The Ghost Chef

Chapter 83: Pixel male Li Lei


"That's it for the legendary world, hurry up, and then I will tell you the key to the separation of these five worlds..."

"Wait!" I turned out to interrupt Han Meimei's words: "Quite a few questions: Is it okay to change this matter?"

Han Meimei said with cold eyes: "Who said you are the master of the legend? Everyone in the legendary world can only move in their own trajectory. Only you can travel through different worlds-besides, you can't go back if these worlds are not restored. I really can't find someone more suitable than you."

I jumped up from the chair and said hysterically, "You are driving the ducks to the shelves!"

Han Meimei solemnly said: "This is your mission and the meaning of your coming into this world. You must realize that you are different from ordinary people!"

I sighed: "I knew it was not easy to come here. I didn't expect it to be a call of duty!"

Han Meimei said with heart and soul: "Your mission is not just to give, but the rewards are also generous-this is not Great China, after all, 500 yuan plus a pennant will make you born to death, our legendary world can't do this!"

Oh! There are still benefits? I was excited in an instant: "Well, tell me?"

Han Meimei didn't answer and asked, "Are you looking for a recipe for a full table of gods and ghosts?"

I was stunned, puzzled: "Why do you also know about this?"

Han Meimei smiled and said, "Do you know, where did this banquet of gods and ghosts come from?"

It suddenly dawned on me: "Did you give Ghost Chef the recipe?"

Han Meimei said hehe: "That's not the case, but if you want to say that, it's a bit of a touch—to tell you the truth, the whole table of gods and ghosts originally came out of the legendary world and is hidden in each legendary world. As far as I know, this Two of the five worlds are dishes in the recipe."

"Huh? Those two?"

"Drunk shameless and vegetative are two ways. Drunk shameless is cold dish, and vegetative is Shanzhen."

I excitedly said, "Where is this recipe, and who has it?"

Han Meimei said: "I don't know, I only know that one is in Jikm, and the other is in the disease of gourd baby and snake essence-if you want a recipe, you must first restore the world to normal, otherwise you will definitely not get it."

I see!

At this point, I completely understand!

Let me just say it, just from the name of the wall-to-wall grass and the king eight cakes, this is definitely not ordinary, and now I understand, this is actually a dish from the legendary world... I didn’t say it, the ghost chef must have been a legend. The master of the world, that's why he got a bunch of weird dishes out of it, got the God of Cookery in World War I, and became famous!

This is imperative!

I was overwhelmed with thoughts, but I still kept a mysterious and unpredictable smile on my face. It is estimated that Han Meimei also looks mysterious. She waited for me for a long time, and suddenly coughed: "Do you have any more requests? Yes. If you speak, we will try our best to satisfy you."

Actually there is more? ! This is surprising!

I said, "Do you have anything you can bring back to the Yangjian? For example, money, jewelry, jade, golden agate, or something?"

Han Meimei shook her head: "No."

"What about the magic weapon? Relying on the Heavenly Sword and Slaying the Dragon Sabre, the peerless sword and snowy mad sword, or an energy weapon, it would be fine if I looked at Skywalker's laser sword like a fluorescent tube."

"… No."

I said, "No? You can always order some martial arts secrets, the eighteen palms of Jianglong, the hand of sunflower acupuncture, the hand of invincible catching milk dragon-by the way, the Sunflower Book of Evil Swordsmanship is fine, I am still a virgin. There is no discussion about this."

"… nor."

I was disappointed and said: "How come there is nothing—then what can you do is my return to the sun?"

Han Meimei thought for a while, and solemnly said: "The only thing I can influence in reality is this: in the future, if there are English conversations in the junior high school textbooks, when I ask: dig and eat by Lime, the other party replied to me: Buy Lime for one day Why... what do you think of this?"

Now it’s my turn to be speechless: "...Forget it, it will take a day to buy a lime, and let people not live..."

"Not enough? Then you turn on the swimming pool faucet, and the one who enters the water and the other releases the water will be yours? The two of them walked for half an hour on the way home, and then it became "Why go forward at a speed of 40 meters per minute, Han Meimei in ten minutes." Set off to chase him, 55 meters per minute, why the home is two kilometers away from the school, may I ask... ""

"Okay! I don't want it, all right?" I collapsed and said, "Why don't you give me a sword to ward off evil!"

After explaining the main line, I asked for clues about the plot of the branch line: "By the way, the great god Han Meimei, the old way of Jianglong told me to find the ninth beggar and the ninth pheasant. Where can I find it, can you give me a guide? ?"

"The two of them?" Han Meimei frowned, "I don't know much about Jigong's world, but fortunately I know a lot of things. I can probably help you guess..."

"Guess, you say!"

"According to the laws of the legendary world, they will never be far away from Jianglong Lao Dao, they must all be in this county, so I think..."

I was listening attentively to Han Meimei’s words. Suddenly, a feeling of something wrong came from around, like a substance mixed in the air, squeezing it towards me from all directions. This reminded me of the last time Inuyasha brothers. When I was assassinated, it was the same.

At the same time, Han Meimei's words stopped abruptly, and she suddenly stood up from her chair: "I'm leaving."

"Ah? You haven't finished talking yet!" I hurriedly yelled at her: "Don't be afraid, there are so many people here..." I started to greet Master Hu Hansan outside: "Hey, are you alive? Come here." people!"

Han Meimei didn't care what I said, she straightened up and rushed towards the back door of Taibaijiu Restaurant. When Hu Hansan and the others came to me, she was already at the door, and she stretched out her hand and yanked it away. I yelled at her aloud: "Hey , Look, look, my man is here, don’t leave-no matter who it is, we don’t have to be afraid of him, really..."

Before the word'of' was finished, there was a loud noise at the door of the wine shop. The whole door frame with wooden boards was smashed, and countless sawdust crackled at us. Where did I think of this scene? I was caught off guard, I was beaten up by the broken wood. The whole person was sore from head to toe, and I fell to the floor with a puff, and Hu Hansan and others were no better than me. They were better than me. It was closer to the door, so I was hit harder. From the corner of my eye, I saw at least three of them being bombarded by sawdust and falling to the ground like a trash!

I lay depressed on the ground, my mind was blank for a moment: What's wrong? What is coming

The depression was only a moment, and after that, I saw a dark green shadow flying past me, slamming heavily on the hand, hissing like a beast, frantically, and desperately smashing open the back door, chasing after him. Han Meimei left behind...

Oh my god, this, this is... Zhu Gang

I lay down on the ground in desperation for a while, struggling to get up from the ground, and the minions around me groaned and helped me to get up from the ground. Many of them were injured. Hu Hansan was almost crippled with his arms, ah and me. When I met my eyes, I almost didn't cry: "Master, there are monsters..."

"What's so strange about monsters, you should be afraid if you don't have monsters!" I asked him to help him up and greeted him to the left and right.

The difference and the dog legs started to get busy, yelling, yelling, crying and crying, no one was idle anyway, I rushed to remember what Han Meimei said in my heart-as for catching up? Joke, you haven't seen the monster, there is nothing more that Wukong can turn into a man. If I want to catch up, isn't it really heartless

However, what I never expected was that the monster had only been chased out for less than ten minutes, and there was another loud noise, and the back door was smashed to pieces. The door frame and walls were all collapsed. That monster... That monster... That The monster is actually back!

Why do you think he came back? How could he come back

Of course, I can see the face of this monster clearly. According to science fiction, this is a Hulk. What's more weird is that this giant is sitting on his back with a crooked, hideous face, like an old witch. The old woman gently stroked the Hulk’s hair from time to time, gave her kind gaze, and gave orders in his ear. The Hulk also followed her instructions to the left or right, or chased or stopped!

The Hulk and his old woman stared at us, and we stared at them, and the whole room was silent.

After a while, the gang of Hu and Han screamed like a pig: "Ma Baonan! This is the legendary Mom Baonan!" Everyone was crying and howling, and I was shocked in an instant. I haven't heard back for a long time. God comes...

Oh My God! He, he is actually one of the three legendary scumbags, who is not as well-known as Ma Baonan!

Straight male cancer, Ma Bao male, Phoenix male, these three men are the men among the men. According to legend, they kill all creatures in seconds. They automatically have the protagonist's halo on any plane or world, just like the dragons of Middle-earth. The unicorn of the Western world, the savior of the apocalyptic world, and the legendary creature that the dragon sees no end!

It was him!

No wonder, even Han Meimei has to avoid her edge!

No wonder, she just flees just by sniffing her breath!

No wonder, even men can't help but scream!

No wonder, I almost urinated my pants...

Just when we were all terrified and terrified, Ma Baonan slowly approached us, her cold eyes revealed a strong killing intent, and the old lady on his back said at the same time: "Who are you?"

I barely held back the shiver, sweating profusely and cautiously said: "Don't do it, let's be our own!"

"My own person?" The old lady stared at me suspiciously: "Let's chase after our daughter-in-law, what kind of a person are you?"

"Then what, I am your daughter-in-law's younger brother." I began to use my potential, talking nonsense about running the train, hoping to escape from Ma Baonan.

The old lady glanced at his son: "Does Han Meimei have a brother?"

The Hulk under her ass tilted his head, thinking for a moment with a look like a idiot, and hesitated: "I don't remember, it seems there is, but it doesn't seem to be..."

"Yes, why not?" I didn't wait for him to figure it out, so I interrupted quickly: "My sister's name is Han Meimei, and my name is Han Hanhan. Listen, these names are like brothers and sisters, how could it not be?"

Ma Baonan thought for a while, "Then, that's it..."

With this sentence, I was finally relieved, and then listened to the old lady sneered: "Since you are her brother, then you tell me, why didn't Han Meimei marry my son?"

I accompanied me and said carefully: "Your son's surname is your name?"

The old lady said: "My son is Li Lei!"

Li... Li Lei? I understand what this is all about-Li Lei and Han Meimei are not a pair at all, my dear, their world has become too outrageous!

Li Lei has started chasing Han Meimei... Nima! (End of this chapter)