute is just right for this.

Here, she cooked the vegetables, and Zhao's boss Chu had not finished the cold skin, so she turned around to help finish the cold skin.

When the work is over, it's almost time.

Luo Jianjia packed up the Liangpi seasonings to use in town, and went to the next door to call Aunt Wang.

Aunt Wang not only trimmed her nails, but also re-combed her hair and changed her clothes.

Not only was she quick-mouthed, but she was also a neat person. The two of them didn't dawdle and drove the car to the town.

Although it is not a market today, many people come to buy things.

Those who got up early to sell vegetables had almost sold out and started to go outside.

Luo Jianjia went to pay the money first, and then went to find a place with Aunt Wang.

It happened that an uncle who sold vegetables was going to leave after selling things, so she and Aunt Wang went to park the car there.

The seven- or eight-year-old boy with lettuce heard that they had paid one day's money and called them fooled.

Here it is calculated according to the hour, no matter whether it is early or late, it is half a day at noon. If it is past noon, no matter if you came for one hour or three hours before, it will be a full day. The most cost-effective way is to either come early or come back after noon, which is half a day.

Luo Jianjia was just in time for dinner, it was useless to come too early or too late, so he smiled without explaining much.

The boy who sold the lettuce thought that these two women could not do business and were stupid.

However, a quarter of an hour later, when he packed up and was about to leave, he felt a slap in the face when he saw more and more people gathered around.

Of course, Luo Jianjia did the sales, and Aunt Wang was in charge of cutting the cold skin and making it cool.

On weekdays, Luo Jianjia often sent cold skins to Aunt Wang's house, so she naturally knew how to adjust it.

And she worked very neatly, and it was quickly adjusted.

The purchasing power of the people in the town is naturally much higher than that of the people in the village. When I was at the dock, some people from the nearby villages would sell it every day.

Now that I'm in town, more people are buying it.

Although it was not as fast as the one on the dock, it still sold about 30 copies after nearly two hours.

Now that the face price has risen a bit, the cost of Liangpi is also a bit higher. After deducting the money from the booth and the money for Aunt Wang, it is about one hundred cents.

If she can keep it up, she will earn fifty cents a day, which will be one or two half in a month. With the money from the pier, I can save about four or two a month.

Although there is still not much money for her, the money to set up a female household should be enough.

Sell it like this first, and then she will think of other ways when the Liangpi business is not good.

By the time the two of them packed up, it was almost time for the application, and there were not many people here.

Because they had no experience in the town on the first day, the two of them hadn't had time to have lunch.

Although Luo Jianjia felt that she didn't have enough money and needed to save more, she would not treat those who helped her harshly because of this.

On the way back, Luo Jianjia bought four big buns and gave two of them to Aunt Wang.

Aunt Wang was flattered and quickly rejected.

"It's all my fault. I didn't understand the situation on the first day, and I made my aunt hungry for so long. Today, I will apologize to my aunt. My aunt should eat soon."

Aunt Wang refused a few more times. Seeing Luo Jianjia insist, she was really hungry, so she accepted it.

As she ate, she said, "Don't do this tomorrow, let's bring some food to eat between selling cold skins."

Aunt Wang is also a person who knows how to live.

"Okay, listen to my aunt." Luo Jianjia said.

Although they were a little tired after working for two hours, they both made money and they were happy, so they didn't feel tired anymore.

After a while, the two pushed the car back to Chujia Village.

As soon as he arrived at the village, people sitting and chatting in the village gathered to ask questions.

Luo Jianjia was not good at words and rarely communicated with people, so she told Aunt Wang that she would push the car back first.

Aunt Wang saw that it was not far from Chu Wei Leng's house, so she didn't follow, and sat on the stone pier and chatted with others.

Naturally, this said a lot of good things about Luo Jianjia.

As soon as Luo Jianjia went home, Mrs. Zhao greeted him and said quickly, "If you don't come back, my father and I are going to visit the town."

Luo Jianjia smiled and showed Zhao the empty plate, and Zhao understood immediately.

"It's sold out?" Zhao shi asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's sold out." Luo Jianjia said.

Zhao shi smiled and said, "This is really good, our family has more income."

After Luo Jianjia put the things down, just as he was about to go to wash, he was taken over by Zhao.

"You've been gone for so long, are you tired? Go back to the house for a while, and I'll just clean up."

Luo Jianjia carried a lot of copper plates on her body, and it was a little hot today, and her clothes were soaked with sweat.

Seeing that there were only a few basins to be washed, he didn't refuse, and went back to the house to put down the copper plate and cleaned up again.

After a while, Luo Jianjia came out with ten coins and handed it to Mrs. Zhao.

Although I haven't counted how much money I made today, I still have to give it to others first.

I only stayed for half a day today, so I gave ten cents.

When it comes to small episodes and large episodes, they will come back earlier and later, and it will be fifteen articles, all of which have been agreed in advance.

When Mr. Zhao heard that Aunt Wang was coming back, he went to give her the wages.

After dinner in the evening, Mrs. Zhao locked the door, and the three went to the main room, where they started their favorite part of the day—counting money.

Mr. Zhao and Mr. Chu poured out the money earned on the dock, and the three counted.

Luo Jianjia poured out the money he made in the town again, and the three of them counted again.

Since I haven't made fried rice with eggs recently, I have less money. Adding up the two sides, I made about 250 yuan for the whole day.

Zhao and Boss Chu never thought that they could earn so much in one day, so they were naturally very happy and satisfied.

Although Luo Jianjia also felt a lot, but when she thought that she would spend a lot of money next, she didn't think much.

"It's not that you can earn so much at the fair. When you go to the fair, won't you be able to earn more?" Zhao said with a smile.

Boss Chu smiled and nodded, and said, "Tomorrow happens to be a small episode, you can do more."

It is useless to go early, because it is not a meal, and there are not many people to eat.

But you can do more, because there are many people going to the market.

Luo Jianjia also felt that there would be more people going to the market, so she nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, the three of them talked about the things on the pier and the town, and then went back to their houses to rest.

On the other side, Luo Fusheng and others heard that Chu Weilen had finally left home, so they dared to go home from the town.

Facing the pointing and pointing of the villagers, Luo Fusheng felt embarrassed, but he could only endure it.