The Ghost of Paper Man

Chapter 522: End of this testimonial


It took me less than half a year from the beginning to the end of this novel, but this novel is the best one I have ever written.

Before the last novel was finished, I was already conceiving this novel in my mind. Being able to sign a contract at the starting point is my most basic requirement for this novel, so when the novel started, I revised it again and again. Strive to achieve the effect of the "Golden Three Chapters".

After the first chapter was written, I sent a netizen to ask him to taste it, and he gave me valuable suggestions. I am busy and carefully revising it, especially the first-person sense of substitution and self-introduction, but my own feeling is , The first chapter is still not enough to attract readers, and the suspense left at the end is not enough.

Before the first chapter, there was originally a preface, which was about the plot of the novel, which was ridiculed by my friends as "a redundant move", so I applied to the editor for deletion.

In order to meet the requirements of attracting readers, I added a wedge in front of the novel. This was obviously the beginning of imitating "Tomb Notes", but I did not grasp the suspense of the novel well enough, and I did not have the last suspense of the "wedge". Ability to dig deeply.

I have personally experienced the settings and many plots in the novel "Paper Man Soul" in reality, but I cannot write about the immersive feeling, such as "Late Night Restaurant", this small roadside restaurant is in reality. It has existed in China, but when I read it, I feel that this restaurant is the same as the fabricated one.

There is a funeral home outside our town, also called a crematorium, so my description of the crematorium is very detailed, and I also have the experience of passing by the crematorium alone late at night.

As for the paper tie shop next to the crematorium, this originally existed. It was right next to the roadside restaurant. The owner was an art teacher named Li. I made the paper figures he made more real, but it gave people a better impression. Invisible fear, as Teacher Li said, if this kind of thing is done too realistically, it will have bad consequences.

Chapter 15 is the source of the title of "Paperman Soul". My inspiration for this chapter was from "Brother Zhenmin". He dictated this matter to me, and Brother Zhenmin is really unique. "Paper man soul" has two meanings. One is that the person who pierces the paper produces a soul, and strives to turn paper into a human; the other is the soul of the person who writes on paper.

I originally planned to add a virtual plot to this novel, where the characters in the novel written by the protagonist suddenly appear in reality and become real characters. This idea is not my original creation, but the plot I read from an online novel, but due to the limitation of the number of words, I couldn't write it in.

This novel received a text message from the author at the time of 14,000 words. This was unexpected and a precursor of a fine novel. Unfortunately, I failed to make this novel more precise. However, I first added the "red" element to the online horror novel, so I was also worried that this novel would be harmonized. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Culture had very strict requirements on the content of film and television works, and no ghosts and spirits were allowed. , And when I was creating this novel, the starting point was also rigorously rectifying all the works. A large number of works were removed from the shelves, including some of the more famous novels. Some chapters in the first novel I wrote were also removed from the shelves. .

Because of this kind of lesson, I was very careful when creating, for fear that the text in the work would be replaced by asterisks, but I still couldn't avoid it. For example, when I describe the acupoints of the human body, the words following "acupoints" will be harmonized, and some medical terms will also be harmonized.

The protagonist of this novel is a doctor. At the beginning of the novel, a lot of Chinese acupuncture points and prescriptions of Chinese medicine are recorded. If I have not studied medicine, I can't write it at all, and I have a medical background.

But I am not interested in medicine. To put it in one sentence: "I prescribe on a prescription is nowhere near as good as I can write on a prescription."

I have been learning writing since the end of the last century, and I have also participated in the correspondence teaching of writing courses, but maybe because my talent is not enough, the works I write are not exciting and vivid enough, but I have been writing all these years.

It was not until the advent of online novels that I had the opportunity to publish my work.

In fact, a writer who writes his own profession as the protagonist is more substituting and authentic. For example, Wang Yuewen's "Dead Bird", I have read it several times, and transplanted the moral of this novel into my novel, of course, it is only part of it. Within a chapter, both in my last novel "Student Journey to the Rivers and Lakes" and this novel, "dead bird" refers more to a metaphor for certain people in reality.

In this novel, I also came up with a saying that is karma. If a person does not get retribution for the evil he does in the world, then he will suffer far more pain in hell after death than when he is alive. The pain should be serious.

In a chapter at the end of the novel, I mentioned "hell". This hell is the hell referred to in the Bible, but the biggest female traitor in modern China is imprisoned in it, the "culprit" who slipped through the net after World War II, and The richest family in the world (a family rather than an individual).

I have no opinion on these "people", but I have learned from history that these people have become "fish that slip through the net," and it is inevitable that I feel a bit aggrieved.

Writing is the best way for the author to vent his inner emotions. Although sometimes there is no income from writing, such as my second novel "The Queen of War", I did not sign a contract, let alone put it on the shelves, but I breathed a sigh of relief. 920,000 words were written, not including the parts that have been written but not uploaded.

I met a disfigured woman in reality. Her face was shocking, but it was real. I also encountered a patient with facial cancer in the hospital. His face was even more frightening.

Sometimes it's not that some authors are exaggerating and talking nonsense, but things that have really existed in reality, but to convince readers, this requires the author's solid writing skills and expression techniques.

Not long after the start of this novel, the starting point released the essays for the supernatural novels of the Shangri-Jing Festival, but unfortunately I couldn't catch up, so I had to add this plot to the novel.

Many people regard July 15th as a traditional ghost festival because of the promotion of film and television works in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but this is not the case in the north. The ghost festival in my hometown is the first day of October, commonly known as "cold food festival". I have been right since I was a child. This festival feels the same, especially the cold wind, if the snow is flying, the atmosphere will be even more terrifying.

The novel ended on the "Chinese Valentine's Day" and it was a great pity that I could not make it to the Midyear Festival, but I had already considered it. I am planning to open a new book on the Midyear Festival. It would be best if I could participate in the essay at the beginning.

This novel encountered an unusually difficult period during its creation. During the hottest days of the weather, I didn’t want to write at all. Compared with my previous two novels, I felt that I became lazy and couldn’t afford to create it at all. Sometimes I write two chapters a day, or one chapter, or even one chapter. I used to write when I had time during the day, but now I only write at night.

This sentiment affected me for nearly a month, and it didn't change until I was out of the doldrums.

The ending of the novel is a bit hurried, and it is a "jailbreak mode". I used to be a "jailbreak fan", but in the double hell of humans and ghosts, I can only escape in a special way.

Just when the novel was about to end, I received a text message from the editor that the novel was going to be promoted for free, but I had decided to finish it.

The completion of this novel is the beginning of the next one, but because of the business trip, the new work may have to be updated, but I will conceive the plot of the new work more attractively during the time of the change. I hope everyone Able to support scholar's works as always. (End of this chapter)

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