The Ghost Chef

Chapter 96: Kill the rice paddies


This throwing rain has greatly boosted morale, but the damage caused is still obvious. Many morally corrupted things do not abide by the great principle of who picks it up. They either pull from the pile of cabbage from others or take advantage of it. Randomly robbed, almost no one of my own fight, I had to send all the guards out to stop the scene-I am secretly thankful, thanks to these vegetatives not knowing the situation inside the wall, they have to throw real gold and silver directly into it, we will not attack. Self-breaking.

The situation of the soldiers and civilians in the town was a vegetative crisis, and the shouting was immediately stunned, and after a long time, he recollected, and immediately broke out a hysterical howling: "Go on! Smash, hard work." Smash, smash until they surrender..."

"Wait!" There was a sound from the pile of plants. After a crackling noise similar to infighting, a group of red, green and green plants got out of the pile and stood at the forefront. Looking intently, all these guys have fluffy hair. Said, there are still a lot of red stains, and the body is a little green gown and shorts. He looks like a child, but his face is full of vicious and vigorous vigor-damn! What style of painting is this? Why did the funeral family come out? !

After the Love Burial Seven came out, a guy with the tallest, largest body and the reddest haired winks spoke up: "I will give you five minutes to think about it. If we don't surrender, we will have a full-scale siege. By then, the whole town will have a living. Will not stay-you think carefully!"

The people are making uproar again...

I just don’t know what to say. Anyway, the common people have said what I have said. At this time, the old Jianglong Taoist exclaimed, "Oops! How could the treasure of the first fairy across the mountain become a group of them? Is it?"

"Ah? This is the treasure of Immortal Chuanshan Yi?" Ren Xiaoyan and I were panicked: "You tell me why these treasures will deal with us?"

Jiang Long frowned and said: "I only know that Immortal Chuanshanyi has a treasure in his hand. As long as it is planted, seven gourds will grow out of it, and what comes out of it is..." "I know, seven gourd babies, right?" Interrupted: "Everyone knows this, but your style of painting is too scary, right?"

"I don’t know what it looks like. I don’t know if it’s a gourd baby. When I was in Heavenly Court, I only heard that the seven out of it were a kind of ancient fierce called'Kill Matt'. In the seed, each seed can come out seven, so this seed is called the'Seven Killing Hall', which means that when you click it, you can grow seven Kill Matt, sweeping all the enemies in front of you!"

I'm a little confused: "It's very nonsense that the gourd baby killed Matt, you are still seven kills..."

Ren Xiaoyan poked me and reminded: "Don't interrupt."

Jiang Long continued to explain: "Killing Matt is extraordinary. Each of the seven of them can summon a magical unit from the Seven Kills Demon Realm. The old power is infinite, so he can summon the vegetable man who throws corn. After the upgrade, a huge butter And Corn can smash all the opponents in front of you..."

Ren Xiaoyan nodded and concluded: "Simply put, it's a corn pitcher!"

Jiang Long said awe-inspiringly: "He is the most famous of the seven kills. It is said that his power can cover thousands of meters, so some people call it "Killing Thousands and Hundreds." If the word is broken, it will be called "Slaying Moss"!"

Ren Xiaoyan and I stared at each other: "... So this is to kill Qianmo..."

"The vegetative man summoned by the second child can squirt fist-sized peas from his mouth, and take the top level from thousands of miles away..."

"Pea shooter."

"The old third has bronze walls and iron walls, and the summoned vegetatives are also invulnerable. They can withstand any attack by the enemy and protect the vegetatives behind him..."

"Nut Wall Bar"

"The old four good fires, the summoned vegetative people are hidden on the ground, as long as the enemy is close, they can ignite the wall of fire and surround the enemy..."

"Flame Pepper."

"Old Five Good Waters, the summoned vegetative people can live in the water, take a breath inside, spray water to kill the opponent..."

"Water spores?"

"The sixth man is invisible and erratic, so the summoned vegetative man can emit a lot of smoke, covering the sky and the sun, and only he can see it in the dense fog..."

"Smoke mushrooms."

"The last one is the seventh. The vegetative man he summons is the most capable. He can upgrade all the plants into one, such as turning the vegetative boss into a corn cannon, and the second pea shooter into a double-barreled pea machine gunner..."

"Fuck it, really cow!" I said this time: "Growth hormone, this, he is the most abnormal!"

"These vegetatives plus ordinary vegetal soldiers are the main force of the Seven Kills attacking us," Jiang Long Lao Dao summed up deeply: "Originally, I thought you would go to Chuanshan Yi to get the seeds of the Seven Kills Palace and summon the Seven Kills. , And then use the vegetative army to defeat the snake spirit-what now?"

I didn't know what to say, Ren Xiaoyan's face sank: "Now that the war has started, can it mean that we have no confidence?" She stood firmly, reached out her hand to lift the hem of the skirt, and tucked it into her waist, her face overflowing. With a rare heroic spirit, the heroic spirit said: "I don't believe it anymore. These plants alone broke through our huge city wall!"

While she was talking, she hula took out something from her waist, grabbed it in her hand, and sternly said to the vegetative outside the city: "Let you taste my power today!"

I was pleasantly surprised: "What is this?"

Ren Xiaoyan's eyes widened, she stared outside without turning her head, "I just learned the skill from the head of Jianglong Dao."

"What is it?"

"A clip of Lingxi, the legendary sister chapter of Lu Xiaofeng's Lingxi finger," Ren Xiaoyan said with confidence: "Now I have reached the point where I can refer to where I am. As long as the enemy is close, I will definitely not be able to fall."

I lost my mind and said: "You have learned this for a long time-why do I think this skill should be used on the table, especially when the food is not enough?"

Ren Xiaoyan shook her head and said with contempt: "Don't care where you use it, as long as you can use it in a war, it's a good move... Wait and see, you'll know if the peas call you later, I'll definitely catch it for you."

I also shook my head and smiled bitterly. Now our greatest hopes are all shattered. It is estimated that there is no way to deal with the snake spirit with the knife of my meat-chopping and Ren Xiaoyan's spirit. At the beginning, the stated goal was to bring a few mashups of legendary worlds out of chaos. From the current situation, they can only be replaced with a smaller one, for example, earning him 100 million first... Uh, bah, let’s survive!

The five minutes given to us by the seven-kill boss has passed, and the vegetative people began to rush towards the wall mountain with a tsunami. The first layer of nuts has been set up under the wall, and the other nuts climbed up and started to build the second layer. The third floor... The pea shooter started to shoot up forty-five degrees into the air, letting the pea fly over and hit the city obliquely; the cabbage and butter corn continued, but they were densely packed, the old man and the old lady could no longer shuttle through it; From a distance, I saw that some corn plants began to glow yellow, and theoretically they began to climb towards the cannon level—vegetables each showed their magical powers to attack us, but most of them were gathered at the city gates. After a few pepper bombs, The city gate was already crumbling, if it weren't blocked by the bricks and rubble behind it, it would have been broken already.

Our side is not idle either. After a little contact, everyone feels that this attack is different from the previous attack. Everyone's energy is focused on fighting the enemy-of course, it may also be that the shelf life of cabbage is not long. Everyone has got enough stock, and there is no place to put more-bamboo pole pole poking, throwing stones, boiling hot oil down... The two sides have entered a very familiar offensive and defensive process:

The offense that should be offensive, the defense that should be defended, both sides do everything, but for a while, no one can do anything...

"Attack the city gate, continue to attack the city gate!" Amid the shouts of the seven killer boss, another large group of pepper vegetatives came straight to the city gate, and my heart suddenly panicked: "No, so many peppers exploded, the city gate is determined. broken!"

At this critical point, I shouted: "One hundred thousand volts, go!"

Professor Yang took the order from my side and came to the top of the city gate in an instant. He raised his hand and drew a short stick and pointed it towards the sky, shouting: "Give me strength, I am Professor Yang..."

Seeing the Pepper Man getting closer and closer, I yelled impatiently: "Don't put on a stance, just let me go!"


Professor Yang lost a smile, and immediately pointed the short stick at the Pepper Man, and immediately saw a brilliant electric arc flashing into the night sky, and suddenly formed a huge power grid on the ground, caged all the Pepper Man in it. They screamed and screamed, and when the power grid dissipated, the ground was crooked and fell all over the floor, and all became the tiger-skinned chili peppers in the pot.

Below the city, the vegetative army that was about to break through the city gate was completely stunned by me. After a short period of loss, it rushed up again, but in an instant the ball rushed to both sides and began to follow the nuts. I climbed up the ladder, but there was still some distance from the city wall. Before we knew what it meant, we suddenly heard a voice in the plant pile shouting: "Upgrade!" With the yellow light, the nuts became bigger one after another, and soon they all upgraded to high nuts!

This is enough for the wall.

The vegetatives on the top layer immediately rushed up the city wall. Almost all the piranhas that came up first were piranhas with open mouths. The moment they came up, they swallowed several soldiers, and a few even surrounded me— After all, I am a master of Plants vs. Zombies who have passed dozens of times. I didn't panic at all. I just thought about it and came up with a countermeasure!

Facing the piranha with its big mouth swooping at me, I picked up the cabbage on the ground and smashed it, hitting it in the middle of my mouth. The piranha immediately chewed it up, and then I kicked it. He kicked off the city wall.

"That mouth can only eat one thing. Everyone throws the cabbage around and lets him eat it. As long as the food is eaten, it's useless."

For a time, all the messy things were thrown into the mouth of the piranha, cabbage, peas, butter and even the wood and bricks on the city wall, and then a large number of piranhas were thrown down, which happened to fall on The mouths of the latter batch of piranhas just happened to be filled with this pile of big mouths again!

Cheers erupted from the city wall, and the soldiers and people were very excited. Of course, there were also discordant voices in it. For example, I heard the voice of the landlord’s old man who borrowed the house, and it was quite miserable:

"Who put my title deed box into the monster's mouth, who?!" (End of this chapter)