The Ghost of Paper Man
Author: 里恩书生
Latest: Chapter 522
Status: Completed
Views: 3
Genres: Supernatural
Sometimes, life is thinner than paper. Doctors in the emergency department can best understand this. So doctors also know how to cherish life more than others, and use every means to save life. But when death comes, it is not just a matter of advanced medical skills. A young doctor, after a series of unbelievable events, unfortunately became a vegetable, but started a more unbelievable journey.
有时候,命比纸薄.急诊科的医生最能体会到这一点.所以医生也比其他人都更懂得珍惜生命,用尽各种办法挽留生命.不过当死神降临,不是先进的医术就能战胜的. 一个年轻的医生,在经历了一系列匪夷所思的事件后,不幸成了植物人,却开启一段更加匪夷所思的旅程.