The Ghost Chef

Chapter 111: ungrateful


I peeked at Ren Xiaoyan, and suddenly realized that she was also looking at me secretly, her eyes were affectionate, her lips were dripping, her face was covered with reddish clouds, the shallow beads of sweat were condensed on her forehead and her hair, her breathing became more and more rapid, like Are you waiting for something...

Damn it!

My uncle once said that a woman who was in her eighteenth year Huachun would go with someone if she was not careful—could it be that she was just eighteen this year? That’s great, hehe, anyway, we all think, it’s better than...

Ding Dong!

At this critical moment, suddenly, a voice rang in my head, and at the same time a strange line of words appeared before me:

"Congratulations, you have obtained the recipe for the "Wolf Heart and Dog Lung" recipe. Please observe the recipe by yourself!"

Wolf... Wolf-hearted

I just read this time in my heart, Eyes but No Pigs once again crit:

Choose the top-grade wolf heart and dog lungs, the best ingredients are the wolf heart of'Zhongshan wolf' and the dog lung of the'white eyed dog'; together with the roots of the human face beast heart grass, boil over a large fire and simmer slowly over a small fire. Bring three bowls of water into a bowl with a gentle fire; a small amount; Table salt; spices are similar to braised pork knuckles...

The specific steps are as follows: (here we omit another 200,000 words)

Effect: As the name suggests, the effect of this dish can stimulate the negative energy in my heart in a great sense. It can be exposed from the inside and out, and it is a nirvana to deal with all the decent people and the snake-hearted people!

It turns out that this is the second dish I want, good guy, just one inadvertently will get it together!

According to the routines of general online novels, when the story develops, it is time to meet the big boss, at least the big boss at this stage. The enemy will show up when I am happiest, and fight with the attitude of letting go. How is the process? I don’t know, but I must die tenderly in the end. After that, everything will be bright and cheerful. Ren Xiaoyan and I will return to civilized society. We will go on our next free tour in the legendary world after a while...

Inferring this, it’s not the time when I cooperated with Ren Xiaoyan to hum haha. It’s already a tragedy to be interrupted in half of the urine. It’s not terrible to stop being drunk in this kind of thing—I have been awakened by the sudden appearance of the system. Regained my sanity, so I poured a bowl of water without saying anything!

Crossing the bowl of water and splashing her face, Ren Xiaoyan was taken aback, and then jumped three feet high, "Why, are you crazy?!"

"I'm not crazy, you were almost crazy!" I hurriedly waved: "Do you remember what you felt in your heart just now—Xiaoyan, we are more humane!"

What a smart person Ren Xiaoyan, he immediately reacted when he heard this, and said nervously: "What, the killer is here again?" After looking at the bowl on the table, the little face with water drops turned white: "Poisonous." ?"

"No no, don't be nervous, listen to me tell you..."

I feel funny in my heart. She didn’t know that feeling just now. The surging heart is at best. The killer is not all Duan Yanqing, so I have to catch people and peep to satisfy the dark side of my heart. , It seems that she has been under too much pressure recently, so the reaction is too intense, I really have to explain to him, proper decompression is the best way of life...

I was about to speak when suddenly a black shadow passed by me. Before I could react, it was already wrapped around Ren Xiaoyan's waist like a snake. She screamed, but the rope was extremely fast, and it was winding him at the same time. Already shuddering and pulling back into the room, I hurriedly took a shot but couldn't make it. I watched the rope drag Ren Xiaoyan into the black hole in the house.


Before I could think about it, I drew the kitchen knife from behind my butt and rushed in. As soon as I entered the door, I heard the door closing behind me. I suddenly looked back and saw a mountain-like giant coming out of the darkness beside the door guarding the door. Hold my retreat firmly. On the other side, Ren Xiaoyan, who was swept away, was also put on her neck with a knife, and walked out sadly.

The person holding Ren Xiaoyan with a knife is extremely short, not as tall as a gourd baby to be true, and dry and slender like a dried persimmon. It looked very familiar, and I couldn't help asking directly: "Have we seen it before? Mother?"

The old lady stared at me and smiled, but she didn’t speak. When I looked back at the giant, I felt like the stranger I was most familiar with—well, why did my mind faint? The feeling of the boat floating gently in the water, and a cool wind is blowing on the face...

"You, your grandson... right..."

It was dark in front of me, and I was completely lost in this deep and infinite darkness, and I didn't know anything!

… It’s easy to be unconscious, and easy to wake up. Without any red tape, I was awakened by a burst of noise. Upon closer inspection, I was still sitting in the patio of the wolf heart and dog lung shop, tied with the back of Ren Xiaoyan's hands, and stood by the side. The old lady of, with a sharp knife in her left hand and a whip in her right hand, takes our lives at any time; the giant stands with her back to us, holding the same huge stick in her hand and confronting the crowd. His opponents are my subordinate Master Kotou, the Seven Killing Gourd Baby, and our partners. Long Lao Dao, Professor Yang and even the ruddy living version of Ma Liang stood among them, holding the magic pen and drawing board in his hands—to be honest, this look really doesn’t look like the magic pen Ma Liang in the cartoon, but rather like it. The kawaii version of the judge, with the life and death thin judge pen in hand to hook my soul!

"Woke up, sir, awake..."

As I opened my eyes, there was already a cry of joy from the crowd. It was Master Kotou—seeing me awake, Jiang Long’s enthusiasm couldn't help adding a little more: "... Since the master is okay, then I promise you, As long as you are willing to put in us, we will leave you a way out..."

At this moment, my mind is completely awake, and I recognize that the true identities of the two in front of me are Ma Bao Nan Li Lei and his mother. At the same time, I also know that he must have added special condiments to the wolf-hearted lungs he gave us. , I was going to clean up our bowls and fainted, but because my legendary summoning system suddenly activated and didn’t eat much, I only fainted for a short while, but now my people are looking for it...

"Put it in!" a group of people screamed: "Otherwise, they will never be merciless!"

The giant turned his head to look at his mother at a loss. It was obvious that his thinking could not keep up with the rhythm, but the old lady was very calm. Faced with hundreds of opponents, she arrogantly said: "I can put it in, but I must hand over my daughter-in-law. Otherwise interview!"

Don’t look down on people. In history, many old ladies have done feats that men, including old men, cannot accomplish. Who said~women are not as good as~like~like~like~male~~~"

This is Yuanli... Uh no, the power of the old lady!

"Hey, when is your daughter-in-law's turn to find me a beggar?" I couldn't help but cried out as I sat down, "Aunty, please be reasonable!"

"I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you!" The old lady glared at me: "Who said you were the last man to be with my daughter-in-law? Who would I call if I didn't look for you?!"

"Hey, look at what you said, old lady, if someone cleans the toilet for your house and can't pull the shit, I blame him?" I was not convinced: "This makes no sense for you-are you women no matter how old they are? They're so unreasonable, and they feel very comfortable and have a sense of accomplishment, don't they?"

My trash talk didn't cause much disturbance to the old lady, she sneered: "The defeated man is still stiff, boy, it looks like you are really not a mortal-I have to look for you for this matter, wait and see! "

Yo, someone took the initiative to praise me again...

Just as we were fighting, on the roof of the patio, one person glanced at the position of the old lady below, and flew down like lightning. It was the copper-headed iron arm of my seven godsons—I remember the name It seems to be called Astro Boy-using his body as a weapon, he flies straight at the old lady.

According to Newton’s second law, the kinetic energy and potential energy calculated by the mass of Astro Boy and the height of the patio roof, his collision will definitely knock the old lady half to death, and we don’t talk about hitting the old man and the old lady here. For medical expenses, what I did not expect was that the old lady was surprisingly vigilant. He was discovered as soon as he moved. The old lady was just a word, and the giant Li Lei had already flew in front of the old lady!

Just listened to the loud sound of the Jin Ge, the giant mountain fell back to us, unbiased and smashed down, the old lady exclaimed too much, and I couldn’t stop screaming, but I used it. No…

Like being knocked on a stick by someone suddenly, I felt a huge dizziness sweeping my whole body. The feeling was more intense than when I was a child touching the switch with my bare hands, just as modern people often describe it, coming so soon. Directly, the whole person, including the internal organs, are all misplaced, I closed my eyes meaninglessly, and tried my best to withstand this unprecedented impact!

I don’t know how long I resisted it, maybe a year, maybe a second. Time has no meaning at this moment, and there is only a blank space in my mind. When I regain my five senses and six senses, I just feel cold all over my body. But the noise is gone-no need to open my eyes, I have realized a problem:

"Have I crossed back?"

I tried to open my eyes and sell cakes! If it's not wrong, I'm already standing in the outskirts of a certain city. It is evening. The pedestrians and vehicles under the night are busy but very full. They are all busy, and no one notices my presence.

I hurriedly got up, and felt a rush of pulling me down when I moved. I turned around and saw that Ren Xiaoyan and I were still tied together. The pulling had already disturbed her. She was groaning and slowly opening her eyes, and I was shaking. Shaking his body and finding that the rope is not too tight, he quickly shook his hand out and called her: "Ren Xiaoyan, wake up Ren Xiaoyan!"

"Uh... uh, where is this... why bother, is it you?" Ren Xiaoyan opened her eyes in a daze, and I quickly hugged her with my free hand: "It's me, we're back!"

"Come back... Oh, are we back?" Ren Xiaoyan's eyes widened sharply, and a fierce boy stood up from the ground, looking at the left and right eyes with tears, "Oh my god, we are finally back!"

As he said, he turned around and plunged into my arms, and suddenly the two limp balls touched my chest again-a long-lost nosebleed, and squirmed out!

But I don’t care, and I don’t have time to take care of it!

I just hugged Ren Xiaoyan firmly, sniffing the scent of her hair, feeling her cold body temperature, and her calm and watery heartbeat... Wait, Nima is not right! What does this heartbeat mean, how can it be as calm as water

Then, I saw a guy with a rhinoceros face appeared, "You two, please come with me."

"Who are you?" I pulled Ren Xiaoyan from me, and the two stared at him face to face: "Are you from over there?"

"I'm a civil servant, and a civil servant in the underworld," Rhino said with a smile on his face: "The two are dead. I am your underworld guide. Most people call me Bull Head."

My mother, I actually died!

Didn’t you guess that? (End of this chapter)