The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 10


What is it like to be friends with a goddess

Yu Xiaoya replied:

I'm back. Why do some people leave a message "Wang Wang Wang"? I don't understand, let me tell you what happened today, I dated the goddess alone today, haha.

The first date I imagined with the goddess was in a cafe by the beautiful lake. The goddess would order a matcha latte or a caramel macchiato or some coffee that I had never heard of, and I would probably order a mango frappuccino .

But in fact, the first time my goddess and I ate out was in a humble Mala Tang shop. The goddess ordered bean sprouts, kelp, and beef rolls, and I ordered cabbage, chicken tips, and meatballs. The shop is clean, the portion given by the lady boss is sufficient, and there are all kinds of ingredients in the cauldron, regardless of health, the soup is delicious.

Although my stomach has been raised by the goddess for the past two days, if there is a beautiful woman in front of you who eats slowly and like a delicacy, you will also feel that the food in front of you is delicious.

The goddess also gave me a gift today, something I could never have imagined, but 99% of people have seen this.

Do you want to guess what it is? Tip: The goddess bought it at the supermarket.

— — — If you guess right, there is no dividing line for prizes — — —

In the print shop, Lu Xiaobei organized the materials and test papers by subject, and put them into the file bag for Xiaoya.

When Lu Xiaobei saw that Xiaoya had paid the money, she became gloomy and joked, "Do you feel bad about the money?" One paper needs to be printed out on four pages of A4 paper, and 0.5 sheet is 2 yuan, plus the study materials are printed out for a small two hundred A4 piece of paper, even if the boss gave a discount, Xiaoya still paid 80 yuan.

Xiaoya said, "No." Although Xiaoya's family is not very rich, it is also considered rich to her. She saves money on weekdays, but doesn't like to waste it. She never really cares about money.

Xiaoya said: "The printing shop is not close to the small building. Teacher Yu wore high heels that day and even ran for me. I feel sorry for it."

Lu Xiaobei rubbed her head, "Don't be careless from now on. Do the paperwork every day, and let Teacher Yu worry less."

After Lu Xiaobei and Xiaoya left the copy shop, they each took some fruits, snacks, and daily necessities. Before checking out, Lu Xiaobei took the potato chips, chocolate, and toffee out of Xiaoya's shopping cart and put them back on the shelf.

Xiaoya: ? ?

Lu Xiaobei: "I don't cook well, do you need to prepare so many snacks?"

Xiaoya stretched out her hand to the shelf again and put it back silently, her potato chips, her toffee QAQ

When Xiaoya left the cashier with two large shopping bags, Lu Xiaobei put a small white bottle into her shopping bag.

Xiaoya: "this is it?"

Lu Xiaobei: "A present for you."

Xiaoya blinked twice, "Thank you, Captain." She hesitated for a while, but then asked, "Captain, why did you give me a treasure?"

Xiaoya looked at Dabao SOD honey in the shopping bag, and was a little surprised. It wasn't that she despised Dabao, but she didn't expect Lu Xiaobei to be so down-to-earth.

Lu Xiaobei: "Didn't you say that you have tried a lot of skin care products, but most of them are allergic, so you don't need anything other than facial cleanser and water to wash your face?"

Xiaoya nodded.

Lu Xiaobei said: "Try Dabao, it has been sold for more than ten years, and has done at least a million human experiments. It is much more reliable than a paper quality inspection certificate."

"Millions of human experiments?" Xiaoya didn't understand.

Lu Xiaobei said: "Each user uses it, it is equivalent to a human experiment. This accumulation is more reliable than those cosmeceuticals."

Xiaoya said, "Oh, I hope you don't have allergies this time."

"No, open-shelf skin care products can't be said to be good, but in terms of making a product suitable for as many people as possible, many big brands can't match." Lu Xiaobei said: "Some brands, for you at this stage, It’s still over-nutrition. However, after you wash your face, you still have to put on a cream to lock in the moisture.”

Xiaoya: "Is that one layer of cream enough? The captain recommends another essence and a toner for me."

Lu Xiaobei looked at the person who wanted to run without learning how to walk. "For the time being, don't worry about the toner and essence. You should stick to applying face cream every time you wash your face. If you are outdoors for a long time, remember to protect yourself from the sun."

"Oh." Xiaoya said with star eyes, "Captain, you really know everything."

"I only understand a few. Skin care products are not a panacea. They can't make people beautiful, and they can't make people stay young forever, but at least they can avoid premature aging." Lu Xiaobei said: "You use it for a few minutes every day to add a layer to your skin. 'Sebum' is not a bad thing for you and your future partner." Lu Xiaobei seemed to mean something.

Xiaoya asked, "Does the captain also care about appearance?"

Lu Xiaobei said: "Whether I like a person or not has nothing to do with her appearance. But if I pursue a person, she promises me because I'm good-looking, and I won't mind."

Lu Xiaobei just talked about this matter casually, but when Xiaoya heard it, she froze, "Just look at the face, such a superficial person is not worthy of the captain at all! He can't give Happy Captain!"

Lu Xiaobei shook his head, "If I have someone I like and she is willing to be with me, that's my happiness."

Xiaoya didn't know what she was outraged about, her face was bulging like a little bun, she said, "As long as you get along with the captain and know how good the captain is, no matter what reason he is with the captain, He will really like the captain!"

Lu Xiaobei: "I hope so."

"Xiaoya, today the chef in the small building cooked chicken legs. Although the captain cooked food and dumped him ten streets, the captain seems to only love vegetarian dishes. I want to eat meat. I'll go get two chicken legs, do you want to?" Captain, Xiaoya, Mo Yichen, and Xiangyi became regular meal friends, and each meal was a small table for four of them.

Xiangyi exclaimed, "Choose to come to winter camp is the most correct choice I have ever made."

Mo Yichen also smiled a lot, and delicious food can heal the soul.

There is only one thing, Lu Xiaobei doesn't like to cook meat dishes very much, but occasionally zucchini and cabbage are paired with some shredded pork, and sweet beans are paired with ham sausage.

Xiaoya, Xiangyi, and Mo Yichen were embarrassed to order food, so they didn't make the idea to the lunch in the small building. Anyway, they paid for the food.

Xiaoya nodded, "Okay."

Xiangyi said: "Then I'll take the captain's share as well. The captain won't eat me."

When Lu Xiaobei saw that there was a plate of preserved chicken legs on the table, she didn't say anything; when Mo Yichen and Xiangyi started nibbling on the chicken legs, she didn't say anything; when Xiaoya stretched out her chopsticks to the preserved chicken legs, Lu Xiaobei finally spoke.


Lu Xiaobei's voice was too firm, which startled Xiangyi, and the chicken legs on the chopsticks fell into the bowl.

Xiangyi and Mo Yichen raised their heads and saw that Lu Xiaobei firmly pushed Xiaoya's chopsticks away from the chicken legs.

Xiangyi stretched his chopsticks tremblingly towards the meat in his bowl, but Lu Xiaobei didn't respond. Only then did she determine that the captain was targeting Xiaoya.

Xiaoya: "Why?"

Lu Xiaobei: "This hormone is too much, you can't take it."

Xiaoya: "But, but you all ate it. It's not fair." Even Lu Xiaobei took a bite of the meat.

Lu Xiaobei's eyes swept across Mo Yichen's smooth face, and then looked at Xiaoya.

The grievance in Xiaoya's heart was about to burst. She said in a weak voice, "It took me more than a million years to evolve to the top of the food chain, and I am qualified to eat meat."

Lu Xiaobei put down his chopsticks and said, "If you think it's unfair, I can accompany you to not eat meat."

Xiaoya's eyes were red, like a rabbit, a ferocious rabbit.

Lu Xiaobei asked, "Is it fair?"

Xiaoya felt her heart was bleeding, and every word she said contained infinite emotions, "fair."