The God of Ease

Chapter 4: Flying happiness


Hope and the future constitute a longing, and the happiness that comes suddenly is the most tempting.

The sun that has just risen contains new life and hope. He was full of black anger, and his skin was cracked. What's more magical was that he had overflowed with black, red, and alternate blood. If you look closer, you can still see a faint purple.

As soon as the sun appeared on the top of the mountain, Ren Xiaoyao got up. Of course, he didn't have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. He woke up hungry.

"I'm so uncomfortable, my little master." Ren Xiaoyao clutched his stomach and walked out of the cave and walked into the town.

"Who would be unlucky enough to meet me today?" Ren Xiaoyao walked on the street, looking at the surrounding shops and thinking.

"Fuck~, you smashed things in the store, this month's wages have been deducted"

"Boss Liu, you will be very compassionate. My mother will rely on my monthly salary for medical expenses this month. If not, her elderly's life will be in danger!"

"Fuck again! Someone blasted out"

"Please, as long as you pay me, I can be a cow or a horse..."

The young man begging for help was kicked out.

"Hey, Yang Hai, a well-known filial son, was the one who asked for help. However, he met Boss Liu who was called a'vampire'." The person next to him said.

"Yeah, in order to treat my mother, I'm almost 30, and I haven't married yet"

"Boss Liu, he has done a lot of evil, so no one can cure him."

"Who made someone above him!" a person whispered.

The people next to him were talking, but no one came forward to help.

Ren Xiaoyao listened to the discussion next to him.

"Liu Boss hasn't seen him for a long time." No one noticed Ren Xiaoyao's arrival, until then Ren Xiaoyao stepped forward to greet Boss Liu.

Seeing Ren Xiaoyao enthusiastically greet Boss Liu, the person next to him looked disgusted.

"The three evils in the town have caused two evils!"

"Why no one will punish them"

With Ren Xiaoyao's hearing, of course, I can hear the comments of others, but what about it, I am at ease in the world, isn't it too tiring to live because of others

So Ren Xiaoyao ignored it.

See Ren Xiaoyao appear.

Others say that Boss Liu is stupid.

"You, you. No." After half talking, Boss Liu suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong with me? Are you very happy?" Ren Xiaoyao didn't know that Boss Liu sent someone to kill him. The traitor Zhang Yuan was fighting with Ren Xiaoyao when Ren Xiaoyao was in a state of unconsciousness.

At this time Ren Xiaoyao thought he was scared because of the last lesson!

I have to say that Ren Xiaoyao is a bit narcissistic.

At this moment, Boss Liu was scolding the immortal Zhang from the bottom of his heart. Of course he would not have thought of Zhang Yuan being killed. It was impossible. He would only think that he was cheated and he ran away with something.

"Boss Liu will talk to you about some business." Before he could respond, Ren Xiaoyao walked into the teahouse.

Inside the teahouse.

"Two catties of beef, two trotters, one chicken, one pot of wine" Ren Xiaoyao ordered without polite entering.

Boss Liu knows that he can't act rashly now, and meet his requirements first. He can't forget that those big guys are still fucking now, and normal physiology is difficult.

"Stay steady, hold steady first, settle the account after autumn" Boss Liu silently warned himself, for fear that the consequences would be disastrous if he gets excited.

"Brother, what you are talking about is the business." Boss Liu said without a smile.

"Let me see how much this is worth." Ren Xiaoyao threw the things to Boss Liu, and started a war on the food that had just arrived, and did not go to see Boss Liu.

Boss Liu was sluggish, and what Ren Xiaoyao gave was the box containing the ginseng. He opened the box shiveringly. There was no ginseng he gave in it, but the smell of ginseng remained, which he knew very well.

"How did he get this box? How about Zhang Xianren? Does he know that I bought a murderer? What the hell is going on?" Since receiving the box, every second has been a torment. But he didn't dare to take the initiative to speak. So quietly waiting for Ren Xiaoyao to finish eating.

"Hiccup~~~~ So cool" Ren Xiaoyao was used to hiccup after eating.

Looking up and seeing Boss Liu's nervous expression, Ren Xiaoyao asked in a low voice, "Is this box very valuable?"

"Yeah." Boss Liu doesn't know what's going on. Be careful with everything. He will stick to him first when he says.

"Brother, where did you get this box?" Boss Liu asked tentatively.

"Bang~" Ren Xiaoyao patted the table, and the table was scrapped.

This frightened Boss Liu very much.

Then Ren Xiaoyao excitedly said: "A bastard in a black robe wanted to kill me and let me fuck it."

"Black Robe, dead" Boss Liu's last hope was also shattered, this is his box.

"I haven't seen a black robe. Who should care about it? Who is it?"

"No, I can't let people know that I did it. This box must be taken back. No matter whether the person was killed by this little ancestor or not, most immortals have sects. Zongmen will kill me too."

Boss Liu calmed down and said to Ren Xiaoyao: "I see this box very much. Can I cut my love and sell it to me? I would like to pay a dozen of gold." This price has already exceeded the price of the box.

Seeing that Ren Xiaoyao didn't respond, Boss Liu's face twitched, thinking that Ren Xiaoyao was too low. In fact, he was distracted just now.

"Boss Liu, what did you just say? I didn't catch it."

"Pretend, then pretend, it's really shameless" Boss Liu cursed in his heart. But I dare not say it.

"I said, can I cut my love and sell it to me, I would like to give twenty taels of gold"? Boss Liu said with pain on his face.

"Twenty-two? Why don't I feel this number? It seems to be." Ren Xiaoyao said strangely.

Before finishing talking, Boss Liu quickly said: "Forty taels!" I was afraid that Ren Xiaoyao would increase the price indiscriminately.

And Ren Xiaoyao said something that made him almost vomiting blood, "Boss Liu, you are not authentic, originally forty taels, you actually reduced it by 20 taels before I heard clearly. You have to accompany me for mental loss."

And it's serious.

"To accompany, how much to accompany." Boss Liu's face was ashamed.

"Well, if you are sincere, just accompany you, make up a whole, and give me fifty taels," Ren Xiaoyao said generously.

Ninja boss Liu didn't let himself pass out.

"Fifty taels, it's worth it for my own life," Boss Liu thought in his heart.

"Take the money" Boss Liu called to Stoudemire.

After a while, Stoudemire came back and said to Boss Liu: "Boss, the money in the store now is only ten taels, and the rest is in the bank."

"That's not going to get it!" Boss Liu exclaimed to Stoudemire.


"By the way, Boss Liu, how much is a big house like your east end?"

"It's not worth much. Three or forty taels of gold." Boss Liu thought he was asking for money again, so he said quickly.

"Oh, then it doesn't have to be so troublesome, you give me that big house, and I don't need the extra money."


Before Boss Liu finished. Ren Xiaoyao took twelve taels of gold and left.

"Puff~~~" Finally Boss Liu couldn't help but vomited blood and fainted.

Outside the teahouse.

Ren Xiaoyao came out and saw the man named Yang Hai kneeling on the ground, walked up to him, and threw him a couple of gold.

Yang Hai was excited when he saw Jin on the ground, and he looked up and saw Ren Xiaoyao. He was kneeling as high as Ren Xiaoyao.

"For you" Ren Xiaoyao said with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you... I will repay your great kindness"

"No, I'm not a great kindness, I'm missing a family member, and I will watch the door when the time comes." Then he left.

Can't he see that Ren Xiaoyao is to take care of his dignity, Yang Hai watched Ren Xiaoyao walk away, retracted his gaze, and ran to the drugstore.

It’s so happy, it’s even more perfect to have a maid...