The Ghost of Paper Man

Chapter 521: Gloriously leave


No matter how bad our country is, it is also our home. Home is the best place in the world.

No matter how good other places are, they belong to others, and only their own homes belong to them.

I hijacked the yacht in Yamaguchi and ordered to steer to the high seas.

After the dark cloud created by Yu Xingyan dissipated, another black cloud came from the eastern sea. I knew it was Satan chasing us.

Xiao Zhu looked at the helm and the sailor, Zheng Xiumin took out his cell phone and dialed.

I quickly returned to the yacht’s living room and fell asleep on a beach chair. My soul and body quickly separated, and I dialed the ghost call on my mobile phone.

A gloomy voice came from the microphone: "I'm just a little Hades. You can report this to Emperor Hades!"

I smiled bitterly and said: "You are just a little Hades, then I am just a reserve ghost servant. I have never even heard of Hades's big size. Now Satan is about to catch up. If we are caught Satan is destroyed, then you will be destroyed next!"

The other party said: "This is impossible, right? Satan has its own sphere of influence."

My righteous response: "I already know the relationship between Satan and Emperor Hades. This relationship is just like the relationship between the mainland and the **. If Emperor Hades does not stop Satan's behavior, Satan will become more and more lawless, and it is inevitable to counterattack the Hades. Thing."

King Hades hesitated, and said after a moment: "Okay, I can report this situation to Emperor Hades, but I can't guarantee Emperor Hades will come to save you!"

I thanked the King Yan and said, "As long as you report the matter to Emperor Ming, I will owe you. As long as I am still in this world, I will definitely repay you!"

Hanging up the phone, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Satan came very quickly, but I also saw the Chinese Yellow Sea Fleet approaching the high seas.

Large clouds of dark clouds enveloped us. This yacht is like a leaf in the sea. It will be swallowed by the sea at any time. When the storm really hits, we all grasped the fixed objects on the boat. The waves threw the yacht up and then smashed it down again. On the sea.

I put on the armor of the celestial general Nayong, picked up the ice shield and the flame gun, stood on the top cabin of the yacht, and looked into the dark clouds.

A flash of lightning tore through the thick dark clouds, and the face of Satan the devil was revealed, and his hideous expression was particularly frightening.

I closed my eyes, but I could see more clearly.

"I know you won't die easily. You instigated the hell messenger and the ghost guard and let them make cannon fodder for you. You are really smart!"

I remained silent, and the other party continued: "I want to take you and your two accomplices back to hell to be tortured. There is no need to resist, otherwise the heavenly general Nayong will be your role model!"

A flash of lightning struck me, and I raised the ice shield to fend off the lightning.

Two lightning bolts struck me at the same time. My feet touched the top of the yacht's cabin, and my body quickly flew towards the night sky, avoiding the two lightning bolts.

The dark clouds of Satan's incarnation continued to wrap around me, and countless bolts of lightning struck me continuously, and the sound of thunder blasted my eardrums out of blood.

I continued to flee higher in the night sky, but a cloud of clouds quickly pressed down on me, and countless demons opened their mouths, revealing their fangs and biting at me.

I can’t go above. I rushed to the bottom of the sea again. My soul plunged into the sea like a cannonball. When I crossed the sea, I saw that the Pirate Maru yacht had been swept up by the storm. Throwing to the west.

Satan chased into the bottom of the sea and turned into a large black seawater. He stretched out his black tentacles and grabbed it at me. These tentacles sent out shiny electric currents, and my hair straightened up again.

The electric current hit me through the sea water, and two thick lightning bolts bound me firmly, and I felt every cell in my body being tortured by the electric current.

Satan opened his mouth wide and made a vulgar voice: "When you get to hell, you will know that the pain there is much more comfortable than the pain you are currently suffering!"

My soul was taken out of the sea. Satan continued to chase the yacht. After boarding the yacht, he found that only the Japanese were left in the yacht.

Satan held my soul and continued to chase west, and when he saw the Yellow Sea Fleet, he shouted: "You can't escape, I will invade your continent sooner or later, and the whole world will be under my feet!"

It stretched out countless devil claws and grabbed these warships. I looked up to the sky and screamed. If the Emperor Underworld does not take action, then we are truly abandoned.

A giant palm was dropped in the night sky and blocked the devil's tentacles. With a strong grip, Satan was pinched into a ball. Another giant hand rescued me from Satan's claws and threw me into the sea.

I saw a pair of deep eyes appear in the night sky.

The storm on the sea was more frenzied and fierce, but I had to merge with my body, so I faced the violent storm and chased the warship of the motherland.

Yu Xingyan’s soul had been waiting for me on the battleship for a long time. Seeing me, she hurriedly led me into the cabin inside the battleship and passed through a sealed door. Here I saw Zheng Xiumin and Commander Chu, as well as the squad leader.

They surrounded my body, a military doctor stood by, Zheng Xiumin said: "I believe Xiao Yuan will wake up by himself!"

I quickly merged with my body, and then opened my eyes.

Commander Chu and Squad Leader You showed surprise expressions, and Zheng Xiumin was already crying with joy.

Three days later, we landed at Dalian Port and immediately took a special plane to Beijing.

After getting off the plane, Zheng Xiumin, Xiao Zhu and I were taken into a fully enclosed off-road vehicle by squad leader You, and then into the CT room of a hospital.

The three of us were arranged to have a full-body scan, especially me, who also had an MRI deliberately. From the results of the examination, I found that there was no shadow in my body. The Buddha beads and the golden body relics are nowhere to be found

When Commander Chu saw the results of my inspection, he was a little disappointed, and then took us by plane back to the troop station. In his office, in front of the squad leader, he said to me and Zheng Xiumin: "Xiao Yuan, Although your mission was half successful this time, you have suffered heavy casualties. Fortunately, you and Xiao Zhu have finally returned safely. You can retire honorably, and the organization will arrange a suitable position for you!"

Before leaving, squad leader You handed over my one-year allowance of 1,200 yuan to me, and then returned my ID card and my personal belongings.

Zheng Xiumin took Zhu Jianfang and I back to Xi'an. We temporarily stayed at my cousin's house, but there was an extra newborn baby in the house.

My cousin gave his daughter to me, and then said to us: "Cousin, you can come back alive this time, thanks to Ms. Zheng. When will you two get married?"

Xiao Zhu also said: "You two have lived together a long time ago. If you don't want to get married soon, are you waiting for the organization to give you a house?"

Zheng Xiumin answered the phone and said to us: "The submarine has been discovered by the US Coast Guard and returned to the repair shop. Lao Hu and my cousin have returned from the United States. We can go back to Luoyang!"

Just as we were about to take the bus to the train station, a white Buick stopped by our side, and a man in police uniform walked out and said to us: "Why? Don't you know me?"

Zheng Xiumin hurriedly introduced Xiao Zhu and me, and said, "In order to rescue you two, Officer Zheng sold all her off-road vehicles."

I burst into tears after hearing it.

Fu Guomin asked me: "Do you think this car is a bit familiar?"

"Familiar?" I questioned.

Fu Guomin nodded and said, "This is the car that Pei Qidong used to deal with you after modification. It has been kept in the garage of our team. I sent it to the repair shop and remodeled it. Now it is given to you both. It's a wedding gift I gave to you both on behalf of our police force."

"Marriage?" I gave a wry smile. What is the meaning of my body getting married? (End of this chapter)